Dinguiraye (Dinguiraye) Map Cropping Samples

Dinguiraye (Dinguiraye) Map Cropping Samples-1
Dinguiraye (Dinguiraye) Map Cropping Samples-1

Dinguiraye (Dinguiraye) Map Cropping Samples-2
Dinguiraye (Dinguiraye) Map Cropping Samples-2

Dinguiraye neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect
Dinguiraye neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Dinguiraye with 3D shadow effect
flag map of Dinguiraye with 3D shadow effect

Dinguiraye map with 3d shadow effect
Dinguiraye map with 3d shadow effect

Create and download free physical and topographic maps for Dinguiraye.

Download outline map of Dinguiraye (geojson format) : Dinguiraye.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Dinguiraye map for "Google Maps" : Dinguiraye.txt
Bounding Box for Dinguiraye Map : ( 10.916456 , -11.336954 , 12.22548 , -10.004747 )
Wikipedia ID for Dinguiraye : Q1006013
Wikipedia SPARQL Query for Dinguiraye (population,elevation,area,lat,long, postal code,licence plate) :
SELECT ?population ?elevation ?area ?latitude ?longitude ?postal_code ?license_plate
OPTIONAL { wd:Q1006013 wdt:P1082 ?population. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q1006013 wdt:P2044 ?elevation. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q1006013 wdt:P2046 ?area. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q1006013 wdt:P281 ?postal_code. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q1006013 wdt:P395 ?license_plate. }
wd:Q1006013 p:P625 ?coordinate.
?coordinate psv:P625 ?coordinate_node.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLatitude ?latitude.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLongitude ?longitude.

Run this SPARQL Query on Wikidata Page (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Run this Query with SPARQL API

Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Dinguiraye map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](10.916456, -11.336954, 12.22548, -10.004747);
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Dinguiraye)
out geom;

Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)

Neighborhoods and Villages of Dinguiraye
Neighborhoods and VillagesCoordinates (Latitude, Longitude)
Adalamdjaki 11.216670 , -10.500000
Afia 11.666670 , -10.750000
Akoundetiandi 11.466670 , -10.783330
Alana 11.633330 , -10.750000
Aloudet 11.783330 , -10.750000
Amdallaye 11.733330 , -10.533330
Ansagnere 11.350000 , -10.766670
Ansagnere 11.416670 , -10.883330
Ansagnere Diengueibe 11.400000 , -11.000000
Ansagnere Soguiyabe 11.383330 , -10.950000
Aynde 11.833330 , -10.416670
Ba Fello 11.566670 , -10.833330
Babila 11.250000 , -11.216670
Badala 11.350000 , -10.383330
Badougoula 11.583330 , -10.966670
Baelea 11.466670 , -10.783330
Bafilate 11.216670 , -10.800000
Bagui 11.533330 , -10.900000
Bala 12.059330 , -11.010840
Bala Niomaya 11.500000 , -10.516670
Balandougou 11.333330 , -10.700000
Balea 11.966670 , -11.000000
Balkiouol 11.266670 , -10.850000
Baloufara 11.916670 , -10.233330
Bambadala 11.183330 , -10.783330
Bambadalawalandama 11.116670 , -10.850000
Bambarare 11.200000 , -10.733330
Bambarareley 11.200000 , -10.716670
Bamiko 11.400000 , -11.016670
Bandiaya 11.666670 , -10.616670
Banfara 11.466670 , -10.266670
Banire 11.650000 , -10.483330
Banire 11.916670 , -10.300000
Banora 11.650000 , -10.316670
Banora 11.600000 , -10.300000
Bantanko 11.950000 , -10.866670
Bantanko 11.683330 , -10.566670
Bantanko 11.883330 , -10.916670
Bantinguel 11.966670 , -10.566670
Bao Bowal 11.416670 , -10.716670
Bao Fello 11.683330 , -10.666670
Barabilla 11.416670 , -10.883330
Barkere 11.366670 , -10.683330
Bassato 12.000000 , -10.983330
Bataya 11.950000 , -10.216670
Bayego 11.583330 , -10.916670
Belea 11.550000 , -11.033330
Belia 11.283330 , -10.916670
Bendougou 11.533330 , -11.133330
Bendougou I 11.483330 , -10.533330
Bendougou II 11.466670 , -10.533330
Bereta 12.150000 , -10.400000
Bilialia 11.300000 , -10.833330
Bilikiti 11.483330 , -10.683330
Boboroko 11.616670 , -10.916670
Bodioko 11.433330 , -10.200000
Bogoounle 11.950000 , -10.366670
Boisere 11.266670 , -10.900000
Bonsoutoura 11.150000 , -10.983330
Borire 11.366670 , -10.683330
Bote 11.183330 , -10.800000
Botoko 11.616670 , -10.333330
Boubere 11.083330 , -10.900000
Boubere 11.533330 , -10.916670
Boubere Konsolon 11.800000 , -10.300000
Boubouya 11.166670 , -10.916670
Boudoumgala 11.400000 , -10.966670
Bougoulan Foula 11.783330 , -10.250000
Bougoule 11.483330 , -10.716670
Bouka 11.133330 , -10.766670
Bouka Do 11.683330 , -10.433330
Boureya 11.716670 , -10.750000
Boussoura 11.666670 , -10.500000
Bovedebe 11.483330 , -11.066670
Dabatou 11.800000 , -10.683330
Daguita 11.500000 , -10.900000
Daila 11.500000 , -10.983330
Daindera 11.416670 , -10.033330
Daka Bantan 11.600000 , -10.833330
Daka Sountou 11.416670 , -10.716670
Dakabali 11.800000 , -10.466670
Dakamaley 11.233330 , -10.716670
Daki 12.016670 , -10.266670
Dalaba 11.433330 , -10.866670
Dalamado 11.250000 , -10.750000
Dalambou 11.233330 , -10.766670
Dantadji 11.450000 , -10.683330
Dantare 11.416670 , -10.866670
Dara 11.150000 , -11.216670
Darou 11.666670 , -10.500000
Darou 12.005750 , -11.062330
Darou Salamdo 11.066670 , -11.000000
Darou Salamley 11.066670 , -10.983330
Davia 11.383330 , -10.900000
Dayabe 11.366670 , -10.900000
Diafounabe 11.333330 , -10.733330
Diafoundbe 11.400000 , -10.900000
Diakissaya 11.483330 , -10.800000
Dianvelia 11.166670 , -10.966670
Diaouloko 12.079240 , -11.041850
Diaoya 11.500000 , -11.116670
Diarendi 11.316670 , -10.700000
Diarinde 12.050000 , -10.233330
Diarinde 12.050000 , -10.216670
Diarinde 12.050000 , -10.266670
Diata 11.950000 , -10.483330
Diata Torobe 11.966670 , -10.533330
Diatia 12.100000 , -10.850000
Diatifere Foula 11.700000 , -10.733330
Diavele 12.066670 , -10.500000
Dibaya 11.250000 , -10.966670
Diboli 11.333330 , -10.683330
Dielekourou 11.316670 , -10.716670
Diguidigui 11.233330 , -10.900000
Dinguiraye 11.294914 , -10.715789
Dinkakoma 11.250000 , -10.733330
Diogoya 11.950000 , -10.566670
Diohere 11.566670 , -10.783330
Dionko 11.400000 , -10.083330
Dioude Balaya 11.583330 , -10.916670
Dobire 11.266670 , -10.900000
Done Mayo 11.783330 , -10.366670
Doubel 11.533330 , -10.916670
Doubere 11.433330 , -10.833330
Doubere 11.816670 , -10.450000
Doubere 11.483330 , -10.733330
Douga 12.033330 , -10.250000
Dougououle 11.316670 , -10.733330
Doukourouia 11.850000 , -10.300000
Doundougui 11.816670 , -10.783330
Doungou Daoda 11.550000 , -10.650000
Dounkanssia 11.533330 , -10.950000
Dounkimayo 11.633330 , -10.816670
Dounkita 12.033330 , -10.800000
Fadia 11.116670 , -10.933330
Fadougou 12.114690 , -11.052420
Fadougou 11.766670 , -10.600000
Faladian 11.416670 , -10.850000
Fallo 11.466670 , -10.900000
Fammere 11.916670 , -10.466670
Fandanda 11.900000 , -10.633330
Faraba 11.633330 , -11.000000
Farakounde 11.283330 , -10.683330
Faraoto 12.083330 , -10.333330
Fassalia 11.500000 , -10.816670
Fassalia 11.950000 , -10.950000
Fatafing 11.400000 , -10.383330
Felle 11.583330 , -10.833330
Fello 11.383330 , -10.900000
Fello Atigou 11.750000 , -10.266670
Fello Dioue 11.766670 , -10.500000
Fello Morou I 11.600000 , -10.500000
Fello Morou II 11.600000 , -10.483330
Felo 12.116670 , -10.833330
Firidaka 12.000000 , -10.816670
Fofona 12.016670 , -10.233330
Fogo 11.066670 , -10.916670
Fogohoun 11.066670 , -10.933330
Fokoumba 11.966670 , -10.500000
Fonfoya 11.400000 , -10.866670
Fouga 11.250000 , -10.866670
Foughanni 11.583330 , -11.083330
Fougoumba 11.133330 , -11.216670
Fougoumba 11.516670 , -10.833330
Fougoumba 11.366670 , -10.883330
Foutou 11.500000 , -10.400000
Friguia 12.050000 , -10.933330
Galakoubi 11.416670 , -10.633330
Galama 11.983330 , -10.583330
Gando 11.616670 , -10.700000
Gnereamadia 11.100000 , -11.050000
Gobiko 11.633330 , -11.000000
Gole Boube 11.766670 , -10.400000
Gombo 11.700000 , -10.433330
Gouba 11.300000 , -10.733330
Gouetela 11.600000 , -10.950000
Goukou 11.316670 , -10.750000
Goyon 11.366670 , -10.750000
Guelou 11.283330 , -10.616670
Guesse 11.733330 , -10.850000
Guidouya 11.350000 , -10.883330
Guisouma 11.383330 , -10.883330
Guissouma 11.633330 , -10.816670
Hafia 11.166670 , -11.216670
Hafia 11.850000 , -10.366670
Hafia 11.450000 , -10.466670
Hamdoullaye 11.166670 , -10.983330
Hamidouya 11.166670 , -11.250000
Helayabe 11.250000 , -10.750000
Hellaya 11.450000 , -10.866670
Herako 11.683330 , -10.483330
Herako 11.533330 , -10.950000
Iero Kamban 11.500000 , -10.850000
Ilimalo 11.600000 , -10.483330
Iritingo 11.733330 , -10.633330
Kaling 11.533330 , -10.733330
Kalinko 11.116670 , -11.183330
Kalinko 11.266670 , -11.183330
Kamban Massi 11.466670 , -10.816670
Kamban Sabe 11.466670 , -10.733330
Kambasiga 11.233330 , -10.550000
Kambaya 11.700000 , -10.750000
Kanka Nafadji 11.800000 , -10.383330
Kankoumade 11.383330 , -11.000000
Kansambaran 11.900000 , -10.733330
Kansato 11.216670 , -11.100000
Kansaya 11.783330 , -10.550000
Karamoko Fouga 11.283330 , -10.733330
Karifa 11.566670 , -10.800000
Kayala 11.250000 , -10.900000
Kebale 11.316670 , -10.700000
Kebegui 11.533330 , -10.800000
Kebou 11.250000 , -10.800000
Kebou 11.400000 , -10.883330
Kebou 11.350000 , -10.650000
Kegaya 12.050000 , -10.266670
Kela 11.600000 , -11.000000
Kemaya 12.083330 , -10.316670
Kerela 11.366670 , -10.883330
Kesselia 11.533330 , -10.900000
Kidire 11.400000 , -10.866670
Koda 12.133330 , -10.433330
Kofila 11.800000 , -10.783330
Kokorobani 12.116670 , -10.316670
Kolongadouga 12.016670 , -10.300000
Komakolo 11.216670 , -10.733330
Komassanga 12.066670 , -10.516670
Korobaleya 11.383330 , -10.883330
Kossegui 11.300000 , -10.500000
Kotema 11.416670 , -10.916670
Kotenia 11.316670 , -10.500000
Koubi 11.400000 , -10.733330
Koufa 11.166670 , -10.683330
Koulayabe 11.533330 , -10.933330
Kouloukin 12.000000 , -10.433330
Koumbia Kebale 11.333330 , -10.733330
Koumbia Kooli 11.333330 , -10.766670
Koumbialey Fello 11.300000 , -10.766670
Kounbelenia 12.100000 , -10.416670
Kouroudiougouba 11.883330 , -10.316670
Labata 11.666670 , -10.650000
Lamou 11.050000 , -11.083330
Lansanaya 11.383330 , -10.883330
Lapikou 11.316670 , -10.800000
Le Lamba 11.533330 , -10.916670
Le Sere 11.433330 , -10.716670
Ley Bouka 11.600000 , -10.400000
Ley Bowal 11.216670 , -10.816670
Lingue Kegni 11.100000 , -11.183330
Linguere 11.416670 , -10.666670
Linguere 11.516670 , -10.900000
Linguere 12.083330 , -10.833330
Linguere 11.550000 , -10.616670
Linguere 11.100000 , -10.883330
Linguere 11.600000 , -10.750000
Linsere 12.033330 , -10.850000
Lolle 11.433330 , -10.883330
Lombel 11.583330 , -10.750000
Lopesountou Kouroufing 11.633330 , -10.450000
Loufa 11.333330 , -11.116670
Loufa 11.266670 , -10.916670
Loufa I 11.666670 , -10.466670
Loufa Missidi 11.366670 , -11.100000
Loufaya 11.533330 , -10.983330
Lougouroun 11.516670 , -10.800000
Loukoum 11.216670 , -10.566670
Lountou 11.550000 , -10.816670
Madina 11.516670 , -10.950000
Mafendala 11.216670 , -10.600000
Makadougou 12.116670 , -10.950000
Malakissi 11.383330 , -11.000000
Malama 11.266670 , -11.000000
Maliko 11.716670 , -10.966670
Mamoudouya 11.633330 , -10.666670
Manfara 11.516670 , -10.183330
Manga Sabou 11.583330 , -10.500000
Mangorama 12.016670 , -10.483330
Mangueya 12.100000 , -10.383330
Mansarena 11.366670 , -10.950000
Mansoya 11.400000 , -10.916670
Marga 11.566670 , -10.966670
Maria 11.283330 , -10.833330
Matagania 11.500000 , -10.266670
Mbone 11.533330 , -10.500000
Mossoko 11.016670 , -10.983330
Moukibodebe 11.333330 , -10.750000
Nabala 11.533330 , -10.966670
Nafadji I 11.883330 , -10.400000
Nafadji II 11.900000 , -10.433330
Nanako 11.650000 , -10.766670
Nanako 11.383330 , -10.416670
Naniakali 11.533330 , -10.983330
Ndantari 12.083330 , -10.816670
Ndiarendi 11.850000 , -10.383330
Niamayafara 11.333330 , -10.466670
Niamayara 11.300000 , -10.483330
Niamera 11.833330 , -10.750000
Nianiaya 11.300000 , -10.900000
Niansogola 11.316670 , -10.683330
Niaria 11.183330 , -10.916670
Niemebade 12.033330 , -10.800000
Nimalo Konsolon 11.783330 , -10.350000
Ninguira 11.166670 , -11.200000
Noumoula 11.700000 , -10.733330
Oisa 11.566670 , -10.766670
Ore Gando 11.683330 , -10.500000
Ore Koubi 11.350000 , -10.800000
Orougui 11.300000 , -10.950000
Orounde 11.383330 , -10.950000
Ouonsonsare 11.566670 , -10.750000
Ouorenendo 11.550000 , -11.000000
Ouoro 11.416670 , -10.983330
Ouro 11.350000 , -10.900000
Ourodji 11.716670 , -10.533330
Ourouboto 11.366670 , -10.966670
Ourourou 11.200000 , -10.800000
Ouyabe 11.433330 , -10.916670
Paradji 11.433330 , -10.683330
Parawol 12.006530 , -11.072370
Pello 11.383330 , -10.966670
Pelloi 11.433330 , -10.433330
Pellou 11.516670 , -10.983330
Pelloum Pate 11.650000 , -10.400000
Pelloye 11.283330 , -10.850000
Pelloye Guinki 11.250000 , -10.666670
Petela 11.466670 , -10.716670
Petela 11.550000 , -10.616670
Pita 11.400000 , -10.800000
Pitika 11.416670 , -10.333330
Pomare 11.216670 , -10.816670
Roundeoubou 11.283330 , -10.900000
Sabere 11.533330 , -10.950000
Sabere 11.583330 , -10.583330
Sabere Bani 11.683330 , -10.683330
Sabere Bani 11.950000 , -10.616670
Sabere Eri 11.750000 , -10.583330
Sabere Sako 11.683330 , -10.550000
Safela 11.200000 , -10.666670
Sagou 11.950000 , -10.783330
Sakabamdo 11.083330 , -10.966670
Sakabariley 11.066670 , -10.983330
Sakoya 11.183330 , -10.666670
Sambahoum 11.933330 , -10.316670
Sambakourou 11.333330 , -10.533330
Sambaya 11.466670 , -10.983330
Sanarabe 11.266670 , -10.750000
Sangounia 12.033330 , -10.450000
Sankaran 11.966670 , -10.883330
Santiguia 11.383330 , -10.950000
Sarebani 11.950000 , -10.266670
Seguebani 12.000000 , -10.283330
Selouma 11.116670 , -10.983330
Sempaya 11.383330 , -10.966670
Senematonbo 12.050000 , -10.300000
Serekounde 11.416670 , -10.483330
Seria 11.583330 , -10.450000
Sidakele 11.500000 , -10.166670
Sidia 11.233330 , -10.616670
Silaya 11.833330 , -10.733330
Simitiagui 12.050000 , -10.433330
Sintioudi 11.400000 , -10.650000
Siria 11.400000 , -10.750000
Sitaoma 11.816670 , -10.933330
Sobeyabe 11.416670 , -10.616670
Soboundou 11.433330 , -10.300000
Soka 11.216670 , -10.850000
Sokoura 11.316670 , -10.783330
Sonfara 11.150000 , -10.750000
Sonfara 11.133330 , -10.883330
Soribafinguia 11.516670 , -10.966670
Soriyabe 11.183330 , -10.900000
Soubaraya 11.916670 , -10.350000
Souloukoufala 11.300000 , -10.650000
Soumani 12.166670 , -10.366670
Sourou 11.750000 , -10.866670
Sourougambe 11.566670 , -10.583330
Subekande 12.066670 , -10.850000
Tacoutala 11.533330 , -10.650000
Taki 12.000000 , -10.216670
Tamba Dabatou 11.800000 , -10.666670
Tambanero 11.366670 , -10.866670
Tambindji 11.950000 , -10.300000
Tarembale 11.250000 , -10.533330
Tasirla 11.300000 , -10.716670
Tatahon 11.583330 , -10.483330
Tebankoue 11.400000 , -10.600000
Telimameri 12.033330 , -10.300000
Telire 11.483330 , -10.916670
Tema 11.533330 , -10.900000
Tema 12.016670 , -10.283330
Temenedougou 11.333330 , -10.666670
Tiabeou 11.916670 , -10.883330
Tialere 11.366670 , -10.766670
Tiamoula 11.450000 , -10.550000
Tiankoun Baledji 11.466670 , -10.600000
Tiankounguili 11.933330 , -10.450000
Tiankoye 11.266670 , -10.666670
Tiankoye 11.650000 , -10.800000
Tierno Sambaya 11.433330 , -11.016670
Tievere 11.216670 , -10.766670
Tinkisso 11.250000 , -10.616670
Tiopi 11.483330 , -10.716670
Toguindin 11.150000 , -11.233330
Toguinedin 11.133330 , -11.233330
Toka 11.400000 , -10.900000
Tombomba 11.850000 , -10.816670
Torea 11.466670 , -10.783330
Toronkala 11.716670 , -10.716670
Totiko 11.266670 , -10.900000
Touboundi 12.066670 , -10.483330
Tounguel 11.550000 , -10.566670
Tountoye 11.516670 , -10.866670
Touperia 11.150000 , -10.800000
Vindikadio 11.200000 , -10.850000
Vindikadioley 11.200000 , -10.850000
Walawala 11.200000 , -10.866670
Wende Ribe 11.400000 , -10.266670
Yagui 11.600000 , -10.900000
Yiambou 11.333330 , -10.666670

- You can download geometry data for Dinguiraye in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**) Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.

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