Gonohe (Aomori Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples

Gonohe (Aomori Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-1

Gonohe (Aomori Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-2

Gonohe neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Gonohe with 3D shadow effect

Gonohe map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Gonohe (geojson format) :
Gonohe.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Gonohe map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Gonohe Map : ( 40.419666 , 141.176407 , 40.587734 , 141.424606 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Gonohe map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](40.419666, 141.176407, 40.587734, 141.424606);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Gonohe)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Gonohe
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Akagawa | 40.545170 , 141.331810 |
Akagawa-kawara | 40.552700 , 141.385800 |
Asamizu | 40.475790 , 141.298720 |
Ashinazawa | 40.494580 , 141.190130 |
Ebikawamura | 40.542700 , 141.326320 |
Furudate | 40.529340 , 141.305530 |
Fuyuna | 40.469250 , 141.199920 |
Gokakubo | 40.506570 , 141.349720 |
Hakuromachi | 40.523520 , 141.306130 |
Hatookatai | 40.566020 , 141.415900 |
Hinatayama | 40.570620 , 141.394620 |
Ikenodo | 40.570650 , 141.402030 |
Ishigami | 40.569430 , 141.409250 |
Ishihotoke | 40.538350 , 141.330160 |
Ishinomi | 40.573000 , 141.412490 |
Ishizawa | 40.516990 , 141.284400 |
Iwanowaki | 40.493790 , 141.347490 |
Jizotai | 40.512160 , 141.321350 |
Junreimori | 40.554680 , 141.394760 |
Kajiyakubo | 40.532830 , 141.314720 |
Kamiichikawa | 40.558400 , 141.393330 |
Kamimaeda | 40.500860 , 141.350030 |
Kamiomachi | 40.521960 , 141.296620 |
Kamitaira | 40.478090 , 141.302880 |
Kamitoyokawa | 40.473620 , 141.260680 |
Kannondo | 40.517880 , 141.297340 |
Kashiwagi | 40.469840 , 141.267570 |
Kawamukai | 40.475610 , 141.304920 |
Kazaharatai | 40.535730 , 141.248460 |
Kiriyanai | 40.544710 , 141.351250 |
Kiriyanaimura | 40.548620 , 141.359860 |
Kitaichikawa | 40.558050 , 141.383820 |
Kitamuki | 40.468600 , 141.292510 |
Kitategurabashi | 40.455810 , 141.263880 |
Kitsunemori | 40.519780 , 141.293330 |
Kogawashiro | 40.478340 , 141.201790 |
Komabukuro | 40.527710 , 141.263160 |
Koshikakezawa | 40.545170 , 141.309390 |
Kowatari | 40.504410 , 141.274470 |
Kowatari | 40.524540 , 141.329070 |
Kuraishi-ishizawa | 40.501060 , 141.287120 |
Kuraishi-nakaichi | 40.514270 , 141.225670 |
Kurinoki-shinden | 40.493920 , 141.252770 |
Maeshinden | 40.497660 , 141.257640 |
Maginai | 40.503990 , 141.207730 |
Matsuyama | 40.507250 , 141.269360 |
Minamitegurabashi | 40.453560 , 141.267010 |
Miyadai | 40.481610 , 141.213560 |
Mizukami | 40.489100 , 141.244380 |
Morita | 40.473060 , 141.205540 |
Mukaitai | 40.505640 , 141.263970 |
Nagashita | 40.504440 , 141.311350 |
Nakadate | 40.476530 , 141.217770 |
Nakaichi | 40.511190 , 141.256620 |
Nakasaki | 40.527410 , 141.310260 |
Nakazutsu | 40.540850 , 141.413480 |
Nawashirosawa | 40.516440 , 141.325110 |
Nigarui | 40.449420 , 141.243670 |
Nihonyanagi | 40.510280 , 141.306050 |
Numasawa | 40.465430 , 141.240870 |
Ogita | 40.489310 , 141.314200 |
Okuki | 40.537280 , 141.354020 |
Omori | 40.548440 , 141.338450 |
Ota | 40.488300 , 141.226530 |
Rokkaku | 40.472130 , 141.291890 |
Sano | 40.544930 , 141.342090 |
Sawamukai | 40.517090 , 141.305310 |
Seizakubo | 40.524740 , 141.254100 |
Sekiguchi | 40.467100 , 141.281100 |
Shigoichi | 40.534830 , 141.386990 |
Shikanai | 40.539630 , 141.296840 |
Shimoda | 40.583330 , 141.400000 |
Shimoniida | 40.538540 , 141.314490 |
Shimoomachi | 40.525060 , 141.302340 |
Shimotaira | 40.479830 , 141.306230 |
Shimotoyokawa | 40.478710 , 141.262480 |
Shitanosawagashira | 40.519760 , 141.306270 |
Shitogishi | 40.511070 , 141.350160 |
Shobasawa | 40.519660 , 141.310310 |
Shobugawa | 40.552600 , 141.371400 |
Sotonosawa | 40.552780 , 141.352540 |
Takayashiki | 40.492730 , 141.318450 |
Tatemachi | 40.473930 , 141.214560 |
Tatemukai | 40.504320 , 141.199320 |
Tegurabashi | 40.452950 , 141.260010 |
Terasawa | 40.495090 , 141.322790 |
Tokurakubo | 40.518300 , 141.324860 |
Torinuma-shinden | 40.495210 , 141.286740 |
Toyomanai | 40.500610 , 141.342400 |
Tsubukeyachi | 40.554710 , 141.363230 |
Urada | 40.506510 , 141.251880 |
Usaginai | 40.540080 , 141.333430 |
Utsugisawa | 40.503770 , 141.293060 |
Yachinaka | 40.486760 , 141.224990 |
Yamada | 40.490170 , 141.230940 |
Zennami | 40.556420 , 141.413510 |
- You can download geometry data for Gonohe in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.