l'Acul-du-Nord (Nord) Map Cropping Samples

l'Acul-du-Nord (Nord) Map Cropping Samples-1

l'Acul-du-Nord (Nord) Map Cropping Samples-2

l'Acul-du-Nord neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of l'Acul-du-Nord with 3D shadow effect

l'Acul-du-Nord map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of l'Acul-du-Nord (geojson format) :
l'Acul-du-Nord.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of l'Acul-du-Nord map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for l'Acul-du-Nord Map : ( 19.558177 , -72.407883 , 19.783577 , -72.186023 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of l'Acul-du-Nord map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](19.558177, -72.407883, 19.783577, -72.186023);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (l'Acul-du-Nord)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of l'Acul-du-Nord
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abord | 19.686250 , -72.257670 |
Acul du Nord | 19.683330 , -72.316670 |
Amandier | 19.583330 , -72.350000 |
Anselin | 19.666670 , -72.250000 |
Bailly | 19.633330 , -72.333330 |
Balan | 19.710560 , -72.208330 |
Balan | 19.727770 , -72.299560 |
Barade | 19.583330 , -72.383330 |
Barre de Henne | 19.750000 , -72.350000 |
Barriere Battant | 19.623690 , -72.197700 |
Barriere Blanche | 19.698740 , -72.320320 |
Bas du Four | 19.750000 , -72.333330 |
Battaille | 19.750000 , -72.350000 |
Bauber | 19.713060 , -72.228610 |
Baudin | 19.650000 , -72.233330 |
Bauge | 19.600000 , -72.400000 |
Bazin | 19.734390 , -72.355820 |
Beaujoin | 19.623160 , -72.281560 |
Belair | 19.733330 , -72.266670 |
Belair | 19.583330 , -72.316670 |
Belier | 19.583330 , -72.383330 |
Belle Hotesse | 19.716670 , -72.350000 |
Bellevue | 19.650000 , -72.316670 |
Bellevue | 19.600000 , -72.233330 |
Beloten | 19.709980 , -72.330100 |
Berard | 19.650000 , -72.200000 |
Bernaud | 19.716670 , -72.350000 |
Biclair | 19.716670 , -72.250000 |
Bois Rouge | 19.633330 , -72.266670 |
Bongas | 19.685830 , -72.192780 |
Bord de Mer Cagnette | 19.700000 , -72.316670 |
Bord de Mer Camp Louise | 19.716140 , -72.340210 |
Bordes | 19.616670 , -72.233330 |
Bossa | 19.666670 , -72.200000 |
Boucher | 19.566670 , -72.283330 |
Breda | 19.700000 , -72.216670 |
Briquis | 19.583330 , -72.233330 |
Brisson | 19.600000 , -72.300000 |
Ca Georges | 19.712870 , -72.349890 |
Cabaret | 19.587410 , -72.231100 |
Cagnette | 19.700000 , -72.316670 |
Caiman | 19.705980 , -72.217140 |
Camp Louise | 19.750000 , -72.350000 |
Carre | 19.600000 , -72.250000 |
Carrefour Baudin | 19.714720 , -72.208330 |
Carrefour des Peres | 19.685000 , -72.204720 |
Carrefour Diaquois | 19.650000 , -72.216670 |
Carrefour Jean Michel | 19.650000 , -72.250000 |
Carrefour l'Acul | 19.700000 , -72.316670 |
Carrefour La Mort | 19.683330 , -72.266670 |
Carrefour Laguerre | 19.666670 , -72.233330 |
Carrefour Laury | 19.695280 , -72.227220 |
Carrefour Morne Rouge | 19.716670 , -72.266670 |
Carrefour Orange | 19.685830 , -72.211110 |
Catherine | 19.583330 , -72.400000 |
Cercaville | 19.698060 , -72.312520 |
Charles | 19.566670 , -72.283330 |
Chateau | 19.576420 , -72.275060 |
Chaussee | 19.593200 , -72.400440 |
Chauvet | 19.741690 , -72.372020 |
Chiron | 19.583330 , -72.283330 |
Chiron | 19.650000 , -72.250000 |
Chiront | 19.566670 , -72.283330 |
Choiseul | 19.583330 , -72.233330 |
Choiseul | 19.697780 , -72.206390 |
Crocra | 19.682770 , -72.284510 |
Damas | 19.616670 , -72.216670 |
Daut | 19.673690 , -72.273420 |
Dercaue | 19.700000 , -72.250000 |
Dericourt | 19.633330 , -72.283330 |
Descamps | 19.700000 , -72.316670 |
Desmangles | 19.690780 , -72.291750 |
Desplantes | 19.666670 , -72.216670 |
Despotieres | 19.650000 , -72.216670 |
Dessables | 19.666670 , -72.250000 |
Dot | 19.691020 , -72.271320 |
Dotie | 19.566670 , -72.300000 |
Dubre | 19.657260 , -72.234840 |
Dubreuil | 19.616670 , -72.200000 |
Ducourt | 19.666670 , -72.216670 |
Ducrosse | 19.628630 , -72.239930 |
Dulaurier | 19.583330 , -72.250000 |
Duparty | 19.670200 , -72.319890 |
Duperier | 19.675040 , -72.285980 |
Duplessis | 19.634000 , -72.330750 |
Dutout | 19.700000 , -72.200000 |
Duty | 19.650000 , -72.300000 |
Faubeau | 19.673060 , -72.243060 |
Ferrie | 19.733330 , -72.283330 |
Fevre | 19.756170 , -72.367980 |
Flaville | 19.650000 , -72.316670 |
Fond Jale | 19.616670 , -72.333330 |
Fontenelle | 19.683330 , -72.216670 |
Foucauld | 19.616670 , -72.383330 |
Gallifet | 19.663950 , -72.205210 |
Gallifet | 19.682500 , -72.219720 |
Gaudin | 19.650000 , -72.300000 |
Gilbert | 19.650000 , -72.366670 |
Globine | 19.719430 , -72.283070 |
Goran | 19.633330 , -72.200000 |
Grand Bois | 19.583330 , -72.250000 |
Grand Boucan | 19.583330 , -72.250000 |
Grison Garde | 19.616310 , -72.289470 |
Gros Trou | 19.707340 , -72.335240 |
Grosse Roche | 19.616670 , -72.316670 |
Guilleron | 19.616670 , -72.283330 |
Haut Dehene | 19.733330 , -72.350000 |
Haut Feve | 19.716670 , -72.350000 |
Iladan | 19.650000 , -72.266670 |
Janvier | 19.633330 , -72.216670 |
Joanem | 19.716670 , -72.266670 |
Joly | 19.675870 , -72.295820 |
La Bruyere | 19.633330 , -72.300000 |
La Fuite | 19.650000 , -72.233330 |
La Plange | 19.666670 , -72.316670 |
La Pote | 19.606500 , -72.374000 |
La Salle | 19.716670 , -72.283330 |
La Soudray | 19.666670 , -72.316670 |
La Soufriere | 19.605210 , -72.352210 |
La Suisse | 19.677780 , -72.242500 |
La Suisse | 19.683330 , -72.266670 |
La Volonte | 19.583330 , -72.283330 |
Lacossade | 19.583330 , -72.333330 |
Laffite | 19.600000 , -72.216670 |
Lambert | 19.641390 , -72.208740 |
Langlaise | 19.716670 , -72.266670 |
Larry | 19.721540 , -72.291380 |
Le Revoir | 19.633330 , -72.250000 |
Lefevre | 19.683330 , -72.200000 |
Lemou | 19.716100 , -72.286520 |
Lifebe | 19.717020 , -72.226530 |
Logadiere | 19.633330 , -72.200000 |
Lombard | 19.742250 , -72.305680 |
Longueste | 19.600000 , -72.266670 |
Lucie | 19.766670 , -72.366670 |
MacArthur | 19.666670 , -72.333330 |
Macaty | 19.683330 , -72.316670 |
Mahot | 19.735810 , -72.301110 |
Mahotiere | 19.750000 , -72.366670 |
Mansui | 19.633330 , -72.266670 |
Mansuit | 19.616670 , -72.266670 |
Marecage | 19.700000 , -72.250000 |
Marseille | 19.600000 , -72.350000 |
Mathon | 19.683330 , -72.300000 |
Mathurin | 19.650000 , -72.333330 |
Medisant | 19.646970 , -72.195020 |
Milot | 19.616670 , -72.216670 |
Moisson | 19.766670 , -72.366670 |
Moline | 19.600000 , -72.250000 |
Montalibord | 19.669440 , -72.229170 |
Morne Anglais | 19.700000 , -72.283330 |
Moustique | 19.708470 , -72.273470 |
Nan Banque | 19.713360 , -72.282830 |
Nan Cabone | 19.750000 , -72.266670 |
Nan Campeche | 19.690450 , -72.309190 |
Nan Reine | 19.600000 , -72.250000 |
Navarre | 19.650000 , -72.250000 |
Noel | 19.650000 , -72.366670 |
Normand | 19.722080 , -72.258650 |
Normand | 19.750000 , -72.283330 |
Pacot | 19.683330 , -72.266670 |
Palance | 19.729070 , -72.344490 |
Papillon | 19.730160 , -72.293310 |
Parque | 19.680380 , -72.242090 |
Pennifort | 19.616670 , -72.250000 |
Picat | 19.773300 , -72.360250 |
Pignate | 19.704290 , -72.327660 |
Pillard | 19.700000 , -72.300000 |
Plaine du Nord | 19.683330 , -72.266670 |
Printemps | 19.600000 , -72.300000 |
Querou | 19.634400 , -72.384180 |
Raidi | 19.673180 , -72.247570 |
Ravisse | 19.600000 , -72.400000 |
Reo | 19.650000 , -72.266670 |
Repou | 19.566670 , -72.400000 |
Richate | 19.600000 , -72.250000 |
Riche | 19.583330 , -72.266670 |
Rilotte | 19.633330 , -72.266670 |
Robillard | 19.612040 , -72.260680 |
Rojetin | 19.566670 , -72.400000 |
Roses | 19.583330 , -72.400000 |
Royan | 19.666670 , -72.266670 |
Saint-Michel | 19.766670 , -72.350000 |
Sainte-Paulette | 19.668690 , -72.204750 |
Samson | 19.616670 , -72.216670 |
Segur | 19.703060 , -72.236390 |
Solomon | 19.650000 , -72.250000 |
Symphe | 19.583330 , -72.400000 |
Terre Grasse | 19.583330 , -72.300000 |
Terson | 19.600000 , -72.333330 |
Tosia | 19.650000 , -72.283330 |
Trois Ravines | 19.616670 , -72.200000 |
Trompette | 19.597020 , -72.394860 |
Vallette | 19.616670 , -72.333330 |
Vatin | 19.600000 , -72.383330 |
Vaudreuil | 19.716050 , -72.255610 |
Welch | 19.700000 , -72.216670 |
Zephirin | 19.633330 , -72.266670 |
- You can download geometry data for l'Acul-du-Nord in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.