Corail (Grand' Anse) Map Cropping Samples

Corail (Grand' Anse) Map Cropping Samples-1

Corail (Grand' Anse) Map Cropping Samples-2

Corail neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Corail with 3D shadow effect

Corail map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Corail (geojson format) :
Corail.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Corail map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Corail Map : ( 18.3624962147 , -74.1160963115 , 18.644422345 , -73.698680678 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Corail map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](18.3624962147, -74.1160963115, 18.644422345, -73.698680678);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Corail)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Corail
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abeille | 18.566510 , -73.843990 |
Abricots | 18.500000 , -73.783330 |
Alberie | 18.504440 , -73.886940 |
Annette | 18.430510 , -74.061670 |
Anse a Macon | 18.589580 , -73.724300 |
Anse du Nord | 18.632110 , -73.780660 |
Au Centre | 18.450000 , -73.966670 |
Baptiste | 18.583330 , -73.966670 |
Bay-Alliance | 18.500000 , -73.900000 |
Beaufrin | 18.576480 , -73.985580 |
Beaumont | 18.478670 , -73.956440 |
Bellance | 18.433330 , -73.983330 |
Bellevue | 18.600000 , -74.050000 |
Bellevue | 18.500000 , -73.833330 |
Bernagousse | 18.541190 , -73.858230 |
Bernard | 18.466670 , -73.800000 |
Bernard | 18.566670 , -74.033330 |
Berthaud | 18.533330 , -74.033330 |
Bienfaisant | 18.551390 , -73.855280 |
Billard | 18.483330 , -73.800000 |
Billard | 18.544230 , -73.735860 |
Bois Debout | 18.500000 , -73.783330 |
Bois Geneste | 18.487170 , -74.014500 |
Bois Lambert | 18.533330 , -74.016670 |
Bois Misquette | 18.491550 , -74.001500 |
Bois Sec | 18.456570 , -74.056650 |
Bois-Pin | 18.400000 , -73.966670 |
Boucan Noel | 18.566670 , -73.933330 |
Boucan Philippe | 18.584530 , -73.742730 |
Brossard | 18.483330 , -73.750000 |
Buties | 18.566670 , -74.016670 |
Byard | 18.516670 , -73.816670 |
Ca Charlesdieu | 18.516940 , -73.785280 |
Ca Docteur | 18.518610 , -73.910280 |
Ca Pierre | 18.483330 , -73.900000 |
Ca Savon | 18.466670 , -73.766670 |
Ca Tino | 18.433330 , -74.016670 |
Cabrouette | 18.512500 , -73.792500 |
Cachimas | 18.441430 , -74.053950 |
Cachimbo | 18.511680 , -74.057600 |
Cadet | 18.488730 , -73.769820 |
Cajoux | 18.516670 , -74.050000 |
Campeche | 18.569420 , -73.926750 |
Canal | 18.433330 , -73.916670 |
Carpentier | 18.516670 , -73.916670 |
Carrefour Charles | 18.534440 , -73.995280 |
Carrefour Zaboca | 18.466670 , -73.916670 |
Catin | 18.466670 , -74.016670 |
Cetry | 18.583330 , -74.066670 |
Champy | 18.550000 , -73.933330 |
Chapelet | 18.533330 , -74.066670 |
Chardonnette | 18.516670 , -74.016670 |
Chardonnette | 18.550000 , -73.883330 |
Cheveux | 18.583330 , -74.033330 |
Chevry | 18.550000 , -74.050000 |
Chiendent | 18.504720 , -73.782220 |
Colunette | 18.514480 , -73.873550 |
Conette | 18.518890 , -73.932500 |
Congande | 18.583330 , -73.950000 |
Corail | 18.567220 , -73.892220 |
Corcette | 18.463150 , -73.898180 |
Corneille | 18.500000 , -73.916670 |
Corno | 18.466670 , -74.033330 |
David | 18.483330 , -73.850000 |
Delicourt | 18.416670 , -73.950000 |
Deron | 18.454720 , -73.908770 |
Des Ombrages | 18.433330 , -74.033330 |
Digoterie | 18.500000 , -73.950000 |
Dilagon | 18.475720 , -73.983810 |
Don l'Amitie | 18.450000 , -73.916670 |
Dorson | 18.433330 , -73.816670 |
Duc | 18.550000 , -74.016670 |
Duchity | 18.434340 , -73.903150 |
Dumoi | 18.480950 , -73.928480 |
Dupuy | 18.500000 , -73.866670 |
Durand | 18.550000 , -74.016670 |
Durochette | 18.500000 , -73.950000 |
Duvet | 18.550000 , -74.066670 |
Favier | 18.533330 , -74.066670 |
Ferace | 18.434020 , -73.947980 |
Ferrier | 18.519720 , -73.760560 |
Flandre | 18.508340 , -73.983850 |
Fond Cochon | 18.450000 , -74.050000 |
Fond Deron | 18.454660 , -73.869180 |
Fond Liane | 18.566670 , -74.050000 |
Fond Rage | 18.527360 , -73.971000 |
Fourneau | 18.505160 , -73.778780 |
Francisque | 18.450000 , -74.066670 |
Garnier | 18.474360 , -74.023960 |
Geffrard | 18.500000 , -73.950000 |
Georgette | 18.466670 , -73.883330 |
Ginerte | 18.533330 , -74.000000 |
Glace | 18.433330 , -73.883330 |
Gomier | 18.609280 , -74.062970 |
Gracia | 18.383330 , -73.966670 |
Grand Bois | 18.400000 , -73.950000 |
Grande Savane | 18.533330 , -73.816670 |
Jarvel | 18.466670 , -73.766670 |
Jean Bellune | 18.479000 , -73.786290 |
Jean-Baptiste | 18.524760 , -73.816410 |
Joly Guibert | 18.480600 , -73.834920 |
Jourdin | 18.533330 , -74.033330 |
Ka Antoine | 18.516670 , -74.000000 |
L'Esclave | 18.450000 , -73.916670 |
La Bastille | 18.536960 , -74.002280 |
La Brousse | 18.583330 , -74.033330 |
La Fievre | 18.519900 , -73.795110 |
La Goutte | 18.433330 , -73.816670 |
La Hatte | 18.516670 , -73.916670 |
La Hatte Foucault | 18.469080 , -73.809960 |
La Monge | 18.400000 , -73.933330 |
La Pagru | 18.516670 , -73.966670 |
La Pointe | 18.533330 , -74.033330 |
La Salle | 18.524130 , -73.781490 |
La Source | 18.438590 , -73.912920 |
Lacadonie | 18.455650 , -73.970770 |
Lacombe | 18.433330 , -73.966670 |
Lamandier | 18.533330 , -74.083330 |
Lamentier | 18.450000 , -73.933330 |
Lamentin | 18.552250 , -73.824700 |
Larieux | 18.423480 , -74.011620 |
Laurent | 18.383330 , -73.950000 |
Lavaud | 18.500000 , -73.800000 |
Laventin | 18.516670 , -73.983330 |
Layon Fon | 18.415940 , -74.029700 |
Leger | 18.583330 , -74.016670 |
Legros | 18.583330 , -74.033330 |
Lifebe | 18.485950 , -73.860630 |
Lindor | 18.600000 , -74.000000 |
Lopino | 18.500000 , -74.083330 |
Macaya | 18.433330 , -74.000000 |
Madame Donne | 18.516670 , -73.816670 |
Madame Julien | 18.383330 , -73.966670 |
Mais Borreau | 18.466670 , -73.816670 |
Manze Avril | 18.514720 , -73.805280 |
Mare Citron | 18.614730 , -73.760790 |
Mare Zabla | 18.516670 , -73.916670 |
Marion | 18.516670 , -73.866670 |
Maroulette | 18.550000 , -73.833330 |
Massanga | 18.466670 , -74.083330 |
Miya | 18.466670 , -74.016670 |
Monterant | 18.516670 , -74.066670 |
Mort | 18.562500 , -73.983610 |
Mortel | 18.583330 , -74.033330 |
Mouline | 18.433330 , -73.900000 |
Move Zafe | 18.550000 , -73.983330 |
Nan Bayard | 18.578330 , -73.985560 |
Nan Bois Neuf | 18.515860 , -73.845180 |
Nan Charles | 18.536110 , -73.977220 |
Nan Daniel | 18.503230 , -73.820870 |
Nan Drive | 18.466670 , -73.916670 |
Nan Guillaume | 18.512650 , -73.908860 |
Nan Lacour | 18.507780 , -73.951390 |
Nan Latanier | 18.477760 , -73.871130 |
Nan Madeleine | 18.530590 , -73.848070 |
Nan Miel | 18.408650 , -74.011590 |
Nan Moulin | 18.516670 , -74.033330 |
Nan Palmiste | 18.533290 , -73.866110 |
Nan Plingue | 18.592320 , -73.987410 |
Nan Rat | 18.527220 , -73.799440 |
Nan Reynal | 18.552330 , -74.003740 |
Paris | 18.500000 , -73.916670 |
Parisse | 18.500000 , -73.900000 |
Patate | 18.466670 , -74.050000 |
Patte Large | 18.584620 , -73.944870 |
Pavillon | 18.448580 , -73.838930 |
Perrier | 18.483330 , -74.016670 |
Pestel | 18.541270 , -73.795150 |
Petit-Mil | 18.483330 , -73.983330 |
Pierre | 18.583330 , -74.050000 |
Place Negre | 18.559000 , -74.063130 |
Plaine Ananas | 18.611470 , -73.723250 |
Plaine Laciote | 18.466670 , -73.816670 |
Plaine Martin | 18.413460 , -73.888370 |
Poste-Moulin | 18.550000 , -74.000000 |
Pourcino | 18.450000 , -74.050000 |
Pousseline | 18.566670 , -74.050000 |
Prebois | 18.583330 , -74.050000 |
Preval | 18.464190 , -73.990890 |
Raymond | 18.433330 , -73.916670 |
Raynald | 18.566670 , -74.016670 |
Raynald | 18.600000 , -74.016670 |
Renaud | 18.600000 , -74.066670 |
Rinbeau | 18.566670 , -73.950000 |
Roche Miel | 18.531830 , -73.947310 |
Rosa | 18.508890 , -73.771110 |
Roseaux | 18.600590 , -74.019470 |
Rosia | 18.466670 , -73.866670 |
Rossignol | 18.450000 , -74.016670 |
Sablier | 18.483330 , -74.066670 |
Saint-Martin | 18.533330 , -74.016670 |
Saint-Martin | 18.583330 , -74.066670 |
Simon | 18.568800 , -73.988150 |
Sonnette | 18.469080 , -73.952580 |
Tardieu | 18.466670 , -74.000000 |
Terason | 18.483330 , -73.750000 |
Terre Blanche | 18.450470 , -73.940660 |
Thomas Elie | 18.483330 , -73.766670 |
Ti Place | 18.566670 , -74.066670 |
Ti Plaine | 18.565970 , -73.902620 |
Timare | 18.577780 , -73.996670 |
Tozia | 18.440180 , -73.881690 |
Trou Bois | 18.450000 , -73.900000 |
Troupeau | 18.531650 , -73.930870 |
Vendribiche | 18.433330 , -73.850000 |
Vido | 18.529170 , -73.811940 |
Zemi | 18.466670 , -74.050000 |
Zetrois | 18.616670 , -73.700000 |
- You can download geometry data for Corail in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.