Jérémie (Grand' Anse) Map Cropping Samples

Jérémie (Grand' Anse) Map Cropping Samples-1

Jérémie (Grand' Anse) Map Cropping Samples-2

Jérémie neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Jérémie with 3D shadow effect

Jérémie map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Jérémie (geojson format) :
Jérémie.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Jérémie map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Jérémie Map : ( 18.3741522075 , -74.3872164883 , 18.675682925 , -74.0711131811 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Jérémie map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](18.3741522075, -74.3872164883, 18.675682925, -74.0711131811);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Jérémie)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Jérémie
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abricots | 18.633330 , -74.300000 |
Anais | 18.550000 , -74.300000 |
Anoter | 18.583330 , -74.250000 |
Anse d'Azur | 18.660010 , -74.147450 |
Anse du Clerc | 18.647900 , -74.277970 |
Anse Joseph | 18.638040 , -74.352590 |
Azoi | 18.450000 , -74.166670 |
Babin | 18.633330 , -74.350000 |
Babin | 18.633330 , -74.266670 |
Babino | 18.499510 , -74.369970 |
Balizier | 18.622780 , -74.294950 |
Bambou | 18.533330 , -74.183330 |
Baptiste | 18.629120 , -74.287860 |
Bayard | 18.550000 , -74.283330 |
Beaucalin | 18.598000 , -74.202000 |
Beaudrouin | 18.589410 , -74.093730 |
Beaumont | 18.599140 , -74.123880 |
Bellevue | 18.650000 , -74.166670 |
Bellevue | 18.550000 , -74.133330 |
Bellevue | 18.400000 , -74.200000 |
Bellevue | 18.500000 , -74.350000 |
Bellevue | 18.540320 , -74.183330 |
Belzanine | 18.533330 , -74.266670 |
Beril | 18.610910 , -74.298240 |
Betrouze | 18.583330 , -74.116670 |
Bois Duval | 18.633330 , -74.316670 |
Bois l'Anse | 18.500000 , -74.283330 |
Bois Mahot | 18.416670 , -74.283330 |
Bois Mulet | 18.383330 , -74.266670 |
Bois Neuf | 18.633330 , -74.250000 |
Bois Piquant | 18.450000 , -74.183330 |
Bonbon | 18.665480 , -74.245140 |
Boncy | 18.550000 , -74.116670 |
Bonhomme | 18.550000 , -74.216670 |
Borde | 18.650000 , -74.116670 |
Boucan | 18.501000 , -74.355240 |
Bouquette | 18.475120 , -74.189950 |
Boyer | 18.566670 , -74.150000 |
Bras Gauche | 18.466670 , -74.150000 |
Briere | 18.566670 , -74.266670 |
Brinto | 18.633330 , -74.266670 |
Broteau | 18.650000 , -74.216670 |
Buron | 18.666670 , -74.250000 |
Buvette | 18.616670 , -74.133330 |
Ca Noel | 18.516670 , -74.266670 |
Cadette | 18.550000 , -74.316670 |
Cafetiere | 18.654560 , -74.329690 |
Caillard | 18.523910 , -74.362820 |
Cailledor | 18.633330 , -74.183330 |
Calema | 18.633330 , -74.283330 |
Camp Barriere | 18.500000 , -74.266670 |
Campagne | 18.533330 , -74.200000 |
Canacou | 18.550000 , -74.283330 |
Carrefour Astier | 18.616670 , -74.200000 |
Carrefour Canot | 18.616670 , -74.083330 |
Carrefour Caton | 18.666670 , -74.183330 |
Carrefour Prince | 18.650000 , -74.216670 |
Carrefour Reverdure | 18.616670 , -74.183330 |
Casale | 18.500000 , -74.366670 |
Casse-Neuve | 18.650000 , -74.333330 |
Cassetache | 18.616670 , -74.216670 |
Castillion | 18.516670 , -74.100000 |
Caye Fort | 18.466670 , -74.350000 |
Chainau | 18.616670 , -74.200000 |
Chajotte | 18.606050 , -74.347910 |
Chambellan | 18.566670 , -74.316670 |
Chameau | 18.516670 , -74.233330 |
Chameau | 18.539030 , -74.249290 |
Chariot | 18.650000 , -74.216670 |
Chartes | 18.633330 , -74.283330 |
Chateau | 18.500000 , -74.216670 |
Citadelle | 18.568070 , -74.082960 |
Citerne Paille | 18.533330 , -74.350000 |
Colberan | 18.550000 , -74.300000 |
Colimon | 18.566670 , -74.100000 |
Colonel | 18.516670 , -74.200000 |
Coma | 18.616670 , -74.283330 |
Condle | 18.533330 , -74.133330 |
Congo | 18.550000 , -74.316670 |
Congo Tout Nu | 18.616670 , -74.333330 |
Cote de Fer | 18.655810 , -74.260450 |
Coury | 18.516670 , -74.233330 |
Crochu | 18.510920 , -74.103960 |
Croix Cherie | 18.547240 , -74.094660 |
Croix Chery | 18.583330 , -74.083330 |
Curvier | 18.616670 , -74.283330 |
Cyrac | 18.583330 , -74.100000 |
Danglise | 18.633330 , -74.300000 |
Dasignac | 18.516670 , -74.216670 |
David | 18.633330 , -74.250000 |
Dayer | 18.550000 , -74.166670 |
Dayer | 18.533330 , -74.150000 |
Dayere | 18.516670 , -74.183330 |
Debarasse | 18.650000 , -74.183330 |
Debarasse | 18.533330 , -74.166670 |
Debocher | 18.633330 , -74.216670 |
Debouque | 18.466670 , -74.333330 |
Decade | 18.616670 , -74.133330 |
Decide | 18.616670 , -74.100000 |
Deck | 18.600000 , -74.283330 |
Defaille | 18.633330 , -74.366670 |
Delbois | 18.516670 , -74.366670 |
Des Bourrys | 18.616670 , -74.116670 |
Des Plantes | 18.516670 , -74.316670 |
Deschamps | 18.600000 , -74.116670 |
Deslions | 18.504080 , -74.149490 |
Desormeaux | 18.624780 , -74.238620 |
Desravines | 18.622030 , -74.259100 |
Dianacou | 18.550000 , -74.316670 |
Didier | 18.516670 , -74.316670 |
Didon | 18.581040 , -74.197500 |
Dilobouille | 18.566670 , -74.166670 |
Doco | 18.500000 , -74.100000 |
Domingo | 18.533330 , -74.100000 |
Dorfeull | 18.533330 , -74.200000 |
Duble | 18.516670 , -74.200000 |
Duchene | 18.583330 , -74.150000 |
Dufailly | 18.512820 , -74.284440 |
Dupre | 18.633330 , -74.316670 |
Duranton | 18.550550 , -74.150310 |
Durocher | 18.595260 , -74.373870 |
Flecher | 18.533330 , -74.350000 |
Flefe | 18.650000 , -74.250000 |
Fleury | 18.516670 , -74.083330 |
Fond Boucan | 18.543860 , -74.327390 |
Fond Rouge | 18.650100 , -74.225530 |
Fouache | 18.583330 , -74.350000 |
Fouache | 18.566670 , -74.216670 |
Foucan | 18.633330 , -74.300000 |
Fourcand | 18.583550 , -74.120700 |
Fraise | 18.550000 , -74.183330 |
Gaillefort | 18.500000 , -74.316670 |
Gatineau | 18.550000 , -74.166670 |
Gelin | 18.516670 , -74.300000 |
Gepe | 18.600000 , -74.233330 |
Germont | 18.633330 , -74.333330 |
Gervais | 18.611520 , -74.262160 |
Gerve | 18.566670 , -74.250000 |
Gilot | 18.516670 , -74.366670 |
Gira | 18.542360 , -74.210700 |
Gomier | 18.616670 , -74.150000 |
Gond | 18.550000 , -74.166670 |
Grand Bois | 18.483330 , -74.100000 |
Grand Dolle | 18.483080 , -74.187240 |
Grand l'Etang | 18.400000 , -74.250000 |
Grand Place | 18.583330 , -74.083330 |
Grand Place | 18.600000 , -74.083330 |
Grande Plaine | 18.516670 , -74.316670 |
Granger | 18.533330 , -74.316670 |
Gras | 18.516670 , -74.250000 |
Gros Mango | 18.483330 , -74.316670 |
Gros Morne | 18.516670 , -74.283330 |
Guitoniere | 18.566670 , -74.266670 |
Hilaire | 18.666670 , -74.233330 |
Hubert | 18.583330 , -74.183330 |
Imbert | 18.550000 , -74.200000 |
Ivan Narron | 18.550000 , -74.333330 |
Jacques | 18.633330 , -74.283330 |
Jacquot | 18.533330 , -74.116670 |
Janvier | 18.516670 , -74.150000 |
Jardin | 18.516670 , -74.350000 |
Jean Baptiste | 18.466670 , -74.283330 |
Jean Hou | 18.650000 , -74.233330 |
Jeannot | 18.550000 , -74.316670 |
Jecquet | 18.516670 , -74.133330 |
Jérémie | 18.650000 , -74.116670 |
Jourdin | 18.633330 , -74.233330 |
Juliette | 18.533330 , -74.333330 |
Julinette | 18.566670 , -74.266670 |
Jurou | 18.650000 , -74.300000 |
L'Homond | 18.650000 , -74.316670 |
La Coude | 18.566670 , -74.316670 |
La Ferme | 18.516670 , -74.166670 |
La Ferme | 18.583330 , -74.250000 |
La Fige | 18.533330 , -74.233330 |
La Foret | 18.632960 , -74.200460 |
La Gombrie | 18.616670 , -74.316670 |
La Gombrit | 18.608080 , -74.328990 |
La Hatte | 18.616670 , -74.350000 |
La Roche | 18.532890 , -74.258560 |
La Sise | 18.550000 , -74.233330 |
La Source | 18.633330 , -74.166670 |
Lacosse | 18.650000 , -74.166670 |
Laferney | 18.633330 , -74.183330 |
Laferriere | 18.571190 , -74.330910 |
Lafitte | 18.577700 , -74.309180 |
Laforet | 18.550000 , -74.116670 |
Latiboliere | 18.595690 , -74.137590 |
Lato | 18.582760 , -74.350110 |
Lavalace | 18.580110 , -74.251350 |
Lavalette Dormand | 18.550000 , -74.300000 |
Lazarre | 18.533330 , -74.316670 |
Le Pina | 18.466670 , -74.116670 |
Leger | 18.600000 , -74.100000 |
Lenaire | 18.435340 , -74.262650 |
Leopold | 18.583330 , -74.233330 |
Les Rois | 18.533330 , -74.350000 |
Lesson | 18.616670 , -74.366670 |
Lexi | 18.500000 , -74.100000 |
Libon | 18.483330 , -74.333330 |
Lifranc | 18.549500 , -74.168040 |
Limet | 18.566670 , -74.266670 |
Limette | 18.500000 , -74.333330 |
Lindor | 18.650000 , -74.250000 |
Linton | 18.533330 , -74.283330 |
Livrette | 18.629180 , -74.367620 |
Logo | 18.650070 , -74.330840 |
Lormon | 18.533330 , -74.150000 |
Lory | 18.566670 , -74.200000 |
Lory | 18.516670 , -74.200000 |
Lucienne | 18.550000 , -74.216670 |
Madet | 18.616670 , -74.133330 |
Mahotiere | 18.633330 , -74.216670 |
Mahotiere | 18.566670 , -74.283330 |
Mais Govin | 18.566670 , -74.316670 |
Mameiles | 18.466670 , -74.216670 |
Manioc | 18.566670 , -74.250000 |
Marcel | 18.502970 , -74.116480 |
Marcel | 18.550000 , -74.116670 |
Marche Leon | 18.540460 , -74.117670 |
Marcorsi | 18.616670 , -74.350000 |
Mare Blanche | 18.400000 , -74.266670 |
Mare Rouge | 18.433330 , -74.300000 |
Marfranc | 18.582470 , -74.218190 |
Mariane | 18.523660 , -74.278450 |
Martial | 18.483330 , -74.350000 |
Martillet | 18.524210 , -74.173140 |
Martin | 18.633330 , -74.250000 |
Martineau | 18.646980 , -74.206820 |
Massica | 18.566670 , -74.316670 |
Mathieu | 18.533330 , -74.316670 |
Mayone | 18.566670 , -74.266670 |
Menard | 18.566670 , -74.150000 |
Meroque | 18.569590 , -74.281180 |
Mery | 18.583330 , -74.216670 |
Mesrocks | 18.616670 , -74.266670 |
Milfort | 18.516670 , -74.133330 |
Mith | 18.616670 , -74.150000 |
Molet | 18.566670 , -74.216670 |
Monclair | 18.583330 , -74.150000 |
Monore | 18.550000 , -74.316670 |
Mont Oge | 18.650000 , -74.250000 |
Morne Beaumont | 18.633330 , -74.116670 |
Morne Birotte | 18.648190 , -74.299120 |
Morne Blanche | 18.666670 , -74.216670 |
Morne Grand Bois | 18.583330 , -74.283330 |
Morne Louissant | 18.584140 , -74.335250 |
Moron | 18.566670 , -74.250000 |
Morron | 18.566670 , -74.133330 |
Nan Bambou | 18.650000 , -74.133330 |
Nan Borde | 18.650000 , -74.216670 |
Nan Glacis | 18.566670 , -74.233330 |
Nan Joupa | 18.450000 , -74.150000 |
Nan l'Etat | 18.533330 , -74.350000 |
Nan Manioc | 18.559110 , -74.230430 |
Nan Martin | 18.600000 , -74.366670 |
Nan Plic | 18.527460 , -74.223960 |
Nan Ruby | 18.466670 , -74.316670 |
Nan Sales | 18.572120 , -74.108920 |
Napou | 18.566670 , -74.266670 |
Navarre | 18.566670 , -74.183330 |
Nicole | 18.533330 , -74.366670 |
Nouvelette | 18.583330 , -74.133330 |
Page | 18.550000 , -74.316670 |
Palmiste | 18.533330 , -74.200000 |
Pauvet | 18.600000 , -74.150000 |
Payrette | 18.634850 , -74.328010 |
Petit Anga | 18.550000 , -74.266670 |
Petite Plaine | 18.650970 , -74.232760 |
Pierre Flie | 18.633330 , -74.316670 |
Pierre Louis | 18.533330 , -74.266670 |
Pifois | 18.600000 , -74.133330 |
Pinquiere | 18.513110 , -74.183380 |
Piton | 18.565350 , -74.201360 |
Place Negre | 18.633330 , -74.166670 |
Plaine Charles | 18.583330 , -74.183330 |
Plaine Coton | 18.583330 , -74.233330 |
Plaine Fond Rouge | 18.625260 , -74.150150 |
Plaine Gelin | 18.600000 , -74.166670 |
Plaine Mille | 18.575070 , -74.169540 |
Plaine Numero Deux | 18.666670 , -74.166670 |
Planor | 18.550000 , -74.333330 |
Platon | 18.633330 , -74.150000 |
Plic | 18.550000 , -74.216670 |
Poly | 18.516670 , -74.100000 |
Ponce | 18.491110 , -74.193890 |
Prebois | 18.516670 , -74.100000 |
Previle | 18.536390 , -74.157100 |
Prevot | 18.633330 , -74.300000 |
Quenton | 18.600000 , -74.183330 |
Quiton | 18.566670 , -74.183330 |
Ragosse | 18.509300 , -74.354900 |
Rampas | 18.550000 , -74.283330 |
Rampe des Lions | 18.482510 , -74.114880 |
Rape | 18.550000 , -74.283330 |
Ravin de Rouga | 18.583330 , -74.266670 |
Ravine a Roche | 18.633330 , -74.150000 |
Ravine Blanche | 18.650000 , -74.300000 |
Rochasse | 18.650000 , -74.133330 |
Roche a Pierre | 18.514410 , -74.298760 |
Roux | 18.533330 , -74.366670 |
Saint-Just | 18.644350 , -74.332270 |
Saint-Victor | 18.631730 , -74.352040 |
Sajotte | 18.600000 , -74.350000 |
Sanon | 18.666670 , -74.166670 |
Sanyette | 18.500000 , -74.133330 |
Sauve | 18.533330 , -74.116670 |
Simon | 18.600000 , -74.133330 |
Sincao | 18.533330 , -74.133330 |
Smith | 18.550000 , -74.183330 |
Source Abricot | 18.550000 , -74.266670 |
Source Boeuf | 18.466670 , -74.300000 |
Sources Chaudes | 18.483920 , -74.286730 |
Tapona | 18.550000 , -74.333330 |
Terre Rouge | 18.544400 , -74.298870 |
Tessier | 18.616670 , -74.183330 |
Theophile | 18.550000 , -74.183330 |
Ti Folie | 18.516670 , -74.116670 |
Ti Maurice | 18.500000 , -74.266670 |
Ti Place | 18.533330 , -74.266670 |
Ti Place | 18.583330 , -74.116670 |
Tibao | 18.633330 , -74.216670 |
Tigas | 18.600000 , -74.350000 |
Tinclade | 18.400000 , -74.266670 |
Toupiase | 18.451660 , -74.274280 |
Tourneau | 18.633330 , -74.233330 |
Toute Borne | 18.516670 , -74.266670 |
Trinity | 18.533330 , -74.366670 |
Versailles | 18.633330 , -74.116670 |
Viel | 18.533330 , -74.216670 |
Vieux Bourg de Jeremie | 18.616090 , -74.082960 |
Vodry | 18.650000 , -74.300000 |
Yaya | 18.616670 , -74.166670 |
- You can download geometry data for Jérémie in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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