Dabes (Kirkuk) Map Cropping Samples

Dabes (Kirkuk) Map Cropping Samples-1

Dabes (Kirkuk) Map Cropping Samples-2

Dabes neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Dabes with 3D shadow effect

Dabes map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Dabes (geojson format) :
Dabes.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Dabes map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Dabes Map : ( 35.405061 , 43.877888 , 35.8732 , 44.488326 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Dabes map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](35.405061, 43.877888, 35.8732, 44.488326);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Dabes)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Dabes
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
`Ali Ghayr | 35.573120 , 43.972170 |
Abu Khurjah | 35.591590 , 44.045390 |
Altun Kubri | 35.753510 , 44.143610 |
Bani Awah | 35.677950 , 44.215870 |
Bay Hasan | 35.632560 , 44.003970 |
Bibany | 35.668670 , 44.343080 |
Biralik | 35.722160 , 44.359550 |
Butmah | 35.503960 , 43.891820 |
Daham | 35.501580 , 43.910260 |
Daraman al Kubra | 35.831950 , 44.238880 |
Darkah Aryan | 35.640950 , 44.015880 |
Darman as Sughra | 35.835630 , 44.229410 |
Dawram | 35.518850 , 44.098870 |
Dawram | 35.508020 , 44.064000 |
Dibis | 35.674820 , 44.070670 |
Gubaybah | 35.483290 , 44.007210 |
Hanjirah | 35.583730 , 44.232150 |
Hasan | 35.627890 , 43.996660 |
Idris Tamr | 35.563520 , 44.149140 |
Jadidah Milhah | 35.592250 , 43.991290 |
Jaghmaghah | 35.575880 , 44.133520 |
Jayajarmuk | 35.814240 , 44.194790 |
Jiragh | 35.530500 , 44.208920 |
Kariz | 35.714970 , 44.366260 |
Kharabrud | 35.527980 , 44.035590 |
Khazraj | 35.689800 , 44.092700 |
Kitkah | 35.700320 , 44.162530 |
Kuchuk Sari Cham | 35.796110 , 44.179440 |
Kuldazah | 35.633330 , 44.283330 |
Kunah Riwi | 35.544590 , 44.100860 |
Kurzabi | 35.699650 , 44.196030 |
Mahmud | 35.541160 , 44.236500 |
Mamah | 35.567740 , 44.016780 |
Mar'i | 35.613500 , 44.156160 |
Mushayirfah | 35.603180 , 44.033210 |
Qadir Baghar | 35.710320 , 44.273270 |
Qala Harbat | 35.622710 , 44.213430 |
Qarah Bakak | 35.776040 , 44.162760 |
Qarah Darah | 35.631550 , 44.130450 |
Qarah Salam | 35.793370 , 44.300620 |
Qarat Jam | 35.646770 , 44.044480 |
Qarghatu | 35.708660 , 44.118760 |
Qarghatu al Qadimah | 35.712140 , 44.125980 |
Qaryat 'Azizi | 35.455550 , 43.953430 |
Qaryat al 'Akulah | 35.427250 , 43.897850 |
Qaryat al Hamdaniyah | 35.496760 , 43.938440 |
Qaryat al Quds | 35.467640 , 43.894350 |
Qaryat an Nahatiyah | 35.447030 , 43.927190 |
Qaryat Arbidat al `Asriyah | 35.485130 , 43.955300 |
Qaryat as Salamiyah | 35.418200 , 43.918340 |
Qaryat Nakar | 35.487780 , 43.914720 |
Qushqayah | 35.600550 , 44.207450 |
Sabunchy | 35.529900 , 44.135610 |
Sari Cham as Sughra | 35.796220 , 44.180020 |
Tall 'Aziz | 35.590200 , 44.157020 |
Taq Taq | 35.545420 , 44.068980 |
Tuwayli'ah | 35.577000 , 43.927310 |
Zardak | 35.679190 , 44.317260 |
- You can download geometry data for Dabes in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.