Bima (West Nusa Tenggara) Map Cropping Samples

Bima (West Nusa Tenggara) Map Cropping Samples-1

Bima (West Nusa Tenggara) Map Cropping Samples-2

Bima neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Bima with 3D shadow effect

Bima map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Bima (geojson format) :
Bima.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Bima map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Bima Map : ( -8.545132 , 118.694633 , -8.348615 , 118.896011 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Bima map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-8.545132, 118.694633, -8.348615, 118.896011);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Bima)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Bima
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Bara Barat | -8.454800 , 118.721800 |
Bara Timur | -8.456200 , 118.726700 |
Bedi | -8.462300 , 118.739200 |
Benteng | -8.448500 , 118.723100 |
Bima | -8.492666 , 118.716197 |
Bonto | -8.405000 , 118.713300 |
Bugis | -8.444900 , 118.723300 |
Busu | -8.450100 , 118.802900 |
Dara | -8.459900 , 118.726900 |
Dodu Dua | -8.489200 , 118.796200 |
Dodu Satu | -8.495600 , 118.807500 |
Doroponggol | -8.486900 , 118.787500 |
Gilipanda | -8.450900 , 118.730900 |
Gindi | -8.442200 , 118.737800 |
Jatibaru | -8.433600 , 118.766900 |
Jatiwangi | -8.442400 , 118.748100 |
Kabanta | -8.464100 , 118.843200 |
Kampungbaru | -8.474900 , 118.758600 |
Kampungbaru | -8.492600 , 118.804600 |
Kedo | -8.436000 , 118.729100 |
Kedobaru | -8.443500 , 118.724200 |
Kendo Dua | -8.472100 , 118.776600 |
Kendo Satu | -8.468500 , 118.780000 |
Kodo Dua | -8.489900 , 118.785800 |
Kodo Satu | -8.499000 , 118.789600 |
Kolo | -8.372200 , 118.719300 |
Kompi | -8.447600 , 118.736400 |
Kotabaru | -8.477500 , 118.761700 |
Kumbe | -8.484700 , 118.770100 |
Kuta | -8.478900 , 118.792800 |
Lampe Dua | -8.511400 , 118.806700 |
Lampe Satu | -8.511800 , 118.801200 |
Lela | -8.440500 , 118.751200 |
Lelamase | -8.482900 , 118.850900 |
Lewi | -8.464200 , 118.756800 |
Lewijambu | -8.444900 , 118.727900 |
Lewiloa | -8.480500 , 118.771200 |
Lewirato | -8.465400 , 118.748900 |
Lewirowa | -8.458000 , 118.743500 |
Madamasa | -8.506300 , 118.760500 |
Mande Dua | -8.473800 , 118.748800 |
Mande Satu | -8.473800 , 118.746000 |
Manggemaci | -8.460000 , 118.732800 |
Melayu | -8.446400 , 118.725000 |
Menawi | -8.484900 , 118.711500 |
Monggonao | -8.458700 , 118.739100 |
Muhajirin | -8.444500 , 118.738800 |
Muhajirin | -8.482700 , 118.746000 |
Nae | -8.452400 , 118.733200 |
Naru | -8.478500 , 118.765900 |
Ndanonae | -8.440000 , 118.846000 |
Nggarokumbe | -8.481500 , 118.769300 |
Nggarolo | -8.462000 , 118.768800 |
Nggarote | -8.425800 , 118.734900 |
Ngodu | -8.467500 , 118.756800 |
Nitu Dua | -8.509500 , 118.756000 |
Nitu Satu | -8.507840 , 118.748390 |
Ntobo | -8.449800 , 118.779400 |
Nungga | -8.482900 , 118.793000 |
Nusantara | -8.456200 , 118.738500 |
Oifo'o Dua | -8.513100 , 118.771700 |
Oifo'o Satu | -8.503500 , 118.767900 |
Oimbo | -8.486500 , 118.774900 |
Pane | -8.456200 , 118.734000 |
Panggi | -8.480200 , 118.740400 |
Paruga | -8.454700 , 118.727600 |
Pelita | -8.446600 , 118.732800 |
Penanae | -8.460400 , 118.763800 |
Penaraga | -8.465700 , 118.757500 |
Penatoi | -8.462700 , 118.746300 |
Penatoi Timur | -8.462900 , 118.752700 |
Perintis | -8.476100 , 118.760400 |
Pisang | -8.470000 , 118.757400 |
Raba | -8.461300 , 118.747000 |
Rabantala | -8.452100 , 118.752800 |
Rade | -8.477400 , 118.767400 |
Rade | -8.481000 , 118.845600 |
Ranggo | -8.452900 , 118.730600 |
Rasabou | -8.432700 , 118.763900 |
Rasabou | -8.478800 , 118.768800 |
Rasalewi | -8.434800 , 118.752400 |
Rato | -8.474400 , 118.764900 |
Rato | -8.466400 , 118.760700 |
Rite | -8.457000 , 118.758800 |
Rontu | -8.479700 , 118.753900 |
Sabali | -8.479900 , 118.772700 |
Sadia | -8.469800 , 118.743300 |
Sadia Bank Tabungan Negara | -8.472200 , 118.740500 |
Sadia Satu | -8.465100 , 118.743400 |
Salama | -8.453800 , 118.737600 |
Saleko | -8.452900 , 118.726000 |
Sambinae | -8.475100 , 118.734300 |
Samporo | -8.464300 , 118.738400 |
Sanggopa | -8.365300 , 118.724300 |
Santi Barat | -8.454100 , 118.744300 |
Santi Timur | -8.453100 , 118.746000 |
Sapaga | -8.438200 , 118.750800 |
Sarae | -8.449900 , 118.728500 |
Soati | -8.357400 , 118.730200 |
Sokeu | -8.379400 , 118.718500 |
Soncolela | -8.446000 , 118.751700 |
Soncotengge | -8.468600 , 118.723100 |
Songgela | -8.422100 , 118.714500 |
Sori | -8.479300 , 118.821800 |
Sumbawa | -8.453700 , 118.722400 |
Suntu | -8.455400 , 118.729400 |
Tambana | -8.443000 , 118.737500 |
Tanjung | -8.452000 , 118.719900 |
Tato | -8.448800 , 118.738800 |
Temba | -8.475700 , 118.764400 |
Tere | -8.477900 , 118.764500 |
Timur | -8.474700 , 118.762900 |
Tolodara | -8.458400 , 118.727200 |
Tolotando | -8.455200 , 118.752800 |
Tolotangga | -8.438400 , 118.733400 |
Toloweri | -8.474900 , 118.805200 |
Ule | -8.426100 , 118.720800 |
Waibalu | -8.480200 , 118.750500 |
Waki | -8.461100 , 118.735600 |
Wangge | -8.506100 , 118.766300 |
Wenggo | -8.456700 , 118.768700 |
- You can download geometry data for Bima in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.