Ramla (Central) Map Cropping Samples

Ramla (Central) Map Cropping Samples-1

Ramla (Central) Map Cropping Samples-2

Ramla neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Ramla with 3D shadow effect

Ramla map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Ramla (geojson format) :
Ramla.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Ramla map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Ramla Map : ( 31.808827 , 34.809626 , 32.02731 , 35.040839 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Ramla map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](31.808827, 34.809626, 32.02731, 35.040839);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Ramla)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Ramla
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
`Azarya | 31.891370 , 34.910440 |
Abu Shusha | 31.850000 , 34.891810 |
Ahi`ezer | 31.981330 , 34.872130 |
Ahisamakh | 31.935030 , 34.907390 |
Be'er Yaaqov | 31.938640 , 34.837490 |
Ben Shemen | 31.959720 , 34.927440 |
Ben Shemen Shikun | 31.958611 , 34.930166 |
Bet `Arif | 31.996220 , 34.934590 |
Bet `Uzi'el | 31.870390 , 34.904830 |
Bet Hashmonay | 31.889690 , 34.916730 |
Bet Nehemya | 31.979130 , 34.950500 |
Ganne Hadar | 31.878580 , 34.853630 |
Gannot | 32.018720 , 34.826580 |
Gezer | 31.876580 , 34.920460 |
Gimzo | 31.928460 , 34.941540 |
Ginnaton | 31.963090 , 34.914340 |
Hadid | 31.968460 , 34.933730 |
Hemed | 32.015900 , 34.842840 |
Hulda | 31.831760 , 34.882310 |
Karme Yosef | 31.848330 , 34.920240 |
Karmei Yosef | 31.851096 , 34.918769 |
Kefar Bin Nun | 31.862050 , 34.947620 |
Kefar Daniyyel | 31.934240 , 34.931650 |
Kefar Habad | 31.987920 , 34.851600 |
Kefar Rut | 31.900000 , 35.033330 |
Kefar Shemu'el | 31.890320 , 34.931520 |
Kefar Truman | 31.980140 , 34.924020 |
Kfar Rut | 31.909770 , 35.034280 |
Lapid | 31.917640 , 35.032220 |
Lod | 31.946700 , 34.890300 |
Mahane Yisra'el | 32.000000 , 34.916670 |
Mattityahu | 31.916670 , 35.016670 |
Mazliah | 31.906690 , 34.871340 |
Menora | 31.916670 , 35.033330 |
Mevo Horon | 31.866670 , 35.033330 |
Mevo Modi‘im | 31.933450 , 34.987030 |
Mishmar Ayyalon | 31.870600 , 34.941120 |
Mishmar Dawid | 31.822800 , 34.900510 |
Mishmar HaShiva | 32.009630 , 34.822410 |
Modi'in Makkabbim Re'ut | 31.893850 , 35.015040 |
Naan | 31.882820 , 34.858320 |
Nezer Sereni | 31.924000 , 34.824080 |
Nir Zevi | 31.952910 , 34.864080 |
Nof Ayalon | 31.871110 , 34.990810 |
Pedaya | 31.858530 , 34.883910 |
Petahya | 31.867880 , 34.886210 |
Ramat Modi'in | 31.922152 , 34.934794 |
Ramla | 31.929230 , 34.865630 |
Ramot Me'ir | 31.875720 , 34.856390 |
Shaalvim | 31.869960 , 34.987220 |
Shilat | 31.919310 , 35.017630 |
Shilat | 31.917640 , 35.020290 |
Shilat | 31.916670 , 35.016670 |
Shoham | 31.998660 , 34.945590 |
Sitriyya | 31.892380 , 34.843800 |
Tohelet | 31.993200 , 34.850110 |
Yad Rambam | 31.899970 , 34.900270 |
Yagel | 31.987750 , 34.880260 |
Yashresh | 31.914810 , 34.849110 |
Yaziz | 31.863960 , 34.861400 |
Zafriyya | 32.003540 , 34.855880 |
Zetan | 31.975340 , 34.889280 |
- You can download geometry data for Ramla in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.