Gorontalo (Gorontalo) Map Cropping Samples

Gorontalo (Gorontalo) Map Cropping Samples-1

Gorontalo (Gorontalo) Map Cropping Samples-2

Gorontalo neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Gorontalo with 3D shadow effect

Gorontalo map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Gorontalo (geojson format) :
Gorontalo.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Gorontalo map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Gorontalo Map : ( 0.445788 , 123.012032 , 0.639102 , 123.178757 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Gorontalo map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](0.445788, 123.012032, 0.639102, 123.178757);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Gorontalo)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Gorontalo
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Airpanas | 0.521000 , 123.150400 |
Alale | 0.531200 , 123.163700 |
Alibotu | 0.550100 , 123.028800 |
Alitalango | 0.553600 , 123.095500 |
Alumbango | 0.597200 , 123.099600 |
Alumbango | 0.577400 , 123.102300 |
Asamjawa | 0.566300 , 123.101500 |
Bambua | 0.592400 , 123.109500 |
Batato | 0.506600 , 123.055700 |
Batutela | 0.587800 , 123.043600 |
Batuwonggubo | 0.534600 , 123.143300 |
Beledata | 0.597900 , 123.080600 |
Biawao | 0.538400 , 123.059000 |
Biawu | 0.534400 , 123.055200 |
Biawu | 0.617200 , 123.089500 |
Biluanga | 0.612700 , 123.086400 |
Biluango | 0.506600 , 123.133900 |
Biluludu | 0.542800 , 123.141700 |
Binggele | 0.521400 , 123.160000 |
Bintaladulaa | 0.598500 , 123.097400 |
Bintalahe | 0.589900 , 123.113700 |
Boidu | 0.577000 , 123.142300 |
Bone | 0.550000 , 123.133330 |
Bonggoime | 0.574700 , 123.115900 |
Botu | 0.602800 , 123.082100 |
Botu | 0.527900 , 123.077400 |
Buata | 0.528900 , 123.085100 |
Bubebaru | 0.542400 , 123.132800 |
Bugis | 0.533300 , 123.060200 |
Buladu | 0.551400 , 123.031500 |
Bulatadaa Timur | 0.586900 , 123.065000 |
Buliide | 0.540800 , 123.037300 |
Bulobulonta | 0.538400 , 123.140200 |
Butaalea | 0.606300 , 123.080300 |
Butu | 0.595300 , 123.098100 |
Dembe Dua | 0.554800 , 123.079900 |
Donggala | 0.531600 , 123.051500 |
Duano Tengah | 0.532900 , 123.158700 |
Dudepo | 0.584900 , 123.108400 |
Dulalowo | 0.560300 , 123.053700 |
Dulomo | 0.581200 , 123.073300 |
Dulomo | 0.548400 , 123.021900 |
Dulomo Selatan | 0.598744 , 123.140259 |
Dumati | 0.630100 , 123.111500 |
Durian | 0.596000 , 123.075900 |
Gorontalo | 0.550213 , 123.049035 |
Heledulaa | 0.547100 , 123.066600 |
Heledulaa Selatan | 0.540500 , 123.064000 |
Helumo | 0.551100 , 123.136500 |
Hulia | 0.446900 , 123.177900 |
Huntongo | 0.537600 , 123.130600 |
Huntu Selatan | 0.590800 , 123.080400 |
Ilengi | 0.592700 , 123.055900 |
Iloluneta | 0.554200 , 123.102300 |
Ilomata | 0.551100 , 123.099500 |
Ipilo | 0.532300 , 123.064600 |
Kadera | 0.563400 , 123.095300 |
Kaumu | 0.566100 , 123.107500 |
Kiki | 0.522000 , 123.123500 |
Kintali | 0.572100 , 123.128500 |
Kintali | 0.601600 , 123.098000 |
Kopi | 0.522900 , 123.130100 |
Lekobalo | 0.547800 , 123.017100 |
Lembongo | 0.533330 , 123.166670 |
Liluwo | 0.564900 , 123.052900 |
Limba B | 0.542800 , 123.055600 |
Limba U Dua | 0.550200 , 123.055500 |
Limba U Satu | 0.545700 , 123.061000 |
Limehu | 0.532300 , 123.148900 |
Lompotoo | 0.566670 , 123.166670 |
Lonuo | 0.585900 , 123.120400 |
Lotu | 0.536800 , 123.157300 |
Loyo | 0.522500 , 123.117900 |
Lumbaya | 0.530200 , 123.146400 |
Lumbaya | 0.607200 , 123.088700 |
Luwohu | 0.528000 , 123.100300 |
Manawa | 0.524200 , 123.115800 |
Molontiopo | 0.582100 , 123.109000 |
Molosipat W | 0.550400 , 123.043200 |
Molosipatu | 0.579400 , 123.053700 |
Molowahu | 0.601200 , 123.078200 |
Mootindapo | 0.530500 , 123.139800 |
Mosayango | 0.629100 , 123.102800 |
Motoduwo | 0.551800 , 123.028500 |
Moutong | 0.559700 , 123.123300 |
Olibulia | 0.559000 , 123.086700 |
Oluhuta | 0.541500 , 123.099100 |
Oyiledaata | 0.572000 , 123.134900 |
Padebuolo | 0.542000 , 123.067900 |
Padengo | 0.540900 , 123.104900 |
Paguyaman | 0.568200 , 123.054400 |
Pala | 0.596200 , 123.071100 |
Pangimba | 0.537300 , 123.135800 |
Patali | 0.582900 , 123.044100 |
Pauwo | 0.536900 , 123.087400 |
Perintis | 0.551900 , 123.143200 |
Pertemuan | 0.579800 , 123.038200 |
Peyapata | 0.578700 , 123.129600 |
Pilolodaa | 0.545200 , 123.027500 |
Podudupa | 0.533500 , 123.129900 |
Pohe | 0.504300 , 123.050700 |
Poowo | 0.594900 , 123.057800 |
Popodu | 0.609200 , 123.085500 |
Potabohengo | 0.532000 , 123.154600 |
Potanga | 0.520600 , 123.140500 |
Potiwumbua | 0.526600 , 123.138500 |
Potiwunduwa | 0.534800 , 123.147600 |
Pulubala | 0.571600 , 123.047200 |
Puntu | 0.596200 , 123.088800 |
Ratuwangi | 0.558200 , 123.103400 |
Rumbia | 0.600300 , 123.073400 |
Sandawule | 0.517700 , 123.159200 |
Siendeng | 0.524100 , 123.057600 |
Suwawa | 0.558707 , 123.147612 |
Suwawa | 0.532500 , 123.146940 |
Talumolo | 0.518000 , 123.064400 |
Talumopatu | 0.600000 , 123.083330 |
Tamalate | 0.539800 , 123.078400 |
Tapa | 0.576600 , 123.053200 |
Tenda | 0.517600 , 123.060500 |
Tenilo | 0.536400 , 123.046400 |
Tibawa | 0.614200 , 123.083300 |
Tibawa | 0.534700 , 123.124900 |
Tilongkabila | 0.570571 , 123.124476 |
Timbuolo | 0.524500 , 123.108200 |
Toliango | 0.624300 , 123.095800 |
Toluwaya | 0.607000 , 123.084500 |
Tomulabutao | 0.571200 , 123.039900 |
Tumbihe | 0.542300 , 123.091200 |
Tunggulo | 0.585800 , 123.043800 |
Tutumoto | 0.595300 , 123.112200 |
Ulanta | 0.564300 , 123.149700 |
Upo | 0.603300 , 123.075200 |
Waolo | 0.461100 , 123.160500 |
Wongkaditi Barat | 0.564100 , 123.076800 |
Wumialo | 0.563200 , 123.047700 |
Yilantala | 0.531800 , 123.134700 |
- You can download geometry data for Gorontalo in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.