Catió (Tombali) Map Cropping Samples

Catió (Tombali) Map Cropping Samples-1

Catió (Tombali) Map Cropping Samples-2

Catió neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Catió with 3D shadow effect

Catió map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Catió (geojson format) :
Catió.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Catió map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Catió Map : ( 11.213864 , -15.421306 , 11.479446 , -15.095295 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Catió map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](11.213864, -15.421306, 11.479446, -15.095295);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Catió)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Catió
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Afia | 11.333330 , -15.183330 |
Areia | 11.283330 , -15.283330 |
Bandim | 11.333330 , -15.383330 |
Baria | 11.416670 , -15.216670 |
Biaja | 11.433330 , -15.200000 |
Bocana Balanta | 11.350000 , -15.383330 |
Bocana Nalu | 11.350000 , -15.383330 |
Boche Bissa | 11.366670 , -15.216670 |
Cabaceira | 11.333330 , -15.333330 |
Cabolol Balanta | 11.350000 , -15.150000 |
Cabolol Nalu | 11.350000 , -15.166670 |
Cachanga | 11.350000 , -15.300000 |
Cachanga | 11.350000 , -15.283330 |
Cachaque | 11.333330 , -15.216670 |
Caje | 11.400000 , -15.133330 |
Cajeu | 11.416670 , -15.216670 |
Calema Balanta | 11.350000 , -15.333330 |
Calema Sosso | 11.350000 , -15.350000 |
Caleu | 11.333330 , -15.400000 |
Caleu | 11.316670 , -15.400000 |
Camaiupa | 11.316670 , -15.200000 |
Cambana | 11.433330 , -15.216670 |
Camitendem | 11.283330 , -15.283330 |
Camoio | 11.383330 , -15.233330 |
Canchumane | 11.316670 , -15.216670 |
Canchungozinho | 11.416670 , -15.316670 |
Cangalai | 11.383330 , -15.233330 |
Cantone | 11.266670 , -15.183330 |
Canture | 11.350000 , -15.316670 |
Catió | 11.283330 , -15.250000 |
Catissame | 11.333330 , -15.300000 |
Catunco | 11.350000 , -15.300000 |
Chugue | 11.416670 , -15.116670 |
Cobumba | 11.366670 , -15.150000 |
Cubaque | 11.316670 , -15.233330 |
Cuduco | 11.283330 , -15.216670 |
Cufar | 11.300000 , -15.183330 |
Cufar Nalu | 11.300000 , -15.183330 |
Cufar Novo | 11.300000 , -15.183330 |
Cumebu | 11.300000 , -15.266670 |
Dimbissile | 11.316670 , -15.283330 |
Flaque Umbana | 11.416670 , -15.133330 |
Gambia | 11.400000 , -15.216670 |
Gandua Balanta | 11.466670 , -15.200000 |
Gandua Nalu | 11.450000 , -15.183330 |
Ganjola | 11.333330 , -15.250000 |
Ganjola Nalu | 11.350000 , -15.233330 |
Ganjola Porto | 11.316670 , -15.250000 |
Gansona | 11.333330 , -15.266670 |
Guelache | 11.366670 , -15.266670 |
Iangue | 11.466670 , -15.250000 |
Ilheu do Cote | 11.316670 , -15.300000 |
Impungueda | 11.283330 , -15.166670 |
Incomene Balanta | 11.433330 , -15.216670 |
Incomene Manjaco | 11.450000 , -15.200000 |
Iusse | 11.283330 , -15.166670 |
Madina | 11.300000 , -15.250000 |
Mampatual | 11.433330 , -15.133330 |
Mato Farroba | 11.266670 , -15.183330 |
Orango | 11.350000 , -15.366670 |
Pericuto | 11.383330 , -15.150000 |
Pobreza | 11.400000 , -15.333330 |
Ponta Nova | 11.283330 , -15.366670 |
Priame | 11.283330 , -15.250000 |
Punga | 11.300000 , -15.266670 |
Quiasse | 11.400000 , -15.283330 |
Quiasse | 11.400000 , -15.266670 |
Quibil | 11.266670 , -15.233330 |
Quintafine | 11.283330 , -15.266670 |
Rossum | 11.383330 , -15.250000 |
Santana | 11.433330 , -15.250000 |
Sao Jorge | 11.350000 , -15.350000 |
Tambacumba | 11.283330 , -15.383330 |
Tombali | 11.300000 , -15.416670 |
- You can download geometry data for Catió in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.