Hinche (Centre) Map Cropping Samples

Hinche (Centre) Map Cropping Samples-1

Hinche (Centre) Map Cropping Samples-2

Hinche neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Hinche with 3D shadow effect

Hinche map with 3d shadow effect
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Hinche.geojson (**)
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Bounding Box for Hinche Map : ( 18.934315 , -72.264104 , 19.333956 , -71.8522 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Hinche map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](18.934315, -72.264104, 19.333956, -71.8522);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Hinche)
out geom;
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Neighborhoods and Villages of Hinche
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abricot | 19.066670 , -72.083330 |
Abrio | 19.066670 , -72.116670 |
Aguahedionde | 19.133330 , -71.900000 |
Appolion | 19.283330 , -71.950000 |
Baille Tourrible | 19.024590 , -72.077670 |
Bailly | 19.129800 , -71.987450 |
Balanier | 19.283330 , -71.933330 |
Baraque | 19.030240 , -72.033910 |
Barestyl | 19.266670 , -71.866670 |
Baron | 19.233330 , -72.233330 |
Bas Jacob | 19.166670 , -71.933330 |
Basse Thomonde | 19.016670 , -71.933330 |
Bassin Soleil | 19.167270 , -71.964160 |
Bastia | 19.191510 , -72.195610 |
Bateille | 19.200000 , -72.166670 |
Batey | 18.956650 , -71.891680 |
Baycite | 19.066670 , -72.033330 |
Began Nabe | 19.188730 , -72.022430 |
Belle Branche | 19.100000 , -71.950000 |
Benaco | 19.004500 , -72.038120 |
Beneche | 19.016670 , -71.933330 |
Benjamin | 19.145880 , -72.183030 |
Bento | 18.966670 , -72.066670 |
Bernard | 19.200000 , -72.150000 |
Bigaille | 18.966670 , -71.916670 |
Billiguy | 19.245590 , -72.216210 |
Bintorrible | 19.033330 , -71.916670 |
Biton | 18.983330 , -71.900000 |
Bocaba | 19.266670 , -71.900000 |
Bois Couleuvres | 19.290820 , -71.939110 |
Bois Joli | 18.950800 , -72.046220 |
Bois Magot | 19.070750 , -72.160690 |
Bois Negesse | 19.050000 , -72.100000 |
Bois Rouge | 19.030360 , -72.146870 |
Bois Rouge | 19.116670 , -72.216670 |
Boucantal | 19.033330 , -72.050000 |
Boujouque | 18.971670 , -71.991390 |
Bourgeois | 19.276450 , -71.923710 |
Bourouc | 19.066670 , -72.050000 |
Ca Joufran | 18.983330 , -72.083330 |
Ca Soie | 19.150000 , -72.033330 |
Caba Soleil | 19.117010 , -71.915410 |
Cabocal | 19.133330 , -71.933330 |
Cachiman | 18.983330 , -71.916670 |
Caille Pin | 18.966670 , -72.000000 |
Caimites | 19.235070 , -71.965310 |
Cajou Brule | 19.205080 , -72.243170 |
Cajou Franc | 18.983330 , -72.066670 |
Calebassier | 19.150000 , -72.166670 |
Califorme | 19.183330 , -72.033330 |
Callebassier | 19.230690 , -72.242140 |
Campeche | 19.200000 , -72.050000 |
Campeche | 19.133330 , -72.016670 |
Canelle | 19.100000 , -72.200000 |
Canielle | 19.111960 , -71.918000 |
Canne | 19.012110 , -71.924580 |
Cara Plaine | 19.066670 , -72.033330 |
Caraba | 19.100000 , -71.966670 |
Caredouc | 19.157660 , -72.075540 |
Carissade | 19.124180 , -72.075260 |
Carneile | 19.116670 , -71.916670 |
Carobite | 19.133140 , -71.965770 |
Carrelone | 19.133330 , -72.033330 |
Cayahonde | 19.266670 , -72.033330 |
Cayepin | 19.000000 , -72.000000 |
Cede | 19.250000 , -71.983330 |
Cede | 19.247200 , -71.967240 |
Celestin | 19.033330 , -72.100000 |
Cerca | 19.016670 , -71.950000 |
Cerca Carvajal | 19.269630 , -71.938650 |
Cerca Ebre | 19.016670 , -71.866670 |
Ceverine | 19.172830 , -72.182910 |
Cohobe | 19.150630 , -71.963440 |
Colas Cigui | 19.233330 , -72.166670 |
Coli | 19.316670 , -72.016670 |
Colladere | 19.255660 , -72.027890 |
Corail | 19.033330 , -72.066670 |
Corbanal | 19.150000 , -72.000000 |
Corosier | 19.257640 , -71.919660 |
Coupe Compte | 19.266670 , -71.866670 |
Coupeau | 19.233330 , -72.100000 |
Crepin | 19.166670 , -72.166670 |
De l'Eau Contree | 19.250000 , -71.916670 |
Debois | 19.023330 , -72.058770 |
Decide | 19.033330 , -72.116670 |
Demarague | 19.205280 , -71.981520 |
Denizard | 19.100220 , -71.949140 |
Desgranges | 19.033330 , -72.150000 |
Desruisseau | 18.950000 , -72.050000 |
Digo | 19.280560 , -71.942860 |
Docan | 19.005250 , -72.099570 |
Doco | 19.083330 , -71.966670 |
Doco | 19.077970 , -71.965520 |
Dolo | 19.067550 , -71.952480 |
Dos Bois Rouge | 19.050000 , -72.166670 |
Dos Bois-Pin | 19.150000 , -72.133330 |
Dos Latarice | 19.133330 , -72.200000 |
Dos Roche | 19.055580 , -71.956650 |
Dos Savane | 19.100000 , -72.166670 |
Ducasse | 19.100680 , -72.082850 |
Eau Carree | 18.966670 , -71.883330 |
Eau Coupee | 19.216670 , -72.250000 |
El Bail | 19.015360 , -71.884000 |
El Bay | 18.963330 , -71.886110 |
En Bas Caimite | 19.250000 , -71.966670 |
En Bas Coudre | 19.266670 , -71.966670 |
Epin | 18.994120 , -72.032810 |
Etriac | 19.283330 , -71.983330 |
Fabien | 19.158270 , -72.166540 |
Fond Citron | 19.083330 , -72.183330 |
Fond Piquant | 19.116670 , -71.933330 |
Fond Piquant | 19.172160 , -72.190580 |
Gabaud | 19.233330 , -72.133330 |
Gaille | 19.100000 , -72.150000 |
Garde Savane | 19.180260 , -71.957060 |
Garette | 19.293730 , -71.977840 |
Gaspard | 19.200000 , -72.250000 |
Goanide | 19.200000 , -71.966670 |
Goyable | 19.033330 , -72.000000 |
Grande Plaine | 19.215890 , -72.251890 |
Grande Savane | 19.250000 , -72.166670 |
Grande Savane | 19.200000 , -72.216670 |
Grigri | 19.083330 , -72.200000 |
Grosse Plaine | 18.970830 , -72.021390 |
Guanide | 19.211110 , -71.994500 |
Hatte | 19.222550 , -72.225130 |
Hatte Cantave | 19.081780 , -72.016590 |
Hatte Pere | 19.171620 , -72.039250 |
Hatty | 19.200000 , -72.133330 |
Haut Dos | 18.950000 , -71.916670 |
Haut Gouape | 19.333330 , -71.983330 |
Haut Jacob | 19.161490 , -71.922420 |
Haut Piege | 18.992230 , -72.095260 |
Herbe Guinee | 19.185720 , -72.109040 |
Herbe Rasoir | 19.133330 , -72.166670 |
Hermanie | 19.000000 , -72.050000 |
Hinche | 19.150000 , -72.016670 |
Jacob | 19.169080 , -71.931670 |
Jasmin | 19.200000 , -72.150000 |
Jasmin | 19.174120 , -72.063910 |
Jean Gillette | 18.983330 , -71.950000 |
Jose Pery | 19.183330 , -72.116670 |
Juana | 19.068270 , -71.930280 |
Juge de Paix | 19.300000 , -71.950000 |
Ka Paul | 19.300000 , -71.916670 |
L'Etang | 19.083330 , -72.166670 |
La Begue | 19.100940 , -71.982040 |
La Bellone | 19.166670 , -72.050000 |
La Boicate | 19.250000 , -71.883330 |
La Boque | 19.250000 , -72.000000 |
La Cange | 19.124070 , -71.947640 |
La Chambre | 19.183330 , -72.083330 |
La Cour Gadichon | 19.072290 , -72.006380 |
La Croix | 19.088160 , -72.028190 |
La Fleur du Sept | 19.058240 , -72.109330 |
La Gardule | 19.168830 , -72.014450 |
La Goune | 19.216670 , -72.183330 |
La Guardiane | 19.137480 , -71.893970 |
La Hatte | 19.166670 , -72.216670 |
La Hine | 19.100000 , -71.933330 |
La Loima Source | 19.000000 , -71.900000 |
La Mecette | 19.047350 , -71.923320 |
La Partie | 19.133330 , -71.950000 |
La Rochiquite | 19.133330 , -72.050000 |
La Sienne | 19.271590 , -71.991290 |
La Solable | 19.120080 , -72.151340 |
La Source | 18.956570 , -72.050070 |
La Tierra | 19.183330 , -71.883330 |
Laboc | 19.269730 , -72.003280 |
Laby | 19.183330 , -72.050000 |
Lacabri | 19.173740 , -71.959960 |
Lacoc | 18.966670 , -71.933330 |
Ladoboc | 18.983330 , -71.883330 |
Ladora | 18.983330 , -71.933330 |
Lagradioule | 19.133330 , -72.116670 |
Laguam | 19.100000 , -72.016670 |
Lan Moye | 19.185650 , -72.233200 |
Larenos | 19.200000 , -72.100000 |
Laric | 19.166670 , -72.100000 |
Laspatrier | 19.116670 , -72.000000 |
Late | 19.250000 , -72.066670 |
Latremare | 19.111620 , -71.953820 |
Layaille | 19.097470 , -72.063970 |
Le Higuey | 19.149660 , -71.936290 |
Les Lattes | 19.138530 , -72.010290 |
Lesseau | 19.000000 , -72.066670 |
Locanone | 19.133430 , -72.087150 |
Locapa | 19.150000 , -72.116670 |
Locarre | 18.994680 , -71.898550 |
Locoral | 19.007160 , -71.878770 |
Lohobe | 19.150000 , -71.966670 |
Lomenis | 19.216670 , -72.033330 |
Lomontas | 19.166670 , -71.916670 |
Lomoraine | 19.083150 , -71.929250 |
Lorodiague | 19.226510 , -71.987870 |
Los Mamons | 19.166670 , -72.050000 |
Los Palis | 19.141670 , -71.940220 |
Los Pines | 19.216670 , -72.066670 |
Los Pines | 19.221340 , -72.082880 |
Losannone | 19.133330 , -71.883330 |
Mac Bonite | 19.181990 , -71.996870 |
Madame Georges | 19.117650 , -71.953320 |
Madre Cite | 19.116670 , -72.150000 |
Maïssade | 19.166670 , -72.133330 |
Malary | 19.116450 , -71.969310 |
Mange | 19.183330 , -72.233330 |
Marchal | 19.029230 , -71.899420 |
Mare Maringouin | 19.049450 , -72.105370 |
Mare Rouge | 19.000000 , -71.900000 |
Mare Rouge | 19.216670 , -71.900000 |
Marecage | 19.000000 , -72.083330 |
Maria Lapa | 19.235320 , -71.994120 |
Marinette | 19.234490 , -71.942090 |
Maringoin | 18.950000 , -72.050000 |
Marmont | 19.063380 , -71.986020 |
Marmont | 19.089560 , -71.997010 |
Marolice | 19.000000 , -72.050000 |
Mate Pam | 19.250000 , -72.233330 |
Matetraversa | 19.133330 , -72.116670 |
Mauge | 18.966670 , -71.966670 |
Mauric | 19.166670 , -72.016670 |
Mere Solaille | 19.233330 , -72.033330 |
Merehil | 19.072670 , -71.934900 |
Meroc | 19.100000 , -72.116670 |
Monocite | 18.980700 , -71.879510 |
Monoclas | 19.066670 , -72.100000 |
Morne Bourrique | 19.066670 , -72.150000 |
Morne Strouge | 19.016670 , -72.083330 |
Morne Thomonde | 19.000000 , -71.933330 |
Nahan | 19.150000 , -72.083330 |
Nan Biton | 19.006260 , -71.912900 |
Nan Bois-Pins | 19.216670 , -72.100000 |
Nan Bota | 19.283330 , -71.950000 |
Nan Chamboum | 19.050000 , -72.150000 |
Nan Citron | 19.133330 , -72.216670 |
Nan Couine | 19.233330 , -72.000000 |
Nan Drapeau | 19.050000 , -72.000000 |
Nan Figue | 19.083330 , -72.216670 |
Nan Figuier | 19.083420 , -72.220650 |
Nan Gorro | 19.186960 , -71.926290 |
Nan Hac | 19.050000 , -72.100000 |
Nan Kinge | 19.066670 , -72.133330 |
Nan Mangot | 19.058910 , -72.149090 |
Nan Mats | 19.216670 , -72.083330 |
Nan Moye | 19.183330 , -72.233330 |
Nan Pomme | 19.123170 , -71.880980 |
Nan Raquette | 19.182780 , -71.943270 |
Nan Roseau | 19.155430 , -71.867890 |
Nan Sault | 19.105640 , -72.198800 |
Nan Saut | 19.138830 , -71.878090 |
Nan Ti Palto | 19.129660 , -71.905810 |
Nan Train | 19.041720 , -72.146750 |
Ouan Gouman | 19.166670 , -71.866670 |
Pabdocal | 19.097550 , -71.932160 |
Paclos | 19.083330 , -72.033330 |
Pain de Croix | 19.216670 , -71.900000 |
Palma | 19.161570 , -71.905240 |
Palmarie | 18.983330 , -72.033330 |
Paloate | 19.187380 , -72.161970 |
Palsata | 19.159330 , -71.963150 |
Pantassou | 19.134630 , -72.040310 |
Papaye | 19.139230 , -71.993070 |
Parloir | 19.183330 , -72.150000 |
Pedogonme | 19.083330 , -72.066670 |
Petoie | 19.230970 , -71.920600 |
Platanage | 19.176320 , -71.983290 |
Platanal | 19.016670 , -72.066670 |
Plateau Paincroix | 19.193810 , -71.887560 |
Portail | 19.216670 , -72.250000 |
Principe | 19.066670 , -72.166670 |
Quepont | 19.083330 , -71.933330 |
Rac Noir | 19.212930 , -72.172260 |
Rang | 19.322060 , -71.996220 |
Ravine Anguille | 19.329670 , -71.982580 |
Ravine Cabryt | 19.233330 , -72.233330 |
Ravine Fond | 19.115080 , -71.994700 |
Regalie | 19.034810 , -72.119810 |
Rene | 19.256860 , -71.945940 |
Rente Soldat | 18.966670 , -72.000000 |
Reposoir | 19.083330 , -72.133330 |
Reposoir | 19.100000 , -72.133330 |
Rincon | 19.096620 , -72.099060 |
Rincon | 19.216670 , -72.216670 |
Rincon | 19.183330 , -72.133330 |
Robertal | 19.211110 , -72.144200 |
Roc Blanc | 19.216670 , -72.233330 |
Roche a Pierre | 19.099300 , -72.033830 |
Roche Pilee | 19.116670 , -72.116670 |
Roche Plate | 19.066670 , -72.066670 |
Roche Sapate | 19.016670 , -72.100000 |
Rode | 19.165790 , -72.003920 |
Rode | 19.000000 , -72.083330 |
Roseau | 19.250000 , -71.883330 |
Roseau | 19.250000 , -72.083330 |
Saint-Fleur | 19.016670 , -72.083330 |
Saint-Leger | 19.165160 , -71.949380 |
Salmadere | 18.966670 , -71.883330 |
Salmadere | 19.018800 , -71.937320 |
Salmory | 19.083330 , -72.050000 |
Samana | 19.173760 , -71.999430 |
Sanomora | 19.016670 , -72.100000 |
Sans Boute | 18.970960 , -71.969810 |
Sansou | 19.166670 , -71.933330 |
Sapatere | 19.083330 , -72.000000 |
Savane a Lagues | 19.083330 , -72.100000 |
Savane a Pale | 19.150000 , -72.133330 |
Savane a Renthe | 19.183330 , -72.200000 |
Savane Baptiste | 18.997220 , -71.977220 |
Savane Bertrand | 19.171680 , -72.241520 |
Savane Bissainthe | 19.300000 , -72.200000 |
Savane Boeuf | 19.150000 , -72.200000 |
Savane Cajou | 19.017020 , -71.908740 |
Savane Cajou | 19.016670 , -71.866670 |
Savane Carree | 19.183330 , -71.966670 |
Savane Diane | 19.250000 , -72.200000 |
Savane Diane | 19.266670 , -72.233330 |
Savane Haleine | 19.147200 , -72.097810 |
Savane Longue | 19.035010 , -71.970350 |
Savane Longue | 19.216670 , -72.200000 |
Savane Plate | 19.100000 , -72.016670 |
Savane Selpetre | 19.066340 , -71.975590 |
Savanette | 19.115900 , -71.947810 |
Savanette | 19.116670 , -72.100000 |
Savanette | 18.970620 , -71.996250 |
Selpetre | 19.144620 , -72.190920 |
Tablon | 19.089160 , -72.075350 |
Tacob | 19.166670 , -71.916670 |
Tamarin | 19.049880 , -71.914460 |
Tchaque | 19.150000 , -71.950000 |
Teresi | 19.200500 , -71.954990 |
Terre Mouscadie | 18.978840 , -71.925830 |
Tetipe | 19.033330 , -72.066670 |
Thomonde | 19.016670 , -71.966670 |
Ti Alto | 19.150000 , -71.933330 |
Ti Cayemites | 19.120450 , -72.130610 |
Trois Bois-Pin | 19.266670 , -71.916670 |
Vie Calfou | 19.083330 , -72.183330 |
Vieux Hatte | 19.000000 , -72.033330 |
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- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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