Canillá (Chiquimula) Map Cropping Samples

Canillá (Chiquimula) Map Cropping Samples-1

Canillá (Chiquimula) Map Cropping Samples-2

Canillá neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Canillá with 3D shadow effect

Canillá map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Canillá (geojson format) :
Canillá.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Canillá map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Canillá Map : ( 14.780563 , -89.382746 , 14.952305 , -89.178266 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Canillá map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](14.780563, -89.382746, 14.952305, -89.178266);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Canillá)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Canillá
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Agua Fria | 14.866670 , -89.350000 |
Anisillo | 14.866670 , -89.250000 |
Bordo | 14.866670 , -89.266670 |
Brasilar | 14.833330 , -89.350000 |
Camino Real | 14.883330 , -89.333330 |
Camotán | 14.816670 , -89.366670 |
Canjon del Rio | 14.816670 , -89.266670 |
Caparja | 14.850000 , -89.233330 |
Cedral | 14.883330 , -89.333330 |
Chantiago | 14.850000 , -89.283330 |
Chiyo | 14.800000 , -89.333330 |
Coyoles | 14.800000 , -89.216670 |
Despoblado | 14.866670 , -89.283330 |
Dos Quebradas | 14.800000 , -89.333330 |
El Chorro | 14.800000 , -89.283330 |
El Cuje | 14.850000 , -89.300000 |
El Florido | 14.850000 , -89.233330 |
El Obraje | 14.900000 , -89.316670 |
El Roblar | 14.800000 , -89.350000 |
El Roble | 14.866670 , -89.266670 |
El Suspiro | 14.916670 , -89.200000 |
El Tesoro | 14.900000 , -89.216670 |
El Valle | 14.800000 , -89.216670 |
Escuelero | 14.816670 , -89.233330 |
Filincas | 14.816670 , -89.233330 |
Jute | 14.883330 , -89.233330 |
La Arada | 14.800000 , -89.350000 |
La Brea | 14.816670 , -89.333330 |
La Cumbre | 14.816670 , -89.300000 |
La Libertad | 14.866670 , -89.266670 |
La Lima | 14.883330 , -89.316670 |
Lantiquin | 14.800000 , -89.366670 |
Las Flores | 14.816670 , -89.233330 |
Lela Chanco | 14.833330 , -89.333330 |
Lela Obraje | 14.850000 , -89.333330 |
Limar | 14.850000 , -89.333330 |
Limon | 14.800000 , -89.316670 |
Los Hernandez | 14.833330 , -89.366670 |
Marimba | 14.800000 , -89.333330 |
Morola | 14.916670 , -89.200000 |
Muyurco | 14.816670 , -89.283330 |
Nearar | 14.816670 , -89.316670 |
Pajco | 14.833330 , -89.350000 |
Palala | 14.833330 , -89.366670 |
Pashapa | 14.833330 , -89.300000 |
Pena Blanca | 14.900000 , -89.300000 |
Petenta | 14.833330 , -89.333330 |
Pie de Las Flores | 14.800000 , -89.250000 |
Portezuelo | 14.833330 , -89.283330 |
Quebracho | 14.800000 , -89.233330 |
Quesera | 14.850000 , -89.283330 |
Roblar | 14.850000 , -89.250000 |
Roblarcito | 14.883330 , -89.350000 |
Roblaron | 14.900000 , -89.233330 |
Rodeo | 14.850000 , -89.266670 |
San Antonio | 14.866670 , -89.266670 |
Sesesmilito | 14.933330 , -89.200000 |
Shupa | 14.866670 , -89.283330 |
Socotoco | 14.833330 , -89.283330 |
Tachoche | 14.933330 , -89.216670 |
Tajun | 14.850000 , -89.266670 |
Talco | 14.816670 , -89.350000 |
Tarral | 14.916670 , -89.183330 |
Tierra Blanca | 14.883330 , -89.250000 |
Tinajas | 14.816670 , -89.266670 |
Tisamarte | 14.916670 , -89.233330 |
Tishinte | 14.816670 , -89.266670 |
Tisipe | 14.816670 , -89.333330 |
Toma de Agua | 14.883330 , -89.283330 |
Tular | 14.800000 , -89.283330 |
- You can download geometry data for Canillá in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.