les Gonaïves (L'Artibonite) Map Cropping Samples

les Gonaïves (L'Artibonite) Map Cropping Samples-1

les Gonaïves (L'Artibonite) Map Cropping Samples-2

les Gonaïves neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of les Gonaïves with 3D shadow effect

les Gonaïves map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of les Gonaïves (geojson format) :
les Gonaïves.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of les Gonaïves map for "Google Maps" :
les Gonaïves.txt
Bounding Box for les Gonaïves Map : ( 19.298938 , -72.805397 , 19.648657 , -72.371398 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of les Gonaïves map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](19.298938, -72.805397, 19.648657, -72.371398);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (les Gonaïves)
rel["name"="les Gonaïves"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="les Gonaïves"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of les Gonaïves
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Adino | 19.566670 , -72.700000 |
Andre | 19.534790 , -72.607500 |
Annivert | 19.471510 , -72.532730 |
Auguste | 19.566670 , -72.566670 |
Badon Marchand | 19.500000 , -72.650000 |
Balotte | 19.500000 , -72.416670 |
Barrade | 19.383330 , -72.500000 |
Bas Peroux | 19.583330 , -72.700000 |
Basil | 19.416670 , -72.466670 |
Bassin | 19.483330 , -72.666670 |
Bassin | 19.547060 , -72.697100 |
Bassin Dessources | 19.433330 , -72.616670 |
Batardo | 19.483330 , -72.600000 |
Bauvrai | 19.583330 , -72.550000 |
Bayonnais | 19.408500 , -72.477740 |
Bazil | 19.400000 , -72.433330 |
Bazila | 19.416670 , -72.500000 |
Beaudin | 19.466670 , -72.383330 |
Beaumont | 19.483330 , -72.483330 |
Beausejour | 19.500000 , -72.533330 |
Bedouet | 19.450000 , -72.383330 |
Belance | 19.453130 , -72.627280 |
Belle Hotesse | 19.450000 , -72.466670 |
Bellevue | 19.332780 , -72.662110 |
Bigot | 19.433330 , -72.666670 |
Bigot | 19.450000 , -72.650000 |
Boca | 19.451020 , -72.494170 |
Bodin | 19.605490 , -72.556230 |
Bois Blanc | 19.355240 , -72.579180 |
Bois Dehors | 19.333330 , -72.650000 |
Bois Marchand | 19.474190 , -72.658880 |
Bois Pangnol | 19.516670 , -72.516670 |
Bois Pignon | 19.516670 , -72.450000 |
Bongris | 19.455070 , -72.646200 |
Bossa | 19.433330 , -72.466670 |
Boucan | 19.416670 , -72.533330 |
Bouilli | 19.383330 , -72.533330 |
Boutique | 19.466670 , -72.483330 |
Bresson | 19.533330 , -72.616670 |
Brunette | 19.633330 , -72.600000 |
Ca Joseph | 19.499120 , -72.499330 |
Ca Lacoupe | 19.483330 , -72.533330 |
Ca Reguy | 19.500000 , -72.516670 |
Ca Tigel | 19.550000 , -72.550000 |
Cabia | 19.433330 , -72.400000 |
Cachotte | 19.400000 , -72.533330 |
Candio | 19.500000 , -72.500000 |
Cannelle | 19.488780 , -72.553930 |
Carobal | 19.433330 , -72.400000 |
Carpal | 19.517780 , -72.486950 |
Carrefour Coutant | 19.550000 , -72.633330 |
Carrefour Nan Georges | 19.516670 , -72.466670 |
Carrefour Perisse | 19.333330 , -72.583330 |
Castanette | 19.633330 , -72.583330 |
Castor | 19.424690 , -72.511560 |
Catigale | 19.350000 , -72.566670 |
Cense | 19.483330 , -72.466670 |
Cerca | 19.500000 , -72.516670 |
Champelot | 19.500000 , -72.616670 |
Chapelet | 19.456670 , -72.514730 |
Chatelain | 19.466670 , -72.666670 |
Chemin Neuf | 19.533330 , -72.483330 |
Chevalier | 19.500170 , -72.638130 |
Choilier | 19.466670 , -72.500000 |
Choumane | 19.516670 , -72.566670 |
Choumasse | 19.516670 , -72.550000 |
Cilo | 19.481240 , -72.542180 |
Clavin | 19.440230 , -72.557230 |
Colonne | 19.533330 , -72.700000 |
Conoret | 19.583330 , -72.550000 |
Coquillot | 19.416670 , -72.533330 |
Corossol | 19.630640 , -72.599120 |
Coupe Pintade | 19.516670 , -72.583330 |
Coutant | 19.542250 , -72.623450 |
Couveret | 19.600000 , -72.566670 |
Crete Sale | 19.433330 , -72.433330 |
Croissy | 19.450000 , -72.533330 |
Dalfeuille | 19.383330 , -72.550000 |
Danache | 19.500000 , -72.616670 |
Danache | 19.483330 , -72.616670 |
Danby | 19.500000 , -72.750000 |
Dauphin | 19.542300 , -72.575890 |
De Chayo | 19.566670 , -72.516670 |
Declin | 19.564380 , -72.695800 |
Decossiere | 19.604540 , -72.705890 |
Deronville | 19.633330 , -72.600000 |
Deronville | 19.466670 , -72.666670 |
Derriere Bois | 19.500000 , -72.433330 |
Derriers Morne | 19.566670 , -72.583330 |
Des Charlote | 19.550000 , -72.550000 |
Descahos | 19.500000 , -72.516670 |
Descordes | 19.465850 , -72.635110 |
Desire | 19.350000 , -72.550000 |
Desire | 19.566670 , -72.583330 |
Desire | 19.583330 , -72.633330 |
Dessources | 19.463930 , -72.617000 |
Deux Barrieres | 19.527150 , -72.636240 |
Dimuraille | 19.433330 , -72.466670 |
Ditbasaille | 19.516670 , -72.550000 |
Dolant | 19.579900 , -72.545180 |
Dolant | 19.480910 , -72.645270 |
Dolouet | 19.433330 , -72.450000 |
Dos d'Ane | 19.516670 , -72.566670 |
Dougoudou | 19.633330 , -72.616670 |
Droit | 19.500000 , -72.450000 |
Du Fosse | 19.521780 , -72.573370 |
Dubedou | 19.565660 , -72.630510 |
Dubois | 19.616670 , -72.600000 |
Dufailly | 19.450000 , -72.450000 |
Duperier | 19.633330 , -72.600000 |
Duquesnin | 19.550000 , -72.616670 |
Durand | 19.466670 , -72.466670 |
Duvallon | 19.483330 , -72.583330 |
Duvoisin | 19.421140 , -72.451870 |
En Bas Figuier | 19.533330 , -72.583330 |
Encoma | 19.500000 , -72.450000 |
Ennery | 19.483330 , -72.483330 |
Figuier | 19.500000 , -72.733330 |
Fond Digo | 19.533330 , -72.700000 |
Fond Grandeur | 19.554140 , -72.736100 |
Fond La Coupe | 19.433330 , -72.583330 |
Fond Morel | 19.446650 , -72.567260 |
Fond Nicole | 19.616980 , -72.578760 |
Fond Salnave | 19.516670 , -72.450000 |
Fond Sanse | 19.600000 , -72.616670 |
Forestier | 19.443730 , -72.550590 |
Foucade | 19.401560 , -72.504110 |
Funel | 19.550000 , -72.616670 |
Gara | 19.483330 , -72.416670 |
Garde Jumeau | 19.516670 , -72.466670 |
Gardle | 19.516670 , -72.450000 |
Gardot Michel | 19.633330 , -72.616670 |
Garnier | 19.433330 , -72.450000 |
Gasse | 19.400000 , -72.500000 |
Gateau Morne Blanc | 19.466670 , -72.683330 |
Gatereau | 19.466670 , -72.666670 |
Georges | 19.433330 , -72.666670 |
Gonaïves | 19.450000 , -72.683330 |
Gonaives | 19.450426 , -72.683249 |
Gouillomet | 19.594160 , -72.564980 |
Gounotte | 19.633330 , -72.583330 |
Govin | 19.450000 , -72.400000 |
Grand de l'Eau | 19.466670 , -72.433330 |
Grand Rac | 19.550000 , -72.550000 |
Grand Rac | 19.314170 , -72.633530 |
Grand Roc | 19.533330 , -72.583330 |
Grande Ravine | 19.483330 , -72.533330 |
Grande Savane | 19.500000 , -72.783330 |
Grande Savane | 19.550000 , -72.700000 |
Grande Savane | 19.583330 , -72.683330 |
Grandeun | 19.550000 , -72.700000 |
Gras del'Eau | 19.466670 , -72.416670 |
Gros Theme | 19.466670 , -72.450000 |
Guibert | 19.466670 , -72.550000 |
Guillaume | 19.583330 , -72.550000 |
Guimbi | 19.414060 , -72.590100 |
Hamel | 19.483330 , -72.483330 |
Hatte Roche | 19.500000 , -72.716670 |
Hilaire | 19.566670 , -72.716670 |
Imbo | 19.633330 , -72.600000 |
Jacouman | 19.516670 , -72.483330 |
Jacquet | 19.450000 , -72.650000 |
Jean Carrie | 19.450000 , -72.450000 |
Jean Charles | 19.383330 , -72.516670 |
Jean Nite | 19.383730 , -72.510970 |
Jean Noel | 19.589060 , -72.561790 |
Jean Pierre | 19.637640 , -72.600340 |
Johanisse | 19.337510 , -72.589130 |
Joly | 19.533330 , -72.583330 |
Julo | 19.466670 , -72.583330 |
Jumeau | 19.516670 , -72.466670 |
Ka Cano | 19.566670 , -72.700000 |
Ka Robin | 19.566670 , -72.583330 |
Ka Soleil | 19.450000 , -72.683330 |
L'Estere | 19.303070 , -72.609650 |
L'Estere Large | 19.339850 , -72.668370 |
La Branle | 19.610310 , -72.616050 |
La Couleuvre | 19.350000 , -72.500000 |
La Cour Broca | 19.516670 , -72.533330 |
La Cour Perisse | 19.350000 , -72.566670 |
La Crete | 19.583330 , -72.650000 |
La Croix | 19.356090 , -72.584140 |
La Hatte | 19.400000 , -72.550000 |
La Homane | 19.516670 , -72.450000 |
La Pierre | 19.466670 , -72.733330 |
La Riviere | 19.466670 , -72.450000 |
La Salle | 19.516670 , -72.466670 |
La Source | 19.466670 , -72.533330 |
Lacet | 19.411620 , -72.551010 |
Lafond | 19.450000 , -72.466670 |
Lagon Bazile | 19.416670 , -72.500000 |
Lagon Chien | 19.333330 , -72.600000 |
Lalane | 19.600000 , -72.566670 |
Langue | 19.516670 , -72.783330 |
Laurent | 19.450000 , -72.533330 |
Lauri | 19.433330 , -72.433330 |
Le Rochel | 19.551450 , -72.506950 |
Le Tiro | 19.466670 , -72.616670 |
Les Dattes | 19.452630 , -72.682730 |
Libron | 19.450000 , -72.383330 |
Ligene | 19.450000 , -72.433330 |
Lorrain | 19.500000 , -72.500000 |
Louoka | 19.433330 , -72.450000 |
Lurette | 19.433330 , -72.466670 |
Macajou | 19.583330 , -72.683330 |
Macajou | 19.390880 , -72.575570 |
Macanda | 19.517040 , -72.508640 |
Machoquette | 19.514930 , -72.523440 |
Madame Charles | 19.550000 , -72.600000 |
Mahotiere | 19.583330 , -72.550000 |
Mandrin | 19.422610 , -72.604420 |
Mangnan | 19.500000 , -72.500000 |
Mangnant | 19.533330 , -72.683330 |
Manyan | 19.350000 , -72.583330 |
Mapou | 19.314760 , -72.590630 |
Mapou | 19.509720 , -72.640120 |
Mare Blanche | 19.466670 , -72.383330 |
Mare Colas | 19.532800 , -72.717170 |
Mare Louise | 19.361210 , -72.575170 |
Mare Rouge | 19.583330 , -72.700000 |
Marie Ti Coupe | 19.466670 , -72.583330 |
Marose | 19.516450 , -72.647750 |
Marotte | 19.450000 , -72.666670 |
Medecignin | 19.446900 , -72.534920 |
Merac | 19.583330 , -72.583330 |
Merion | 19.516670 , -72.516670 |
Michel | 19.589760 , -72.651280 |
Ministre | 19.516670 , -72.550000 |
Morin | 19.579930 , -72.695370 |
Morne Blanche | 19.516670 , -72.516670 |
Morne Bongnin | 19.583330 , -72.633330 |
Morne Cannel | 19.483330 , -72.566670 |
Morne Goy | 19.500000 , -72.516670 |
Morne Jean Jules | 19.583330 , -72.616670 |
Morne Sale | 19.416670 , -72.416670 |
Morne Victoire | 19.550000 , -72.550000 |
Moron | 19.600000 , -72.716670 |
Nabou | 19.516670 , -72.466670 |
Nan Bambou | 19.516670 , -72.533330 |
Nan Besoin | 19.516670 , -72.550000 |
Nan Bois | 19.583330 , -72.550000 |
Nan Chaine | 19.600000 , -72.716670 |
Nan Coco | 19.500000 , -72.450000 |
Nan Domingue | 19.507850 , -72.445690 |
Nan Gorge | 19.483330 , -72.500000 |
Nan Noco | 19.483330 , -72.416670 |
Nan Piquet | 19.420030 , -72.669470 |
Nan Platon | 19.500000 , -72.516670 |
Nan Rouffe | 19.550000 , -72.516670 |
Nan Sedren | 19.566670 , -72.733330 |
Nan Source | 19.500000 , -72.516670 |
Nandrin | 19.417940 , -72.601660 |
Nevil | 19.466670 , -72.483330 |
Odige | 19.425100 , -72.529540 |
Odino | 19.565490 , -72.736880 |
Oranger | 19.406060 , -72.519600 |
Pas | 19.466670 , -72.500000 |
Pascal | 19.466420 , -72.486190 |
Passable | 19.550000 , -72.650000 |
Passe Joly | 19.550000 , -72.583330 |
Passe Reine | 19.516670 , -72.550000 |
Passe Seche | 19.500000 , -72.683330 |
Passe Source | 19.583330 , -72.633330 |
Passecot | 19.500000 , -72.500000 |
Pedi | 19.445400 , -72.389470 |
Perou | 19.533330 , -72.533330 |
Petite Riviere des Bayonnais | 19.465990 , -72.579430 |
Phaeton | 19.439050 , -72.509270 |
Pied Cabrouette | 19.516670 , -72.700000 |
Pingnin | 19.316670 , -72.616670 |
Plaine Rollin | 19.533330 , -72.566670 |
Platon du Fosse | 19.514140 , -72.557610 |
Platon Mas | 19.516670 , -72.483330 |
Pomme Gomme | 19.516670 , -72.466670 |
Poste Coutant | 19.550000 , -72.633330 |
Poste Coutant | 19.533330 , -72.616670 |
Poteaux | 19.513600 , -72.616840 |
Prunelle | 19.550000 , -72.616670 |
Puballot | 19.450000 , -72.483330 |
Ramier | 19.646350 , -72.594600 |
Rigaud | 19.333330 , -72.583330 |
Risque | 19.516670 , -72.533330 |
Riviere Dubalzeille | 19.450000 , -72.433330 |
Roche Plate | 19.600000 , -72.583330 |
Roufe | 19.533330 , -72.550000 |
Rousseau | 19.600000 , -72.700000 |
Saint-Ange | 19.550000 , -72.500000 |
Saint-Martin | 19.502550 , -72.602730 |
Sanse | 19.533330 , -72.633330 |
Sarazin | 19.489650 , -72.619520 |
Saut d'Eau | 19.466670 , -72.550000 |
Savane Carree | 19.441730 , -72.440120 |
Savane Desdunes | 19.383330 , -72.650000 |
Savane Desolee | 19.400000 , -72.600000 |
Savane Fache | 19.533330 , -72.516670 |
Savane Jong | 19.416670 , -72.633330 |
Savane Ronde | 19.399750 , -72.546720 |
Savanette | 19.466670 , -72.383330 |
Seguin | 19.400000 , -72.466670 |
Souvenance | 19.468660 , -72.614700 |
Sterlin | 19.516670 , -72.566670 |
Tarras | 19.450000 , -72.633330 |
Tee Boeuf | 19.350000 , -72.500000 |
Terre Blanche | 19.600000 , -72.633330 |
Terre Rouge | 19.479940 , -72.586460 |
Terre Sonnain | 19.535240 , -72.621750 |
Tete Canal | 19.593180 , -72.638980 |
Ti Boubain | 19.450000 , -72.416670 |
Ti Coupe | 19.433330 , -72.600000 |
Ti Coupe Nandrin | 19.447990 , -72.602940 |
Ti Desdunes | 19.325360 , -72.649700 |
Ti Perisse | 19.331680 , -72.530700 |
Trois Ponts | 19.437150 , -72.635980 |
Trope | 19.566670 , -72.700000 |
Vilaile | 19.550000 , -72.533330 |
Vincent | 19.466670 , -72.500000 |
Violette | 19.550000 , -72.500000 |
- You can download geometry data for les Gonaïves in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.