La Gonâve (Ouest) Map Cropping Samples

La Gonâve (Ouest) Map Cropping Samples-1

La Gonâve (Ouest) Map Cropping Samples-2

La Gonâve neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of La Gonâve with 3D shadow effect

La Gonâve map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of La Gonâve (geojson format) :
La Gonâve.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of La Gonâve map for "Google Maps" :
La Gonâve.txt
Bounding Box for La Gonâve Map : ( 18.692173 , -73.303816 , 18.970324 , -72.793041 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of La Gonâve map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](18.692173, -73.303816, 18.970324, -72.793041);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (La Gonâve)
rel["name"="La Gonâve"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="La Gonâve"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of La Gonâve
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abricot | 18.848890 , -73.013650 |
Abricot | 18.933330 , -73.266670 |
Anse À Galets | 18.831670 , -72.864170 |
Au Parc | 18.722220 , -72.836970 |
Barriere Battant | 18.816670 , -73.066670 |
Bel Platon | 18.789470 , -72.857240 |
Belle Platon | 18.916670 , -73.166670 |
Bodin | 18.890900 , -73.271000 |
Bois Brule | 18.788720 , -72.898630 |
Bois Brule | 18.824650 , -72.989020 |
Bois Chandelle | 18.751710 , -72.901920 |
Bois d'Orme | 18.820670 , -72.924210 |
Bois Pin | 18.766900 , -72.946140 |
Bois Pin | 18.800000 , -73.016670 |
Bois Verna | 18.768360 , -73.045860 |
Boucan a Lait | 18.733330 , -72.816670 |
Boucan Cache | 18.750000 , -72.933330 |
Boucan Legume | 18.761370 , -72.830750 |
Boucan Patate | 18.805000 , -72.863170 |
Boucan Risque | 18.800000 , -72.833330 |
Bousinette | 18.865560 , -73.086200 |
Bouzillette | 18.816670 , -73.050000 |
Ca Leon | 18.848750 , -73.035540 |
Calmadere | 18.850690 , -73.053440 |
Charles Blanc | 18.775110 , -72.975570 |
Cherissable | 18.866550 , -72.970290 |
Chic Kata | 18.799110 , -73.087430 |
Cochon Marron | 18.800000 , -72.850000 |
Cochon Marron | 18.750000 , -72.883330 |
Colette | 18.783330 , -72.916670 |
Cote Fer | 18.733330 , -72.900000 |
Dados | 18.816670 , -73.000000 |
Deheaune | 18.826730 , -73.163370 |
Dent Grignin | 18.861590 , -73.130010 |
Derriere Marc | 18.800000 , -72.983330 |
Des Pauvres | 18.916670 , -73.133330 |
Desmangles | 18.790280 , -72.920300 |
Deux Baleines Nord | 18.885800 , -73.101800 |
Deux Baleines Sud | 18.871970 , -73.146060 |
Devallon | 18.828580 , -72.898880 |
Dielgo | 18.800000 , -73.016670 |
Domicile | 18.783330 , -72.983330 |
Double Saline | 18.916670 , -73.083330 |
Evangeliste | 18.950000 , -73.183330 |
Fleurant | 18.823680 , -73.078080 |
Fond Lundi | 18.812500 , -72.854870 |
Fond Plaisir | 18.743750 , -72.833850 |
Fond Tina | 18.808840 , -72.890260 |
Fond Trou Jacques | 18.765920 , -72.900900 |
Fortuna | 18.800000 , -72.900000 |
Grand Boucan | 18.883330 , -73.250000 |
Grand Lagon | 18.876280 , -72.996570 |
Grand Mapou | 18.776650 , -72.938060 |
Grand Pique | 18.783330 , -72.900000 |
Grand Vide | 18.868850 , -73.252650 |
Grande Plaine | 18.800000 , -72.883330 |
Grande Source | 18.820830 , -72.960670 |
Gros Citerne | 18.833330 , -73.116670 |
Gros Mangle | 18.930390 , -73.115140 |
Gros Morne | 18.850000 , -73.100000 |
Herbe a Bleu | 18.898220 , -73.216790 |
Herbe Guinee | 18.834190 , -72.969690 |
L'Autre Bord de l'Eau | 18.816670 , -72.983330 |
L'Autre Bord de l'Eau | 18.750000 , -72.883330 |
L'Eternel | 18.848390 , -73.071060 |
La Cayenne | 18.905440 , -73.041890 |
La Cour Joseph | 18.819430 , -72.883990 |
La Cour Longue | 18.876740 , -73.096510 |
La Source | 18.954550 , -73.167980 |
Laferiere | 18.907760 , -73.094990 |
Lan Gaiac | 18.884680 , -73.203600 |
Langue Blanche | 18.950000 , -73.250000 |
Lottore | 18.781990 , -73.011240 |
Madame Legros | 18.800000 , -73.050000 |
Madame Legros | 18.817440 , -73.051950 |
Mahotiere | 18.793990 , -73.072860 |
Mantenoir | 18.800000 , -72.966670 |
Mantenoir | 18.796280 , -72.958850 |
Mapou | 18.800000 , -72.966670 |
Mare Legu | 18.800000 , -72.833330 |
Morne Barroque | 18.900000 , -73.233330 |
Morne Etage | 18.850000 , -73.200000 |
Morne Etage | 18.850000 , -73.183330 |
Morne La Pierre | 18.766670 , -72.983330 |
Morne Minthor | 18.933330 , -73.200000 |
Morne Ti Paul | 18.916670 , -73.200000 |
Mouri Corps | 18.790370 , -73.012600 |
Nan Bayahonde | 18.755270 , -72.854690 |
Nan Bebe | 18.739730 , -72.808810 |
Nan Boca | 18.766670 , -72.816670 |
Nan Boeuf | 18.766670 , -73.016670 |
Nan Boeuf | 18.900000 , -73.183330 |
Nan Bois de Chene | 18.815100 , -72.939690 |
Nan Bois Dine | 18.884230 , -73.168790 |
Nan Cabri | 18.900000 , -73.050000 |
Nan Cafe | 18.810350 , -72.987720 |
Nan Calebasse | 18.827300 , -73.090540 |
Nan Canne | 18.760350 , -72.954180 |
Nan Coton | 18.766670 , -72.833330 |
Nan Cour | 18.883330 , -73.200000 |
Nan Francind | 18.916670 , -73.166670 |
Nan Francois | 18.744570 , -72.944390 |
Nan Jesus | 18.895160 , -73.111020 |
Nan Lavaud | 18.837730 , -72.982950 |
Nan Mangot | 18.779120 , -72.910630 |
Nan Marc | 18.833330 , -73.083330 |
Nan Molo | 18.769350 , -72.885300 |
Nan Plaine | 18.850000 , -73.116670 |
Nan Plaine | 18.833330 , -73.100000 |
Nan Plume | 18.763290 , -72.849320 |
Nan Plume | 18.807550 , -72.956450 |
Nan Risque | 18.900000 , -73.150000 |
Nan Risque | 18.830570 , -72.956840 |
Nan Ti Bois | 18.904500 , -73.174220 |
Nan Tida | 18.938820 , -73.232250 |
Nan Trompette | 18.750000 , -72.983330 |
Nan Zebre | 18.900000 , -73.033330 |
Nanterretiste | 18.896490 , -73.199260 |
Nouvelle Cite | 18.787900 , -72.846440 |
Palma | 18.781680 , -72.869820 |
Parc Celan | 18.850000 , -73.216670 |
Pente | 18.933330 , -73.150000 |
Pete Fiel | 18.805600 , -72.868660 |
Petite | 18.827780 , -72.938060 |
Petite Anse | 18.758280 , -72.804880 |
Petite Colette | 18.798810 , -72.902260 |
Picmy | 18.727670 , -72.882660 |
Place du Marche | 18.776230 , -72.854340 |
Plaine Afio | 18.933330 , -73.183330 |
Plaine Canette | 18.900000 , -73.116670 |
Plaine des Mapous | 18.784090 , -72.968730 |
Plaine Jeannis | 18.926890 , -73.260050 |
Plaine Jeannis | 18.916670 , -73.233330 |
Plaine la Source | 18.937680 , -73.202020 |
Plaisance | 18.823360 , -73.008880 |
Platon | 18.833330 , -72.933330 |
Platon Balais | 18.883330 , -73.216670 |
Platon Balais | 18.907670 , -73.154550 |
Platon Balais | 18.746210 , -72.853530 |
Platon Folord | 18.750000 , -72.866670 |
Platon l'Aurore | 18.766670 , -72.833330 |
Platon l'Etang | 18.766670 , -72.831670 |
Platon Trou Bigaille | 18.815800 , -73.082910 |
Platon Trou Louis | 18.878800 , -73.189750 |
Plume Trou Jacques | 18.775580 , -72.887490 |
Pointe a Raquettes | 18.784670 , -73.061670 |
Pointe des Lataniers | 18.950000 , -73.233330 |
Pointe des Lataniers | 18.964600 , -73.239670 |
Pointe Sable | 18.733330 , -72.850000 |
Ravine Palmiste | 18.833330 , -72.966670 |
Richard | 18.923230 , -73.069890 |
Roche Campe | 18.883330 , -73.066670 |
Source | 18.821390 , -72.924440 |
Source Herbe | 18.916670 , -73.150000 |
Source Philippe | 18.818430 , -73.123100 |
Terre Blanche | 18.757490 , -72.830310 |
Terre Blanche | 18.833330 , -72.933330 |
Terre Fendue | 18.850000 , -73.016670 |
Terre Rouge | 18.795650 , -73.012370 |
Terre Seche | 18.826730 , -73.071660 |
Terre Seche | 18.855540 , -73.089030 |
Ti Calebasse | 18.861980 , -73.179300 |
Ti Ciseau | 18.866670 , -73.116670 |
Ti Coma | 18.869510 , -73.061170 |
Ti Fond | 18.916670 , -73.250000 |
Ti Fond | 18.936890 , -73.255110 |
Ti Fort Negre | 18.839220 , -73.035500 |
Ti Palmiste | 18.816670 , -73.033330 |
Ti Palmiste | 18.830280 , -73.037380 |
Ti Source | 18.835560 , -72.918610 |
Tomarin | 18.914160 , -73.209350 |
Tresor | 18.795920 , -72.868280 |
Trou a l'Eau | 18.796010 , -72.819340 |
Trou Cochon | 18.823320 , -73.142380 |
Trou des Hommes | 18.800000 , -73.066670 |
Trou Jacques | 18.739130 , -72.916320 |
Trou Louis | 18.830360 , -73.175120 |
Trou Marassa | 18.894740 , -73.154600 |
Trou Pele | 18.833330 , -72.983330 |
Zoranger | 18.883330 , -73.183330 |
- You can download geometry data for La Gonâve in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.