le Cap-Haïtien (Nord) Map Cropping Samples

le Cap-Haïtien (Nord) Map Cropping Samples-1

le Cap-Haïtien (Nord) Map Cropping Samples-2

le Cap-Haïtien neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of le Cap-Haïtien with 3D shadow effect

le Cap-Haïtien map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of le Cap-Haïtien (geojson format) :
le Cap-Haïtien.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of le Cap-Haïtien map for "Google Maps" :
le Cap-Haïtien.txt
Bounding Box for le Cap-Haïtien Map : ( 19.587564 , -72.259854 , 19.7889 , -72.036129 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of le Cap-Haïtien map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](19.587564, -72.259854, 19.7889, -72.036129);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (le Cap-Haïtien)
rel["name"="le Cap-Haïtien"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="le Cap-Haïtien"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of le Cap-Haïtien
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Barony | 19.710590 , -72.126780 |
Barriere Bouteille | 19.750000 , -72.213060 |
Bas Canal | 19.716670 , -72.133330 |
Bassin Mambo | 19.616670 , -72.133330 |
Baudin | 19.716670 , -72.200000 |
Bel Air | 19.753890 , -72.213060 |
Beliard | 19.666670 , -72.100000 |
Bellevue | 19.650000 , -72.100000 |
Biley | 19.633330 , -72.150000 |
Bonnay | 19.697040 , -72.173080 |
Bord de Mer de Limonade | 19.728200 , -72.114240 |
Bourjo | 19.672560 , -72.159660 |
Breda | 19.722630 , -72.228960 |
Buclair | 19.641570 , -72.144640 |
Ca Douche | 19.650000 , -72.183330 |
Caimittes | 19.666670 , -72.166670 |
Campegne | 19.624630 , -72.154300 |
Canot | 19.639610 , -72.073380 |
Cap-Haïtien | 19.757780 , -72.204170 |
Carrefour Parois | 19.686670 , -72.129720 |
Chaffrey | 19.633330 , -72.166670 |
Champin | 19.616670 , -72.116670 |
Charite | 19.733330 , -72.150000 |
Charrier | 19.729020 , -72.227300 |
Chatte Noire | 19.730740 , -72.155160 |
Clementine | 19.716670 , -72.150000 |
Clerisse | 19.679780 , -72.179920 |
Conodi | 19.682220 , -72.075830 |
Cormier | 19.782320 , -72.226480 |
Coussy | 19.666670 , -72.083330 |
D'Espagne | 19.766670 , -72.200000 |
Delcourt | 19.616670 , -72.133330 |
Delva | 19.666670 , -72.083330 |
Dena | 19.716670 , -72.200000 |
Dereal | 19.650000 , -72.100000 |
Derence | 19.633330 , -72.183330 |
Descotieres | 19.650000 , -72.183330 |
Destouches | 19.678330 , -72.116670 |
Destouches | 19.662430 , -72.086660 |
Detrouille | 19.733330 , -72.150000 |
Digo | 19.633330 , -72.150000 |
Dimini | 19.666670 , -72.133330 |
Donneau | 19.600000 , -72.133330 |
Dubout | 19.667390 , -72.100760 |
Ducroix | 19.784250 , -72.217080 |
Duro | 19.721440 , -72.127500 |
Febe | 19.705960 , -72.157000 |
Fort Bely | 19.766670 , -72.250000 |
Fourrier | 19.653430 , -72.143220 |
Gaderas | 19.750000 , -72.250000 |
Galment | 19.715500 , -72.156610 |
Genivree | 19.683330 , -72.100000 |
Georges | 19.750000 , -72.216670 |
Goyard | 19.744390 , -72.211680 |
Gradis | 19.650000 , -72.166670 |
Grand Doco | 19.769170 , -72.246110 |
Grand Pre | 19.616670 , -72.183330 |
Grande Place | 19.700000 , -72.100000 |
Guillaume | 19.700000 , -72.150000 |
Haut du Cap | 19.723330 , -72.228890 |
Haut Marre | 19.650000 , -72.166670 |
La Chapelle | 19.633330 , -72.083330 |
La Chapelle | 19.724720 , -72.126110 |
La Chevalerie | 19.699830 , -72.105500 |
La Fague | 19.781670 , -72.210830 |
La Genevre | 19.685560 , -72.108610 |
La Hatte | 19.672430 , -72.116910 |
La Hatte par le Roy | 19.666670 , -72.116670 |
La Petite Anse | 19.739440 , -72.182500 |
La Rue | 19.716000 , -72.181290 |
La Voute | 19.722630 , -72.245320 |
Labadie | 19.771720 , -72.245290 |
Lacombe | 19.650000 , -72.166670 |
Lalande | 19.675200 , -72.154050 |
Lan Moleur | 19.683290 , -72.151840 |
Lescamotier | 19.666670 , -72.150000 |
Limonade | 19.669720 , -72.125280 |
Madelaine | 19.616670 , -72.116670 |
Madeleine | 19.600000 , -72.116670 |
Magaeline | 19.723610 , -72.192780 |
Manteau Noir | 19.650000 , -72.083330 |
Marquis | 19.683330 , -72.183330 |
Martin | 19.762850 , -72.240110 |
Mazeres | 19.684740 , -72.180040 |
Menard | 19.633330 , -72.183330 |
Montolon | 19.707370 , -72.104360 |
Nan Jesus | 19.721520 , -72.156470 |
Nandon | 19.733330 , -72.166670 |
Petite Riviere | 19.610240 , -72.127690 |
Pica | 19.761940 , -72.218060 |
Picard | 19.721940 , -72.237780 |
Pistere | 19.633330 , -72.100000 |
Poirrier | 19.773590 , -72.210800 |
Pont Parois | 19.687220 , -72.142500 |
Punaise | 19.633330 , -72.100000 |
Quartier Morin | 19.696670 , -72.156940 |
Ravise | 19.616670 , -72.183330 |
Sainte-Philomene | 19.750000 , -72.216670 |
Shada | 19.733330 , -72.200000 |
Sima | 19.698180 , -72.116980 |
Tabary | 19.705450 , -72.130110 |
Ti Charute | 19.716640 , -72.169890 |
Vertieres | 19.733330 , -72.224440 |
Viard | 19.633330 , -72.166670 |
Vigie | 19.768030 , -72.208370 |
Welch | 19.683330 , -72.116670 |
- You can download geometry data for le Cap-Haïtien in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.