Port-Salut (Sud) Map Cropping Samples

Port-Salut (Sud) Map Cropping Samples-1

Port-Salut neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Port-Salut with 3D shadow effect

Port-Salut map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Port-Salut (geojson format) :
Port-Salut.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Port-Salut map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Port-Salut Map : ( 18.022139955 , -73.9498365839 , 18.195028339 , -73.782878082 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Port-Salut map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](18.022139955, -73.9498365839, 18.195028339, -73.782878082);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Port-Salut)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Port-Salut
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abacou | 18.038060 , -73.792500 |
Antoine | 18.126390 , -73.901110 |
Arniquet | 18.116670 , -73.916670 |
Arniquet | 18.146350 , -73.875030 |
Aux Ravines | 18.050000 , -73.850000 |
Balice | 18.031670 , -73.860830 |
Balix | 18.050000 , -73.850000 |
Barbois | 18.104170 , -73.891390 |
Bassin | 18.138890 , -73.893330 |
Beaudouin | 18.116670 , -73.866670 |
Bel Air | 18.084540 , -73.847240 |
Bellote | 18.103890 , -73.875000 |
Berger | 18.151390 , -73.928890 |
Bergerac | 18.113660 , -73.930180 |
Berlotte | 18.100000 , -73.866670 |
Binto | 18.125900 , -73.922110 |
Boudou | 18.112410 , -73.883490 |
Boudou | 18.083330 , -73.883330 |
Boury | 18.073060 , -73.866670 |
Boyer | 18.057630 , -73.806710 |
Briere | 18.110000 , -73.853330 |
Brieux | 18.104570 , -73.853490 |
Briller | 18.116670 , -73.850000 |
Buteau | 18.100280 , -73.931110 |
Ca Charlotte | 18.045550 , -73.881660 |
Ca Gauthier | 18.114440 , -73.923330 |
Ca Jean Boule | 18.042650 , -73.814190 |
Ca Vilason | 18.037570 , -73.791490 |
Caloban | 18.025560 , -73.813890 |
Camori | 18.156110 , -73.944170 |
Campeche | 18.116670 , -73.900000 |
Canard | 18.131940 , -73.885280 |
Canard | 18.118060 , -73.888610 |
Canette | 18.101390 , -73.845000 |
Canrete | 18.104720 , -73.881940 |
Castable | 18.146670 , -73.934440 |
Cazeau | 18.151110 , -73.888060 |
Chabe | 18.166670 , -73.933330 |
Chateau | 18.166670 , -73.916670 |
Chiedent | 18.026390 , -73.869170 |
Civil | 18.128890 , -73.866390 |
Colette | 18.058890 , -73.822780 |
Corail | 18.136940 , -73.870000 |
Coteaux | 18.062940 , -73.808590 |
Crabier | 18.066670 , -73.816670 |
Darbouze | 18.060060 , -73.885330 |
Debouchette | 18.083330 , -73.866670 |
Deronceray | 18.050000 , -73.866670 |
Desglacis | 18.144720 , -73.911940 |
Diloney | 18.183330 , -73.933330 |
Douyette | 18.050000 , -73.816670 |
Douyon | 18.116670 , -73.883330 |
Doyon | 18.133330 , -73.916670 |
Dubois | 18.141110 , -73.883610 |
Duclerc | 18.182920 , -73.929280 |
Dumeau | 18.132220 , -73.913060 |
Dumond | 18.055760 , -73.872900 |
Dupin | 18.088610 , -73.921110 |
En Haut Ravine | 18.043330 , -73.862500 |
Fable | 18.083330 , -73.883330 |
Fabre | 18.083330 , -73.866670 |
Favette | 18.116670 , -73.933330 |
Fouron | 18.115000 , -73.869170 |
Fourrien | 18.053610 , -73.858890 |
Gaspard | 18.075330 , -73.822710 |
Georges | 18.183330 , -73.933330 |
Germain | 18.083330 , -73.900000 |
Griffon | 18.154170 , -73.881390 |
Henry | 18.150000 , -73.883330 |
Jaboin | 18.067900 , -73.855710 |
Jeantillon | 18.136110 , -73.919720 |
Joute | 18.114790 , -73.852170 |
La Ferme | 18.181790 , -73.934290 |
La Force | 18.083330 , -73.900000 |
La Grousse | 18.109170 , -73.905560 |
La Hatte | 18.148890 , -73.873610 |
La Hatte | 18.183330 , -73.916670 |
La Source | 18.071420 , -73.900600 |
La Source | 18.070230 , -73.897670 |
La Vigie | 18.111390 , -73.875000 |
Lafrance | 18.133330 , -73.883330 |
Lebon | 18.117220 , -73.936390 |
Louroux | 18.157590 , -73.922120 |
Macabe | 18.076940 , -73.880830 |
Macaya | 18.094440 , -73.903610 |
Macaya | 18.150000 , -73.916670 |
Madame l'Estere | 18.032690 , -73.809590 |
Magna | 18.133330 , -73.900000 |
Maillard | 18.146940 , -73.887220 |
Marche a Terre | 18.029920 , -73.886880 |
Mareau | 18.088610 , -73.849170 |
Marshall | 18.138330 , -73.927780 |
Martin | 18.024720 , -73.805280 |
Masson | 18.086310 , -73.870990 |
Mauras | 18.159440 , -73.928610 |
Mergere | 18.050000 , -73.816670 |
Mont Gerard | 18.135000 , -73.902780 |
Morasse | 18.166670 , -73.916670 |
Morne | 18.133330 , -73.900000 |
Mulette | 18.055700 , -73.847000 |
Nagossi | 18.123060 , -73.872500 |
Nan Bois | 18.144560 , -73.938500 |
Nan Cajou | 18.165000 , -73.941390 |
Nan Confort | 18.049440 , -73.823330 |
Nan Crapaud | 18.038890 , -73.843330 |
Nan Diamant | 18.046670 , -73.832220 |
Nan Dupin | 18.108390 , -73.930730 |
Nan Garde | 18.028910 , -73.860310 |
Nan Montasse | 18.036050 , -73.882710 |
Nan Mouine | 18.047220 , -73.797220 |
Nan Recif | 18.028890 , -73.847220 |
Nan Rue | 18.127290 , -73.937100 |
Palanque | 18.119720 , -73.907500 |
Passe | 18.123330 , -73.856110 |
Petite Riviere | 18.093890 , -73.841670 |
Pierre Louis | 18.144440 , -73.928060 |
Pinot | 18.155830 , -73.901670 |
Planyac | 18.066670 , -73.883330 |
Port a Nanette | 18.026830 , -73.820830 |
Port a Nannette | 18.050000 , -73.833330 |
Port-Salut | 18.077000 , -73.917280 |
Premier | 18.131670 , -73.873330 |
Pyrame | 18.183330 , -73.916670 |
Ravette | 18.140280 , -73.910000 |
Rivage | 18.083330 , -73.850000 |
Robert | 18.066670 , -73.850000 |
Romain | 18.130560 , -73.898060 |
Rossignol | 18.100000 , -73.900000 |
Saint-Dic | 18.183330 , -73.916670 |
Saintable | 18.166670 , -73.933330 |
Salomon | 18.100000 , -73.866670 |
Scipion | 18.065970 , -73.909270 |
Sejour | 18.092190 , -73.873450 |
Somate | 18.067500 , -73.826940 |
St.-Jean du Sud | 18.083330 , -73.816670 |
Sterlin | 18.083330 , -73.850000 |
Tampis | 18.144170 , -73.901670 |
Tapion | 18.100000 , -73.850000 |
Terre Rouge | 18.029980 , -73.829610 |
Trou Palouse | 18.049290 , -73.795340 |
Trouillac | 18.093340 , -73.925650 |
Vague | 18.133330 , -73.883330 |
Valentin | 18.150000 , -73.883330 |
Vancol | 18.154440 , -73.906940 |
Verdun | 18.091320 , -73.892680 |
Viard | 18.104440 , -73.865000 |
- You can download geometry data for Port-Salut in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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