Tipperary (Tipperary) Map Cropping Samples

Tipperary (Tipperary) Map Cropping Samples-1

Tipperary (Tipperary) Map Cropping Samples-2

Tipperary neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Tipperary with 3D shadow effect

Tipperary map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Tipperary (geojson format) :
Tipperary.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Tipperary map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Tipperary Map : ( 52.202016 , -8.480079 , 53.167582 , -7.372055 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Tipperary map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](52.202016, -8.480079, 53.167582, -7.372055);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Tipperary)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Tipperary
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aglish | 53.042310 , -8.090310 |
Ahgmore Bridge | 52.847500 , -7.955280 |
An tAonach | 52.862005 , -8.195543 |
Anghvaneen | 52.451940 , -7.461390 |
Anglesey Road | 52.693890 , -8.031390 |
Anglesry Bridge | 52.679440 , -8.162500 |
Annaboty | 52.737500 , -8.457500 |
Annacarty | 52.564440 , -8.110280 |
Ara Bridge | 52.439170 , -8.036670 |
Ardcrony | 52.932220 , -8.157220 |
Ardfinnan | 52.312124 , -7.880503 |
Arragh More | 53.055830 , -8.030560 |
Ashhill | 52.597780 , -7.797220 |
Athnid | 52.724440 , -7.767220 |
Aughadareen Bridge | 52.441670 , -8.316110 |
Aughnagawer Cross Roads | 52.465560 , -8.061940 |
Ballagh | 52.589440 , -7.986390 |
Ballina | 52.812197 , -8.438555 |
Ballinard Cross | 52.490560 , -8.268610 |
Ballincurry | 52.584720 , -7.603610 |
Ballinderry | 53.020560 , -8.221940 |
Ballingarry | 53.017220 , -8.026670 |
Ballingarry | 52.588401 , -7.541921 |
Ballingarry Bridge | 52.593330 , -7.562500 |
Ballinure | 52.563060 , -7.768890 |
Ballyartello Bridge | 52.901110 , -8.236110 |
Ballycahall | 52.827500 , -7.817780 |
Ballycahill | 52.689440 , -7.904720 |
Ballyclerahan | 52.411269 , -7.757586 |
Ballydine Cross Roads | 52.366670 , -7.509440 |
Ballyfowloo | 52.503330 , -7.838330 |
Ballygodboy | 52.503330 , -8.237220 |
Ballygriffin | 52.514440 , -7.987780 |
Ballyhane Bridge | 52.568890 , -8.208060 |
Ballyheny | 52.900830 , -7.817500 |
Ballyhisky | 52.825560 , -8.289720 |
Ballylaine Cross Roads | 52.760560 , -8.098060 |
Ballylooby | 52.326940 , -7.978890 |
Ballymackey | 52.878060 , -8.086390 |
Ballynaclogh | 52.827220 , -8.161110 |
Ballynahinch | 52.767704 , -8.384628 |
Ballynamrossagh | 52.434440 , -8.255560 |
Ballynaveen Bridge | 52.468060 , -8.397780 |
Ballyneety | 52.318890 , -7.854170 |
Ballyneill | 52.373330 , -7.489440 |
Ballynonty | 52.590083 , -7.665739 |
Ballyoughter Bridge | 52.659170 , -7.940830 |
Ballypatrick | 52.733890 , -7.909720 |
Ballypatrick | 52.393610 , -7.545830 |
Ballyporeen | 52.270133 , -8.099773 |
Ballysheeda | 52.575560 , -8.106670 |
Ballysloe | 52.638060 , -7.606110 |
Ballytarsna | 52.576390 , -7.825830 |
Ballyvaughan | 52.386390 , -7.663330 |
Ballyveera | 52.289170 , -7.852780 |
Ballywalter | 52.484720 , -7.556390 |
Bananalleen | 52.533330 , -8.195280 |
Bansha | 52.445750 , -8.067373 |
Barna Cross | 52.784170 , -7.873610 |
Barnalisheen | 52.763330 , -7.729440 |
Barraden | 52.596390 , -8.092220 |
Barrettstown | 52.460560 , -7.731390 |
Bawn | 52.829440 , -8.215280 |
Bawndunhill | 52.434170 , -7.529170 |
Beakstown | 52.656390 , -7.876670 |
Bennett's Bridge | 52.776670 , -8.132780 |
Birdhill | 52.765560 , -8.435830 |
Black Bridge | 52.553890 , -8.021110 |
Boherlahan | 52.569096 , -7.892327 |
Boolabeha Bridge | 52.709170 , -7.717500 |
Boolakennedy | 52.335000 , -8.081940 |
Borrisokane | 52.995028 , -8.127090 |
Borrisoleigh | 52.752455 , -7.958927 |
Bouladuff | 52.716670 , -7.906670 |
Bourney | 52.900000 , -7.816670 |
Brackbaun Bridge | 52.303610 , -8.162500 |
Brindleys Bridge | 52.788890 , -8.184170 |
Brookville | 52.450280 , -8.181940 |
Brownstown Cross Roads | 52.732780 , -7.786670 |
Bullylusky Cross Roads | 52.534440 , -7.620830 |
Burged Bridge | 52.316940 , -7.966670 |
Burncourt | 52.310560 , -8.076390 |
Bushfield | 52.799170 , -8.358610 |
Cahernahallia | 52.591670 , -8.215280 |
Cahir | 52.377929 , -7.925436 |
Cameron | 52.961670 , -8.273330 |
Camus Bridge | 52.540280 , -7.931940 |
Cappagh | 52.585560 , -7.473330 |
Cappanarragh | 52.571670 , -7.997780 |
Capparoe | 52.820280 , -8.255000 |
Cappawhite | 52.582140 , -8.165760 |
Carney | 52.976110 , -8.181670 |
Carrick-on-Suir | 52.347803 , -7.406914 |
Carrickbeg | 52.343060 , -7.416390 |
Carrickloughmore Cross Roads | 52.755830 , -7.842780 |
Carrig | 53.060280 , -7.971940 |
Carrigahorig | 53.062500 , -8.143890 |
Carrigatogher | 52.835560 , -8.278060 |
Carrigmore Cross Roads | 52.282500 , -8.051110 |
Carrow | 52.590560 , -8.053330 |
Carrow Cross | 52.821670 , -8.250830 |
Cashel | 52.513956 , -7.885516 |
Castletown | 52.876670 , -8.381670 |
Cauteen Bridge | 52.543330 , -8.182220 |
Clare Bridge | 52.691110 , -8.382780 |
Clashganny | 52.256940 , -7.806940 |
Clocully | 52.291670 , -7.848330 |
Clogheen | 52.275134 , -7.994049 |
Clohernagh | 52.411390 , -8.061110 |
Clon | 52.700830 , -7.933890 |
Clonakenny | 52.874720 , -7.832500 |
Cloncannon | 52.858060 , -7.958330 |
Clone Bridge | 52.599720 , -8.003610 |
Cloneen | 52.475560 , -7.595830 |
Clonmel | 52.358948 , -7.701390 |
Clonmore | 52.827780 , -7.764720 |
Clonoulty | 52.601940 , -7.960280 |
Clonpet | 52.459440 , -8.187780 |
Cloonyross Cross Roads | 52.640000 , -7.968330 |
Cloughjordan | 52.944511 , -8.037950 |
Coalbrook | 52.613610 , -7.582780 |
Cool Bridge | 52.774720 , -8.429440 |
Coolagarranoe Bridge | 52.306390 , -8.102220 |
Coolbaun | 52.981110 , -8.249170 |
Coolbaun Cross Roads | 52.526110 , -7.681670 |
Cooleenduff Bridge | 52.698060 , -8.014440 |
Cooleeny | 52.733890 , -7.685280 |
Coolkill | 52.670000 , -7.928060 |
Coolross | 53.134720 , -8.035560 |
Cragg | 52.735560 , -8.440830 |
Cregg | 52.370830 , -7.397220 |
Croan | 52.452500 , -7.431110 |
Cullahill | 52.872220 , -7.730280 |
Cullen | 52.511940 , -8.270280 |
Cunningham's Cross Roads | 52.508330 , -8.152500 |
Currabaha Cross | 52.772500 , -8.024720 |
Curraghmore Bridge | 52.333330 , -8.008330 |
Curraleigh | 52.260000 , -8.150830 |
Curreeny | 52.727780 , -8.150280 |
Curreeny Cross | 52.733610 , -8.143330 |
Derrymore Bridge | 52.641110 , -7.926390 |
Donaskeigh | 52.522647 , -8.082503 |
Donohill | 52.540830 , -8.146670 |
Doonane | 52.733330 , -8.333330 |
Dovea | 52.718890 , -7.856390 |
Drangan | 52.516378 , -7.584861 |
Drish Bridge | 52.676940 , -7.778890 |
Drom | 52.768890 , -7.893060 |
Dromineer | 52.923479 , -8.275454 |
Drumbane | 52.653890 , -7.969720 |
Drumminnagleagh Bridge | 52.689720 , -7.932220 |
Dundrum | 52.559336 , -8.045983 |
Emly | 52.464709 , -8.345464 |
Faheen Cross Roads | 52.551670 , -7.970280 |
Faugheen | 52.392946 , -7.410267 |
Fethard | 52.468207 , -7.695155 |
Figlash | 52.374440 , -7.449170 |
Finnahy | 52.711940 , -7.980560 |
Firville | 53.070830 , -8.078890 |
Flemingtown | 52.271670 , -8.029720 |
Galbertstown | 52.625830 , -7.851940 |
Garnavilla | 52.344440 , -7.892780 |
Garrane | 52.537780 , -7.991390 |
Garranmore | 52.628330 , -7.948610 |
Garrykennedy | 52.902780 , -8.346110 |
Garrymore Bridge | 52.292500 , -8.021670 |
Garrymore Cross Roads | 52.296940 , -7.995830 |
Garrynafana | 52.860830 , -8.061670 |
Garryntemple | 52.355830 , -7.812500 |
Glashanailor Bridge | 52.587220 , -8.187500 |
Glenahilty | 52.903060 , -8.064720 |
Glenbane | 52.479720 , -8.309720 |
Glenbreedy | 52.785830 , -8.022220 |
Glengarra Bridge | 52.321110 , -8.099170 |
Glennaskagh | 52.449720 , -7.537780 |
Glenough Lower | 52.621670 , -8.057780 |
Glenough Upper | 52.638330 , -8.067500 |
Goatenbridge | 52.276110 , -7.871940 |
Goatstown | 53.002220 , -8.146670 |
Goldings Cross | 52.786110 , -7.913610 |
Goolds Cross | 52.590000 , -7.954440 |
Gortacullin | 52.274720 , -7.915830 |
Gortalough | 52.769170 , -7.958890 |
Gortnagowna | 52.749170 , -8.080000 |
Gortnagowth | 52.644440 , -7.866670 |
Gortnahoo | 52.675630 , -7.602925 |
Gourdeen Bridge | 52.867500 , -8.167500 |
Graffin | 52.841940 , -7.776110 |
Graigue | 53.116670 , -8.000000 |
Graigue | 52.274170 , -7.938610 |
Graiguepadeen | 52.698060 , -7.625280 |
Granavone | 52.743890 , -8.038890 |
Grange | 52.657780 , -7.550560 |
Grange | 52.525280 , -8.135280 |
Grange Cross Roads | 52.328330 , -7.825000 |
Grangemockler | 52.456390 , -7.494170 |
Graystown | 52.561110 , -7.706940 |
Hackstown Bridge | 52.896940 , -8.132500 |
Hawarden Bridge | 52.556110 , -8.115560 |
Helen Park | 52.569720 , -7.701940 |
High Street | 53.033330 , -8.066670 |
Hollyford | 52.632220 , -8.108610 |
Holycross | 52.636866 , -7.876690 |
Horse and Jockey | 52.616390 , -7.775280 |
Hunts Grove | 52.758330 , -8.078060 |
Hyinenstown | 52.447220 , -7.945560 |
Inch | 52.688060 , -8.096390 |
Islands Bridge | 52.548330 , -7.511670 |
Kilbragh | 52.485000 , -7.814720 |
Kilbreedy | 52.556110 , -7.928330 |
Kilcommon | 52.693890 , -8.143890 |
Kilfithmone Cross Roads | 52.763890 , -7.930280 |
Kilkeary Cross Roads | 52.834170 , -8.125000 |
Killanigan | 52.768890 , -7.768610 |
Killea | 52.823610 , -7.869720 |
Killeenasteerna | 52.470560 , -7.936110 |
Killenaule | 52.566903 , -7.672760 |
Killenoher | 52.788330 , -7.690280 |
Killoscully | 52.767220 , -8.345830 |
Killough | 52.858610 , -7.829170 |
Killurney | 52.400000 , -7.600000 |
Killycross | 53.133060 , -8.148610 |
Kilmaneen | 52.285000 , -7.845280 |
Kilmastulla Bridge | 52.777220 , -8.404170 |
Kilmoyler Cross Roads | 52.409720 , -7.969720 |
Kilriffen | 52.821670 , -8.193330 |
Kilsallagh | 52.500280 , -7.811670 |
Kilsheelan | 52.362935 , -7.579649 |
Knock | 52.920280 , -7.684440 |
Knock Cross Roads | 52.916670 , -7.697220 |
Knock Cross Roads | 52.892780 , -8.078890 |
Knockacolla | 52.403330 , -7.937780 |
Knockardan Cross Roads | 52.450830 , -8.249440 |
Knockballiniry | 52.270560 , -7.883060 |
Knockgaffon | 52.421940 , -7.938610 |
Knocknageragh Bridge | 52.803610 , -7.804170 |
Kylatlea | 52.466670 , -7.513890 |
Labbadiha Bridge | 52.801940 , -8.402220 |
Laffansbridge | 52.575280 , -7.720280 |
Lagganstown | 52.458060 , -7.970000 |
Laght Cross Roads | 52.321110 , -7.991940 |
Lahagh | 52.810830 , -7.755830 |
Lake Village | 53.082780 , -8.092220 |
Lattin | 52.466940 , -8.275280 |
Lelagh | 53.104170 , -8.023330 |
Leugh | 52.616670 , -8.183330 |
Limerick Junction | 52.499440 , -8.200000 |
Lisheen Cross Roads | 52.761110 , -7.730830 |
Lisronagh | 52.418354 , -7.703095 |
Lissatunny | 52.846670 , -8.175830 |
Littleton | 52.639136 , -7.737008 |
Longfordpass Bridge | 52.696670 , -7.630830 |
Longfordpass North | 52.708060 , -7.664720 |
Lorrha | 53.090560 , -8.121110 |
Losset | 52.638890 , -8.137780 |
Loughcapple Bridge | 52.430830 , -7.648890 |
Loughmoe | 52.755560 , -7.826670 |
Loughtally | 52.353060 , -7.783330 |
Luska | 52.953330 , -8.265830 |
Manseltown | 52.702500 , -7.715560 |
Mardyke | 52.584170 , -7.638060 |
Markhamstown | 52.351390 , -7.833060 |
Martfield | 52.347780 , -7.748890 |
Mary Ville | 52.834170 , -8.438330 |
Maudemount Cross Roads | 52.559720 , -8.076940 |
Melbourne Bridge | 52.468060 , -7.608330 |
Middlequarter | 52.241940 , -7.816940 |
Milestone | 52.675280 , -8.086940 |
Moanmore | 52.531390 , -8.213610 |
Moanvaun | 52.644720 , -8.143890 |
Moanvaun | 52.588890 , -8.153610 |
Moat Ville | 53.052780 , -8.048890 |
Mocklershill | 52.511390 , -7.810830 |
Modreeny | 52.954720 , -8.058060 |
Mogh | 52.522500 , -8.024440 |
Moglass | 52.522220 , -7.716940 |
Monard | 52.510893 , -8.223164 |
Monroe Bridge | 52.714440 , -7.924440 |
Morpeth Bridge | 52.527220 , -8.088060 |
Mortlestown | 52.404170 , -7.865560 |
Mount William | 52.509720 , -8.077780 |
Mulgrave Bridge | 52.659170 , -7.952780 |
Mullenaranky | 52.395280 , -7.646670 |
Mullennaglogh | 52.446940 , -7.467780 |
Mullinahone | 52.510640 , -7.504195 |
Mullinoly | 52.500560 , -7.503060 |
Nanny's Cross Roads | 52.652220 , -8.185000 |
Neddans House | 52.302220 , -7.857220 |
Nenagh | 52.863792 , -8.203830 |
Nenagh Bridge | 52.881670 , -8.195830 |
New Birmingham | 52.615830 , -7.640280 |
New Bridge | 53.130280 , -7.975000 |
New Grove | 52.906110 , -7.871390 |
Newcastle | 52.272109 , -7.809182 |
Newchapel | 52.984720 , -8.224720 |
Newinn | 52.440000 , -7.882500 |
Newport | 52.710313 , -8.405019 |
Newtown | 52.891940 , -7.731110 |
Newtown | 52.879736 , -8.298083 |
Newtown | 52.956940 , -8.012500 |
Newtown | 53.094440 , -8.150000 |
Newtown Lower | 52.391670 , -7.415830 |
Ninemilehouse | 52.464720 , -7.460280 |
Nore Bridge | 52.919170 , -7.747220 |
Orkneys Cross Roads | 52.859720 , -7.849720 |
Penane Bridge | 52.774170 , -7.815000 |
Pike | 53.104170 , -8.049440 |
Pope's Bridge | 52.545000 , -8.211110 |
Portland | 53.090560 , -8.182780 |
Portroe | 52.884532 , -8.342321 |
Poulacapple | 52.501670 , -7.440830 |
Poulakerry | 52.828610 , -8.023060 |
Poulnamucky | 52.401110 , -7.819440 |
Puckaun | 52.930674 , -8.240091 |
Quinlisk's Cross | 52.873330 , -7.806940 |
Racecourse Cross | 52.476940 , -7.891110 |
Rapia Cross Roads | 52.886940 , -8.159170 |
Rathbeg Bridge | 52.685000 , -7.591670 |
Rathcabban | 53.116110 , -8.026940 |
Rathclarish | 52.412780 , -7.433330 |
Rathclogh | 52.539720 , -7.813330 |
Rathkennan Bridge | 52.628610 , -7.924170 |
Rathmore | 52.379170 , -7.858610 |
Rearcross | 52.686390 , -8.235830 |
Reardnogy | 52.685737 , -8.238437 |
Redwood | 53.122500 , -8.108060 |
Renaghmore | 52.650000 , -7.536670 |
Riverstown | 53.080560 , -7.925830 |
Riverview | 52.906940 , -8.245000 |
Rochestown | 52.333330 , -7.888610 |
Rodus Bridge | 52.482780 , -8.339720 |
Roolagh | 52.802820 , -8.429560 |
Roscrea | 52.954535 , -7.792435 |
Rosegreen | 52.467273 , -7.831166 |
Rosmult | 52.681940 , -7.955830 |
Rossadrehid | 52.418027 , -8.174861 |
Rossaguile Bridge | 52.733330 , -8.349440 |
Rossestown | 52.709720 , -7.788610 |
Rossestown Bridge | 52.713890 , -7.801390 |
Rossmore Bridge | 52.611940 , -8.008330 |
Saint Kieran's | 53.110830 , -8.064440 |
Saucestown Bridge | 52.478890 , -7.676390 |
Scarrough Bridge | 52.587220 , -8.088610 |
Sedboro | 52.913610 , -8.306110 |
Serothea | 52.345560 , -7.709440 |
Shallee Cross Roads | 52.794170 , -8.290280 |
Sheskin | 52.682220 , -7.852220 |
Shronell | 52.472220 , -8.234720 |
Silvermines | 52.794004 , -8.238064 |
Stagdale Bridge | 52.410560 , -8.229440 |
Strogue Cross | 52.795000 , -7.773060 |
Tannersrath | 52.378060 , -7.688060 |
Tar Bridge | 52.277780 , -7.834170 |
Templederry | 52.775280 , -8.061670 |
Templemore | 52.796333 , -7.831555 |
Templetuohy | 52.787808 , -7.717079 |
The Commons | 52.625753 , -7.545555 |
The Commons | 52.856430 , -7.948220 |
The Fourteen Roads | 52.885830 , -7.877780 |
The Pike | 53.003060 , -8.007780 |
The Rag | 52.716670 , -7.916670 |
Thomastown | 52.494170 , -8.024440 |
Thurles | 52.677482 , -7.813523 |
Tipperary | 52.475554 , -8.156575 |
Toem | 52.576670 , -8.196110 |
Toomevara | 52.849662 , -8.035166 |
Tooreenbrien Bridge | 52.692500 , -8.273610 |
Tranagh | 52.694720 , -7.602500 |
Tullowmacjames | 52.795830 , -7.711390 |
Turnpike | 52.669720 , -7.683610 |
Twoford Bridges | 52.614440 , -7.893060 |
Twomileborris | 52.673876 , -7.709211 |
Twomilebridge | 52.362220 , -7.644170 |
Upperchurch | 52.703330 , -8.017500 |
Victoria Bridge | 52.586390 , -8.014720 |
Whiteland Cross Roads | 52.417220 , -7.858890 |
Youghal | 52.888610 , -8.307500 |
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- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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