l'Arcahaie (Ouest) Map Cropping Samples

l'Arcahaie (Ouest) Map Cropping Samples-1

l'Arcahaie (Ouest) Map Cropping Samples-2

l'Arcahaie neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of l'Arcahaie with 3D shadow effect

l'Arcahaie map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of l'Arcahaie (geojson format) :
l'Arcahaie.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of l'Arcahaie map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for l'Arcahaie Map : ( 18.682361 , -72.709106 , 18.975382 , -72.317108 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of l'Arcahaie map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](18.682361, -72.709106, 18.975382, -72.317108);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (l'Arcahaie)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of l'Arcahaie
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Amerry | 18.916670 , -72.466670 |
Andre | 18.936330 , -72.559930 |
Arcahaie | 18.770190 , -72.512260 |
Aubry | 18.713200 , -72.376980 |
Auditon | 18.918280 , -72.621470 |
Auguste | 18.716670 , -72.433330 |
Austin | 18.807410 , -72.524260 |
Bagro | 18.950000 , -72.516670 |
Barbancourt | 18.833330 , -72.533330 |
Barreau | 18.850000 , -72.416670 |
Bastia | 18.883330 , -72.416670 |
Batin | 18.850000 , -72.416670 |
Bayelle | 18.717530 , -72.440130 |
Belac | 18.816670 , -72.333330 |
Bellanger | 18.733330 , -72.433330 |
Belly | 18.800000 , -72.433330 |
Benitier | 18.901180 , -72.578600 |
Bercy | 18.750000 , -72.450000 |
Betel | 18.783330 , -72.383330 |
Bois | 18.945500 , -72.504300 |
Bois Brule | 18.816670 , -72.500000 |
Bois d'Orme | 18.870340 , -72.548340 |
Bois l'Etat | 18.883330 , -72.450000 |
Bois l'Etat | 18.783330 , -72.366670 |
Bois Negre Marron | 18.891640 , -72.554550 |
Boucan | 18.951400 , -72.597820 |
Boucan | 18.861670 , -72.387220 |
Bouceau | 18.950000 , -72.616670 |
Brouette | 18.866670 , -72.400000 |
Ca Chien | 18.916110 , -72.510000 |
Ca Compte | 18.928980 , -72.551770 |
Ca Dubreuil | 18.931010 , -72.500680 |
Ca Dupuy | 18.856050 , -72.427390 |
Ca Germain | 18.850000 , -72.416670 |
Ca Guigouet | 18.938100 , -72.529670 |
Ca Houte | 18.866670 , -72.416670 |
Ca Mori | 18.816670 , -72.400000 |
Ca Pierre | 18.898270 , -72.558630 |
Ca Pouillant | 18.913800 , -72.571490 |
Cabaret | 18.735830 , -72.417500 |
Cachette | 18.816670 , -72.483330 |
Cadette | 18.800000 , -72.366670 |
Caillere | 18.833330 , -72.483330 |
Caman | 18.766670 , -72.433330 |
Camp Delpeche | 18.933330 , -72.550000 |
Careme | 18.852900 , -72.378990 |
Caroy | 18.866670 , -72.400000 |
Carries | 18.890800 , -72.622020 |
Casale | 18.799860 , -72.382790 |
Casouka | 18.827390 , -72.343780 |
Chachate | 18.850000 , -72.350000 |
Citadelle | 18.850000 , -72.400000 |
Cocombre | 18.766670 , -72.366670 |
Contenso | 18.783330 , -72.383330 |
Conty | 18.800000 , -72.550000 |
Corail | 18.833330 , -72.416670 |
Corail | 18.800000 , -72.533330 |
Cordillier | 18.850000 , -72.450000 |
Cotard | 18.783330 , -72.516670 |
Cotarde | 18.850000 , -72.383330 |
Coulard | 18.796280 , -72.514820 |
Courjolles | 18.766670 , -72.500000 |
Couyo | 18.899720 , -72.524440 |
Crabinaille | 18.966670 , -72.600000 |
Cuyo | 18.958230 , -72.698550 |
Damier | 18.750000 , -72.400000 |
Dangoula | 18.848610 , -72.353060 |
Dasse | 18.809170 , -72.557500 |
Decide | 18.850000 , -72.400000 |
Decouvert | 18.872410 , -72.460840 |
Degot | 18.930860 , -72.473470 |
Delice | 18.819760 , -72.495410 |
Delpeste | 18.916560 , -72.511180 |
Derville | 18.716670 , -72.383330 |
Des Jardins | 18.916670 , -72.466670 |
Deschapelle | 18.731670 , -72.428330 |
Dessables | 18.816670 , -72.416670 |
Devant Barse | 18.866670 , -72.450000 |
Docan | 18.922630 , -72.491500 |
Doco | 18.877060 , -72.564800 |
Docot | 18.939870 , -72.578740 |
Dominable | 18.833330 , -72.483330 |
Donyen | 18.883330 , -72.433330 |
Dos Bois d'Orme | 18.850000 , -72.450000 |
Dos Chameau | 18.768480 , -72.396610 |
Dubic | 18.850000 , -72.383330 |
Duclos | 18.733330 , -72.400000 |
Dumesse | 18.916670 , -72.600000 |
Duni | 18.795010 , -72.435460 |
Dupille | 18.850000 , -72.366670 |
Enna | 18.800000 , -72.350000 |
Fond Baptiste | 18.929240 , -72.595650 |
Fond Blanc | 18.821310 , -72.375760 |
Fond Francois | 18.866670 , -72.416670 |
Fond Lachaux | 18.950000 , -72.700000 |
Fond Mombin | 18.703510 , -72.374630 |
Fond Perrier | 18.900000 , -72.483330 |
Fond Randol | 18.864630 , -72.495310 |
Freta | 18.966670 , -72.650000 |
Galgal | 18.816670 , -72.450000 |
Garecher | 18.750000 , -72.459440 |
Garicher | 18.950000 , -72.566670 |
Garienne | 18.933330 , -72.533330 |
Garotte | 18.809790 , -72.543150 |
Gauthier | 18.833330 , -72.433330 |
Germain | 18.811860 , -72.385720 |
Gobin | 18.914690 , -72.605900 |
Gondoyer | 18.850000 , -72.366670 |
Gorecher | 18.716670 , -72.416670 |
Grande Place | 18.919990 , -72.546620 |
Grave | 18.944140 , -72.615500 |
Grobe | 18.952420 , -72.623860 |
Gros Morne | 18.885600 , -72.554680 |
Guibert | 18.946670 , -72.649170 |
Guilleme | 18.766670 , -72.500000 |
Guiton | 18.750000 , -72.433330 |
Guiton | 18.800000 , -72.550000 |
Guldive Garre | 18.720280 , -72.426390 |
Hatte Marie | 18.850000 , -72.516670 |
Hatte Marie | 18.832440 , -72.522720 |
Hatte Robert | 18.791810 , -72.498560 |
Imbert | 18.783330 , -72.500000 |
Ivoire | 18.944080 , -72.641560 |
Jasmin | 18.916670 , -72.583330 |
Jean Demas | 18.823770 , -72.452970 |
Jilling | 18.933330 , -72.516670 |
Kamasse | 18.966670 , -72.650000 |
La Bataille | 18.961940 , -72.556390 |
La Baudry | 18.753520 , -72.457440 |
La Couline | 18.907890 , -72.523390 |
La Cour Dupin | 18.919310 , -72.528020 |
La Cour Grande Riviere | 18.830760 , -72.461260 |
La Cour Nicolas | 18.880630 , -72.574930 |
La Digue | 18.850000 , -72.516670 |
La Grenade | 18.916670 , -72.533330 |
La Hatte | 18.887130 , -72.444230 |
La Pointe | 18.833330 , -72.533330 |
Lafiteau | 18.693940 , -72.350040 |
Lamothe | 18.850000 , -72.400000 |
Lamy | 18.816670 , -72.366670 |
Latanier | 18.966670 , -72.650000 |
Laurier | 18.783330 , -72.433330 |
Leger | 18.916670 , -72.450000 |
Lemaire | 18.933330 , -72.666670 |
Leroy | 18.883690 , -72.391730 |
Leveque | 18.757070 , -72.451380 |
Louhou | 18.903640 , -72.485040 |
Louis Jasmin | 18.850000 , -72.533330 |
Louisi | 18.945610 , -72.591790 |
Luly | 18.836320 , -72.573540 |
Machicot | 18.828170 , -72.373500 |
Maillard | 18.900000 , -72.550000 |
Maille | 18.833330 , -72.400000 |
Mandou | 18.733330 , -72.383330 |
Manege | 18.738210 , -72.444170 |
Mantrou | 18.904290 , -72.450050 |
Marchand | 18.848220 , -72.406890 |
Mare Cafe | 18.833330 , -72.366670 |
Marotte | 18.836670 , -72.571670 |
Martinette | 18.883330 , -72.433330 |
Merotte | 18.784620 , -72.531230 |
Mirebalais | 18.916670 , -72.583330 |
Montagne Terrible | 18.891110 , -72.427500 |
Morne dos Malfini | 18.850000 , -72.483330 |
Morne Marchand | 18.876940 , -72.404440 |
Nan Bare | 18.716670 , -72.400000 |
Nan Cafe | 18.850000 , -72.366670 |
Nan Palmiste | 18.900000 , -72.600000 |
Nan Sam | 18.933330 , -72.483330 |
Nicolas | 18.905520 , -72.587240 |
Passe | 18.820650 , -72.525940 |
Passe Mathieux | 18.833330 , -72.483330 |
Perrier | 18.918110 , -72.579630 |
Petit Bois | 18.863920 , -72.513060 |
Plaine Olive | 18.966670 , -72.633330 |
Platon | 18.766670 , -72.416670 |
Pois la Generale | 18.783330 , -72.516670 |
Pois la Ravine | 18.783330 , -72.516670 |
Pommier | 18.900000 , -72.583330 |
Pont Matheaux | 18.816670 , -72.550000 |
Pouillant | 18.900000 , -72.433330 |
Pouillant | 18.883330 , -72.416670 |
Prince | 18.727440 , -72.418040 |
Quisqueya | 18.947810 , -72.700380 |
Regnier | 18.816670 , -72.333330 |
Repos | 18.833330 , -72.483330 |
Riche Homme | 18.886940 , -72.522780 |
Robergeau | 18.820040 , -72.542120 |
Robert | 18.883330 , -72.566670 |
Robert | 18.900000 , -72.566670 |
Roi | 18.766670 , -72.433330 |
Rosemond | 18.850000 , -72.350000 |
Rousseau | 18.923890 , -72.614440 |
Rousseau | 18.950000 , -72.666670 |
Royal | 18.716670 , -72.433330 |
Sabourin | 18.750000 , -72.416670 |
Sabourin | 18.866670 , -72.366670 |
Saint-Medard | 18.800420 , -72.514350 |
Saintard | 18.825300 , -72.549630 |
Savane Marotte | 18.801820 , -72.452740 |
Sophie | 18.781130 , -72.388090 |
Source Figuier | 18.874170 , -72.444170 |
Source Matelas | 18.722370 , -72.375110 |
Terre Chaude | 18.733330 , -72.416670 |
Ti Coulet | 18.933330 , -72.616670 |
Ti Couloute | 18.933060 , -72.631940 |
Ti Fond | 18.843310 , -72.463560 |
Ti Grambi | 18.893870 , -72.521440 |
Ti Place | 18.900000 , -72.500000 |
Ti Tanyin | 18.716670 , -72.350000 |
Tioquin | 18.828060 , -72.346940 |
Torcelle | 18.766670 , -72.400000 |
Trou Baguette | 18.903080 , -72.633000 |
Trou Forban | 18.916670 , -72.633330 |
Trou Gras | 18.900000 , -72.450000 |
Troujillo | 18.766670 , -72.433330 |
Turin | 18.966670 , -72.583330 |
Valadon | 18.883330 , -72.450000 |
Valenbrun | 18.700000 , -72.366670 |
Viau | 18.733330 , -72.416670 |
Vigni | 18.833330 , -72.433330 |
Vignier | 18.775060 , -72.477230 |
Williamson | 18.866670 , -72.583330 |
Williamson | 18.838550 , -72.580740 |
Yvra | 18.952950 , -72.660720 |
- You can download geometry data for l'Arcahaie in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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