Banda Aceh (Aceh) Map Cropping Samples

Banda Aceh (Aceh) Map Cropping Samples-1
Banda Aceh (Aceh) Map Cropping Samples-1

Banda Aceh (Aceh) Map Cropping Samples-2
Banda Aceh (Aceh) Map Cropping Samples-2

Banda Aceh neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect
Banda Aceh neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Banda Aceh with 3D shadow effect
flag map of Banda Aceh with 3D shadow effect

Banda Aceh map with 3d shadow effect
Banda Aceh map with 3d shadow effect

Create and download free physical and topographic maps for Banda Aceh.

Download outline map of Banda Aceh (geojson format) : Banda Aceh.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Banda Aceh map for "Google Maps" : Banda Aceh.txt
Bounding Box for Banda Aceh Map : ( 5.480804 , 95.2771 , 5.60179 , 95.423317 )
Wikipedia ID for Banda Aceh : Q5779
Wikipedia SPARQL Query for Banda Aceh (population,elevation,area,lat,long, postal code,licence plate) :
SELECT ?population ?elevation ?area ?latitude ?longitude ?postal_code ?license_plate
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5779 wdt:P1082 ?population. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5779 wdt:P2044 ?elevation. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5779 wdt:P2046 ?area. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5779 wdt:P281 ?postal_code. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q5779 wdt:P395 ?license_plate. }
wd:Q5779 p:P625 ?coordinate.
?coordinate psv:P625 ?coordinate_node.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLatitude ?latitude.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLongitude ?longitude.

Run this SPARQL Query on Wikidata Page (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Run this Query with SPARQL API

Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Banda Aceh map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](5.480804, 95.2771, 5.60179, 95.423317);
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Banda Aceh)
rel["name"="Banda Aceh"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Banda Aceh"][type=boundary];
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Neighborhoods and Villages of Banda Aceh
Neighborhoods and VillagesCoordinates (Latitude, Longitude)
Ajee 5.515000 , 95.348100
Ajuanten 5.525600 , 95.285200
Ana 5.529300 , 95.402700
Apan 5.513900 , 95.313900
Aron 5.513300 , 95.311500
Aron 5.554400 , 95.406100
Asoinongroi 5.547500 , 95.298900
Ateuk Deah Tanoh 5.542110 , 95.325280
Ateuk Jowo 5.534600 , 95.324300
Ateuk Munjeng 5.539030 , 95.322010
Ateukmunyengbatoh 5.540100 , 95.331100
Babahjurong 5.531300 , 95.384000
Bada 5.504500 , 95.362200
Bahabang 5.567000 , 95.379000
Bakot 5.593500 , 95.370500
Bakoy 5.526000 , 95.370800
Banda Aceh 5.558804 , 95.328021
Bandajaya 5.537200 , 95.313400
Berawi 5.561000 , 95.341100
Binehblang 5.524300 , 95.362800
Blang Krueng 5.584900 , 95.371700
Blang Peureula 5.574700 , 95.326200
Blanglambheue 5.517800 , 95.308500
Blanglamblang 5.510400 , 95.335400
Bolepukuk 5.523500 , 95.359000
Bunggapot 5.548900 , 95.390400
Bungmangeue 5.529400 , 95.392700
Bungsidom 5.518600 , 95.407600
Cot Lambueh 5.552100 , 95.295000
Cot Mesjid 5.534400 , 95.337600
Cotbatee 5.544700 , 95.390500
Cotcut 5.540900 , 95.380900
Cotmasam 5.521900 , 95.404600
Cotpetano 5.534200 , 95.381900
Cotpreh 5.540700 , 95.405600
Cotpreh Pucuk 5.540900 , 95.397400
Cotraya 5.534300 , 95.387800
Cotraya 5.554300 , 95.398800
Cotsireh 5.541500 , 95.395600
Cucum 5.552400 , 95.392000
Dol 5.555800 , 95.355200
Eumperum 5.534100 , 95.294800
Eungkieng 5.522100 , 95.281600
Geucu 5.534300 , 95.302500
Geueiniem 5.532200 , 95.310000
Geundring 5.509800 , 95.301500
Geupula 5.559000 , 95.406000
Grot 5.487500 , 95.324800
Gu Gajah 5.509600 , 95.306400
Gue 5.521700 , 95.397800
Gugajah 5.509600 , 95.306400
Imasin 5.559800 , 95.348400
Jeulingke 5.577400 , 95.348300
Jeumpa 5.508900 , 95.294700
Kajeeleu 5.495300 , 95.356500
Kaluet 5.503500 , 95.346700
Kampung Baru 5.544400 , 95.305800
Kampung Blang 5.551200 , 95.291000
Kampung Jawa 5.570700 , 95.325000
Kampung Pande 5.570300 , 95.317300
Kapelma 5.572800 , 95.369800
Kayeeadang 5.551000 , 95.417200
Kayejatoi 5.531700 , 95.313100
Keutapangdua 5.520400 , 95.307100
Kutakarang 5.503300 , 95.323500
Lam Ara 5.519600 , 95.310800
Lamacuheuen 5.532200 , 95.405800
Lamalueraya 5.561900 , 95.398100
Lamara 5.579700 , 95.360200
Lamasam 5.570400 , 95.397500
Lambaet 5.526400 , 95.392500
Lambaro 5.530800 , 95.391500
Lambaro 5.555790 , 95.343850
Lambaro 5.512400 , 95.356500
Lambatee 5.490100 , 95.325600
Lambitra 5.577900 , 95.390400
Lamblang 5.585300 , 95.383300
Lamblang 5.551400 , 95.418400
Lambleut 5.493800 , 95.337400
Lambruk 5.556000 , 95.348400
Lambueng 5.554800 , 95.297800
Lambunot 5.560500 , 95.414500
Lamceue 5.540400 , 95.403800
Lamcot 5.529300 , 95.335600
Lamdingin 5.573000 , 95.328200
Lamdom 5.530700 , 95.337500
Lamduruy 5.575300 , 95.387300
Lamgeulumpang 5.548400 , 95.357700
Lamjabat 5.546800 , 95.306300
Lamjame 5.541800 , 95.293500
Lamkawi 5.500700 , 95.336300
Lamkeuba 5.524000 , 95.338300
Lamkeunong 5.572600 , 95.385300
Lamkunyet 5.483330 , 95.316670
Lamlagang 5.504600 , 95.339300
Lamlagong 5.528000 , 95.313600
Lamlheue 5.503000 , 95.340000
Lamngugoh 5.566700 , 95.360100
Lamnyong 5.570100 , 95.358600
Lampahjaban 5.498100 , 95.340400
Lampaimai 5.534100 , 95.364000
Lampaloh 5.549400 , 95.329600
Lampanoih 5.543000 , 95.396700
Lampante 5.572000 , 95.320500
Lampasah 5.569000 , 95.366000
Lampaseh Aceh 5.558000 , 95.310200
Lampenurut 5.516200 , 95.328200
Lampeuteueun 5.496200 , 95.326300
Lampoeoe 5.486800 , 95.326700
Lampoih Santan 5.529900 , 95.357800
Lampoihja 5.562000 , 95.388100
Lampu Daya 5.539700 , 95.301400
Lampuku 5.568800 , 95.391500
Lampulo 5.576600 , 95.326500
Lampuuk 5.570980 , 95.389540
Lamrabo 5.544800 , 95.400500
Lamreh 5.571900 , 95.398700
Lamreueng 5.559700 , 95.364500
Lamreueng 5.514400 , 95.336300
Lamroh 5.557500 , 95.416100
Lamsabang 5.559700 , 95.395700
Lamseukee 5.525400 , 95.335600
Lamseunong 5.550900 , 95.410200
Lamsitih 5.500300 , 95.341200
Lamtado 5.481900 , 95.328600
Lamteh 5.552100 , 95.345200
Lamtehdaya 5.506500 , 95.324100
Lamteubee 5.560900 , 95.407400
Lamteumen 5.529800 , 95.304500
Lamtimpueng 5.565400 , 95.385800
Lamtrieng 5.547500 , 95.404300
Lamtrieng 5.534600 , 95.342200
Lamtueumeuraue 5.528000 , 95.399800
Lamujong 5.547700 , 95.363400
Lamujong 5.564900 , 95.391200
Langaway 5.568800 , 95.395900
Leungeu 5.493800 , 95.328700
Leupeung 5.560500 , 95.372400
Leupueng 5.565200 , 95.400700
Lhang 5.493500 , 95.323000
Lieue 5.580500 , 95.392300
Limpok 5.563500 , 95.371700
Longapang 5.553200 , 95.364000
Longraya 5.526700 , 95.318800
Lubukbatu 5.519800 , 95.360800
Lueng Ie 5.554500 , 95.368500
Luengbata 5.542700 , 95.338600
Mata Ie 5.527800 , 95.334730
Mataie 5.495700 , 95.307100
Menaralongcut 5.522700 , 95.308300
Meunasah 5.509300 , 95.315800
Meunasah Batrieng 5.535800 , 95.391300
Meunasah Manyang 5.532000 , 95.355800
Meunasah Reuloh 5.508800 , 95.348500
Meunasahbaro 5.516800 , 95.364800
Meunasahkrueng 5.528700 , 95.360800
Meunasahmanyang 5.550600 , 95.369800
Meunasahmanyang 5.523800 , 95.371000
Mibo 5.523900 , 95.315500
Miruek 5.537100 , 95.358400
Monbruk 5.538800 , 95.368600
Neuso 5.490700 , 95.342100
Neusu Aceh 5.541200 , 95.319300
Pangodeah 5.538300 , 95.351200
Pangoraya 5.544200 , 95.350200
Paya Beureubam 5.522100 , 95.336000
Payaaro 5.507000 , 95.320300
Peah 5.519000 , 95.366600
Penyaurat 5.529700 , 95.324500
Peukanateuk 5.533800 , 95.395800
Peurada 5.572300 , 95.349300
Pineung 5.567800 , 95.349300
Ponte 5.525600 , 95.364900
Prumpueng 5.567600 , 95.377400
Pume Rayeuk 5.505400 , 95.307900
Punge Ujong 5.551000 , 95.303700
Pungeekeubeue 5.551800 , 95.300200
Puniecut 5.513100 , 95.309500
Rabue Brangang 5.545400 , 95.394000
Rukoh 5.577700 , 95.362200
Rumpet 5.552200 , 95.369400
Rungkup 5.570300 , 95.383700
Salaue 5.583300 , 95.384500
Siron 5.513200 , 95.363400
Surien 5.541700 , 95.296800
Tanjong 5.532300 , 95.345600
Tanjung Deah 5.577000 , 95.376100
Tanjung Selamat 5.574500 , 95.373500
Tibang 5.581800 , 95.350000
Timpo 5.524400 , 95.392600
Tingkem 5.512100 , 95.319800
Ujong 5.555400 , 95.285600
Ujong Krueng 5.574300 , 95.348400
Ulee Kareng 5.551000 , 95.355800
Uleelheue 5.555800 , 95.284300
Uleelheueblang 5.562548 , 95.291976
Uleelueng 5.505700 , 95.312100
Uleue Pata 5.537100 , 95.292200

- You can download geometry data for Banda Aceh in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**) Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.

Create Banda Aceh neighborhoods and villages map.

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