Boé (Gabú) Map Cropping Samples

Boé (Gabú) Map Cropping Samples-1

Boé (Gabú) Map Cropping Samples-2

Boé neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Boé with 3D shadow effect

Boé map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Boé (geojson format) :
Boé.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Boé map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Boé Map : ( 11.559308 , -14.512558 , 12.162373 , -13.696547 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Boé map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](11.559308, -14.512558, 12.162373, -13.696547);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Boé)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Boé
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Afia | 11.700000 , -14.233330 |
Balandugo | 11.850000 , -13.733330 |
Banta Foru | 11.816670 , -14.133330 |
Bantanja | 11.733330 , -14.250000 |
Beli | 11.850000 , -13.933330 |
Bilonco | 11.833330 , -14.216670 |
Boulouba | 11.666670 , -14.000000 |
Bufene | 11.666670 , -14.083330 |
Bugafal | 11.866670 , -14.233330 |
Bundocuro | 11.700000 , -14.116670 |
Burquelem | 11.900000 , -13.766670 |
Candocoli | 11.866670 , -14.166670 |
Cantassia | 11.733330 , -14.283330 |
Capebonde | 11.716670 , -13.883330 |
Chancum Sate | 11.800000 , -14.083330 |
Cheche | 11.916670 , -14.216670 |
Colebe | 11.750000 , -13.816670 |
Cutamaro | 11.750000 , -14.266670 |
Cutamaru | 11.733330 , -14.333330 |
Cutamaru | 11.750000 , -14.300000 |
Dacali | 11.750000 , -13.983330 |
Dalaba | 12.033330 , -13.800000 |
Damali | 11.750000 , -14.000000 |
Dandula | 11.983330 , -13.750000 |
Dantare | 12.100000 , -13.883330 |
Dembalo | 11.883330 , -14.433330 |
Dinguirai | 11.766670 , -13.866670 |
Diquel | 11.766670 , -14.150000 |
Famerege | 11.833330 , -13.766670 |
Farambange | 11.750000 , -14.016670 |
Farambange | 11.750000 , -14.066670 |
Galangoi | 11.766670 , -14.300000 |
Gobige | 11.600000 , -14.350000 |
Gorlige | 11.766670 , -14.133330 |
Guilege | 11.633330 , -14.300000 |
Iegi | 11.800000 , -14.400000 |
Ieiel | 11.800000 , -14.400000 |
Jabia | 11.800000 , -14.150000 |
Jaribe | 11.683330 , -14.183330 |
Jatadaca | 11.683330 , -14.283330 |
Jifim | 11.783330 , -14.366670 |
Limbi Afia | 11.733330 , -14.083330 |
Limbi Mangatamba | 11.716670 , -14.100000 |
Lugajole | 11.800000 , -13.850000 |
Lugure | 11.800000 , -14.116670 |
Madina do Boe | 11.750000 , -14.216670 |
Maria | 11.866670 , -14.133330 |
Munhini | 11.750000 , -13.933330 |
Nhantafara | 11.583330 , -14.383330 |
Paiai Lemenei | 11.866670 , -14.433330 |
Paiai Numba | 11.833330 , -14.416670 |
Pataque | 11.883330 , -13.966670 |
Pataque Boebe | 11.966670 , -13.966670 |
Queneba | 11.700000 , -14.000000 |
Quissem | 11.866670 , -13.733330 |
Quissem | 11.933330 , -13.800000 |
Sare Ussumane | 11.733330 , -14.200000 |
Sebere Dandum | 11.716670 , -14.216670 |
Sincha Samba Ja Ja | 11.766670 , -14.383330 |
Sinchuro Binasse | 11.966670 , -14.000000 |
Sinchuro Paraual | 11.716670 , -14.033330 |
Sudo Legal | 11.716670 , -14.133330 |
Sutumaca | 11.850000 , -14.066670 |
Tabadara | 12.083330 , -13.850000 |
Tarije | 11.833330 , -13.733330 |
Ucha | 11.866670 , -13.800000 |
Uncire | 11.783330 , -13.933330 |
Vendu Leidi | 11.750000 , -13.716670 |
- You can download geometry data for Boé in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.