Gros-Morne (L'Artibonite) Map Cropping Samples

Gros-Morne (L'Artibonite) Map Cropping Samples-1

Gros-Morne (L'Artibonite) Map Cropping Samples-2

Gros-Morne neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Gros-Morne with 3D shadow effect

Gros-Morne map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Gros-Morne (geojson format) :
Gros-Morne.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Gros-Morne map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Gros-Morne Map : ( 19.50146 , -73.135469 , 19.81523 , -72.572687 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Gros-Morne map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](19.50146, -73.135469, 19.81523, -72.572687);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Gros-Morne)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Gros-Morne
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abitasyon | 19.610350 , -72.683850 |
Amuscat | 19.705930 , -72.695180 |
Anse Rouge | 19.633330 , -73.050000 |
Apollon | 19.716670 , -72.700000 |
Arena | 19.733330 , -72.633330 |
Atrelle | 19.733330 , -73.066670 |
Aubeque | 19.650000 , -72.866670 |
Avocar | 19.604720 , -72.783890 |
Baden | 19.659590 , -72.712870 |
Baie Bouvard | 19.538140 , -72.806500 |
Barateau | 19.684390 , -72.768840 |
Barcadere | 19.589170 , -72.967500 |
Barriere Battant | 19.700000 , -72.650000 |
Bas La Source | 19.716670 , -72.816670 |
Bassin Citron | 19.666670 , -72.883330 |
Bassin Long | 19.692120 , -73.099980 |
Bazou | 19.716670 , -72.683330 |
Beaudois | 19.736860 , -72.720810 |
Beaumond | 19.766670 , -72.650000 |
Beauvoir | 19.727030 , -72.713420 |
Bel Air | 19.750000 , -72.716670 |
Bellevue | 19.646110 , -72.802500 |
Bernado | 19.733330 , -72.766670 |
Bernard | 19.766670 , -72.750000 |
Bien Aime | 19.707760 , -72.798690 |
Bigo | 19.666670 , -72.633330 |
Binot | 19.716670 , -72.600000 |
Biscagne | 19.562450 , -72.872620 |
Biscaye | 19.770910 , -72.694620 |
Bivac | 19.583330 , -72.750000 |
Bois Boule | 19.604770 , -72.657420 |
Bois d'Huis | 19.548330 , -72.759720 |
Bois de Chene | 19.650000 , -72.800000 |
Bois Debout | 19.611960 , -72.671040 |
Bois l'Etat | 19.597220 , -72.813330 |
Bois Neuf | 19.677380 , -72.844520 |
Bonnal | 19.589120 , -72.914960 |
Boucan Richard | 19.666670 , -72.633330 |
Boutin | 19.650000 , -72.733330 |
Bouvard | 19.550000 , -72.816670 |
Boyer | 19.650000 , -72.666670 |
Bras a Droite | 19.700000 , -72.850000 |
Bras Droile | 19.633330 , -72.833330 |
Brea | 19.766670 , -72.750000 |
Brizard Nicole | 19.766670 , -72.783330 |
Brutus | 19.616670 , -72.666670 |
Bugue | 19.716670 , -72.716670 |
Ca Bodin | 19.616670 , -72.750000 |
Ca Lanmac | 19.610830 , -72.767500 |
Ca Louis | 19.635830 , -72.803060 |
Ca Mars | 19.689230 , -72.714480 |
Ca Martin | 19.632640 , -72.649870 |
Ca Martin | 19.670470 , -72.743900 |
Ca Philippe | 19.661730 , -72.846410 |
Ca Roi | 19.575000 , -72.784440 |
Cabane Boeuf | 19.621670 , -72.960280 |
Caboule | 19.583330 , -72.783330 |
Cadette | 19.650000 , -72.600000 |
Caimite | 19.750000 , -72.733330 |
Calmite | 19.750000 , -72.750000 |
Cammon | 19.644170 , -72.767780 |
Campeche | 19.666670 , -72.666670 |
Canal | 19.666670 , -72.583330 |
Canal Bois | 19.666670 , -72.766670 |
Canave | 19.783330 , -72.750000 |
Canifice | 19.700000 , -72.700000 |
Carenage | 19.593210 , -72.955010 |
Carrefour a Henne | 19.711870 , -73.021640 |
Carrefour Figuier | 19.598330 , -72.888890 |
Carrefour Lalande | 19.783330 , -72.733330 |
Casimir | 19.700000 , -72.616670 |
Casimir | 19.666670 , -72.683330 |
Casse Noire | 19.516670 , -72.833330 |
Cazimir | 19.683330 , -72.633330 |
Chabe | 19.783330 , -72.683330 |
Chabre Valles | 19.766670 , -72.650000 |
Chaise | 19.733330 , -72.750000 |
Chaise | 19.733330 , -72.733330 |
Chapereau | 19.716670 , -72.966670 |
Chapineau | 19.700000 , -72.983330 |
Charles | 19.666670 , -72.583330 |
Chatelain | 19.636510 , -72.666990 |
Chaumont | 19.533330 , -72.750000 |
Chevalier | 19.718550 , -72.926880 |
Cocherel | 19.633330 , -72.716670 |
Colline Ti Jean | 19.691940 , -73.057780 |
Coridon | 19.552890 , -72.900620 |
Corose | 19.748100 , -72.767540 |
Cote Garde | 19.700000 , -72.866670 |
Coton | 19.566670 , -72.866670 |
Covin | 19.716670 , -72.616670 |
Covin | 19.683330 , -72.666670 |
Crepin | 19.683330 , -72.683330 |
Cressac | 19.666670 , -72.666670 |
Danty | 19.716670 , -72.616670 |
Darang | 19.548620 , -72.758020 |
David | 19.702250 , -72.747790 |
David | 19.733330 , -72.733330 |
De l'Eau Janvier | 19.683330 , -72.750000 |
Deboche | 19.650000 , -72.600000 |
Defile | 19.605150 , -72.941960 |
Derriere Anse Rouge | 19.650000 , -73.072780 |
Derriere Fort | 19.616670 , -72.966670 |
Derriere l'Etang | 19.616670 , -72.650000 |
Derriere Lagon | 19.666670 , -72.800000 |
Derriere Morrie | 19.766670 , -72.666670 |
Descambe | 19.793510 , -72.708440 |
Desire | 19.766670 , -72.750000 |
Dieujuste | 19.716670 , -72.766670 |
Digoterie | 19.700000 , -72.933330 |
Digoterie | 19.587500 , -72.790830 |
Digoterie | 19.739040 , -72.791780 |
Dimiti | 19.666670 , -72.666670 |
Docor | 19.633330 , -72.650000 |
Docossiere | 19.633330 , -72.683330 |
Dolan | 19.580850 , -72.783030 |
Dos d'Ane | 19.683330 , -72.800000 |
Dosny | 19.683330 , -72.700000 |
Du Charbe | 19.656390 , -72.761670 |
Duclos | 19.716670 , -73.066670 |
Dupuy | 19.692190 , -72.744670 |
Dupuy | 19.733330 , -72.700000 |
Duris | 19.683330 , -72.666670 |
Duris | 19.700000 , -72.616670 |
Duverger | 19.650000 , -72.650000 |
Duverneuille | 19.673410 , -72.906740 |
En Haut la Hatte | 19.543330 , -72.806670 |
Esperi | 19.700000 , -72.666670 |
Etable | 19.733330 , -72.733330 |
Faguet | 19.662780 , -72.775560 |
Flervil | 19.750000 , -72.650000 |
Focceli | 19.653060 , -73.051670 |
Fond Bleu | 19.733330 , -72.616670 |
Fond Cap | 19.766670 , -72.783330 |
Fond Georges | 19.537120 , -72.743220 |
Fond Ibo | 19.659330 , -72.669240 |
Fond Lagon | 19.700000 , -72.833330 |
Fond Mars | 19.690140 , -72.666570 |
Fond Sarasin | 19.587190 , -72.756780 |
Fond Zombi | 19.769000 , -72.751000 |
Forge | 19.733330 , -72.683330 |
Galatas | 19.661120 , -73.057000 |
Garcin | 19.666670 , -72.600000 |
Gommier | 19.691360 , -72.635370 |
Grand Boulaille | 19.646390 , -72.933060 |
Grand Diable | 19.678020 , -73.068520 |
Grand Platon | 19.697500 , -73.079440 |
Grand Port | 19.606670 , -73.002220 |
Grande | 19.633330 , -72.950000 |
Grande Barriere | 19.633330 , -72.866670 |
Grande Croix | 19.700000 , -72.650000 |
Grande Monbin | 19.533330 , -72.800000 |
Grande Place | 19.700000 , -72.666670 |
Grande Place | 19.708700 , -72.668070 |
Grande Plaine | 19.700000 , -72.766670 |
Grande Ravine | 19.563330 , -72.810000 |
Grande Savane | 19.511940 , -72.807780 |
Grepin | 19.676270 , -72.698710 |
Gros Gaillac | 19.630560 , -72.897220 |
Gros Morne | 19.666670 , -72.683330 |
Grosse Roche | 19.633330 , -72.800000 |
Guerin | 19.650000 , -72.666670 |
Hatte Chevalier | 19.682050 , -72.932760 |
Hatte Dimanche | 19.647600 , -72.880330 |
Hatte Dimanche | 19.650000 , -72.866670 |
Hatte Ti La Colon | 19.616670 , -72.916670 |
Hatte Ti Louis | 19.615290 , -72.927130 |
Haut Morne | 19.700000 , -72.683330 |
Haut Peroux | 19.633330 , -72.666670 |
Homme de Paille | 19.642220 , -73.092780 |
Jean Pierre | 19.716670 , -72.666670 |
Jeantin | 19.572500 , -72.911390 |
Jolivert | 19.750000 , -72.783330 |
Ka Pamarque | 19.633330 , -72.733330 |
L'Etable | 19.716670 , -72.733330 |
L'Etang | 19.550000 , -72.850000 |
La Boutique | 19.738430 , -72.742440 |
La Conde | 19.716670 , -72.683330 |
La Cour Paletot | 19.618520 , -72.769630 |
La Croix | 19.716670 , -72.750000 |
La Croix | 19.715280 , -72.739530 |
La Fortune | 19.604720 , -72.757500 |
La Fortune | 19.633330 , -72.716670 |
La Fortune | 19.649990 , -72.636600 |
La Garde | 19.650000 , -72.650000 |
La Hatte | 19.666670 , -73.100000 |
La Pierre | 19.766670 , -72.733330 |
La Porte | 19.650000 , -72.600000 |
La Qouis | 19.732310 , -72.669800 |
La Rate | 19.666670 , -72.616670 |
La Robe | 19.611670 , -72.899720 |
La Rue | 19.766670 , -72.683330 |
La Rue | 19.741960 , -72.672930 |
La Rue | 19.733330 , -72.700000 |
La Source | 19.666670 , -72.666670 |
La Visite | 19.666670 , -72.716670 |
Labiche | 19.600000 , -72.766670 |
Lacorne | 19.684360 , -72.719850 |
Laferriere | 19.650000 , -72.866670 |
Lagon | 19.679050 , -72.827560 |
Lagon | 19.700000 , -72.650000 |
Lagon Brunette | 19.737170 , -72.635930 |
Lambert | 19.718190 , -72.620000 |
Lan Boucan | 19.643060 , -73.101670 |
Laroi | 19.666670 , -72.716670 |
Latanier | 19.516670 , -72.816670 |
Latanier | 19.716670 , -72.766670 |
Leveille | 19.696580 , -72.787270 |
Lianne | 19.659900 , -72.691830 |
Lormant | 19.641390 , -72.753890 |
Lormant | 19.666670 , -72.733330 |
Lourou | 19.675680 , -72.605270 |
Macapin | 19.659980 , -73.048920 |
Macaque | 19.620190 , -72.696770 |
Maforouget | 19.639440 , -72.947220 |
Magasin Degan | 19.618890 , -73.036630 |
Magasins | 19.567220 , -72.932220 |
Mahotieres | 19.663930 , -72.607580 |
Manothe | 19.650000 , -72.633330 |
Mapou | 19.550000 , -72.783330 |
Mard | 19.700000 , -72.783330 |
Mare Millien | 19.712220 , -73.058610 |
Mare Rouge | 19.695290 , -72.623890 |
Mare Zanglais | 19.648890 , -72.960280 |
Marie Rose | 19.666670 , -72.883330 |
Marodia | 19.683330 , -72.983330 |
Martin | 19.700000 , -72.616670 |
Mayo | 19.733330 , -72.766670 |
Merci | 19.673770 , -72.795370 |
Meron | 19.632500 , -72.758330 |
Miac | 19.683330 , -72.666670 |
Michel | 19.650000 , -72.633330 |
Miguel | 19.598330 , -72.919440 |
Monvil | 19.733330 , -72.700000 |
Morne aux Guepes | 19.716670 , -72.700000 |
Morne Bienac | 19.700000 , -72.683330 |
Morne de Paille | 19.683330 , -73.100000 |
Morne Dose | 19.666670 , -72.850000 |
Morne Piton | 19.683330 , -72.866670 |
Motobant | 19.762780 , -72.684000 |
Moule a Manchette | 19.682530 , -73.015890 |
Moulin | 19.650100 , -72.716470 |
Moulin Bassin | 19.616670 , -72.716670 |
Moustique | 19.666670 , -72.666670 |
Moustique | 19.650000 , -72.666670 |
Nan Bareau | 19.716670 , -72.633330 |
Nan Besoin | 19.716670 , -72.633330 |
Nan Borrin | 19.716670 , -73.066670 |
Nan Campeche | 19.683330 , -72.666670 |
Nan Candio | 19.750000 , -72.750000 |
Nan Canot | 19.654220 , -72.819010 |
Nan Charles | 19.650000 , -72.600000 |
Nan Chateau | 19.728580 , -72.618500 |
Nan Coton | 19.633330 , -72.866670 |
Nan Coton | 19.700000 , -72.850000 |
Nan Couman | 19.700000 , -72.816670 |
Nan Donna | 19.766000 , -72.739000 |
Nan Figuier | 19.647740 , -72.800240 |
Nan Fond | 19.597020 , -72.735870 |
Nan Fort | 19.613200 , -73.006130 |
Nan Francois | 19.709230 , -72.936190 |
Nan Franger | 19.750000 , -72.766670 |
Nan l'Etang | 19.733330 , -72.816670 |
Nan Lagon | 19.733330 , -72.650000 |
Nan Mapou | 19.750580 , -72.684120 |
Nan Marreau | 19.719720 , -73.005830 |
Nan Martin | 19.643230 , -72.663190 |
Nan Nicotte | 19.609850 , -72.790140 |
Nan Palmiste | 19.686850 , -72.869540 |
Nan Pangnol | 19.716670 , -72.666670 |
Nan Papaye | 19.688890 , -73.011670 |
Nan Paul | 19.733330 , -72.700000 |
Nan Paul | 19.527920 , -72.767830 |
Nan Pierrette | 19.766670 , -72.666670 |
Nan Pont | 19.615090 , -72.680090 |
Nan Saut | 19.697950 , -73.047720 |
Nan Savonnette | 19.750000 , -72.700000 |
Nan Suzette | 19.691820 , -72.673820 |
Nan Vincent | 19.666670 , -72.883330 |
Nicote | 19.583330 , -72.800000 |
Odige | 19.783330 , -72.750000 |
Opet | 19.653920 , -72.779000 |
Pac Melon | 19.600000 , -72.950000 |
Passe Crebete | 19.700000 , -72.700000 |
Pendu | 19.785670 , -72.734650 |
Perdutemps | 19.607060 , -72.736970 |
Perou | 19.600000 , -72.683330 |
Petit Port-a-Piment | 19.603960 , -72.984430 |
Piton Calumette | 19.583330 , -72.733330 |
Piton Flume | 19.583330 , -72.766670 |
Platon | 19.656630 , -72.913400 |
Platon de Paille | 19.650560 , -73.092220 |
Platon Dume | 19.543350 , -72.806560 |
Platon Mabrasier | 19.664000 , -73.070910 |
Platon Rassemble | 19.604440 , -72.895280 |
Platon Tache | 19.664330 , -72.951410 |
Pressac | 19.666670 , -72.666670 |
Ramonaise | 19.650000 , -72.800000 |
Ramoneuse | 19.600000 , -72.866670 |
Raque Lambert | 19.699440 , -73.016670 |
Ravine Acier | 19.666670 , -72.716670 |
Raymond | 19.733330 , -73.033330 |
Remonssant | 19.750000 , -72.750000 |
Riviere Blanche | 19.716670 , -72.683330 |
Riviere Froide | 19.566670 , -72.850000 |
Roche Filee | 19.700000 , -72.666670 |
Rouche Rouge | 19.700000 , -72.933330 |
Saline Grand Port | 19.616670 , -73.033330 |
Sapotille | 19.683330 , -72.783330 |
Saut Biscagne | 19.766670 , -72.700000 |
Savane Carree | 19.740280 , -72.726160 |
Savane Figuier | 19.589650 , -72.885970 |
Savane Larate | 19.750000 , -72.783330 |
Savane Longue | 19.618210 , -72.813050 |
Savane Longue | 19.716840 , -72.699330 |
Savane Moulin | 19.666670 , -72.716670 |
Savane Pomme | 19.700000 , -72.700000 |
Savane Ragee | 19.652450 , -72.998810 |
Seguin | 19.650000 , -72.783330 |
Songe | 19.716670 , -72.833330 |
Souqui | 19.716670 , -72.783330 |
Source Chaude | 19.634500 , -72.917910 |
Source Coulee | 19.683330 , -72.633330 |
Source Courte | 19.666670 , -72.633330 |
Souti | 19.650000 , -72.683330 |
Souti | 19.750000 , -72.783330 |
Table Au Diable | 19.583330 , -72.800000 |
Tably Agathy | 19.600000 , -72.766670 |
Tache | 19.650000 , -72.716670 |
Terre des Negres | 19.731390 , -73.063060 |
Terre Neuve | 19.599440 , -72.781110 |
Tete Boeuf | 19.666670 , -72.950000 |
Ti Carenage | 19.566670 , -72.916670 |
Ti David | 19.750000 , -72.716670 |
Ti Davis | 19.750000 , -72.733330 |
Ti Fond | 19.636050 , -72.760820 |
Ti Lagon | 19.631530 , -73.124580 |
Ti Moulin | 19.649610 , -72.695800 |
Ti Paradis | 19.641000 , -73.114520 |
Ti Pierre | 19.633330 , -72.633330 |
Ti Place | 19.633330 , -72.883330 |
Ti Saline | 19.542560 , -72.878480 |
Ti Saline | 19.631720 , -72.903520 |
Tortue | 19.605560 , -72.791670 |
Treuil | 19.766670 , -72.650000 |
Tricote | 19.766670 , -72.716670 |
Trois Poteaux | 19.651810 , -72.681940 |
Trou Cordon | 19.750000 , -72.716670 |
Trou Cordon | 19.766670 , -72.733330 |
Troupeau | 19.640440 , -72.879590 |
Verneuil | 19.766670 , -72.666670 |
Vieille Hatte | 19.578250 , -72.872370 |
Vieux Camp | 19.656070 , -72.828940 |
Viteau | 19.716670 , -72.600000 |
Voute Rouge | 19.683330 , -72.883330 |
Zombi | 19.566670 , -72.866670 |
Zoranger | 19.683330 , -72.900000 |
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- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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