Mbini (Litoral) Map Cropping Samples

Mbini (Litoral) Map Cropping Samples-1

Mbini (Litoral) Map Cropping Samples-2

Mbini neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Mbini with 3D shadow effect

Mbini map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Mbini (geojson format) :
Mbini.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Mbini map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Mbini Map : ( 1.467393 , 9.570389 , 1.71707 , 10.114125 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Mbini map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](1.467393, 9.570389, 1.71707, 10.114125);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Mbini)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Mbini
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abengnam | 1.479990 , 9.756390 |
Abumnsoc | 1.591330 , 10.013720 |
Aman | 1.583330 , 9.650000 |
Aman | 1.598230 , 9.663210 |
Anguoc | 1.667940 , 9.735360 |
Ansem | 1.533860 , 9.894640 |
Asa | 1.483030 , 9.681810 |
Ayagfe | 1.505370 , 9.672650 |
Bangole | 1.639010 , 9.793410 |
Bansogo | 1.524540 , 9.597290 |
Belombo | 1.650000 , 9.616670 |
Belungu | 1.523610 , 9.579640 |
Bicaba | 1.592460 , 9.692620 |
Bicubini | 1.633060 , 9.671570 |
Bilene | 1.572970 , 10.088390 |
Bingocom | 1.637000 , 9.869500 |
Binguru | 1.502430 , 9.804460 |
Bisobinam | 1.495940 , 9.905410 |
Bisum | 1.470700 , 9.849620 |
Bolondo | 1.590450 , 9.629690 |
Bonung | 1.633180 , 9.929960 |
Deogracias | 1.577070 , 9.614610 |
Ebacoc | 1.627170 , 9.706010 |
Ebala | 1.520010 , 9.687780 |
Eboga | 1.596400 , 9.747290 |
Ecuc | 1.580710 , 10.045510 |
Ecuc | 1.478940 , 9.735730 |
Ecurudya | 1.527290 , 9.821490 |
Elungu | 1.527450 , 9.576260 |
Enusoc | 1.527040 , 9.891140 |
Evor | 1.512510 , 9.647140 |
Evuenam | 1.477650 , 9.783430 |
Gabongobo | 1.566670 , 9.600000 |
Italamanga | 1.566670 , 9.850000 |
Izaguirre | 1.616670 , 9.650000 |
Jaaye | 1.633330 , 9.616670 |
King | 1.565060 , 9.620270 |
Lungu | 1.528560 , 9.576310 |
Mabem | 1.527210 , 9.940770 |
Madyap | 1.481070 , 9.823900 |
Malangale | 1.548860 , 9.585370 |
Mangala | 1.525000 , 9.683060 |
Manguma | 1.708980 , 9.672250 |
Mangumala | 1.645470 , 9.792850 |
Manyanga | 1.620270 , 9.716420 |
Manyanga | 1.651920 , 9.697590 |
Maseng | 1.532060 , 9.656930 |
Masugmening | 1.526230 , 9.810750 |
Matondo | 1.686750 , 9.629330 |
Mayang | 1.576180 , 9.849320 |
Mayeme | 1.493610 , 9.663700 |
Mbeenam | 1.527700 , 9.904620 |
Mbifala | 1.607260 , 9.819270 |
Melega | 1.554530 , 9.589930 |
Melimbinambongo | 1.557260 , 9.592500 |
Melong | 1.673970 , 9.620850 |
Mfaman | 1.569240 , 9.847400 |
Micomibe | 1.662950 , 9.715820 |
Micomocomo | 1.486300 , 9.729450 |
Minang | 1.470120 , 9.692600 |
Minang | 1.471330 , 9.684550 |
Mipemba | 1.534550 , 9.587290 |
Mipemba | 1.536870 , 9.605520 |
Misega | 1.514350 , 9.837150 |
Misobong | 1.479780 , 9.811800 |
Misobong | 1.475630 , 9.768190 |
Mitang | 1.637390 , 9.820720 |
Mongola | 1.518700 , 9.602820 |
Mongola | 1.515380 , 9.625450 |
Mumbe | 1.520010 , 9.663240 |
Namicale | 1.612950 , 9.736840 |
Nco | 1.531480 , 9.891950 |
Ncoesi | 1.535010 , 9.626780 |
Ncolamvam | 1.500680 , 9.844220 |
Ncumekie | 1.515260 , 9.692310 |
Ndong | 1.633330 , 9.716670 |
Nemalen | 1.543970 , 9.588460 |
Nguelensoc | 1.504410 , 9.816600 |
Nondo | 1.537510 , 9.686140 |
Nume | 1.514240 , 9.572810 |
Nume | 1.518180 , 9.594330 |
Nyong | 1.644350 , 9.821560 |
Ocola | 1.500840 , 9.702200 |
Okio | 1.568070 , 9.596990 |
Pijaca | 1.650000 , 9.616670 |
Poto | 1.568140 , 9.619920 |
Saba | 1.479850 , 9.663070 |
Salom | 1.496350 , 9.630520 |
Senye | 1.573300 , 9.823170 |
Senye | 1.554880 , 9.816580 |
Sinden | 1.471230 , 9.873440 |
Sipolo | 1.548370 , 9.609650 |
Sipolo | 1.560090 , 9.596620 |
Tubana | 1.700030 , 9.653150 |
Vivac | 1.570390 , 9.615350 |
- You can download geometry data for Mbini in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.