Belle-Anse (Sud-Est) Map Cropping Samples

Belle-Anse (Sud-Est) Map Cropping Samples-1

Belle-Anse (Sud-Est) Map Cropping Samples-2

Belle-Anse neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Belle-Anse with 3D shadow effect

Belle-Anse map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Belle-Anse (geojson format) :
Belle-Anse.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Belle-Anse map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Belle-Anse Map : ( 18.031697572 , -72.247597271 , 18.3536983888 , -71.7269325367 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Belle-Anse map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](18.031697572, -72.247597271, 18.3536983888, -71.7269325367);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Belle-Anse)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Belle-Anse
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Adieu au Monde | 18.233330 , -72.216670 |
Alantrara | 18.216670 , -71.916670 |
Anse a Cochons | 18.152640 , -71.880150 |
Anse-À-Pitres | 18.050000 , -71.750000 |
Baie d'Orange | 18.279300 , -72.221720 |
Banane | 18.142850 , -71.761170 |
Baptiste | 18.270490 , -72.213420 |
Barassart | 18.333330 , -72.133330 |
Barbe Pangnol | 18.107830 , -71.767420 |
Bas La Serre | 18.283330 , -72.183330 |
Bassin Pian | 18.250000 , -72.183330 |
Bassin Prince | 18.251750 , -72.127700 |
Bel Air | 18.266670 , -72.050000 |
Beland | 18.316670 , -72.100000 |
Belle-Anse | 18.237220 , -72.065560 |
Bellevue | 18.266670 , -72.033330 |
Bernard | 18.333330 , -72.166670 |
Blecke | 18.216670 , -71.850000 |
Blockauss | 18.350000 , -72.200000 |
Bodarie | 18.256870 , -71.898850 |
Bois Chadeque | 18.233330 , -71.933330 |
Bois Codine | 18.255950 , -71.767160 |
Bois Conte | 18.286380 , -72.052750 |
Bois d'Orme | 18.184480 , -71.801180 |
Bois de Lance | 18.316670 , -72.016670 |
Bois de Lenthel | 18.266670 , -72.183330 |
Bois des Hommes | 18.316670 , -72.050000 |
Bois Pin | 18.283330 , -72.200000 |
Bois Pin Marron | 18.333330 , -72.183330 |
Bois Tombe | 18.272800 , -71.960170 |
Bonite | 18.219250 , -71.785770 |
Bossuet | 18.266670 , -72.200000 |
Bota | 18.150000 , -71.766670 |
Boucan Guillaume | 18.163510 , -71.789830 |
Boucan La Pierre | 18.283330 , -72.100000 |
Boucan Nicot | 18.133330 , -71.850000 |
Boucan Pete | 18.278510 , -71.780480 |
Boucan Tanillin | 18.316670 , -71.866670 |
Boucan Tonton | 18.201200 , -71.808990 |
Boucicaut | 18.173920 , -71.842980 |
Boulaille | 18.203320 , -71.814750 |
Bourg-a-Chique | 18.250000 , -72.100000 |
Ca Barrois | 18.266670 , -71.933330 |
Ca Commandant | 18.250000 , -72.100000 |
Ca Compe | 18.245650 , -72.009050 |
Ca Henry | 18.300000 , -71.883330 |
Ca Janvier | 18.250000 , -71.883330 |
Ca Marchas | 18.266670 , -71.983330 |
Ca Roseau | 18.283330 , -71.883330 |
Ca Toussaint | 18.216670 , -71.816670 |
Cacoli | 18.250000 , -72.216670 |
Caduc | 18.250000 , -72.066670 |
Cagareau | 18.233330 , -72.133330 |
Cageais | 18.183330 , -71.850000 |
Calice | 18.342500 , -72.193610 |
Calumette | 18.317420 , -72.150420 |
Calumette | 18.183330 , -71.866670 |
Calumette | 18.250000 , -72.133330 |
Calumette | 18.283330 , -72.083330 |
Caporal | 18.333330 , -72.150000 |
Caporal | 18.298660 , -72.151000 |
Caporal | 18.294060 , -72.102030 |
Carrefour Mare Jouffrey | 18.233330 , -71.916670 |
Casse Cotelettes | 18.150000 , -71.816670 |
Cassourde | 18.120900 , -71.762520 |
Cecilio | 18.266670 , -71.833330 |
Chaudry | 18.319520 , -72.186080 |
Citadelle | 18.283330 , -71.983330 |
Coeur Bois | 18.266670 , -71.883330 |
Coeur de Bois | 18.183330 , -71.850000 |
Colin | 18.266670 , -71.816670 |
Collasine | 18.159830 , -71.856510 |
Colline des Chenes | 18.240410 , -71.904820 |
Colonie Agricole de Savane Zombi | 18.266670 , -71.800000 |
Commandant | 18.266670 , -72.100000 |
Corail | 18.233330 , -71.816670 |
Corail | 18.265130 , -71.989860 |
Corail Lamothe | 18.238870 , -72.077130 |
Corail Lamothe | 18.283330 , -72.083330 |
Coutelas | 18.236210 , -72.184930 |
Croix Malouque | 18.133330 , -71.766670 |
Decabon | 18.333330 , -72.183330 |
Derriere Morne | 18.316670 , -72.100000 |
Dimbi | 18.216670 , -71.866670 |
Dos Lanni | 18.316670 , -72.066670 |
Dos Masse | 18.283330 , -71.916670 |
Dubois | 18.283330 , -72.216670 |
Dupuy | 18.233330 , -71.833330 |
Fond Baptiste | 18.266670 , -72.166670 |
Fond Coti | 18.244630 , -71.863670 |
Fond des Mornes | 18.333330 , -72.166670 |
Garreau | 18.266840 , -71.779480 |
Germain | 18.216670 , -71.883330 |
Goma | 18.216670 , -71.866670 |
Grand Bois | 18.283330 , -72.150000 |
Grand Bois | 18.266670 , -72.033330 |
Grand Bois | 18.233400 , -71.812020 |
Grand Bois | 18.283330 , -72.200000 |
Grand Bois | 18.233330 , -71.900000 |
Grand Gosier | 18.185430 , -71.918200 |
Grand Platon | 18.277920 , -72.148480 |
Grande Place | 18.216670 , -71.933330 |
Grande Ravine | 18.323270 , -72.223840 |
Gros l'Abime | 18.237630 , -72.103970 |
Guerin | 18.350000 , -72.200000 |
Guimby | 18.216670 , -71.883330 |
Haut Dufort | 18.300000 , -72.133330 |
Haut Fort | 18.282560 , -72.123050 |
Herbe Guinee | 18.250000 , -72.200000 |
Jonc | 18.316670 , -72.066670 |
La Bonnetiere | 18.250000 , -71.833330 |
La Croc | 18.166670 , -71.850000 |
La Fortune | 18.250000 , -71.866670 |
La Hatte | 18.266670 , -72.133330 |
La Odissee | 18.300000 , -72.050000 |
La Serre | 18.301890 , -72.186200 |
La Voute | 18.166670 , -71.866670 |
Lacroc | 18.133330 , -71.850000 |
Liautaud | 18.266670 , -71.816670 |
Lisaille | 18.315080 , -72.212540 |
Lou Houx | 18.250000 , -71.933330 |
Louis Jeune | 18.200000 , -71.866670 |
Lourou | 18.250000 , -71.916670 |
Macaron | 18.333060 , -72.149500 |
Magny | 18.250000 , -71.783330 |
Mahotiere | 18.266670 , -72.083330 |
Malpasse Taureau | 18.138900 , -71.853930 |
Manguiere | 18.283330 , -72.166670 |
Mapou | 18.300000 , -72.050000 |
Mapou | 18.241730 , -71.949780 |
Marbial | 18.266670 , -72.083330 |
Marbriole | 18.311810 , -72.135790 |
Mare Blanche | 18.329710 , -72.104680 |
Mare Blanche | 18.240070 , -71.786880 |
Mare Blanche | 18.266670 , -71.800000 |
Mare Brignol | 18.264290 , -72.153700 |
Mare Brignol | 18.250000 , -72.150000 |
Mare Citron | 18.216670 , -71.933330 |
Mare Flanga | 18.250000 , -71.916670 |
Mare Jauffrey | 18.233330 , -71.916670 |
Mare Jolie | 18.300000 , -72.050000 |
Mare Kadeneau | 18.342540 , -72.212810 |
Mare l'Etang | 18.316670 , -72.083330 |
Mare Mahot | 18.216670 , -71.783330 |
Mare Plate | 18.290370 , -72.194110 |
Mare Rouge | 18.216670 , -71.816670 |
Marie-Rose | 18.133330 , -71.766670 |
Mars | 18.233330 , -71.950000 |
Matileau | 18.333330 , -72.150000 |
Matilo | 18.331570 , -72.151760 |
Menfou | 18.333330 , -72.083330 |
Michel | 18.333330 , -72.100000 |
Minerve | 18.310540 , -72.159090 |
Nan Abbe | 18.266670 , -72.000000 |
Nan Anguille | 18.300000 , -71.950000 |
Nan Bois Pin | 18.300000 , -71.900000 |
Nan Boulaille | 18.266670 , -71.966670 |
Nan Charlot | 18.191220 , -71.837020 |
Nan Citerne | 18.183330 , -71.833330 |
Nan Cochon | 18.200000 , -71.900000 |
Nan Coma | 18.266670 , -71.866670 |
Nan Counouque | 18.316670 , -72.016670 |
Nan Figue | 18.300000 , -72.216670 |
Nan Figuier | 18.250000 , -71.816670 |
Nan Fougere | 18.215690 , -71.927600 |
Nan Galette | 18.233330 , -71.883330 |
Nan Gousse | 18.266670 , -72.100000 |
Nan Hauteur | 18.283330 , -72.016670 |
Nan l'Etang | 18.267290 , -72.128410 |
Nan Mahot | 18.233330 , -71.883330 |
Nan Mirliton | 18.216670 , -71.883330 |
Nan Noel | 18.258990 , -72.206180 |
Nan Pal | 18.300000 , -72.216670 |
Nan Palmiste | 18.263750 , -72.083950 |
Nan Plaisir | 18.278680 , -72.184000 |
Nan Plaisir | 18.233330 , -71.916670 |
Nan Porot | 18.315080 , -72.115580 |
Nan Poteau | 18.233330 , -72.016670 |
Nan Rada | 18.254490 , -71.888250 |
Nan Ravine | 18.295110 , -72.132360 |
Nan Roche | 18.250000 , -71.933330 |
Nan Roseau | 18.166670 , -71.766670 |
Nan Simbi | 18.284910 , -71.878010 |
Nan Tangas | 18.226540 , -71.890520 |
Oranger | 18.250000 , -71.900000 |
Pasquet | 18.266670 , -72.116670 |
Pichon | 18.276810 , -72.023930 |
Pichon | 18.300000 , -71.983330 |
Plaisir | 18.266670 , -72.216670 |
Plateau l'Abbe | 18.250000 , -72.116670 |
Platon | 18.250000 , -72.116670 |
Platon Figuier | 18.266670 , -71.850000 |
Platon Mapou | 18.262670 , -71.952860 |
Platon Pistache | 18.232110 , -71.772530 |
Point a la Gene | 18.122520 , -71.849070 |
Pointe la Geme | 18.150000 , -71.833330 |
Poreau | 18.316670 , -72.166670 |
Pot de Chambre | 18.208840 , -71.858370 |
Prechet | 18.224480 , -72.033530 |
Ravine Cajou | 18.233330 , -72.200000 |
Recif | 18.150000 , -71.816670 |
Roche Blanche | 18.266670 , -71.966670 |
Royer | 18.250000 , -71.800000 |
Sateigne | 18.324140 , -72.122190 |
Satorfer | 18.262420 , -72.192910 |
Savane Cabrit | 18.316670 , -72.116670 |
Savane Large | 18.333330 , -72.083330 |
Savane Trompette | 18.214700 , -71.827160 |
Savane Zombi | 18.278910 , -71.808710 |
Terre Rouge | 18.233330 , -71.883330 |
Terre Rouge | 18.174630 , -71.807740 |
Terre Rouge | 18.239600 , -72.213300 |
Terre Rouge | 18.288730 , -71.981140 |
Tete a l'Eau | 18.153900 , -71.773200 |
Tete Donasse | 18.300000 , -71.966670 |
Tete Morne | 18.304880 , -72.023690 |
Thiote | 18.250000 , -71.850000 |
Ti Bois Pin | 18.283330 , -72.183330 |
Ti Boulaille | 18.250000 , -71.883330 |
Ti Place | 18.256240 , -71.956440 |
Ti Saison | 18.183330 , -71.816670 |
Ti Simbi | 18.233330 , -71.766670 |
Ti Zorange | 18.300000 , -72.207040 |
Trois Mares | 18.316670 , -72.183330 |
Trois Mats | 18.316940 , -72.151940 |
Trou Couvri | 18.233330 , -71.933330 |
Trou Morin | 18.216670 , -71.916670 |
Yombe | 18.250000 , -72.200000 |
Zerbe Fine | 18.233330 , -71.933330 |
- You can download geometry data for Belle-Anse in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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