Hadera (Haifa) Map Cropping Samples

Hadera (Haifa) Map Cropping Samples-1

Hadera (Haifa) Map Cropping Samples-2

Hadera neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Hadera with 3D shadow effect

Hadera map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Hadera (geojson format) :
Hadera.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Hadera map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Hadera Map : ( 32.3722647574 , 34.869135441 , 32.7679787601 , 35.210783 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Hadera map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](32.3722647574, 34.869135441, 32.7679787601, 35.210783);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Hadera)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Hadera
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
`Aqqada | 32.541720 , 35.170240 |
`Ar`ara | 32.495530 , 35.094110 |
`Ara | 32.503680 , 35.079840 |
`Ein el Ma`lqa | 32.505030 , 35.123970 |
`Ein es Sahla | 32.489620 , 35.118900 |
`Ein ez Zaytuna | 32.523600 , 35.129040 |
`Ein Ibrahim | 32.536060 , 35.150750 |
`En `Iron | 32.483240 , 35.009020 |
Allone Yizhaq | 32.510270 , 35.002760 |
Alon | 32.682040 , 34.942100 |
Ammiqam | 32.563480 , 35.020780 |
Atlit | 32.688890 , 34.942360 |
Avi'el | 32.531950 , 34.993600 |
Baqa el Gharbiya | 32.418060 , 35.043120 |
Barqay | 32.475100 , 35.029660 |
Barta`a | 32.476160 , 35.088460 |
Bat Shelomo | 32.598190 , 35.003520 |
Bet Hananya | 32.529130 , 34.925960 |
Bet Oren | 32.730690 , 35.006770 |
Bet Zevi | 32.720450 , 34.969860 |
Binyamina | 32.523200 , 34.944990 |
Caesarea | 32.518880 , 34.904590 |
Dor | 32.607510 , 34.923300 |
El `Aryan | 32.498130 , 35.124540 |
El Baiyada | 32.555040 , 35.160700 |
El Fureidis | 32.598120 , 34.951530 |
El Murtafi`a | 32.546710 , 35.180300 |
El Musheirifa et Tahta | 32.551930 , 35.159840 |
El Musherifa | 32.551840 , 35.159240 |
En Ayyala | 32.628990 , 34.944830 |
En Hod | 32.700270 , 34.982800 |
En Karmel | 32.676970 , 34.953040 |
En Shemer | 32.463230 , 35.006870 |
Gan Shemu'el | 32.449200 , 34.952340 |
Gan Shomeron | 32.467110 , 34.995740 |
Geva Karmel | 32.660020 , 34.948740 |
Giv`a Nili | 32.548640 , 35.040260 |
Giv`at Haviva | 32.457300 , 35.021440 |
Givat Ada | 32.519080 , 35.006020 |
HaBonim | 32.636290 , 34.932370 |
Hadera | 32.436450 , 34.919560 |
HaHoterim | 32.751790 , 34.956940 |
Harish | 32.460960 , 35.043500 |
Heftsiba | 32.460240 , 34.896610 |
Jatt | 32.398430 , 35.039330 |
Jisr ez Zarqa | 32.536840 , 34.912700 |
Kafr Qari` | 32.506660 , 35.053920 |
Karkur | 32.466670 , 35.000000 |
Kefar Glickson | 32.505490 , 35.005050 |
Kefar Pines | 32.483720 , 35.002940 |
Kerem Maharal | 32.645770 , 34.990340 |
Lahavot Haviva | 32.395170 , 35.009770 |
Ma`anit | 32.456170 , 35.028890 |
Ma'or | 32.423060 , 35.005130 |
Maagan Mikha'el | 32.555490 , 34.916380 |
Maggal | 32.385060 , 35.036800 |
Maqura | 32.637810 , 35.008000 |
Mayan Zevi | 32.568600 , 34.940630 |
Me `Ammi | 32.505030 , 35.148690 |
Me'ir Shefeya | 32.591080 , 34.971260 |
Megadim | 32.728150 , 34.956310 |
Meisir | 32.444450 , 35.041340 |
Mezer | 32.440100 , 35.048110 |
Mishmarot | 32.487180 , 34.983240 |
Mu`awiya | 32.530760 , 35.104260 |
Musheirifa | 32.553010 , 35.156240 |
Musmus | 32.543580 , 35.156190 |
Nahsholim | 32.613470 , 34.920220 |
Newe Yam | 32.681210 , 34.932940 |
Nir `Ezyon | 32.698610 , 34.994480 |
Ofer | 32.622570 , 34.983020 |
Or Akiva | 32.506400 , 34.920870 |
Pardes Hanna | 32.474080 , 34.977810 |
Qazir | 32.485180 , 35.105400 |
Regavim | 32.523910 , 35.034120 |
Salim | 32.543910 , 35.199290 |
Sde Yizhaq | 32.400000 , 35.000000 |
Sedot Yam | 32.492120 , 34.892240 |
Sha`ar Menashe | 32.449800 , 35.015610 |
Shari` | 32.498380 , 35.126190 |
Sheikh Bureik | 32.671010 , 34.939100 |
Shekhunat Bet Eli`ezer | 32.423570 , 34.949990 |
Talme Elazar | 32.445660 , 34.977170 |
Umm El Fahm | 32.517250 , 35.153490 |
Umm el Qutuf | 32.467180 , 35.058110 |
Zalafa | 32.548050 , 35.185200 |
Zerufa | 32.648240 , 34.949900 |
Zikhron Yaaqov | 32.566450 , 34.956280 |
- You can download geometry data for Hadera in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.