Shiranuka (Hokkaido Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples

Shiranuka (Hokkaido Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-1

Shiranuka (Hokkaido Prefecture) Map Cropping Samples-2

Shiranuka neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Shiranuka with 3D shadow effect

Shiranuka map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Shiranuka (geojson format) :
Shiranuka.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Shiranuka map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Shiranuka Map : ( 42.920799 , 143.755508 , 43.375801 , 144.229095 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Shiranuka map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](42.920799, 143.755508, 43.375801, 144.229095);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Shiranuka)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Shiranuka
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Akatsuki | 43.002790 , 144.115990 |
Charo | 43.032210 , 144.017690 |
Charo-kisen | 42.991840 , 144.056600 |
Charo-kyoei | 43.017970 , 144.020050 |
Charohigashi | 42.977740 , 144.074110 |
Chinomi | 43.004070 , 144.132210 |
Futamata | 43.157410 , 143.891310 |
Hidarimata | 43.178030 , 143.866720 |
Higashiichijo-kita | 42.963880 , 144.073310 |
Higashiichijo-minami | 42.955430 , 144.076100 |
Higashinijo-kita | 42.964790 , 144.076450 |
Higashinijo-minami | 42.953520 , 144.076870 |
Higashisanjo-kita | 42.959770 , 144.082670 |
Kamicharo | 43.090310 , 143.924180 |
Kamicharo-kisen | 43.138530 , 143.881390 |
Kaminosawa | 43.038470 , 144.098270 |
Kamishoro | 43.110020 , 144.034710 |
Karisho | 42.983330 , 144.083330 |
Kawahara | 42.989160 , 143.985340 |
Kawashima | 43.002310 , 143.952080 |
Koikakushi | 43.012850 , 143.974560 |
Koitoi | 42.982850 , 144.148910 |
Kyosei | 42.960210 , 144.052300 |
Matsukawa | 43.025840 , 144.020270 |
Midori | 42.986930 , 143.971090 |
Migimata | 43.189990 , 143.885560 |
Minamikamicharo | 43.084800 , 143.934180 |
Minamiomagari | 43.070660 , 143.947060 |
Miyashita | 42.988480 , 144.151290 |
Nakacharo | 43.037920 , 144.013620 |
Nakashoro | 43.030570 , 144.098700 |
Nakawatenbetsu | 42.972800 , 143.996450 |
Nishicharo | 42.968470 , 144.060480 |
Nishiichijo-kita | 42.961370 , 144.070950 |
Nishiichijo-minami | 42.952700 , 144.070950 |
Nishishoro-higashi | 42.980080 , 144.133930 |
Nishishoro-nishi | 42.975410 , 144.125050 |
Nishiyonjo-kita | 42.958100 , 144.063980 |
Nuibetsu | 43.078720 , 143.970440 |
Odaira | 43.022490 , 143.954140 |
Onae | 43.001040 , 144.032350 |
Onita | 43.042120 , 143.996710 |
Osappe | 43.010340 , 144.033100 |
Osawa | 42.995910 , 143.981470 |
Pashikuru | 42.940480 , 144.017000 |
Sakanooka | 42.952760 , 144.057460 |
Sashiushi | 42.958130 , 144.102640 |
Shimocharo | 42.980600 , 144.066900 |
Shimowatenbetsu | 42.963600 , 144.029240 |
Shinko | 43.054310 , 144.077280 |
Shiranuka | 42.992322 , 144.149448 |
Shoro | 43.000650 , 144.133330 |
Shoro | 43.122430 , 144.030420 |
Shoro-kisen | 42.992110 , 144.132600 |
Shorohigashi | 42.993210 , 144.138560 |
Sogo | 42.993940 , 144.050290 |
Suehiro | 43.025360 , 144.101570 |
Sumiyoshi | 43.147480 , 144.015700 |
Takinoue | 43.200000 , 143.966670 |
Tantaka | 43.066670 , 143.983330 |
Tomaribetsu | 43.021180 , 144.125900 |
Watenbetsu | 42.952830 , 144.027690 |
Watenbetsu | 43.013670 , 143.956240 |
- You can download geometry data for Shiranuka in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.