Download outline map of Banda Aceh (geojson format) :
Banda Aceh.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Banda Aceh map for "Google Maps" :
Banda Aceh.txt
Bounding Box for Banda Aceh Map : ( 5.480804 , 95.2771 , 5.60179 , 95.423317 )
Wikipedia ID for Banda Aceh : Q5779
Wikipedia SPARQL Query for Banda Aceh (population,elevation,area,lat,long, postal code,licence plate) :
SELECT ?population ?elevation ?area ?latitude ?longitude ?postal_code ?license_plate
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5779 wdt:P1082 ?population. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5779 wdt:P2044 ?elevation. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5779 wdt:P2046 ?area. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5779 wdt:P281 ?postal_code. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5779 wdt:P395 ?license_plate. }
wd:Q5779 p:P625 ?coordinate.
?coordinate psv:P625 ?coordinate_node.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLatitude ?latitude.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLongitude ?longitude.
Run this SPARQL Query on Wikidata Page (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Run this Query with SPARQL API
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Banda Aceh map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](5.480804, 95.2771, 5.60179, 95.423317);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Banda Aceh)
rel["name"="Banda Aceh"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Banda Aceh"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Banda Aceh
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Ajee | 5.515000 , 95.348100 |
Ajuanten | 5.525600 , 95.285200 |
Ana | 5.529300 , 95.402700 |
Apan | 5.513900 , 95.313900 |
Aron | 5.513300 , 95.311500 |
Aron | 5.554400 , 95.406100 |
Asoinongroi | 5.547500 , 95.298900 |
Ateuk Deah Tanoh | 5.542110 , 95.325280 |
Ateuk Jowo | 5.534600 , 95.324300 |
Ateuk Munjeng | 5.539030 , 95.322010 |
Ateukmunyengbatoh | 5.540100 , 95.331100 |
Babahjurong | 5.531300 , 95.384000 |
Bada | 5.504500 , 95.362200 |
Bahabang | 5.567000 , 95.379000 |
Bakot | 5.593500 , 95.370500 |
Bakoy | 5.526000 , 95.370800 |
Banda Aceh | 5.558804 , 95.328021 |
Bandajaya | 5.537200 , 95.313400 |
Berawi | 5.561000 , 95.341100 |
Binehblang | 5.524300 , 95.362800 |
Blang Krueng | 5.584900 , 95.371700 |
Blang Peureula | 5.574700 , 95.326200 |
Blanglambheue | 5.517800 , 95.308500 |
Blanglamblang | 5.510400 , 95.335400 |
Bolepukuk | 5.523500 , 95.359000 |
Bunggapot | 5.548900 , 95.390400 |
Bungmangeue | 5.529400 , 95.392700 |
Bungsidom | 5.518600 , 95.407600 |
Cot Lambueh | 5.552100 , 95.295000 |
Cot Mesjid | 5.534400 , 95.337600 |
Cotbatee | 5.544700 , 95.390500 |
Cotcut | 5.540900 , 95.380900 |
Cotmasam | 5.521900 , 95.404600 |
Cotpetano | 5.534200 , 95.381900 |
Cotpreh | 5.540700 , 95.405600 |
Cotpreh Pucuk | 5.540900 , 95.397400 |
Cotraya | 5.534300 , 95.387800 |
Cotraya | 5.554300 , 95.398800 |
Cotsireh | 5.541500 , 95.395600 |
Cucum | 5.552400 , 95.392000 |
Dol | 5.555800 , 95.355200 |
Eumperum | 5.534100 , 95.294800 |
Eungkieng | 5.522100 , 95.281600 |
Geucu | 5.534300 , 95.302500 |
Geueiniem | 5.532200 , 95.310000 |
Geundring | 5.509800 , 95.301500 |
Geupula | 5.559000 , 95.406000 |
Grot | 5.487500 , 95.324800 |
Gu Gajah | 5.509600 , 95.306400 |
Gue | 5.521700 , 95.397800 |
Gugajah | 5.509600 , 95.306400 |
Imasin | 5.559800 , 95.348400 |
Jeulingke | 5.577400 , 95.348300 |
Jeumpa | 5.508900 , 95.294700 |
Kajeeleu | 5.495300 , 95.356500 |
Kaluet | 5.503500 , 95.346700 |
Kampung Baru | 5.544400 , 95.305800 |
Kampung Blang | 5.551200 , 95.291000 |
Kampung Jawa | 5.570700 , 95.325000 |
Kampung Pande | 5.570300 , 95.317300 |
Kapelma | 5.572800 , 95.369800 |
Kayeeadang | 5.551000 , 95.417200 |
Kayejatoi | 5.531700 , 95.313100 |
Keutapangdua | 5.520400 , 95.307100 |
Kutakarang | 5.503300 , 95.323500 |
Lam Ara | 5.519600 , 95.310800 |
Lamacuheuen | 5.532200 , 95.405800 |
Lamalueraya | 5.561900 , 95.398100 |
Lamara | 5.579700 , 95.360200 |
Lamasam | 5.570400 , 95.397500 |
Lambaet | 5.526400 , 95.392500 |
Lambaro | 5.530800 , 95.391500 |
Lambaro | 5.555790 , 95.343850 |
Lambaro | 5.512400 , 95.356500 |
Lambatee | 5.490100 , 95.325600 |
Lambitra | 5.577900 , 95.390400 |
Lamblang | 5.585300 , 95.383300 |
Lamblang | 5.551400 , 95.418400 |
Lambleut | 5.493800 , 95.337400 |
Lambruk | 5.556000 , 95.348400 |
Lambueng | 5.554800 , 95.297800 |
Lambunot | 5.560500 , 95.414500 |
Lamceue | 5.540400 , 95.403800 |
Lamcot | 5.529300 , 95.335600 |
Lamdingin | 5.573000 , 95.328200 |
Lamdom | 5.530700 , 95.337500 |
Lamduruy | 5.575300 , 95.387300 |
Lamgeulumpang | 5.548400 , 95.357700 |
Lamjabat | 5.546800 , 95.306300 |
Lamjame | 5.541800 , 95.293500 |
Lamkawi | 5.500700 , 95.336300 |
Lamkeuba | 5.524000 , 95.338300 |
Lamkeunong | 5.572600 , 95.385300 |
Lamkunyet | 5.483330 , 95.316670 |
Lamlagang | 5.504600 , 95.339300 |
Lamlagong | 5.528000 , 95.313600 |
Lamlheue | 5.503000 , 95.340000 |
Lamngugoh | 5.566700 , 95.360100 |
Lamnyong | 5.570100 , 95.358600 |
Lampahjaban | 5.498100 , 95.340400 |
Lampaimai | 5.534100 , 95.364000 |
Lampaloh | 5.549400 , 95.329600 |
Lampanoih | 5.543000 , 95.396700 |
Lampante | 5.572000 , 95.320500 |
Lampasah | 5.569000 , 95.366000 |
Lampaseh Aceh | 5.558000 , 95.310200 |
Lampenurut | 5.516200 , 95.328200 |
Lampeuteueun | 5.496200 , 95.326300 |
Lampoeoe | 5.486800 , 95.326700 |
Lampoih Santan | 5.529900 , 95.357800 |
Lampoihja | 5.562000 , 95.388100 |
Lampu Daya | 5.539700 , 95.301400 |
Lampuku | 5.568800 , 95.391500 |
Lampulo | 5.576600 , 95.326500 |
Lampuuk | 5.570980 , 95.389540 |
Lamrabo | 5.544800 , 95.400500 |
Lamreh | 5.571900 , 95.398700 |
Lamreueng | 5.559700 , 95.364500 |
Lamreueng | 5.514400 , 95.336300 |
Lamroh | 5.557500 , 95.416100 |
Lamsabang | 5.559700 , 95.395700 |
Lamseukee | 5.525400 , 95.335600 |
Lamseunong | 5.550900 , 95.410200 |
Lamsitih | 5.500300 , 95.341200 |
Lamtado | 5.481900 , 95.328600 |
Lamteh | 5.552100 , 95.345200 |
Lamtehdaya | 5.506500 , 95.324100 |
Lamteubee | 5.560900 , 95.407400 |
Lamteumen | 5.529800 , 95.304500 |
Lamtimpueng | 5.565400 , 95.385800 |
Lamtrieng | 5.547500 , 95.404300 |
Lamtrieng | 5.534600 , 95.342200 |
Lamtueumeuraue | 5.528000 , 95.399800 |
Lamujong | 5.547700 , 95.363400 |
Lamujong | 5.564900 , 95.391200 |
Langaway | 5.568800 , 95.395900 |
Leungeu | 5.493800 , 95.328700 |
Leupeung | 5.560500 , 95.372400 |
Leupueng | 5.565200 , 95.400700 |
Lhang | 5.493500 , 95.323000 |
Lieue | 5.580500 , 95.392300 |
Limpok | 5.563500 , 95.371700 |
Longapang | 5.553200 , 95.364000 |
Longraya | 5.526700 , 95.318800 |
Lubukbatu | 5.519800 , 95.360800 |
Lueng Ie | 5.554500 , 95.368500 |
Luengbata | 5.542700 , 95.338600 |
Mata Ie | 5.527800 , 95.334730 |
Mataie | 5.495700 , 95.307100 |
Menaralongcut | 5.522700 , 95.308300 |
Meunasah | 5.509300 , 95.315800 |
Meunasah Batrieng | 5.535800 , 95.391300 |
Meunasah Manyang | 5.532000 , 95.355800 |
Meunasah Reuloh | 5.508800 , 95.348500 |
Meunasahbaro | 5.516800 , 95.364800 |
Meunasahkrueng | 5.528700 , 95.360800 |
Meunasahmanyang | 5.550600 , 95.369800 |
Meunasahmanyang | 5.523800 , 95.371000 |
Mibo | 5.523900 , 95.315500 |
Miruek | 5.537100 , 95.358400 |
Monbruk | 5.538800 , 95.368600 |
Neuso | 5.490700 , 95.342100 |
Neusu Aceh | 5.541200 , 95.319300 |
Pangodeah | 5.538300 , 95.351200 |
Pangoraya | 5.544200 , 95.350200 |
Paya Beureubam | 5.522100 , 95.336000 |
Payaaro | 5.507000 , 95.320300 |
Peah | 5.519000 , 95.366600 |
Penyaurat | 5.529700 , 95.324500 |
Peukanateuk | 5.533800 , 95.395800 |
Peurada | 5.572300 , 95.349300 |
Pineung | 5.567800 , 95.349300 |
Ponte | 5.525600 , 95.364900 |
Prumpueng | 5.567600 , 95.377400 |
Pume Rayeuk | 5.505400 , 95.307900 |
Punge Ujong | 5.551000 , 95.303700 |
Pungeekeubeue | 5.551800 , 95.300200 |
Puniecut | 5.513100 , 95.309500 |
Rabue Brangang | 5.545400 , 95.394000 |
Rukoh | 5.577700 , 95.362200 |
Rumpet | 5.552200 , 95.369400 |
Rungkup | 5.570300 , 95.383700 |
Salaue | 5.583300 , 95.384500 |
Siron | 5.513200 , 95.363400 |
Surien | 5.541700 , 95.296800 |
Tanjong | 5.532300 , 95.345600 |
Tanjung Deah | 5.577000 , 95.376100 |
Tanjung Selamat | 5.574500 , 95.373500 |
Tibang | 5.581800 , 95.350000 |
Timpo | 5.524400 , 95.392600 |
Tingkem | 5.512100 , 95.319800 |
Ujong | 5.555400 , 95.285600 |
Ujong Krueng | 5.574300 , 95.348400 |
Ulee Kareng | 5.551000 , 95.355800 |
Uleelheue | 5.555800 , 95.284300 |
Uleelheueblang | 5.562548 , 95.291976 |
Uleelueng | 5.505700 , 95.312100 |
Uleue Pata | 5.537100 , 95.292200 |
- You can download geometry data for Banda Aceh in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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