Aquin (Sud) Map Cropping Samples

Aquin (Sud) Map Cropping Samples-1

Aquin (Sud) Map Cropping Samples-2

Aquin neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Aquin with 3D shadow effect

Aquin map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Aquin (geojson format) :
Aquin.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Aquin map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Aquin Map : ( 18.181608872 , -73.6989420056 , 18.4320749149 , -73.0062644166 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Aquin map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](18.181608872, -73.6989420056, 18.4320749149, -73.0062644166);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Aquin)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Aquin
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Adonis | 18.300000 , -73.166670 |
Aidon | 18.300000 , -73.383330 |
Alegre | 18.333330 , -73.283330 |
Altian | 18.283330 , -73.533330 |
Anglade | 18.250770 , -73.525900 |
Aquin | 18.283330 , -73.400000 |
Argan | 18.400000 , -73.600000 |
Attis | 18.316670 , -73.416670 |
Aubain | 18.350000 , -73.583330 |
Balangnin | 18.294880 , -73.136990 |
Balou | 18.383330 , -73.550000 |
Bambou | 18.397710 , -73.678770 |
Baptiste | 18.291400 , -73.286170 |
Bas Dufort | 18.256770 , -73.573450 |
Basse Terre | 18.293020 , -73.307010 |
Bassin Caiman | 18.283330 , -73.183330 |
Bedo | 18.282120 , -73.653290 |
Bel Air | 18.200000 , -73.050000 |
Bel-Air | 18.316670 , -73.150000 |
Belair | 18.316670 , -73.383330 |
Belgarde | 18.316670 , -73.266670 |
Bellade | 18.300000 , -73.133330 |
Belle Hotesse | 18.416670 , -73.633330 |
Belle Hotesse | 18.316670 , -73.516670 |
Bellegarde | 18.316670 , -73.133330 |
Bellegarde | 18.316670 , -73.166670 |
Bellevue | 18.316670 , -73.316670 |
Bellevue | 18.331270 , -73.320770 |
Bellevue | 18.283330 , -73.533330 |
Bellevue | 18.400000 , -73.616670 |
Belloteste | 18.383890 , -73.656670 |
Bercy | 18.366670 , -73.666670 |
Bere | 18.254730 , -73.613310 |
Berette | 18.374440 , -73.668330 |
Bernadel | 18.308930 , -73.143040 |
Berret | 18.400000 , -73.650000 |
Beucard | 18.350000 , -73.166670 |
Bisserette | 18.216670 , -73.150000 |
Biston | 18.401390 , -73.568060 |
Black | 18.266670 , -73.500000 |
Blaise | 18.333330 , -73.133330 |
Bobis | 18.403610 , -73.587780 |
Boidine | 18.333330 , -73.266670 |
Boileau | 18.283330 , -73.650000 |
Boirond | 18.303920 , -73.185520 |
Boirond | 18.316670 , -73.433330 |
Boirond | 18.283330 , -73.416670 |
Bois Blanc | 18.283330 , -73.433330 |
Bois d'Orme | 18.216670 , -73.183330 |
Bois Rond | 18.333330 , -73.350000 |
Boisdine | 18.333330 , -73.333330 |
Boisrond | 18.300000 , -73.150000 |
Bonne Fin | 18.391630 , -73.612180 |
Bonnefi | 18.316670 , -73.233330 |
Bonodeau | 18.283330 , -73.650000 |
Bontemps | 18.336810 , -73.352620 |
Bory | 18.400000 , -73.600000 |
Bosse | 18.316670 , -73.200000 |
Boucan | 18.333330 , -73.516670 |
Boucan Mapou | 18.300550 , -73.288540 |
Boudary | 18.200000 , -73.050000 |
Bouese | 18.300000 , -73.200000 |
Boule | 18.250000 , -73.533330 |
Bousson | 18.300000 , -73.366670 |
Briand | 18.338120 , -73.160470 |
Briant | 18.316670 , -73.400000 |
Brodequin | 18.283770 , -73.426500 |
Brodequin | 18.400000 , -73.683330 |
Buris | 18.395840 , -73.620230 |
Ca Folie | 18.252150 , -73.505140 |
Ca Roi | 18.332950 , -73.213840 |
Ca Roi | 18.350000 , -73.216670 |
Ca Rosier | 18.277440 , -73.672400 |
Ca Roy | 18.266670 , -73.650000 |
Cabaret | 18.333330 , -73.583330 |
Cabosse | 18.316670 , -73.200000 |
Cacique | 18.288260 , -73.103160 |
Caducou | 18.420280 , -73.617780 |
Caimite | 18.300000 , -73.183330 |
Capin | 18.300000 , -73.116670 |
Careme | 18.307160 , -73.465480 |
Caroline | 18.343290 , -73.141530 |
Carrefour Gras | 18.366670 , -73.616670 |
Carrefour Libo | 18.400000 , -73.583330 |
Carrefour Losandieu | 18.233330 , -73.283330 |
Carrefour Quarante-Quatre | 18.300000 , -73.316670 |
Cassamajor | 18.283330 , -73.600000 |
Cassignol | 18.333330 , -73.666670 |
Cassignol | 18.383330 , -73.650000 |
Cavaillon | 18.300000 , -73.650000 |
Challeau | 18.300000 , -73.500000 |
Charles Roy | 18.350000 , -73.566670 |
Chaterie | 18.300000 , -73.600000 |
Cherette | 18.288590 , -73.518780 |
Christine | 18.283330 , -73.666670 |
Christophe colomb school | 18.273570 , -73.116360 |
Claude | 18.316670 , -73.400000 |
Clement | 18.300000 , -73.583330 |
Clonard | 18.346430 , -73.672420 |
Cocoyer | 18.392500 , -73.638060 |
Colas | 18.316670 , -73.150000 |
Coma | 18.316670 , -73.250000 |
Coq | 18.237590 , -73.583530 |
Coquille | 18.233330 , -73.233330 |
Corail | 18.400000 , -73.633330 |
Corail | 18.283330 , -73.500000 |
Corail | 18.350000 , -73.116670 |
Corail Desbas | 18.333330 , -73.350000 |
Corail Henry | 18.346220 , -73.582370 |
Corail Lherisson | 18.227040 , -73.033320 |
Corail-Henry | 18.296620 , -73.555260 |
Cousson | 18.233330 , -73.150000 |
Crapa | 18.300000 , -73.616670 |
Cyrille | 18.251640 , -73.630360 |
Dabon | 18.300000 , -73.300000 |
Dagou | 18.426390 , -73.641110 |
Damagnac | 18.300000 , -73.100000 |
Damaniac | 18.316670 , -73.133330 |
Dambreville | 18.351740 , -73.119400 |
Dandin | 18.333330 , -73.333330 |
Dasing | 18.266670 , -73.350000 |
David | 18.233330 , -73.250000 |
Decouverte | 18.300000 , -73.516670 |
Dei | 18.383330 , -73.683330 |
Delmas | 18.316670 , -73.666670 |
Deno | 18.266670 , -73.083330 |
Desbois | 18.316670 , -73.366670 |
Desconville | 18.216670 , -73.566670 |
Desforges | 18.366670 , -73.600000 |
Dessalines | 18.354370 , -73.199020 |
Doco | 18.392780 , -73.686390 |
Dodin | 18.316670 , -73.333330 |
Dormante | 18.316670 , -73.383330 |
Dubois | 18.233330 , -73.350000 |
Dubois | 18.283840 , -73.089840 |
Dubois | 18.316670 , -73.516670 |
Dubois | 18.283330 , -73.533330 |
Duchat | 18.216670 , -73.250000 |
Ducourt | 18.416670 , -73.583330 |
Dugue | 18.300000 , -73.100000 |
Dumoulin | 18.228640 , -73.220820 |
Dupont | 18.350000 , -73.566670 |
Durocher | 18.302750 , -73.628090 |
Duverger | 18.248770 , -73.304050 |
Ecole Etzer vilaire | 18.279270 , -73.122830 |
Elien | 18.316670 , -73.233330 |
Fable | 18.283330 , -73.516670 |
Faudoise | 18.300000 , -73.250000 |
Faustin | 18.366670 , -73.333330 |
Felix | 18.283330 , -73.666670 |
Fidele | 18.283330 , -73.516670 |
Figuier | 18.216670 , -73.616670 |
Fingo | 18.333330 , -73.333330 |
Flamands | 18.255830 , -73.649610 |
Fond Maricile | 18.333330 , -73.133330 |
Fond-des blancs soccer stadium | 18.279740 , -73.122760 |
Fourneau | 18.283330 , -73.183330 |
Fourreau | 18.366670 , -73.583330 |
Fraicheur | 18.316670 , -73.166670 |
Fraise | 18.400000 , -73.683330 |
Francois | 18.300000 , -73.366670 |
Frangipane | 18.244840 , -73.057540 |
Frerel | 18.300000 , -73.550000 |
Gaillac Penche | 18.266670 , -73.216670 |
Gaille | 18.283330 , -73.383330 |
Galbert | 18.333330 , -73.250000 |
Garat | 18.350000 , -73.216670 |
Gargite | 18.385360 , -73.594190 |
Gaspard | 18.300000 , -73.150000 |
Gaspard | 18.300000 , -73.116670 |
Gatimo | 18.310310 , -73.218980 |
Gaudet | 18.300000 , -73.066670 |
Gethsemane Scholarship Inst. of Fond Des Blancs | 18.305740 , -73.151630 |
Giligo | 18.385000 , -73.543610 |
Girodier | 18.333330 , -73.633330 |
Godet | 18.316670 , -73.100000 |
Gourdet | 18.333330 , -73.383330 |
Gousse | 18.300000 , -73.100000 |
Grand Bois | 18.226750 , -73.646290 |
Grand Decor | 18.316670 , -73.266670 |
Grand Dieu | 18.294470 , -73.670390 |
Grand Duc | 18.266670 , -73.633330 |
Grand Fond | 18.300000 , -73.500000 |
Grand Place | 18.269350 , -73.660080 |
Grande Caille | 18.350050 , -73.131510 |
Grande Passe | 18.290810 , -73.059280 |
Grande Place | 18.350000 , -73.100000 |
Grande Savane | 18.269850 , -73.044410 |
Grandecor | 18.316670 , -73.266670 |
Gratine | 18.316670 , -73.216670 |
Grenadiere | 18.283350 , -73.498690 |
Grenodin | 18.283330 , -73.500000 |
Gros Marin | 18.350230 , -73.609530 |
Gros Morne | 18.299450 , -73.603500 |
Guepe | 18.266670 , -73.133330 |
Guirand | 18.350000 , -73.183330 |
Hatte Joli Bois | 18.186850 , -73.032700 |
Hatte Mombrun | 18.250000 , -73.183330 |
Jalousie | 18.300000 , -73.583330 |
Jean Louis | 18.316670 , -73.433330 |
Jeannot | 18.333330 , -73.533330 |
Joliette | 18.333330 , -73.366670 |
Jonette | 18.316670 , -73.266670 |
Jose | 18.400000 , -73.600000 |
Kay lapaix (Kay granmoun) | 18.274280 , -73.118260 |
L'Etang | 18.350000 , -73.233330 |
L'Ilet | 18.229230 , -73.668790 |
La Baleine | 18.266670 , -73.150000 |
La Biche | 18.369590 , -73.635600 |
La Colline | 18.316670 , -73.250000 |
La Congo | 18.316670 , -73.583330 |
La Corail | 18.300000 , -73.416670 |
La Cour | 18.283330 , -73.466670 |
La Cour | 18.319300 , -73.466350 |
La Hatte | 18.316670 , -73.533330 |
La Hatte | 18.351190 , -73.260340 |
La Hatte | 18.312030 , -73.188350 |
La Plaine | 18.383330 , -73.666670 |
La Pointe | 18.266670 , -73.516670 |
La Rou Pay | 18.283330 , -73.283330 |
La Source | 18.283330 , -73.416670 |
La Source | 18.250000 , -73.600000 |
La Sucrerie Henry | 18.300000 , -73.566670 |
La Victor | 18.266670 , -73.050000 |
Labadi | 18.283330 , -73.316670 |
Labadi | 18.350000 , -73.216670 |
Labadi | 18.333330 , -73.433330 |
Labadie | 18.283330 , -73.300000 |
Labady | 18.316670 , -73.200360 |
Labate | 18.300000 , -73.233330 |
Labatte | 18.283330 , -73.266670 |
Laborieux | 18.225870 , -73.184680 |
Lahaut Pays | 18.266670 , -73.300000 |
Lalanne | 18.312590 , -73.254210 |
Lamy | 18.233330 , -73.600000 |
Langlois | 18.333330 , -73.300000 |
Lanson | 18.250000 , -73.133330 |
Laplante | 18.414930 , -73.656900 |
Laroque | 18.404920 , -73.650240 |
Latour | 18.350000 , -73.100000 |
Laveille | 18.380430 , -73.674660 |
Lefranc | 18.333330 , -73.516670 |
Leger | 18.375280 , -73.550000 |
Leon | 18.350000 , -73.250000 |
Losandieu | 18.233330 , -73.283330 |
Louis Depart | 18.333330 , -73.466670 |
Lundy | 18.233330 , -73.583330 |
Macabit | 18.333330 , -73.400000 |
Macean | 18.283330 , -73.333330 |
Madame Louis | 18.314310 , -73.528040 |
Magiste | 18.333330 , -73.400000 |
Magot | 18.333330 , -73.416670 |
Malbranche | 18.233830 , -73.232840 |
Malfini | 18.300000 , -73.683330 |
Malval | 18.266670 , -73.533330 |
Malvezier | 18.300000 , -73.550000 |
Mancateau | 18.350000 , -73.616670 |
Mandon | 18.381060 , -73.569300 |
Manioc | 18.260890 , -73.485910 |
Manoir | 18.383330 , -73.616670 |
Manou | 18.376110 , -73.637220 |
Mapou | 18.300000 , -73.166670 |
Mar Morne Aquin | 18.316670 , -73.283330 |
Marc | 18.416670 , -73.650000 |
Marcelin | 18.218510 , -73.615100 |
Marche Juste | 18.366670 , -73.300000 |
Mare a Coiffe | 18.333330 , -73.383330 |
Mare a Coiffe | 18.333330 , -73.350000 |
Mare Henry | 18.366670 , -73.566670 |
Mare Rouge | 18.353250 , -73.292790 |
Mare Rouge | 18.333330 , -73.400000 |
Marie Arada | 18.333330 , -73.133330 |
Martineau | 18.316670 , -73.650000 |
Mascary | 18.266670 , -73.066670 |
Masseillan | 18.310830 , -73.300300 |
Maugis | 18.300000 , -73.400000 |
Medcin | 18.333330 , -73.216670 |
Medor | 18.283330 , -73.483330 |
Melinette | 18.300000 , -73.300000 |
Menard | 18.375920 , -73.688760 |
Mercure | 18.300000 , -73.400000 |
Mesle | 18.227530 , -73.614360 |
Mexi | 18.218650 , -73.069290 |
Mide | 18.233330 , -73.133330 |
Mingrette | 18.316670 , -73.350000 |
Minor Pays | 18.283330 , -73.566670 |
Miran | 18.323980 , -73.306520 |
Mission | 18.366670 , -73.679170 |
Moisson | 18.350000 , -73.316670 |
Mombrun | 18.298910 , -73.224360 |
Montclair | 18.331420 , -73.321980 |
Morency | 18.330570 , -73.086040 |
Morisseau | 18.333330 , -73.200000 |
Morne a Bruler | 18.300000 , -73.083330 |
Morne Brice | 18.350000 , -73.233330 |
Morne Charles | 18.366670 , -73.333330 |
Morne Oco | 18.333330 , -73.333330 |
Morne Radou | 18.300000 , -73.283330 |
Morne Zoranger | 18.283330 , -73.616670 |
Mouillage Fouquet | 18.190270 , -73.103250 |
Murier | 18.283330 , -73.100000 |
Musseau | 18.316670 , -73.466670 |
Nabone | 18.333330 , -73.166670 |
Nabos | 18.366670 , -73.300000 |
Nadine | 18.223760 , -73.195080 |
Nan Borne | 18.283330 , -73.583330 |
Nan Citron | 18.282410 , -73.332360 |
Nan Clos | 18.283330 , -73.316670 |
Nan Contree | 18.316670 , -73.366670 |
Nan Cotie | 18.368950 , -73.651540 |
Nan Dejour | 18.270210 , -73.083760 |
Nan Glacis | 18.266670 , -73.066670 |
Nan Grie | 18.216670 , -73.050000 |
Nan Jonc | 18.283330 , -73.583330 |
Nan Joute | 18.386670 , -73.666110 |
Nan Mombin | 18.333330 , -73.550000 |
Nan Moulin | 18.300000 , -73.383330 |
Nan Perdu | 18.208050 , -73.026270 |
Nan Roche | 18.333330 , -73.683330 |
Nan Seau | 18.392220 , -73.587220 |
Nerette | 18.314950 , -73.340980 |
Nicolas | 18.350000 , -73.316670 |
Olive | 18.316670 , -73.333330 |
Oranger | 18.333330 , -73.133330 |
Pagois | 18.381110 , -73.686390 |
Parc Roche | 18.397480 , -73.649780 |
Pas Chaine | 18.316670 , -73.216670 |
Pascal | 18.300000 , -73.300000 |
Patoilais | 18.278820 , -73.233850 |
Patrice | 18.305740 , -73.424640 |
Paulin | 18.333330 , -73.333330 |
Pemel | 18.363900 , -73.196450 |
Perine | 18.283330 , -73.100000 |
Petin | 18.383330 , -73.583330 |
Pied Ferme | 18.294960 , -73.481010 |
Pilard | 18.350000 , -73.150000 |
Pilaurant | 18.316670 , -73.116670 |
Piron | 18.377710 , -73.615300 |
Plaisance | 18.416670 , -73.616670 |
Platelle | 18.333330 , -73.516670 |
Pliche | 18.396110 , -73.599170 |
Poinceau | 18.300000 , -73.466670 |
Polain | 18.397780 , -73.613330 |
Poliard | 18.400000 , -73.616670 |
Pomme | 18.316670 , -73.466670 |
Pommier | 18.249700 , -73.048440 |
Pongnom | 18.266670 , -73.216670 |
Poste Antoine | 18.300000 , -73.150000 |
Poste Gaille | 18.283330 , -73.383330 |
Potofo | 18.266670 , -73.250000 |
Pradine | 18.333330 , -73.650000 |
Puits Chacha | 18.217890 , -73.111990 |
Quartier | 18.300000 , -73.350000 |
Ragou | 18.283330 , -73.400000 |
Ravine d'Haiti | 18.283330 , -73.400000 |
Raymond | 18.333330 , -73.483330 |
Raymond | 18.300000 , -73.200000 |
Raymond Connet | 18.300000 , -73.500000 |
Redon | 18.333330 , -73.616670 |
Robuste | 18.400000 , -73.583330 |
Roche | 18.316670 , -73.683330 |
Roche Carree | 18.233330 , -73.300000 |
Rock | 18.283330 , -73.083330 |
Rombeau | 18.377740 , -73.583020 |
Rousseau | 18.321810 , -73.690690 |
Rousseau | 18.363160 , -73.592540 |
Saint-Castor | 18.302520 , -73.317320 |
Saint-Georges | 18.266670 , -73.466670 |
Saint-Jean | 18.350000 , -73.250000 |
Saint-Jules | 18.316670 , -73.166670 |
Saint-Louis du Sud | 18.266670 , -73.550000 |
Saint-Medard | 18.330480 , -73.271410 |
Sainthon | 18.275760 , -73.124700 |
Saline Duverger | 18.233330 , -73.333330 |
Sanon | 18.233330 , -73.600000 |
Savane Colas | 18.350000 , -73.583330 |
Savane Sainton | 18.268440 , -73.110240 |
Semaille | 18.316670 , -73.483330 |
Senac | 18.400280 , -73.575860 |
Senaille | 18.310800 , -73.499470 |
Sobia | 18.283330 , -73.183330 |
Source | 18.283330 , -73.383330 |
Source Blanche | 18.266670 , -73.183330 |
Sous Jean Jacques | 18.316670 , -73.383330 |
Sudre | 18.414440 , -73.635830 |
Suplice | 18.350000 , -73.316670 |
Terre | 18.266670 , -73.466670 |
Terre Blanche | 18.300000 , -73.350000 |
Terre Blanche | 18.300000 , -73.366670 |
Terre Neuve | 18.289190 , -73.573530 |
Terre Rouge (Gaspard) | 18.282800 , -73.131890 |
Tetu | 18.366670 , -73.583330 |
Ti Coma | 18.283330 , -73.300000 |
Ti Delmas | 18.283570 , -73.670830 |
Toussaint | 18.350000 , -73.183330 |
Traime | 18.283330 , -73.300000 |
Treme | 18.316670 , -73.300000 |
Trois Palmistes | 18.350000 , -73.300000 |
Vainqueur | 18.197730 , -73.133760 |
Valbrune | 18.294470 , -73.626740 |
Valere | 18.312240 , -73.233670 |
Vechi | 18.300000 , -73.200000 |
Vendome | 18.383330 , -73.550000 |
Vibert | 18.231640 , -73.111720 |
Viele | 18.300000 , -73.216670 |
Vieux Bourg d'Aquin | 18.301170 , -73.339450 |
Vignon | 18.350000 , -73.600000 |
Vincent | 18.310930 , -73.205080 |
Virgile | 18.361270 , -73.277910 |
Zepingle | 18.283330 , -73.450000 |
Zombi | 18.283330 , -73.583330 |
- You can download geometry data for Aquin in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
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