Lascahobas (Centre) Map Cropping Samples

Lascahobas (Centre) Map Cropping Samples-1

Lascahobas (Centre) Map Cropping Samples-2

Lascahobas neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Lascahobas with 3D shadow effect

Lascahobas map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Lascahobas (geojson format) :
Lascahobas.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Lascahobas map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Lascahobas Map : ( 18.6851425956 , -72.0628851038 , 18.970390847 , -71.720833514 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Lascahobas map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](18.6851425956, -72.0628851038, 18.970390847, -71.720833514);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Lascahobas)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Lascahobas
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Ananas | 18.950000 , -71.933330 |
Au Large | 18.883330 , -71.850000 |
Bangoule | 18.833330 , -71.983330 |
Baptiste | 18.797630 , -71.783080 |
Barriere Gaule | 18.850000 , -71.966670 |
Basse | 18.816670 , -71.816670 |
Bassin Visite | 18.750000 , -71.883330 |
Bassin Visite | 18.750000 , -71.933330 |
Batier | 18.907140 , -71.813370 |
Belladère | 18.866940 , -71.763060 |
Belle Blade | 18.733330 , -71.866670 |
Belle Terre | 18.766670 , -71.833330 |
Bercerie | 18.750000 , -71.800000 |
Bidal | 18.850000 , -71.833330 |
Bissainthe | 18.850000 , -71.950000 |
Blanchard | 18.883330 , -72.033330 |
Bois Lance | 18.783330 , -71.816670 |
Bois Major | 18.800000 , -71.850000 |
Bois Pin | 18.850000 , -71.900000 |
Bois Pin Gomme | 18.783330 , -71.800000 |
Bois Pin L'Orage | 18.916670 , -71.800000 |
Bois Pin Negre | 18.933330 , -71.850000 |
Bois Pin Pose | 18.933330 , -71.816670 |
Bois Pins | 18.866670 , -71.883330 |
Bois Rouge | 18.783330 , -71.900000 |
Bois Seche | 18.766670 , -71.900000 |
Bois-Pin | 18.750000 , -71.816670 |
Boise Dine | 18.816670 , -71.833330 |
Bota la Pluie | 18.918060 , -71.836170 |
Botoncy | 18.866670 , -71.783330 |
Boucan Jean Louis | 18.816670 , -71.816670 |
Boucan Tache | 18.866670 , -72.033330 |
Boucan Ti Cochon | 18.716670 , -71.816670 |
Boulaille | 18.733330 , -71.866670 |
Boulaille | 18.733330 , -71.800000 |
Boulaille Boeuf | 18.952780 , -72.004720 |
Boulaille Voley | 18.800000 , -71.750000 |
Brutus | 18.800000 , -71.883330 |
Ca Laroche | 18.850000 , -71.816670 |
Ca Pente | 18.833330 , -71.833330 |
Cabestor | 18.866670 , -72.000000 |
Cadette | 18.833330 , -71.900000 |
Cafe | 18.800570 , -71.922190 |
Caimite | 18.916670 , -71.883330 |
Caimittes | 18.917500 , -71.891960 |
Calumette | 18.783330 , -71.866670 |
Calumette | 18.700000 , -71.816670 |
Camaron | 18.866670 , -71.766670 |
Candelon | 18.903010 , -71.929960 |
Cange | 18.916670 , -71.983330 |
Canot | 18.871010 , -71.896130 |
Capable | 18.866670 , -71.966670 |
Caracol | 18.916670 , -71.950000 |
Caranarang | 18.900000 , -71.816670 |
Carrefour Milton | 18.750000 , -71.883330 |
Carrizal | 18.863410 , -71.731250 |
Cayahonde | 18.850000 , -71.866670 |
Cerecif | 18.833330 , -71.816670 |
Cerecit | 18.833330 , -71.816670 |
Chapoteau | 18.900000 , -72.000000 |
Charles Joly | 18.883330 , -71.933330 |
Cirouelle | 18.921330 , -71.883500 |
Cohos | 18.749720 , -71.861390 |
Cologne | 18.733330 , -71.766670 |
Colora | 18.850000 , -71.866670 |
Colora | 18.846380 , -71.894630 |
Colorado | 18.955730 , -71.859410 |
Colorado | 18.944890 , -71.853000 |
Comaidois | 18.950000 , -71.800000 |
Corail | 18.816670 , -71.883330 |
Corail | 18.766670 , -71.900000 |
Crapaud | 18.866670 , -71.866670 |
Croix Chatte | 18.783330 , -71.750000 |
Croix Fer | 18.853610 , -71.818610 |
Croix Hondo | 18.950000 , -71.900000 |
Croix Martyrs | 18.834720 , -71.925830 |
Dalmas | 18.800000 , -71.950000 |
Dame-Jeanne Cassee | 18.900000 , -71.783330 |
Decembre | 18.766670 , -71.966670 |
Decouverte | 18.737500 , -71.742750 |
Dema | 18.854170 , -72.016110 |
Derriere Morne | 18.866670 , -71.750000 |
Desmornes | 18.882220 , -71.745830 |
Dessabie | 18.933330 , -71.966670 |
Didot | 18.800000 , -71.916670 |
Dos Baille | 18.766670 , -71.900000 |
Dos Chapelle | 18.900000 , -71.833330 |
Dos Citron | 18.733330 , -71.916670 |
Dos Gravier | 18.816670 , -71.933330 |
Dos la Flor | 18.926540 , -71.792250 |
Dos Leron | 18.783330 , -71.900000 |
Dos Manoir | 18.800000 , -71.833330 |
Dos Palais | 18.833330 , -71.883330 |
Dos Palme | 18.766670 , -71.850000 |
Dos Parc | 18.783330 , -71.800000 |
Dos Paul | 18.850000 , -71.766670 |
Dos Pomme | 18.866670 , -71.850000 |
Dos Roye | 18.750000 , -71.766670 |
Dos Rutais | 18.833330 , -71.866670 |
Dos Ti Bois Pin | 18.783330 , -71.883330 |
Dos Zaboca | 18.783330 , -71.866670 |
El Coq | 18.933330 , -71.866670 |
Felician | 18.916670 , -71.933330 |
Figuier | 18.828460 , -71.830090 |
Figuier | 18.800000 , -71.916670 |
Fleurissant | 18.783330 , -71.866670 |
Fond Bois Pin | 18.845750 , -71.902860 |
Fond Cicile | 18.816670 , -71.933330 |
Fond Pierre | 18.918340 , -71.947080 |
Fond Roye | 18.750000 , -71.766670 |
Fonds Pierre | 18.916670 , -71.950000 |
Fort Anglais | 18.833330 , -71.933330 |
Gaby | 18.816670 , -71.850000 |
Garde a Souane | 18.933330 , -71.783330 |
Garde Gendarme | 18.852060 , -71.852120 |
Gilbert | 18.883330 , -72.016670 |
Grand Bois | 18.750000 , -71.883330 |
Grand Fond | 18.716670 , -71.800000 |
Grand Platon | 18.733330 , -71.900000 |
Grande Plaine | 18.850000 , -71.766670 |
Grande Savane | 18.816670 , -71.950000 |
Gros Figuier | 18.740890 , -71.923540 |
Gros Laboue | 18.750000 , -71.900000 |
Gros Morne | 18.900000 , -72.000000 |
Gros Moulin | 18.792810 , -71.888400 |
Gros Trou | 18.783330 , -71.800000 |
Grosse Lione | 18.766670 , -71.883330 |
Grosse Roche | 18.800000 , -71.933330 |
Grundet | 18.816670 , -71.966670 |
Haute Roche Grande | 18.866670 , -71.883330 |
Hoye | 18.816670 , -71.733330 |
Icaques | 18.900000 , -71.950000 |
Jacques | 18.833330 , -71.933330 |
Joassaint | 18.850000 , -71.866670 |
Joupatonil | 18.783330 , -71.766670 |
Juampas | 18.852810 , -71.924270 |
L'Eau Gaillee | 18.798890 , -71.820830 |
La Bellevue | 18.933330 , -71.783330 |
La Cab | 18.833330 , -71.733330 |
La Canhit | 18.866670 , -71.783330 |
La Couline | 18.800000 , -71.950000 |
La Cuerbe | 18.950000 , -71.816670 |
La Domate | 18.933330 , -71.850000 |
La Goas | 18.916670 , -71.933330 |
La Goune | 18.883330 , -71.850000 |
La Hague | 18.866670 , -71.816670 |
La Hoye | 18.950080 , -71.936110 |
La Hoye | 18.901110 , -71.914440 |
La Lome | 18.900000 , -71.766670 |
La Pegne | 18.850560 , -71.959720 |
La Roche | 18.850000 , -71.816670 |
La Seve | 18.816670 , -71.800000 |
La Tombe | 18.883330 , -71.750000 |
La Yaille | 18.923330 , -71.973610 |
La Yaille | 18.916670 , -71.966670 |
La Yaye | 18.965800 , -71.835710 |
Lagoas | 18.950000 , -71.933330 |
Lagune Figuier | 18.800000 , -71.800000 |
Lambale | 18.750000 , -71.916670 |
Lan Chito | 18.766670 , -71.966670 |
Lan Palme | 18.724420 , -71.779710 |
Lascahobas | 18.829440 , -71.936390 |
Lasieme | 18.952780 , -71.846670 |
Laurence | 18.896160 , -72.012010 |
Layaye | 18.736750 , -71.794340 |
Les Abeilles | 18.933330 , -71.883330 |
Les Abeilles | 18.936780 , -71.875830 |
Liane Alcide | 18.783330 , -71.750000 |
Liane Despeigne | 18.843410 , -71.824780 |
Liane Riche | 18.798140 , -71.753990 |
Liane Trompette | 18.800000 , -71.733330 |
Loba | 18.883330 , -71.800000 |
Locacao | 18.910860 , -71.896640 |
Locapa | 18.850000 , -71.916670 |
Logabuen | 18.783330 , -71.883330 |
Loma Copra | 18.816670 , -71.766670 |
Loncy | 18.833330 , -71.950000 |
Loncy | 18.850000 , -71.966670 |
Lopahon | 18.889450 , -71.903590 |
Loquette Loga | 18.835000 , -71.746390 |
Lorandu | 18.816670 , -71.816670 |
Los Pines | 18.833330 , -71.933330 |
Louisme | 18.766670 , -71.750000 |
Lucas | 18.866670 , -71.866670 |
Madame Marc | 18.833330 , -71.966670 |
Mahotiere | 18.766670 , -71.933330 |
Mais Graisse | 18.869720 , -71.733330 |
Malanga | 18.750000 , -71.950000 |
Mapou | 18.783330 , -71.850000 |
Mare Bleu | 18.741630 , -71.954850 |
Mare Bois Pin | 18.800000 , -71.800000 |
Mare Rouge | 18.767540 , -71.876250 |
Mare Rouge | 18.816670 , -71.783330 |
Mare Rouge | 18.800000 , -71.916670 |
Mare Rouge | 18.763100 , -71.854360 |
Maringouin | 18.783330 , -71.933330 |
Mat Pal | 18.766670 , -71.833330 |
Mata Pouert | 18.783330 , -71.900000 |
Mataprete | 18.750000 , -71.850000 |
Mesidor | 18.850000 , -71.866670 |
Michelette | 18.716670 , -71.816670 |
Mikel | 18.890450 , -71.811730 |
Mireau | 18.850000 , -71.766670 |
Mogotte | 18.916670 , -71.950000 |
Moleon | 18.792180 , -71.821780 |
Monac | 18.783330 , -71.916670 |
Monarc | 18.842220 , -71.738330 |
Morin | 18.850000 , -72.000000 |
Morne Langue | 18.811470 , -71.786460 |
Morne Michel | 18.866670 , -72.016670 |
Morne Pierre | 18.783330 , -71.933330 |
Morne Ti Bois Pin | 18.772030 , -71.907530 |
Muselais | 18.733330 , -71.900000 |
Nan Casse | 18.916670 , -71.900000 |
Nan Cosole | 18.866670 , -71.983330 |
Nan Mangot | 18.833330 , -71.883330 |
Nan Michel | 18.850000 , -72.000000 |
Nan Pangue | 18.883330 , -71.866670 |
Nan Poulie | 18.833330 , -71.916670 |
Palissa | 18.899270 , -71.956590 |
Palmary | 18.883330 , -71.850000 |
Parc Jean Louis | 18.766670 , -71.866670 |
Parc Jean Pierre | 18.766670 , -71.883330 |
Paredon | 18.893850 , -71.927460 |
Passe Caimittes | 18.855430 , -71.960020 |
Passe Pomme | 18.833330 , -71.816670 |
Pernal | 18.833330 , -71.850000 |
Petit Fond | 18.843330 , -72.004440 |
Pilon | 18.933330 , -71.900000 |
Pito | 18.850000 , -71.883330 |
Plaine Dupre | 18.939460 , -71.969240 |
Plateau | 18.750000 , -71.900000 |
Platonal | 18.805940 , -71.854860 |
Poulie | 18.830260 , -71.883700 |
Quinte | 18.833330 , -71.916670 |
Rambal | 18.833330 , -71.766670 |
Ramier | 18.850000 , -71.933330 |
Redinegre | 18.758740 , -71.779400 |
Regadere | 18.833330 , -71.816670 |
Rente Mathe | 18.866670 , -71.766670 |
Renthe a Muyer | 18.816670 , -71.766670 |
Renthe Soldat | 18.950000 , -71.983330 |
Richard | 18.842220 , -71.953540 |
Roche Pabre | 18.816670 , -71.916670 |
Roche Plate | 18.783330 , -71.783330 |
Roche Ronde | 18.816670 , -71.766670 |
Rocher | 18.850000 , -71.733330 |
Romain | 18.750000 , -71.966670 |
Roy | 18.857620 , -71.777930 |
Roy Canot | 18.891070 , -71.894910 |
Roy Canot | 18.900000 , -71.866670 |
Roy Lopuerc | 18.916670 , -71.883330 |
Roye | 18.733330 , -71.783330 |
Roye-Sec | 18.892960 , -71.837420 |
Sagouhait | 18.833330 , -71.850000 |
Saint-Antoine | 18.933330 , -71.950000 |
Saint-Martin | 18.800000 , -71.966670 |
Sal Bounda | 18.816670 , -71.800000 |
Salmador | 18.733330 , -71.766670 |
San Pedre | 18.916670 , -71.783330 |
Saturin | 18.841860 , -71.736020 |
Savane a Grand | 18.833330 , -71.800000 |
Savane Calebasses | 18.935000 , -71.922110 |
Savane Croix | 18.870980 , -71.998110 |
Savane Perdue | 18.879080 , -71.919490 |
Savane Plate | 18.867630 , -71.847490 |
Senador | 18.816670 , -71.900000 |
Terre Blanche | 18.883330 , -72.033330 |
Terre-Blanche | 18.883330 , -71.816670 |
Tessaye | 18.774520 , -71.767040 |
Tete Grande Ravine | 18.916670 , -71.850000 |
Thomonde | 18.883330 , -71.950000 |
Ti Peligre | 18.911820 , -71.980140 |
Ti Savane | 18.856840 , -72.023040 |
Ti Tihit | 18.816670 , -71.750000 |
Tibangoule | 18.850000 , -71.933330 |
Tombacaleme | 18.900420 , -71.890740 |
Trois Bois Pins | 18.884980 , -71.790080 |
Verdun | 18.816670 , -71.950000 |
Vieux Caille | 18.900000 , -71.950000 |
Vieux Joupas | 18.833330 , -71.950000 |
Vilmar | 18.766670 , -71.750000 |
Wampas | 18.850000 , -71.916670 |
Will | 18.853610 , -71.742220 |
Zephir | 18.783330 , -71.733330 |
- You can download geometry data for Lascahobas in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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