Ichinohe (Iwate Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples

Ichinohe (Iwate Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-1

Ichinohe (Iwate Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-2

Ichinohe neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Ichinohe with 3D shadow effect

Ichinohe map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Ichinohe (geojson format) :
Ichinohe.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Ichinohe map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Ichinohe Map : ( 40.031666 , 141.158203 , 40.251736 , 141.401306 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Ichinohe map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](40.031666, 141.158203, 40.251736, 141.401306);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Ichinohe)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Ichinohe
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Akayashiki | 40.202410 , 141.238560 |
Akutotaira | 40.241200 , 141.268480 |
Anakubo | 40.174710 , 141.303110 |
Anetai | 40.169770 , 141.337680 |
Baba | 40.169800 , 141.330070 |
Chayaba | 40.216500 , 141.355970 |
Dateyashiki | 40.214350 , 141.362730 |
Erokumae | 40.177780 , 141.282670 |
Fukamochi | 40.213130 , 141.348250 |
Fukuromachi | 40.215650 , 141.304370 |
Goshono | 40.192300 , 141.311280 |
Gotan | 40.172170 , 141.250340 |
Hachimae | 40.216990 , 141.245770 |
Hanzaike | 40.178720 , 141.250820 |
Hinokuchi | 40.225050 , 141.285040 |
Honmachi | 40.219460 , 141.303060 |
Ichinohe | 40.206940 , 141.301670 |
Inari | 40.192520 , 141.248790 |
Ippongi | 40.168460 , 141.365350 |
Iwadate | 40.200980 , 141.312050 |
Iwasaki | 40.187360 , 141.292500 |
Iwashimizu | 40.172770 , 141.226580 |
Izumida | 40.195510 , 141.254590 |
Izumisawa | 40.180820 , 141.226580 |
Izurumachi | 40.170490 , 141.212180 |
Jigiri | 40.200500 , 141.319290 |
Jizodo | 40.192370 , 141.335400 |
Kamayashiki | 40.184410 , 141.256050 |
Kamimega | 40.170920 , 141.266390 |
Kanakuzu | 40.182340 , 141.236140 |
Kashiwaba | 40.174850 , 141.233630 |
Kawaharata-taira | 40.238450 , 141.271100 |
Kawakubo | 40.175860 , 141.319980 |
Kawamata | 40.178680 , 141.309440 |
Kawarame | 40.188690 , 141.267540 |
Kitadate | 40.218340 , 141.307740 |
Kodaki | 40.216330 , 141.275040 |
Koedabashi | 40.226710 , 141.291480 |
Koida | 40.226030 , 141.300080 |
Koshodo | 40.183450 , 141.304010 |
Kotsunagi | 40.116670 , 141.266670 |
Kozenji | 40.214910 , 141.292360 |
Kozuya | 40.181660 , 141.298940 |
Mega | 40.178390 , 141.286640 |
Megadate | 40.183650 , 141.286260 |
Megaguchi | 40.190730 , 141.303080 |
Miyakozawa | 40.243950 , 141.286430 |
Miyata | 40.176880 , 141.229350 |
Mocho | 40.220550 , 141.320560 |
Monzen | 40.172170 , 141.326260 |
Nakamura | 40.191920 , 141.326970 |
Nakanotaira | 40.237490 , 141.285510 |
Nakasaki | 40.176980 , 141.275230 |
Nakasato | 40.198040 , 141.261400 |
Nakase | 40.189890 , 141.320160 |
Nakata | 40.217700 , 141.297010 |
Narayama | 40.227810 , 141.313280 |
Nesori | 40.188070 , 141.330850 |
Nobashika | 40.176720 , 141.313250 |
Noda | 40.213530 , 141.297550 |
Nogechinaidate | 40.234310 , 141.283200 |
Nonaka | 40.177430 , 141.302760 |
Nosokei | 40.194710 , 141.355780 |
Nozato | 40.172330 , 141.303750 |
Numayama | 40.227260 , 141.366000 |
Onibuchi | 40.170670 , 141.321810 |
Otomo | 40.178360 , 141.259470 |
Oyashiki | 40.186250 , 141.244060 |
Saihoji | 40.210590 , 141.290600 |
Sainokami | 40.173100 , 141.253780 |
Sakanoshita | 40.170050 , 141.256880 |
Samuraimura | 40.170410 , 141.316070 |
Sawada | 40.202730 , 141.303410 |
Sawauchi | 40.172910 , 141.280390 |
Sekiya | 40.201170 , 141.294410 |
Sendatsu | 40.209330 , 141.248000 |
Shimomachi | 40.223890 , 141.297130 |
Shimomegasawa | 40.174060 , 141.296640 |
Sodekoda | 40.205760 , 141.269070 |
Sugohata | 40.220500 , 141.330000 |
Tadayashiki | 40.180170 , 141.239950 |
Tairafune | 40.228720 , 141.304510 |
Takayama | 40.177460 , 141.291060 |
Takino | 40.219700 , 141.354660 |
Takinosawa | 40.240990 , 141.278350 |
Tanaka | 40.204660 , 141.310300 |
Togariishi | 40.239980 , 141.283810 |
Torigoe | 40.234220 , 141.273420 |
Tsukidate | 40.205700 , 141.252140 |
Yagisawa | 40.229480 , 141.276650 |
Yakushido | 40.183710 , 141.239610 |
Yoha | 40.171510 , 141.192630 |
- You can download geometry data for Ichinohe in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.