Borgne (Nord) Map Cropping Samples

Borgne (Nord) Map Cropping Samples-1

Borgne (Nord) Map Cropping Samples-2

Borgne neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Borgne with 3D shadow effect

Borgne map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Borgne (geojson format) :
Borgne.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Borgne map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Borgne Map : ( 19.2554511844 , -72.6826347981 , 19.8816824686 , -71.9737619075 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Borgne map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](19.2554511844, -72.6826347981, 19.8816824686, -71.9737619075);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Borgne)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Borgne
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Acacia | 19.366670 , -72.133330 |
Aria | 19.766760 , -72.426150 |
Bac a Soude | 19.400000 , -72.100000 |
Bado | 19.831200 , -72.586790 |
Baliares | 19.316670 , -72.133330 |
Baroney | 19.350000 , -72.066670 |
Barque | 19.800000 , -72.466670 |
Barque Borgne | 19.816670 , -72.500000 |
Bas de Sainte-Anne | 19.816670 , -72.650000 |
Bas Pinal | 19.366670 , -72.100000 |
Bassin | 19.383330 , -72.000000 |
Bayeux | 19.816670 , -72.433330 |
Bazilan | 19.750000 , -72.466670 |
Beaubrun | 19.766670 , -72.600000 |
Bence | 19.416670 , -72.066670 |
Benefice | 19.433330 , -72.083330 |
Bernard | 19.747480 , -72.555840 |
Bernard | 19.733330 , -72.433330 |
Bertrand | 19.766670 , -72.466670 |
Bizoton | 19.750000 , -72.450000 |
Bois Cochon | 19.366670 , -72.016670 |
Bois de Lance | 19.416670 , -72.050000 |
Bois Neuf | 19.750000 , -72.533330 |
Bois Pin | 19.816670 , -72.516670 |
Bois Rouge | 19.766670 , -72.450000 |
Boja | 19.700000 , -72.483330 |
Boroc | 19.293500 , -72.069020 |
Boucan Michel | 19.789440 , -72.566150 |
Bouquerome | 19.350000 , -72.166670 |
Bouquet d'Homme | 19.361480 , -72.147320 |
Bouyaha | 19.333330 , -72.166670 |
Bricoque | 19.866670 , -72.566670 |
Cabare | 19.783330 , -72.583330 |
Cacao | 19.833330 , -72.500000 |
Caille Ganot | 19.383330 , -72.116670 |
Caiman | 19.300000 , -72.083330 |
Calas | 19.766670 , -72.433330 |
Calbachin | 19.750090 , -72.527090 |
Calbassier | 19.316670 , -72.050000 |
Caporal | 19.716670 , -72.433330 |
Caraque | 19.400000 , -72.083330 |
Carosse | 19.812700 , -72.432590 |
Carrefour | 19.400000 , -72.083330 |
Cascade | 19.766670 , -72.550000 |
Celestin | 19.766670 , -72.516670 |
Cercadie | 19.307680 , -72.039600 |
Chabet | 19.783330 , -72.433330 |
Champanne | 19.800000 , -72.616670 |
Chevalier | 19.801730 , -72.446020 |
Chicane | 19.800000 , -72.633330 |
Chouchou | 19.820700 , -72.477860 |
Colette | 19.783330 , -72.533330 |
Combi | 19.800000 , -72.666670 |
Contre | 19.750540 , -72.440870 |
Corail | 19.747240 , -72.448790 |
Corneille | 19.753860 , -72.493010 |
Coupeal | 19.266670 , -72.100000 |
Cracaraille | 19.383980 , -72.054420 |
Crepadie | 19.350000 , -72.100000 |
Damazon | 19.750000 , -72.500000 |
Daribot | 19.800000 , -72.633330 |
David | 19.783330 , -72.500000 |
Decouvert | 19.724370 , -72.440110 |
Dereranc | 19.850000 , -72.583330 |
Des Fonds | 19.333330 , -72.083330 |
Des Fonds | 19.333330 , -72.050000 |
Descasse | 19.783330 , -72.583330 |
Diepois | 19.278320 , -72.147740 |
Difossac | 19.366670 , -72.000000 |
Diminy | 19.750000 , -72.533330 |
Docor | 19.816670 , -72.550000 |
Domaille | 19.412380 , -72.027940 |
Dorlon | 19.850000 , -72.583330 |
Dos Bobo | 19.703240 , -72.450030 |
Dossac | 19.433330 , -72.083330 |
Doute | 19.816670 , -72.516670 |
Dubosse | 19.783330 , -72.666670 |
Dubreil | 19.783330 , -72.550000 |
Duclos | 19.766670 , -72.466670 |
Dufossac | 19.350000 , -72.000000 |
Dumazar | 19.751560 , -72.465330 |
Dupin | 19.742800 , -72.493310 |
Duplessis | 19.727560 , -72.444870 |
Dupras | 19.866670 , -72.566670 |
Etienne | 19.416670 , -72.050000 |
Fauche | 19.735840 , -72.430850 |
Ferrand | 19.750000 , -72.450000 |
Fleurizor | 19.266670 , -72.150000 |
Fond Li Gras | 19.822500 , -72.555430 |
Fontaine | 19.350000 , -72.100000 |
Fort a Grange | 19.833330 , -72.500000 |
Freto | 19.792970 , -72.604050 |
Gageole | 19.783330 , -72.566670 |
Gamelle | 19.780290 , -72.425850 |
Garde Bance | 19.744950 , -72.485710 |
Garde Camp | 19.716670 , -72.433330 |
Garde la Victoire | 19.400000 , -72.100000 |
Garde Yram | 19.383330 , -72.066670 |
Gaspard | 19.350000 , -72.033330 |
Gaspard | 19.333330 , -72.066670 |
Georges | 19.766670 , -72.516670 |
Gingembre | 19.400000 , -72.016670 |
Gramand | 19.350000 , -71.983330 |
Grand Bois | 19.783330 , -72.500000 |
Grand Bois | 19.783330 , -72.516670 |
Grand Bois | 19.847780 , -72.576910 |
Gros Sable | 19.850000 , -72.533330 |
Guillette | 19.723640 , -72.480230 |
Haut Platon | 19.816670 , -72.633330 |
Haut Villote | 19.766670 , -72.616670 |
Jalousie | 19.816670 , -72.550000 |
Jasmin | 19.750000 , -72.500000 |
Jean Brulee | 19.300000 , -72.083330 |
Jean Charles | 19.416670 , -72.083330 |
Jean Maitre | 19.716670 , -72.483330 |
Jean Pierre | 19.766670 , -72.550000 |
Jeannette | 19.713200 , -72.470410 |
Joli | 19.750000 , -72.466670 |
L'Aqui | 19.700000 , -72.483330 |
La Belle Mere | 19.289230 , -72.149550 |
La Cosse | 19.333330 , -72.133330 |
La Jeune | 19.283330 , -72.083330 |
La Pila | 19.316670 , -72.100000 |
La Rate | 19.816670 , -72.583330 |
La Savatte | 19.833330 , -72.516670 |
La Victoire | 19.337510 , -72.020560 |
Lacoman | 19.710460 , -72.455230 |
Lacoste | 19.813370 , -72.616010 |
Lacoste | 19.314640 , -72.127550 |
Lafond | 19.700000 , -72.466670 |
Lan Conge | 19.400000 , -72.066670 |
Lan Pierrette | 19.383330 , -72.083330 |
Lan Port | 19.816670 , -72.616670 |
Laurent | 19.766670 , -72.500000 |
Lavaud | 19.783330 , -72.616670 |
Le Borgne | 19.850000 , -72.533330 |
Legras | 19.787210 , -72.433470 |
Lejene | 19.295820 , -72.083960 |
Lima | 19.383330 , -72.000000 |
Louis Gilbert | 19.300000 , -72.150000 |
Macanda | 19.850000 , -72.550000 |
Madame de Borne | 19.400000 , -72.066670 |
Madame Georges | 19.366670 , -72.083330 |
Maison Neuve | 19.750000 , -72.550000 |
Mala | 19.783330 , -72.583330 |
Margot | 19.803620 , -72.542830 |
Martinique | 19.816670 , -72.533330 |
Mary | 19.733330 , -72.466670 |
Mathurin | 19.760260 , -72.426560 |
Mayaya | 19.333330 , -72.000000 |
Mazambi | 19.708590 , -72.491340 |
Menier | 19.783330 , -72.483330 |
Montaigu | 19.833330 , -72.516670 |
Monteau | 19.860210 , -72.556130 |
Montery | 19.400000 , -72.033330 |
Morne Langue | 19.750000 , -72.566670 |
Morne Pignon | 19.350000 , -72.100000 |
Morro | 19.766920 , -72.551820 |
Moussambe | 19.400000 , -72.033330 |
Nan Belizaire | 19.850000 , -72.550000 |
Nan Carrefour | 19.834330 , -72.509380 |
Nan Dalle | 19.850000 , -72.583330 |
Nan Dumas | 19.850000 , -72.550000 |
Nan Gouape | 19.316670 , -72.083330 |
Nan Hatte | 19.766670 , -72.533330 |
Nan Jardin | 19.833330 , -72.516670 |
Nan Joachin | 19.750000 , -72.550000 |
Nan Joupa | 19.816670 , -72.666670 |
Nan Laine | 19.850000 , -72.566670 |
Nan Manuel | 19.318820 , -72.153550 |
Nan Pierrot | 19.700000 , -72.483330 |
Nan Pilet | 19.783330 , -72.550000 |
Nan Sable | 19.833330 , -72.533330 |
Nan Tache | 19.398340 , -72.012900 |
Nan Vincent | 19.274800 , -72.133720 |
Novion | 19.817430 , -72.459460 |
Odelique | 19.800000 , -72.650000 |
Oge | 19.400000 , -72.033330 |
Ouanalope | 19.326570 , -72.155230 |
Pacassa | 19.383330 , -72.083330 |
Pacot | 19.766670 , -72.550000 |
Paillant | 19.779920 , -72.492100 |
Palmarie | 19.350000 , -72.100000 |
Pele | 19.783330 , -72.633330 |
Petit Bourg de Port Margot | 19.722310 , -72.450140 |
Petit Bourg du Borgne | 19.811880 , -72.571380 |
Petite Riviere | 19.800000 , -72.583330 |
Picot | 19.816670 , -72.583330 |
Pied Louis | 19.300000 , -72.133330 |
Pierre Michel | 19.750000 , -72.433330 |
Pignon | 19.333330 , -72.116670 |
Pioux | 19.783330 , -72.433330 |
Piton | 19.350000 , -72.016670 |
Platon Cria | 19.733330 , -72.483330 |
Poc | 19.716670 , -72.466670 |
Poquin | 19.766670 , -72.583330 |
Port Margot | 19.750000 , -72.433330 |
Portier | 19.766670 , -72.450000 |
Potosuel | 19.259440 , -72.137160 |
Precipice | 19.844580 , -72.583330 |
Prevaux | 19.433330 , -72.050000 |
Ranquitte | 19.416670 , -72.083330 |
Ravine Longue | 19.366670 , -72.033330 |
Ravine Sable | 19.283330 , -72.150000 |
Ravine Tache | 19.350000 , -72.150000 |
Raymonde | 19.350000 , -72.033330 |
Redoute | 19.765610 , -72.451370 |
Retelle | 19.750000 , -72.516670 |
Riol | 19.716670 , -72.450000 |
Robert | 19.716670 , -72.466670 |
Robillard | 19.775840 , -72.540250 |
Robin | 19.833330 , -72.566670 |
Robin | 19.816670 , -72.566670 |
Robinet | 19.350000 , -71.983330 |
Roi | 19.433330 , -72.083330 |
Saint-Pierre | 19.701300 , -72.458290 |
Santigue | 19.366670 , -72.116670 |
Savane Longue | 19.366670 , -72.150000 |
Savane Madame Georges | 19.378930 , -72.058100 |
Savane Rouge | 19.366670 , -72.150000 |
Savane Tabac | 19.316670 , -72.133330 |
Savanette | 19.366670 , -72.133330 |
Source Arrosee | 19.433330 , -72.083330 |
Thebaudiere | 19.800000 , -72.450000 |
Ti Bourg | 19.733270 , -72.502840 |
Traillat | 19.783330 , -72.483330 |
Trois Poteaux | 19.333330 , -72.150000 |
Trou d'Enfer | 19.783330 , -72.600000 |
Trou d'Enfer | 19.769490 , -72.587200 |
Vigoureux | 19.733330 , -72.450000 |
Villate | 19.416670 , -72.033330 |
Zigne | 19.383330 , -72.033330 |
- You can download geometry data for Borgne in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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