Download outline map of Aceh Besar (geojson format) :
Aceh Besar.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Aceh Besar map for "Google Maps" :
Aceh Besar.txt
Bounding Box for Aceh Besar Map : ( 5.05963 , 95.009331 , 5.74849 , 95.840813 )
Wikipedia ID for Aceh Besar : Q5662
Wikipedia SPARQL Query for Aceh Besar (population,elevation,area,lat,long, postal code,licence plate) :
SELECT ?population ?elevation ?area ?latitude ?longitude ?postal_code ?license_plate
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5662 wdt:P1082 ?population. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5662 wdt:P2044 ?elevation. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5662 wdt:P2046 ?area. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5662 wdt:P281 ?postal_code. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5662 wdt:P395 ?license_plate. }
wd:Q5662 p:P625 ?coordinate.
?coordinate psv:P625 ?coordinate_node.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLatitude ?latitude.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLongitude ?longitude.
Run this SPARQL Query on Wikidata Page (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Run this Query with SPARQL API
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Aceh Besar map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](5.05963, 95.009331, 5.74849, 95.840813);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Aceh Besar)
rel["name"="Aceh Besar"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Aceh Besar"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Aceh Besar
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Ajebuengmiran | 5.507100 , 95.392800 |
Ajoe | 5.510100 , 95.387500 |
Alue | 5.356000 , 95.564900 |
Alue Raya | 5.709600 , 95.062700 |
Alueglong | 5.404880 , 95.607820 |
Alueleseukum | 5.551000 , 95.542800 |
Alurgintong | 5.346000 , 95.587500 |
Alurrindang | 5.381200 , 95.622000 |
Aneukbatee | 5.480800 , 95.384400 |
Aneukgolong Dua | 5.474100 , 95.392400 |
Aneukgolong Satu | 5.478200 , 95.391700 |
Angan | 5.605720 , 95.391440 |
Angar-baro | 5.599000 , 95.401100 |
Anueglee | 5.422100 , 95.419700 |
Aracungkit | 5.430600 , 95.399600 |
Aranluengkee | 5.483700 , 95.447900 |
Ateucut | 5.486900 , 95.341400 |
Ateuk | 5.526000 , 95.380200 |
Ateuklampanah | 5.483600 , 95.352000 |
Ateuklamura | 5.481400 , 95.352100 |
Atong | 5.464700 , 95.439800 |
Awek | 5.275600 , 95.634300 |
Ayun | 5.394600 , 95.603800 |
Baed | 5.449000 , 95.377300 |
Bakcarah | 5.460300 , 95.443900 |
Bakcirih | 5.465700 , 95.422400 |
Bakditip | 5.482700 , 95.423100 |
Baklumpang | 5.481700 , 95.420500 |
Balelempoh Beut | 5.507600 , 95.268300 |
Banartapah | 5.396500 , 95.512300 |
Bandasafa | 5.390500 , 95.515200 |
Barihlhok | 5.388300 , 95.531800 |
Bate Beukah | 5.197700 , 95.303000 |
Batee Apit | 5.615200 , 95.145200 |
Bateejeureula | 5.464300 , 95.354400 |
Bateelienteng | 5.470000 , 95.345700 |
Bayu | 5.393700 , 95.597200 |
Beurandoh | 5.590900 , 95.508800 |
Beureunut | 5.609500 , 95.627100 |
Beutang | 5.505800 , 95.268400 |
Biluy | 5.477400 , 95.338500 |
Bineh Krueng | 5.514500 , 95.272500 |
Bira | 5.473200 , 95.424800 |
Bithak | 5.374300 , 95.530600 |
Blang Ara | 5.588900 , 95.510300 |
Blang Ateuk | 5.512000 , 95.600000 |
Blang Bakme | 5.560300 , 95.535200 |
Blang Melingge | 5.739200 , 95.042400 |
Blang Si Tungkoh | 5.672200 , 95.095300 |
Blang Tingkeum | 5.505500 , 95.604800 |
Blangbaruh | 5.310600 , 95.602600 |
Blangbunot | 5.556100 , 95.537400 |
Blangkeutumba | 5.233330 , 95.716670 |
Blangkiree | 5.488000 , 95.344400 |
Blangme | 5.252100 , 95.260200 |
Blangmiro | 5.464700 , 95.360400 |
Blangpreh | 5.475600 , 95.369900 |
Blangujung | 5.709100 , 95.058200 |
Blangulam | 5.615800 , 95.577900 |
Brandeuen | 5.508300 , 95.269800 |
Bueng | 5.270200 , 95.645300 |
Buengiton | 5.522200 , 95.411300 |
Buengpageue | 5.504000 , 95.416700 |
Buengseuneng | 5.539000 , 95.410200 |
Buengsimuk | 5.365600 , 95.510900 |
Buga | 5.357300 , 95.582700 |
Bughu | 5.439100 , 95.385100 |
Bugo | 5.466600 , 95.355600 |
Buktah | 5.490400 , 95.382100 |
Bung Neuleuk | 5.508900 , 95.396900 |
Bung Raya | 5.457400 , 95.440600 |
Bung Tujuh | 5.469700 , 95.424300 |
Bungbakjok | 5.527200 , 95.413700 |
Bungcala | 5.524800 , 95.415100 |
Bungdarah | 5.449600 , 95.440300 |
Cadek | 5.603300 , 95.377000 |
Capeueng | 5.373400 , 95.536900 |
Cintaalam | 5.386400 , 95.690100 |
Cot Balohan | 5.210000 , 95.268100 |
Cot Jambu | 5.500200 , 95.411000 |
Cotalue | 5.502400 , 95.395400 |
Cotbada | 5.504100 , 95.391800 |
Cotbade | 5.439100 , 95.407800 |
Cotbagie | 5.493200 , 95.424200 |
Cotbakarieng | 5.450000 , 95.466670 |
Cotbayu | 5.386100 , 95.488000 |
Cotbuet | 5.533300 , 95.414100 |
Cotgaeh | 5.462500 , 95.423200 |
Cotgagoh | 5.292900 , 95.639200 |
Cotgeundreut | 5.510900 , 95.396300 |
Cotguo | 5.496800 , 95.387800 |
Cothoha | 5.504500 , 95.413800 |
Cotilip | 5.495000 , 95.421300 |
Cotjambu | 5.500200 , 95.411000 |
Cotjempa | 5.295300 , 95.238200 |
Cotkarieng | 5.509400 , 95.415500 |
Cotlammie | 5.566600 , 95.412900 |
Cotleupon | 5.518000 , 95.417600 |
Cotmadi | 5.518500 , 95.414600 |
Cotmancang | 5.522800 , 95.414700 |
Cotmancong | 5.496300 , 95.411000 |
Cotmangeuen | 5.558400 , 95.419500 |
Cotmantiwan | 5.496900 , 95.393000 |
Cotmanyang | 5.536500 , 95.282100 |
Cotmelangen | 5.501100 , 95.421700 |
Cotmeuraya | 5.505400 , 95.404200 |
Cotnambak | 5.499300 , 95.412100 |
Cotpaya | 5.604900 , 95.388100 |
Cotrayun | 5.507100 , 95.415300 |
Cotrumpun | 5.505800 , 95.414400 |
Cotsaloran | 5.515200 , 95.409500 |
Cotseunong | 5.489200 , 95.407100 |
Cotsuru | 5.510300 , 95.391800 |
Cucum | 5.320900 , 95.549400 |
Dam | 5.506200 , 95.375700 |
Daroh | 5.226100 , 95.257400 |
Data Baruh | 5.303600 , 95.577100 |
Data Cut | 5.282700 , 95.643600 |
Datadaroi | 5.483330 , 95.433330 |
Datagasue | 5.331500 , 95.565200 |
Datamakmur | 5.486900 , 95.435200 |
Datameureudu | 5.355500 , 95.671300 |
Datateureubuh | 5.290500 , 95.586700 |
Datawheueplang | 5.369000 , 95.622800 |
Deahbaruh | 5.394700 , 95.254700 |
Delieb | 5.453900 , 95.389700 |
Desateladan | 5.377500 , 95.639200 |
Deudap | 5.613690 , 95.175940 |
Droe | 5.531320 , 95.644800 |
Empeara | 5.427600 , 95.451200 |
Eumeetrieng | 5.474500 , 95.342600 |
Eumpangaweue | 5.576400 , 95.525300 |
Eumpeebata | 5.489800 , 95.422200 |
Eumpeugajah | 5.326700 , 95.582300 |
Gampongraya | 5.365700 , 95.580600 |
Gapui | 5.219300 , 95.260300 |
Gedah | 5.611670 , 95.175830 |
Geudeuer | 5.369500 , 95.519400 |
Geudong | 5.494100 , 95.235900 |
Geunteng | 5.671000 , 95.104600 |
Geunteut | 5.252900 , 95.263800 |
Geunting | 5.722300 , 95.069900 |
Girik | 5.293000 , 95.224800 |
Gle | 5.426700 , 95.587300 |
Glebrue | 5.202500 , 95.288700 |
Glejai | 5.380000 , 95.488600 |
Glejeneng | 5.394600 , 95.526900 |
Glumpang | 5.508000 , 95.253100 |
Goni | 5.513500 , 95.384300 |
Grot | 5.457200 , 95.421400 |
Gumpueng | 5.401100 , 95.590400 |
Iboih | 5.382800 , 95.601900 |
Iboih Tunong | 5.387500 , 95.613700 |
Iealang | 5.405600 , 95.494300 |
Indrapuri | 5.428834 , 95.439837 |
Indrapuri | 5.477040 , 95.417360 |
Ineu | 5.476100 , 95.373100 |
Jantho | 5.293607 , 95.603692 |
Jantho | 5.333400 , 95.613360 |
Jruk | 5.450700 , 95.415800 |
Kabupaten Aceh Besar | 5.269032 , 95.253298 |
Kajeeadang | 5.456500 , 95.365500 |
Kaju | 5.598900 , 95.377700 |
Kampung Baroh | 5.465100 , 95.396400 |
Kampung Blang | 5.498900 , 95.418700 |
Kampung Blang | 5.512400 , 95.414700 |
Kampung Blang | 5.591900 , 95.399900 |
Kampung Bung | 5.486900 , 95.425300 |
Kampung Cot | 5.593300 , 95.400600 |
Kampung Jawi | 5.362200 , 95.592400 |
Kampung Madat | 5.371700 , 95.638200 |
Kandang | 5.615400 , 95.155700 |
Kayeeadang | 5.373100 , 95.560900 |
Kayeejatu | 5.591500 , 95.525300 |
Kayeekunyet | 5.488400 , 95.427300 |
Keude | 5.592900 , 95.515300 |
Keudeebieng | 5.484600 , 95.259800 |
Keuluang | 5.245550 , 95.322620 |
Keumire | 5.395000 , 95.491400 |
Keumiru | 5.522700 , 95.272100 |
Keunatoi | 5.353600 , 95.576600 |
Keureue | 5.512200 , 95.269400 |
Keureuweung | 5.373100 , 95.488000 |
Klieng | 5.479400 , 95.378900 |
Klieng Cot Aron | 5.606500 , 95.395900 |
Koeh | 5.487300 , 95.267000 |
Kotabaru | 5.518900 , 95.389100 |
Kruengkala | 5.287900 , 95.255300 |
Kruengkalee | 5.579800 , 95.405300 |
Kruenglingka | 5.488000 , 95.610400 |
Kruengmak | 5.467200 , 95.349100 |
Kruengraya | 5.589500 , 95.514500 |
Kuala Daya | 5.178210 , 95.310480 |
Kulam | 5.450000 , 95.666670 |
Labuy | 5.613900 , 95.400400 |
Ladang | 5.629500 , 95.470800 |
Lam Apeng | 5.509600 , 95.607700 |
Lam Beugok | 5.403500 , 95.506400 |
Lam Griheu | 5.236600 , 95.260400 |
Lam Juhang | 5.230500 , 95.264600 |
Lam Raya | 5.482700 , 95.410300 |
Lam Sujen | 5.229100 , 95.280900 |
Lam Sukon | 5.584700 , 95.402500 |
Lam Ujong | 5.615800 , 95.402300 |
Lam-baro | 5.555700 , 95.236100 |
Lamabeue | 5.501500 , 95.393100 |
Lamaling | 5.401400 , 95.518700 |
Lamara Tunong | 5.427700 , 95.395700 |
Lamasan | 5.606200 , 95.400300 |
Lamaway | 5.545400 , 95.276300 |
Lambada | 5.491200 , 95.399500 |
Lambada Peukan | 5.590500 , 95.399200 |
Lambadagigteng | 5.612800 , 95.385700 |
Lambadak Lho | 5.611300 , 95.389800 |
Lambade | 5.500500 , 95.611700 |
Lambareh | 5.492400 , 95.373500 |
Lambaro | 5.489600 , 95.262700 |
Lambaro | 5.357000 , 95.664200 |
Lambaro | 5.436600 , 95.402700 |
Lambaro | 5.472100 , 95.340800 |
Lambaro Angan | 5.588000 , 95.402500 |
Lambaro Seubun | 5.508100 , 95.256900 |
Lambaro Tunong | 5.368600 , 95.638000 |
Lambarokoeih | 5.486700 , 95.262600 |
Lambaruh Tunong | 5.477100 , 95.354100 |
Lambee | 5.509900 , 95.246600 |
Lambeutong | 5.436400 , 95.447100 |
Lambiheue | 5.584200 , 95.400400 |
Lambirah | 5.455500 , 95.367800 |
Lambirah Satu | 5.458900 , 95.368000 |
Lamblang | 5.525800 , 95.273100 |
Lambukong | 5.483330 , 95.350000 |
Lambuku | 5.342960 , 95.686310 |
Lambunot | 5.472700 , 95.356700 |
Lambunot Paya | 5.565500 , 95.413200 |
Lamcarak | 5.382700 , 95.539500 |
Lamcok | 5.492300 , 95.260900 |
Lamcut | 5.611900 , 95.156400 |
Lamduran | 5.220560 , 95.394000 |
Lamdurian | 5.533330 , 95.533330 |
Lamdurion | 5.529000 , 95.280900 |
Lamgaboh | 5.488100 , 95.259200 |
Lamgeue | 5.528300 , 95.283900 |
Lamgiri | 5.506700 , 95.237700 |
Lamilei | 5.423900 , 95.434100 |
Lamjame | 5.474100 , 95.366000 |
Lamjampak | 5.486800 , 95.399000 |
Lamkabeue | 5.386400 , 95.576600 |
Lamkebay | 5.426600 , 95.558230 |
Lamkileng | 5.383700 , 95.534600 |
Lamklat | 5.573900 , 95.400300 |
Lamkubu | 5.328600 , 95.699400 |
Lamkuk | 5.378500 , 95.543500 |
Lamkutat | 5.493300 , 95.394700 |
Lamleuot | 5.382900 , 95.483700 |
Lamleupeung | 5.396200 , 95.505800 |
Lamlham | 5.505200 , 95.251100 |
Lamlheu | 5.478700 , 95.352600 |
Lamlho | 5.621600 , 95.159200 |
Lamlhong | 5.234700 , 95.269600 |
Lamlubak | 5.424800 , 95.451800 |
Lamlung | 5.422600 , 95.470800 |
Lammayang | 5.543900 , 95.270100 |
Lamme | 5.536000 , 95.271900 |
Lamme | 5.457200 , 95.424600 |
Lamme | 5.517100 , 95.400500 |
Lammukae | 5.512100 , 95.268100 |
Lamnga | 5.471300 , 95.412400 |
Lamnga | 5.623200 , 95.401800 |
Lamoe | 5.477700 , 95.404900 |
Lamoe | 5.492500 , 95.386700 |
Lampageue | 5.563100 , 95.233600 |
Lampaih Bayoh | 5.515200 , 95.275600 |
Lampaku | 5.386700 , 95.519500 |
Lampanah | 5.416000 , 95.463400 |
Lampanaih | 5.584400 , 95.673300 |
Lampante | 5.498300 , 95.615900 |
Lampeueng | 5.538200 , 95.270500 |
Lampineung | 5.610700 , 95.397300 |
Lampisang | 5.369900 , 95.548800 |
Lampisang | 5.476400 , 95.384240 |
Lampisang | 5.473700 , 95.382200 |
Lampisang | 5.515700 , 95.270800 |
Lampohkleng | 5.485300 , 95.412300 |
Lampohraja | 5.385900 , 95.526800 |
Lampoihdaya | 5.590700 , 95.393800 |
Lampoihreulo | 5.553300 , 95.536300 |
Lampoya | 5.481700 , 95.247600 |
Lampulo | 5.505100 , 95.261300 |
Lampupok | 5.435400 , 95.438100 |
Lamreh | 5.596700 , 95.529500 |
Lamroya | 5.555200 , 95.418800 |
Lamrukam | 5.531000 , 95.274600 |
Lamsat | 5.477200 , 95.341000 |
Lamseke | 5.503600 , 95.252200 |
Lamseuninya | 5.385300 , 95.255200 |
Lamsia | 5.393800 , 95.530200 |
Lamsiem | 5.513200 , 95.388700 |
Lamsinye | 5.492200 , 95.389200 |
Lamsiteh | 5.461000 , 95.399400 |
Lamtadoh | 5.610400 , 95.142300 |
Lamtamat | 5.364460 , 95.674438 |
Lamtanjung | 5.452500 , 95.368800 |
Lamteuba | 5.543460 , 95.579600 |
Lamteubadroi | 5.495400 , 95.612500 |
Lamteungoh | 5.500500 , 95.371800 |
Lamteungoh | 5.496400 , 95.367400 |
Lamtiteh | 5.493400 , 95.399200 |
Lamtu | 5.501000 , 95.247200 |
Lamtui | 5.393900 , 95.517400 |
Lamtutong | 5.536500 , 95.265300 |
Langapui | 5.618500 , 95.158500 |
Lapeng | 5.698200 , 95.102400 |
Layeun | 5.355900 , 95.244400 |
Lempeungbruk | 5.406900 , 95.517300 |
Leuen Bale | 5.722700 , 95.072700 |
Leungah | 5.575000 , 95.708200 |
Leupeungbateu | 5.399500 , 95.485700 |
Leupueng | 5.390340 , 95.255550 |
Leupungrajeuk | 5.442800 , 95.387700 |
Leupungriwat | 5.443900 , 95.393600 |
Lhang | 5.454700 , 95.432600 |
Lheu | 5.422800 , 95.457700 |
Lhieb | 5.348900 , 95.582800 |
Lho Krut | 5.709800 , 95.060100 |
Lhong | 5.309766 , 95.245972 |
Lhonga | 5.479800 , 95.248700 |
Limo | 5.431200 , 95.450400 |
Limuet | 5.350500 , 95.601500 |
Lingam Daya | 5.440300 , 95.413000 |
Lingam Ujung | 5.437700 , 95.415100 |
Lon | 5.347900 , 95.587100 |
Lonasan | 5.358500 , 95.671100 |
Longuda | 5.344400 , 95.514200 |
Lubo | 5.603700 , 95.547200 |
Lubok | 5.497900 , 95.375800 |
Luthu | 5.451600 , 95.373600 |
Luthu | 5.313510 , 95.402940 |
Madang | 5.627200 , 95.157600 |
Mahang | 5.416400 , 95.507300 |
Malahayati | 5.593800 , 95.526800 |
Mamplam | 5.592800 , 95.500400 |
Man Ara | 5.562000 , 95.414500 |
Mane | 5.480100 , 95.331100 |
Mangeue | 5.384400 , 95.566000 |
Manggra | 5.410800 , 95.478500 |
Manikeun | 5.480200 , 95.240800 |
Matale | 5.640700 , 95.148300 |
Maunasah Keutapang | 5.226300 , 95.270700 |
Melingge | 5.740000 , 95.045900 |
Meukomancang | 5.378000 , 95.619800 |
Meulayu | 5.516200 , 95.394800 |
Meunara | 5.426500 , 95.432900 |
Meunasah Kaway | 5.537400 , 95.266800 |
Meunasah Lamkuta | 5.245400 , 95.262200 |
Meunasah Lamsagu | 5.533500 , 95.271900 |
Meunasah Manyang | 5.501300 , 95.251300 |
Meunasah Tuha | 5.542500 , 95.268000 |
Meunasahbaro | 5.504200 , 95.246400 |
Meunasahbayi | 5.512500 , 95.366500 |
Meunasahblong | 5.506700 , 95.234000 |
Meunasahcot | 5.208200 , 95.287500 |
Meunasahjineueng | 5.520800 , 95.270400 |
Meunasahtutong | 5.522500 , 95.368800 |
Meuneungkued | 5.348700 , 95.505600 |
Mirue | 5.598200 , 95.396800 |
Monatue | 5.444700 , 95.417100 |
Monmata | 5.224800 , 95.268500 |
Montasik | 5.466670 , 95.466670 |
Mureu | 5.418700 , 95.479300 |
Nagaumbang | 5.468400 , 95.263400 |
Neuheun | 5.628200 , 95.405600 |
Neusoh | 5.370400 , 95.674100 |
Nya | 5.468500 , 95.356300 |
Pakuk | 5.379500 , 95.521300 |
Paleuh | 5.485600 , 95.395500 |
Paloh | 5.670600 , 95.102400 |
Panca | 5.313200 , 95.710800 |
Pantekareng | 5.467800 , 95.416900 |
Panterawa | 5.446300 , 95.385300 |
Paret | 5.502300 , 95.377900 |
Paro | 5.315800 , 95.246400 |
Pasar | 5.508000 , 95.603500 |
Pasar Lampaku | 5.382600 , 95.520800 |
Pasi | 5.505200 , 95.371200 |
Pasi Janeng | 5.623900 , 95.135500 |
Paya Jale | 5.564600 , 95.532900 |
Payakameng | 5.594800 , 95.503500 |
Payatieng | 5.532400 , 95.281200 |
Payauen | 5.530400 , 95.581000 |
Perumping | 5.481600 , 95.429600 |
Peukan Bada | 5.512108 , 95.202026 |
Peukanbada | 5.536060 , 95.228400 |
Peukancotboih | 5.504800 , 95.388600 |
Pineung | 5.721600 , 95.064100 |
Piyeung | 5.451200 , 95.434400 |
Prumpieng Dua | 5.490800 , 95.428700 |
Pula | 5.496200 , 95.626700 |
Pulo | 5.384400 , 95.623300 |
Pulonibung | 5.478900 , 95.244900 |
Puri | 5.461010 , 95.486420 |
Puuk | 5.556300 , 95.417600 |
Puusiganong | 5.383100 , 95.692400 |
Rabo | 5.624900 , 95.158200 |
Reudeub | 5.459500 , 95.414700 |
Reukih | 5.419700 , 95.437200 |
Reulengglumpang | 5.453400 , 95.402100 |
Reulengkarieng | 5.455900 , 95.402900 |
Reungreung | 5.349800 , 95.665200 |
Rima | 5.522700 , 95.274900 |
Rinakeunurun | 5.525500 , 95.277200 |
Rinon | 5.720400 , 95.067200 |
Riting | 5.391300 , 95.449700 |
Ruyong | 5.598100 , 95.496300 |
Sagab | 5.222900 , 95.276200 |
Samahani | 5.444000 , 95.404700 |
Samanjam | 5.276100 , 95.664000 |
Saree | 5.468364 , 95.729370 |
Sehelap | 5.485800 , 95.403800 |
Sermo | 5.429200 , 95.434500 |
Seubam | 5.481400 , 95.415900 |
Seubeun Ayon | 5.503300 , 95.263200 |
Seubun Keutapang | 5.504400 , 95.269000 |
Seudu | 5.337900 , 95.243900 |
Seulangai | 5.440800 , 95.431400 |
Seulase | 5.671700 , 95.096700 |
Seulimeum | 5.361800 , 95.576500 |
Seumeureung | 5.468700 , 95.383700 |
Seuneubok | 5.369700 , 95.562100 |
Seuot | 5.418300 , 95.461500 |
Seurapong | 5.689670 , 95.072690 |
Seureugong | 5.611800 , 95.144100 |
Seutuy | 5.593000 , 95.507300 |
Sibreh | 5.469429 , 95.384606 |
Sibreh | 5.518630 , 95.373360 |
Sibrehkeumudee | 5.463300 , 95.367700 |
Siem | 5.577300 , 95.403300 |
Sigapang | 5.371900 , 95.513600 |
Sihom | 5.399400 , 95.451600 |
Simpang Rima | 5.499130 , 95.234860 |
Sinjheu | 5.408900 , 95.449800 |
Siron | 5.356500 , 95.496000 |
Sukadamai | 5.436100 , 95.716400 |
Sukamakmur | 5.442800 , 95.697000 |
Sukamulia | 5.440800 , 95.719400 |
Sumel | 5.483200 , 95.420400 |
Tambon | 5.217800 , 95.259100 |
Tampak | 5.470600 , 95.373200 |
Tanah Abee | 5.378800 , 95.551000 |
Tanjung | 5.494700 , 95.261400 |
Tanpablang | 5.313900 , 95.544200 |
Tantuha | 5.461300 , 95.368800 |
Tepinubatee | 5.501600 , 95.420000 |
Teubalu | 5.487200 , 95.339500 |
Teubangphui | 5.467800 , 95.428900 |
Teubareh | 5.464000 , 95.419200 |
Teubeng | 5.674300 , 95.084100 |
Teue | 5.433330 , 95.416670 |
Teungoh | 5.276900 , 95.658000 |
Teunom | 5.637200 , 95.064700 |
Teupin | 5.668500 , 95.078900 |
Tirueng | 5.587200 , 95.517000 |
Tumpulampoih | 5.557300 , 95.419900 |
Turam | 5.482200 , 95.337300 |
Tutue | 5.378200 , 95.525700 |
Uempieh | 5.450700 , 95.418400 |
Ujong Padang | 5.597000 , 95.532900 |
Ujung Keupula | 5.586400 , 95.669600 |
Ujung Mesjid | 5.581100 , 95.686800 |
Ujungblang | 5.541100 , 95.408300 |
Ule Raya | 5.673000 , 95.084300 |
Uleehat | 5.479800 , 95.419900 |
Uleekareung | 5.431400 , 95.438600 |
Uleeoe | 5.447800 , 95.409900 |
Umang Sribe | 5.246100 , 95.265300 |
Umong Lho | 5.210200 , 95.270500 |
Utamong | 5.223900 , 95.267300 |
Uteuen Subang | 5.531800 , 95.425500 |
Uteundreu | 5.497700 , 95.235100 |
Waraba | 5.471800 , 95.419000 |
Weueraya | 5.480200 , 95.243100 |
Wuee | 5.293600 , 95.627800 |
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