Matsushima (Miyagi Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples

Matsushima (Miyagi Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-1

Matsushima (Miyagi Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-2

Matsushima neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Matsushima with 3D shadow effect

Matsushima map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Matsushima (geojson format) :
Matsushima.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Matsushima map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Matsushima Map : ( 38.3507995605 , 141.017303467 , 38.4502677917 , 141.12689209 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Matsushima map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](38.3507995605, 141.017303467, 38.4502677917, 141.12689209);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Matsushima)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Matsushima
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aterazaka | 38.403940 , 141.092980 |
Daiyama | 38.428820 , 141.091030 |
Fujinomaki | 38.432930 , 141.114070 |
Furuura | 38.386070 , 141.116710 |
Hataya | 38.425320 , 141.068220 |
Hatsubara | 38.400320 , 141.050550 |
Hayakawa | 38.388290 , 141.105590 |
Hiwatashi | 38.396870 , 141.042500 |
Hosoyamasaki | 38.427680 , 141.088080 |
Ichinowatari | 38.401460 , 141.079960 |
Imozawa | 38.424120 , 141.113190 |
Irizawa | 38.442080 , 141.096300 |
Izumigahara | 38.419100 , 141.058060 |
Jonai | 38.386970 , 141.064540 |
Jumonji | 38.413110 , 141.093460 |
Kaba | 38.423250 , 141.119290 |
Kabagasawa | 38.378140 , 141.043510 |
Kaigarazuka | 38.436750 , 141.107900 |
Kamagasawa | 38.430890 , 141.108930 |
Kamihataya | 38.427760 , 141.060010 |
Katamachi | 38.433710 , 141.090170 |
Kengyo | 38.435420 , 141.072580 |
Kengyoura | 38.440150 , 141.074950 |
Kitakoizumi | 38.422300 , 141.097620 |
Koishihama | 38.361490 , 141.059180 |
Koshimizu | 38.378050 , 141.030470 |
Koshogairi | 38.427300 , 141.079490 |
Koyodai | 38.386730 , 141.072790 |
Kuromori | 38.440200 , 141.104230 |
Kyozan | 38.397610 , 141.063300 |
Maenemawari | 38.403850 , 141.072470 |
Matsushima | 38.368752 , 141.062865 |
Miura | 38.398380 , 141.101640 |
Miyashita | 38.403020 , 141.051280 |
Mototetaru | 38.389650 , 141.090540 |
Mugita | 38.389450 , 141.040840 |
Myojin | 38.428560 , 141.073320 |
Nakadeyama | 38.416540 , 141.113860 |
Nakasai | 38.429340 , 141.116360 |
Nemawari | 38.407760 , 141.071310 |
Nitto | 38.402520 , 141.044280 |
Osuge | 38.421840 , 141.072000 |
Rikuzentomiyama | 38.383330 , 141.105000 |
Sakuragaokairi | 38.357370 , 141.053780 |
Sakurawatashido | 38.383830 , 141.034350 |
Shidouchi | 38.396220 , 141.055900 |
Shikawatashi | 38.432910 , 141.081750 |
Shinbashi | 38.398960 , 141.070150 |
Shinden | 38.431030 , 141.077790 |
Shindenmachi | 38.438980 , 141.089900 |
Sorimachi | 38.398420 , 141.057970 |
Takadera | 38.415000 , 141.071930 |
Takagi | 38.387370 , 141.058580 |
Takeya | 38.436150 , 141.102550 |
Takinosawa | 38.416010 , 141.103170 |
Tanaka | 38.392940 , 141.062490 |
Tetaru | 38.391710 , 141.099830 |
Tomita | 38.436150 , 141.066080 |
Urihara | 38.431100 , 141.068840 |
Ushironemawari | 38.411630 , 141.066390 |
Yogai | 38.425970 , 141.099500 |
Zenigami | 38.377870 , 141.099960 |
- You can download geometry data for Matsushima in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.