Miragoâne (Nippes) Map Cropping Samples

Miragoâne (Nippes) Map Cropping Samples-1

Miragoâne (Nippes) Map Cropping Samples-2

Miragoâne neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Miragoâne with 3D shadow effect

Miragoâne map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Miragoâne (geojson format) :
Miragoâne.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Miragoâne map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Miragoâne Map : ( 18.2320742037 , -73.3381779094 , 18.489703751 , -72.9912561422 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Miragoâne map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](18.2320742037, -73.3381779094, 18.489703751, -72.9912561422);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Miragoâne)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Miragoâne
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abraham | 18.466670 , -73.250000 |
Abraham | 18.400000 , -73.233330 |
Bahon | 18.366670 , -73.216670 |
Bambou | 18.300000 , -73.016670 |
Baptiste | 18.372350 , -73.311140 |
Bassin Bleu | 18.366670 , -73.116670 |
Baudouin | 18.302170 , -73.047770 |
Beaudouin | 18.333330 , -73.066670 |
Beaudouin | 18.383330 , -73.316670 |
Belivert | 18.308770 , -73.034820 |
Belle Hotesse | 18.400000 , -73.116670 |
Belle Roche | 18.450000 , -73.266670 |
Bellevue | 18.450000 , -73.183330 |
Berken | 18.433330 , -73.116670 |
Bernard | 18.400000 , -73.300000 |
Berthol | 18.266670 , -73.016670 |
Bezin | 18.479240 , -73.161500 |
Bizarre | 18.455670 , -73.171210 |
Boco | 18.366670 , -73.083330 |
Bois Cabrit | 18.400140 , -73.158970 |
Bojo | 18.400000 , -73.316670 |
Boula | 18.383330 , -73.283330 |
Bouton | 18.366670 , -73.150000 |
Bouzi | 18.372440 , -73.292750 |
Ca Comte | 18.434140 , -73.208460 |
Ca Dulma | 18.433330 , -73.183330 |
Ca Matisse | 18.433330 , -73.133330 |
Ca Michaud | 18.373130 , -73.242600 |
Cacolo | 18.366670 , -73.166670 |
Cadiac | 18.366670 , -73.150000 |
Carrefour Dent | 18.433330 , -73.133330 |
Carrefour Desruisseaux | 18.433330 , -73.083330 |
Carrefour Moussignac | 18.383330 , -73.100000 |
Chalon | 18.412750 , -73.088230 |
Chanterelle | 18.466670 , -73.216670 |
Charlier | 18.486990 , -73.191730 |
Chasseau | 18.407040 , -73.204500 |
Cheresi | 18.383330 , -73.116670 |
Chevalier | 18.388130 , -73.242690 |
Cholet | 18.450000 , -73.233330 |
Clarette | 18.266670 , -73.016670 |
Cocoyer Duchene | 18.401560 , -73.286420 |
Colombel | 18.383330 , -73.050000 |
Colombelle | 18.383330 , -73.233330 |
Corail | 18.437730 , -73.157550 |
Corosse | 18.366670 , -73.216670 |
Dabon | 18.391980 , -73.280910 |
Dariole | 18.300000 , -73.033330 |
Desmarais | 18.413640 , -73.139470 |
Dessources | 18.316670 , -73.000000 |
Diaca | 18.466670 , -73.150000 |
Dimisaine | 18.368030 , -73.137260 |
Du Parc | 18.394970 , -73.097030 |
Dupuy | 18.466350 , -73.241370 |
Dutcyac | 18.366670 , -73.216670 |
Duverger | 18.433330 , -73.100000 |
Etang Rey | 18.383330 , -73.183330 |
Fon De Neg | 18.360770 , -73.234110 |
Fond Pin Paris | 18.283330 , -73.033330 |
Freneau | 18.328360 , -73.061710 |
Giraud | 18.300000 , -73.000000 |
Goyine | 18.387240 , -73.198010 |
Grande Savane | 18.373960 , -73.225810 |
Gulguite | 18.450000 , -73.166670 |
Haut du Four | 18.383330 , -73.083330 |
Hyacinthe | 18.366670 , -73.016670 |
Jacquot | 18.383330 , -73.150000 |
Jeanette | 18.350000 , -73.050000 |
Jourvence | 18.368250 , -73.171110 |
Jules | 18.350000 , -73.033330 |
L'Ardoise | 18.433330 , -73.250000 |
La Colline | 18.383330 , -73.266670 |
La Ferme | 18.383330 , -73.250000 |
La Girau | 18.416670 , -73.250000 |
La Mont | 18.400000 , -73.200000 |
La Paix | 18.450000 , -73.250000 |
La Rate | 18.466670 , -73.216670 |
Labrousse | 18.333330 , -73.033330 |
Laurier | 18.350000 , -73.066670 |
Le Blanc | 18.383330 , -73.233330 |
Le Rock | 18.433330 , -73.216670 |
Lebrun | 18.432250 , -73.156240 |
Lhomond | 18.342660 , -73.085960 |
Mais Pierre | 18.366670 , -73.316670 |
Mamezelle | 18.366670 , -73.066670 |
Mapou | 18.450000 , -73.150000 |
Mare Cachiman | 18.416670 , -73.316670 |
Marien | 18.450000 , -73.266670 |
Martel | 18.466670 , -73.266670 |
Mason | 18.400000 , -73.150000 |
Matayer | 18.383330 , -73.150000 |
Mathurin | 18.433330 , -73.233330 |
Menard | 18.363350 , -73.066940 |
Miragoâne | 18.417974 , -73.072814 |
Mombin | 18.250000 , -73.016670 |
Morne Canne | 18.350000 , -73.050000 |
Morne Parois | 18.416670 , -73.083330 |
Mussotte | 18.420510 , -73.194730 |
Nan Bourrique | 18.350000 , -73.083330 |
Nan Fraicheur | 18.400000 , -73.300000 |
Nan Mambre | 18.403520 , -73.180250 |
Nan Plaisir | 18.283330 , -73.016670 |
Nan Tranquille | 18.416670 , -73.233330 |
Narcisse | 18.383330 , -73.200000 |
Obeissant | 18.400000 , -73.150000 |
Paillant | 18.417640 , -73.145700 |
Pelissier | 18.366670 , -73.200000 |
Petite Colline | 18.358810 , -73.030260 |
Petite Rivière de Nippes | 18.476110 , -73.234950 |
Pochette | 18.383740 , -73.318840 |
Quenepe | 18.483330 , -73.166670 |
Quetan | 18.450000 , -73.233330 |
Ramier | 18.300000 , -73.033330 |
Ravine Cocoyer | 18.400000 , -73.300000 |
Redon | 18.450000 , -73.233330 |
Rimasse | 18.466670 , -73.266670 |
Roche Pierre | 18.450000 , -73.233330 |
Saint-Martin | 18.400000 , -73.066670 |
Saint-Michel du Sud | 18.373210 , -73.116710 |
Sainte-Croix | 18.416670 , -73.183330 |
Salagnac | 18.433330 , -73.250000 |
Salor | 18.416670 , -73.233330 |
Sapotille | 18.383330 , -73.133330 |
Savane Henry | 18.250000 , -73.016670 |
Sechoir | 18.433330 , -73.166670 |
Tazac | 18.348220 , -73.059370 |
Teinturiers | 18.463040 , -73.237850 |
Terre Rouge | 18.283330 , -73.016670 |
Ti Raisin | 18.316670 , -73.033330 |
Vieillard | 18.416670 , -73.200000 |
Viel | 18.383330 , -73.216670 |
Viele | 18.366670 , -73.183330 |
Violette | 18.366670 , -73.183330 |
Vivant | 18.416670 , -73.166670 |
Yvon | 18.383330 , -73.066670 |
- You can download geometry data for Miragoâne in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.