Plaisance (Nord) Map Cropping Samples

Plaisance (Nord) Map Cropping Samples-1

Plaisance (Nord) Map Cropping Samples-2

Plaisance neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Plaisance with 3D shadow effect

Plaisance map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Plaisance (geojson format) :
Plaisance.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Plaisance map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Plaisance Map : ( 19.520278 , -72.64849 , 19.771855 , -72.41602 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Plaisance map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](19.520278, -72.64849, 19.771855, -72.41602);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Plaisance)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Plaisance
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Avril | 19.666670 , -72.566670 |
Babin | 19.583330 , -72.500000 |
Ballon | 19.683330 , -72.566670 |
Bambi | 19.633330 , -72.550000 |
Bas Cimetiere | 19.583330 , -72.450000 |
Bassainthe | 19.700000 , -72.566670 |
Bassin | 19.616670 , -72.483330 |
Bassin Laurent | 19.616670 , -72.466670 |
Bassin Pois Doux | 19.583330 , -72.450000 |
Bayacou | 19.583330 , -72.516670 |
Bedoret | 19.583330 , -72.450000 |
Belizaire | 19.583330 , -72.483330 |
Belizaire | 19.638040 , -72.554040 |
Bellande | 19.685320 , -72.553940 |
Bellevue | 19.691260 , -72.597680 |
Bellevue | 19.633330 , -72.500000 |
Bellevue | 19.700000 , -72.550000 |
Beloeuf | 19.700000 , -72.583330 |
Benjamin | 19.566670 , -72.500000 |
Berger | 19.666670 , -72.466670 |
Bernard | 19.566670 , -72.483330 |
Bertin | 19.655120 , -72.514540 |
Bertin | 19.716670 , -72.533330 |
Bigot | 19.683330 , -72.583330 |
Billiot | 19.649120 , -72.537470 |
Bimba | 19.683330 , -72.533330 |
Blain | 19.533330 , -72.466670 |
Bodasse | 19.733330 , -72.583330 |
Bois d'Homme | 19.566670 , -72.500000 |
Bois d'Orme | 19.566670 , -72.500000 |
Bois Joly | 19.683330 , -72.550000 |
Bois Noir | 19.583330 , -72.516670 |
Bois Rouge | 19.583330 , -72.500000 |
Bourgon | 19.650000 , -72.533330 |
Bras Gauche | 19.716670 , -72.533330 |
Brevin | 19.600000 , -72.500000 |
Calbachin | 19.733330 , -72.533330 |
Calebassier | 19.716670 , -72.533330 |
Carber | 19.550000 , -72.450000 |
Carrefour Bois d'Homme | 19.550000 , -72.483330 |
Cassorouge | 19.750000 , -72.600000 |
Castane | 19.716670 , -72.533330 |
Chabaurin | 19.733330 , -72.583330 |
Chabote | 19.717730 , -72.565850 |
Chaillot | 19.566670 , -72.450000 |
Chaino | 19.600000 , -72.450000 |
Champagne | 19.633330 , -72.466670 |
Charboner | 19.650000 , -72.500000 |
Charrier | 19.583330 , -72.516670 |
Chatard | 19.578750 , -72.472490 |
Chaton | 19.683330 , -72.600000 |
Chery | 19.683330 , -72.550000 |
Clerissau | 19.616670 , -72.516670 |
Clou | 19.750000 , -72.583330 |
Cochonnette | 19.750000 , -72.583330 |
Congoya | 19.633330 , -72.533330 |
Corail | 19.733330 , -72.600000 |
Dalas | 19.633330 , -72.500000 |
Dambou | 19.666670 , -72.466670 |
Daugy | 19.700000 , -72.533330 |
Demoitier | 19.560230 , -72.485990 |
Despagnes | 19.616670 , -72.483330 |
Diambour | 19.666670 , -72.500000 |
Dimini | 19.600000 , -72.483330 |
Dodira | 19.666670 , -72.483330 |
Douane | 19.668710 , -72.527400 |
Duclerac | 19.677000 , -72.539870 |
Dulmene | 19.700000 , -72.550000 |
Duperac | 19.672260 , -72.482020 |
Duplessy | 19.720000 , -72.523000 |
Duplessy | 19.650000 , -72.483330 |
Dupuy | 19.566670 , -72.433330 |
Durivier | 19.583330 , -72.500000 |
Duro | 19.716670 , -72.583330 |
Fessade | 19.533330 , -72.450000 |
Fleurette | 19.700000 , -72.600000 |
Focodiere | 19.633330 , -72.500000 |
Fond Frais | 19.683330 , -72.600000 |
Fond Grande Riviere | 19.533330 , -72.466670 |
Fossine | 19.666670 , -72.550000 |
Foucauld | 19.616670 , -72.516670 |
Francois | 19.550000 , -72.433330 |
Fressac | 19.527110 , -72.439950 |
Galbo | 19.566670 , -72.483330 |
Grande Savane | 19.683320 , -72.576650 |
Grillier | 19.650000 , -72.550000 |
Jacquitte | 19.666670 , -72.550000 |
Jasmin | 19.583330 , -72.533330 |
Jedehonie | 19.650000 , -72.533330 |
Jimbi | 19.616670 , -72.466670 |
Jolie | 19.750000 , -72.583330 |
L'Etang | 19.750000 , -72.583330 |
Lacoma | 19.677990 , -72.583960 |
Lagiromie | 19.655290 , -72.573370 |
Lapierre | 19.683330 , -72.600000 |
Laporte | 19.733880 , -72.584030 |
Ligrin | 19.666670 , -72.466670 |
Limbe | 19.700000 , -72.600000 |
Lorguesse | 19.607370 , -72.537200 |
Macajou | 19.683330 , -72.533330 |
Macrebo | 19.600000 , -72.516670 |
Maguimbo | 19.622710 , -72.503290 |
Mahot Palmiste | 19.716670 , -72.566670 |
Maillete | 19.633330 , -72.500000 |
Majon | 19.666670 , -72.550000 |
Marchand | 19.650000 , -72.533330 |
Mare Louis | 19.683330 , -72.583330 |
Marie Congo | 19.762440 , -72.631900 |
Marie Louise | 19.716670 , -72.583330 |
Martin | 19.675810 , -72.492670 |
Martino | 19.618160 , -72.485030 |
Masouco | 19.659010 , -72.485100 |
Matiaca | 19.600000 , -72.500000 |
Melanie | 19.566670 , -72.466670 |
Mercredi | 19.550000 , -72.450000 |
Merge | 19.666670 , -72.516670 |
Modieu | 19.700000 , -72.600000 |
Moline | 19.633330 , -72.466670 |
Moreau | 19.603190 , -72.468020 |
Morlant | 19.726990 , -72.541010 |
Morne Menti | 19.533330 , -72.433330 |
Morne Saint Armand | 19.533330 , -72.466670 |
Nan Blain | 19.561550 , -72.475640 |
Nan Bonne | 19.616670 , -72.450000 |
Nan George | 19.550000 , -72.466670 |
Nan Jacques | 19.700000 , -72.600000 |
Nan Jonc | 19.600000 , -72.450000 |
Nan Marecage | 19.733330 , -72.550000 |
Nan Poudre | 19.616670 , -72.450000 |
Nan Rousseau | 19.693850 , -72.496650 |
Nan Ti Fond | 19.550000 , -72.433330 |
Nio | 19.650000 , -72.550000 |
Ovre | 19.600000 , -72.483330 |
Paillant | 19.662360 , -72.554090 |
Paquio | 19.600000 , -72.483330 |
Paradis | 19.624900 , -72.552630 |
Paradis | 19.700000 , -72.566670 |
Patchio | 19.666670 , -72.500000 |
Patience | 19.683330 , -72.566670 |
Patio | 19.683330 , -72.516670 |
Paul | 19.550000 , -72.466670 |
Perine | 19.666670 , -72.483330 |
Pica | 19.587390 , -72.508770 |
Pijote | 19.600000 , -72.533330 |
Pilate | 19.666670 , -72.550000 |
Piment | 19.711490 , -72.548340 |
Place | 19.633330 , -72.516670 |
Plaisance | 19.600000 , -72.466670 |
Platon Duricie | 19.550000 , -72.466670 |
Pois Doux | 19.733330 , -72.566670 |
Premier | 19.733330 , -72.600000 |
Provos | 19.683330 , -72.600000 |
Robert | 19.716670 , -72.516670 |
Roche a Feu | 19.600000 , -72.516670 |
Roger | 19.616670 , -72.450000 |
Rousseau | 19.633330 , -72.466670 |
Soigne | 19.550000 , -72.433330 |
Tchery | 19.683330 , -72.516670 |
Tente | 19.700000 , -72.583330 |
Thierry | 19.688310 , -72.530760 |
Ti Place | 19.533330 , -72.466670 |
Tibaud | 19.533330 , -72.433330 |
Tirele | 19.650000 , -72.500000 |
Tirele | 19.650000 , -72.533330 |
Toussaint | 19.700000 , -72.533330 |
Vallade | 19.683330 , -72.500000 |
Vallade | 19.583330 , -72.533330 |
Varne | 19.533330 , -72.450000 |
Vaset | 19.616670 , -72.500000 |
Vasseur | 19.616670 , -72.483330 |
Vieux Depot | 19.532360 , -72.464900 |
Vieux Fort | 19.683330 , -72.550000 |
Villard | 19.616670 , -72.483330 |
Viteau | 19.700000 , -72.550000 |
Volee | 19.600000 , -72.533330 |
Zigue | 19.750000 , -72.600000 |
- You can download geometry data for Plaisance in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.