Ouanaminthe (Nord-Est) Map Cropping Samples

Ouanaminthe (Nord-Est) Map Cropping Samples-1

Ouanaminthe (Nord-Est) Map Cropping Samples-2

Ouanaminthe neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Ouanaminthe with 3D shadow effect

Ouanaminthe map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Ouanaminthe (geojson format) :
Ouanaminthe.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Ouanaminthe map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Ouanaminthe Map : ( 19.3321429449 , -71.8587582408 , 19.5933044737 , -71.678483598 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Ouanaminthe map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](19.3321429449, -71.8587582408, 19.5933044737, -71.678483598);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Ouanaminthe)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Ouanaminthe
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Acajou | 19.533330 , -71.716670 |
Acul des Pins | 19.496820 , -71.811230 |
Ali | 19.483330 , -71.766670 |
Baja | 19.466670 , -71.716670 |
Baja | 19.478120 , -71.718490 |
Balliote | 19.416670 , -71.716670 |
Baptiste | 19.450000 , -71.750000 |
Baptiste | 19.404400 , -71.758100 |
Bedou | 19.483330 , -71.700000 |
Beljote | 19.416670 , -71.700000 |
Benest | 19.433330 , -71.750000 |
Bera | 19.433330 , -71.700000 |
Beyotte | 19.500000 , -71.766670 |
Blond | 19.500000 , -71.783330 |
Bois Nago | 19.400000 , -71.800000 |
Bois Neuf | 19.350000 , -71.783330 |
Bois Poux | 19.416670 , -71.816670 |
Bongle | 19.466670 , -71.783330 |
Bordin | 19.450000 , -71.683330 |
Bori | 19.516670 , -71.783330 |
Bosse | 19.450000 , -71.800000 |
Boujote | 19.466670 , -71.733330 |
Bourjo | 19.586080 , -71.756610 |
Brunette | 19.466670 , -71.700000 |
Ca Poyo | 19.516840 , -71.775960 |
Camari | 19.500000 , -71.716670 |
Cana | 19.483330 , -71.700000 |
Candela | 19.450000 , -71.783330 |
Caroy | 19.400000 , -71.716670 |
Carrefour | 19.366670 , -71.816670 |
Carrefour Depe | 19.583330 , -71.800000 |
Casimir | 19.416670 , -71.816670 |
Castel | 19.483330 , -71.733330 |
Cesar | 19.366670 , -71.816670 |
Chambellan | 19.416670 , -71.700000 |
Chancerelles | 19.488630 , -71.744200 |
Chapotin | 19.450000 , -71.800000 |
Charles | 19.500000 , -71.733330 |
Chevalier | 19.431710 , -71.699060 |
Chifonnette | 19.433330 , -71.750000 |
Chuitte | 19.416670 , -71.800000 |
Chuitte | 19.433330 , -71.783330 |
Colora | 19.450000 , -71.700000 |
Coplo | 19.497910 , -71.769740 |
Cotino | 19.466670 , -71.783330 |
Coujol | 19.589550 , -71.803700 |
Coupin | 19.466670 , -71.700000 |
Courtois | 19.450000 , -71.750000 |
Depe | 19.450000 , -71.783330 |
Depe | 19.579990 , -71.800660 |
Deron-Ville | 19.468740 , -71.699970 |
Diasa | 19.500000 , -71.783330 |
Dilaire | 19.550000 , -71.783330 |
Dilaire | 19.500000 , -71.766670 |
Dioute | 19.483330 , -71.716670 |
Disara | 19.450000 , -71.816670 |
Doge | 19.450000 , -71.733330 |
Dominique | 19.433330 , -71.766670 |
Dosmont | 19.519390 , -71.730470 |
Duller | 19.483110 , -71.831910 |
Dupont | 19.433330 , -71.700000 |
Duro | 19.533330 , -71.766670 |
Duro | 19.550000 , -71.733330 |
Duval | 19.366670 , -71.700000 |
Duvignal | 19.416670 , -71.850000 |
En Bas Buisson | 19.433330 , -71.766670 |
Florence | 19.383330 , -71.783330 |
Fond Bleu | 19.372350 , -71.719930 |
Francisque | 19.533330 , -71.783330 |
Gabriel | 19.516670 , -71.833330 |
Gaiac | 19.560630 , -71.733920 |
Galois | 19.383330 , -71.733330 |
Galois | 19.400000 , -71.733330 |
Gaston | 19.550000 , -71.800000 |
Gens de Nantes | 19.428740 , -71.766590 |
Godin | 19.383330 , -71.766670 |
Goulin | 19.466670 , -71.750000 |
Gounote | 19.570310 , -71.802720 |
Grand Goude | 19.583330 , -71.750000 |
Grande Savana | 19.533330 , -71.783330 |
Grande Savane | 19.433330 , -71.733330 |
Grenie | 19.383330 , -71.750000 |
Grenier | 19.378130 , -71.763400 |
Grosse Roche | 19.500000 , -71.716670 |
Guion | 19.416670 , -71.750000 |
Gullouette | 19.444390 , -71.821250 |
Hache | 19.416670 , -71.766670 |
Haut La Croix | 19.350000 , -71.750000 |
Haut Piton | 19.366670 , -71.733330 |
Horier | 19.466670 , -71.816670 |
Jacquot | 19.583330 , -71.766670 |
Jean Jacques | 19.383330 , -71.750000 |
Jean Louis | 19.383330 , -71.800000 |
Jean Rabel | 19.448980 , -71.804950 |
Joulin | 19.466670 , -71.750000 |
Jourdain | 19.466670 , -71.733330 |
Jourdain | 19.501300 , -71.822550 |
L'Amy | 19.516670 , -71.800000 |
La Baise | 19.550000 , -71.800000 |
La Fleur | 19.533330 , -71.816670 |
La Fontaine | 19.533330 , -71.800000 |
La Garenne | 19.550000 , -71.750000 |
La Garenne | 19.472390 , -71.756680 |
La Pierre | 19.382700 , -71.802800 |
La Ray | 19.383330 , -71.800000 |
La Rose | 19.374340 , -71.780930 |
Lamatry | 19.583330 , -71.800000 |
Larode | 19.450000 , -71.783330 |
Le Chat | 19.564910 , -71.786610 |
Leman | 19.400000 , -71.700000 |
Liane Panier | 19.366670 , -71.750000 |
Lima | 19.416670 , -71.766670 |
Lorier | 19.451320 , -71.812680 |
Madame Constant | 19.483330 , -71.816670 |
Madame Constant | 19.466670 , -71.816670 |
Madame Jean Joseph | 19.500000 , -71.766670 |
Manquette | 19.533330 , -71.716670 |
Marie Bobin | 19.466670 , -71.716670 |
Marie Louise | 19.433330 , -71.833330 |
Marinette | 19.450000 , -71.733330 |
Marquis Marat | 19.575790 , -71.752470 |
Marseille | 19.483330 , -71.783330 |
Matayer | 19.433330 , -71.766670 |
Mathurin | 19.500000 , -71.750000 |
Mayer | 19.450000 , -71.683330 |
Mellard | 19.400000 , -71.766670 |
Merande | 19.366670 , -71.700000 |
Merande | 19.483020 , -71.821280 |
Minge | 19.383330 , -71.700000 |
Mont Organisé | 19.400000 , -71.783330 |
Mont Premier | 19.510900 , -71.822540 |
Morne Cassa | 19.583330 , -71.783330 |
Nan Bois Pin | 19.450000 , -71.783330 |
Nan Cadeau | 19.497120 , -71.704320 |
Nan Garien | 19.350000 , -71.766670 |
Nan Mine | 19.433330 , -71.716670 |
Nan Rente | 19.383330 , -71.766670 |
Nan Sable | 19.350430 , -71.773720 |
Nan Saut | 19.423350 , -71.715560 |
Nau | 19.483330 , -71.750000 |
Octon | 19.416670 , -71.733330 |
Ouanaminthe | 19.550000 , -71.733330 |
Pacot | 19.433330 , -71.766670 |
Parisse | 19.416670 , -71.733330 |
Passe Cafe | 19.550000 , -71.816670 |
Patois | 19.400000 , -71.783330 |
Perard | 19.573610 , -71.807570 |
Pierrot | 19.467090 , -71.814140 |
Pirobert | 19.567420 , -71.737250 |
Place Prudhomme | 19.559820 , -71.809220 |
Platon | 19.416190 , -71.857270 |
Poirier | 19.466670 , -71.800000 |
Polo | 19.416670 , -71.716670 |
Prevoyance | 19.516670 , -71.750000 |
Prudhomme | 19.480320 , -71.702970 |
Reforme | 19.481430 , -71.762280 |
Riviere Sabe | 19.533330 , -71.750000 |
Robino | 19.564740 , -71.778470 |
Rondelle | 19.416670 , -71.800000 |
Rouvoye | 19.579360 , -71.774510 |
Saint-Fol | 19.450000 , -71.750000 |
Saint-Fol | 19.450000 , -71.766670 |
Saou | 19.400000 , -71.800000 |
Saut d'Eau | 19.366670 , -71.816670 |
Savane Longue | 19.483330 , -71.750000 |
Savanette | 19.364540 , -71.770330 |
Sayant | 19.550000 , -71.816670 |
Sence | 19.466670 , -71.750000 |
Sence | 19.516670 , -71.716670 |
Sense | 19.583330 , -71.750000 |
Tabli | 19.416670 , -71.800000 |
Tavot | 19.583330 , -71.750000 |
Templier | 19.466670 , -71.800000 |
Terre Neuve | 19.416670 , -71.850000 |
Ti Laurier | 19.550000 , -71.733330 |
Ti Melia | 19.416670 , -71.750000 |
Trompette | 19.400000 , -71.716670 |
Trompette | 19.433330 , -71.800000 |
Vano | 19.453700 , -71.761770 |
Vieux Gaille | 19.455890 , -71.831270 |
Welch | 19.453640 , -71.720000 |
- You can download geometry data for Ouanaminthe in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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