Mojokerto (East Java) Map Cropping Samples

Mojokerto (East Java) Map Cropping Samples-1

Mojokerto (East Java) Map Cropping Samples-2

Mojokerto neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Mojokerto with 3D shadow effect

Mojokerto map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Mojokerto (geojson format) :
Mojokerto.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Mojokerto map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Mojokerto Map : ( -7.494797 , 112.405846 , -7.447384 , 112.469055 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Mojokerto map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-7.494797, 112.405846, -7.447384, 112.469055);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Mojokerto)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Mojokerto
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Balongcangkring Satu | -7.463200 , 112.422200 |
Balongcok | -7.467100 , 112.443000 |
Balongrawe | -7.464400 , 112.451400 |
Bancang | -7.453000 , 112.448400 |
Banjaranyar | -7.456500 , 112.446000 |
Blooto | -7.479700 , 112.413100 |
Cakarayam | -7.466700 , 112.428000 |
Cinde | -7.476000 , 112.425100 |
Gedongan | -7.461000 , 112.438000 |
Gembongsari | -7.471000 , 112.440300 |
Gendangan | -7.481200 , 112.457100 |
Gununganyar | -7.476900 , 112.458100 |
Jagalan | -7.471500 , 112.437400 |
Jayeng | -7.470900 , 112.426200 |
Kalimati | -7.467500 , 112.436000 |
Karanglo | -7.454300 , 112.447800 |
Kauman | -7.464700 , 112.430500 |
Kebohan | -7.480700 , 112.452000 |
Kedundung | -7.462100 , 112.459000 |
Kedungmulang | -7.486300 , 112.423000 |
Kedungsari | -7.470400 , 112.455100 |
Kedungturi | -7.473200 , 112.454100 |
Kedungwali | -7.475500 , 112.430500 |
Kemasan | -7.484800 , 112.413600 |
Ketidur | -7.483600 , 112.416800 |
Kranggan | -7.478700 , 112.438000 |
Kuti | -7.474300 , 112.454200 |
Kuwung | -7.484200 , 112.446300 |
Magersari | -7.459900 , 112.437200 |
Magersari | -7.470100 , 112.440500 |
Magersariindah | -7.462200 , 112.443800 |
Margosari | -7.457500 , 112.441200 |
Mentikan | -7.467100 , 112.430900 |
Meri | -7.479000 , 112.446600 |
Miji | -7.473000 , 112.430700 |
Mijibaru | -7.476200 , 112.440700 |
Mojokerto | -7.539271 , 112.484087 |
Mulyosari | -7.459700 , 112.442500 |
Murukan | -7.490600 , 112.423000 |
Pangeranan | -7.464600 , 112.434900 |
Pangreman | -7.478100 , 112.436700 |
Pekayon | -7.483500 , 112.434300 |
Pekuncen | -7.492300 , 112.420000 |
Penarip | -7.481900 , 112.429600 |
Perumnas Barat | -7.461000 , 112.447600 |
Perumnas Tengah | -7.458100 , 112.447600 |
Perumnas Timur | -7.456100 , 112.454900 |
Prajurit | -7.468700 , 112.428100 |
Prajurit Kulon | -7.477000 , 112.429500 |
Pulo Kulon | -7.458200 , 112.419700 |
Pulo Wetan | -7.460300 , 112.427000 |
Randegan | -7.461300 , 112.467400 |
Sabuk | -7.473700 , 112.426200 |
Sekarputih | -7.464400 , 112.462000 |
Setanan Selatan | -7.471200 , 112.432900 |
Setanan Utara | -7.468800 , 112.434200 |
Sidogede | -7.462200 , 112.430200 |
Sidomulyo | -7.469800 , 112.430800 |
Sinoman | -7.478500 , 112.430400 |
Sumolepen | -7.466000 , 112.444000 |
Suratan | -7.475400 , 112.433200 |
Surodinawan | -7.482800 , 112.424400 |
Suronatan | -7.458800 , 112.440700 |
Trenggilis | -7.474900 , 112.415000 |
Tropodo | -7.473700 , 112.448900 |
Wates | -7.451400 , 112.454400 |
- You can download geometry data for Mojokerto in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.