Pita (Pita) Map Cropping Samples

Pita (Pita) Map Cropping Samples-1

Pita (Pita) Map Cropping Samples-2

Pita neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Pita with 3D shadow effect

Pita map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Pita (geojson format) :
Pita.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Pita map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Pita Map : ( 10.48125 , -12.98175 , 11.337872 , -12.189854 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Pita map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](10.48125, -12.98175, 11.337872, -12.189854);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Pita)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Pita
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Andalaye | 10.850000 , -12.366670 |
Bambayavel | 10.933330 , -12.766670 |
Bambeto | 10.866670 , -12.383330 |
Banne | 11.150000 , -12.750000 |
Bantiniel | 11.116670 , -12.300000 |
Benndekoure | 11.033330 , -12.516670 |
Boullere | 11.016670 , -12.650000 |
Broual Larbe | 11.033330 , -12.400000 |
Brourouve | 11.150000 , -12.716670 |
Dalao | 10.966670 , -12.683330 |
Dangol | 10.916670 , -12.500000 |
Dantari | 10.933330 , -12.483330 |
Dembeleyabe | 11.150000 , -12.550000 |
Demokoulima | 10.600000 , -12.700000 |
Diatiya | 10.550000 , -12.916670 |
Dibbo Bantanguel | 10.716670 , -12.616670 |
Douki | 11.000000 , -12.600000 |
Doukoukou | 11.033330 , -12.683330 |
Douma | 10.600000 , -12.700000 |
Douyoubes Ali | 11.050000 , -12.350000 |
Faro | 10.816670 , -12.933330 |
Fonfo | 10.566670 , -12.916670 |
Gongore | 10.833330 , -12.416670 |
Guidivel | 10.866670 , -12.383330 |
Hore Pare | 10.683330 , -12.666670 |
Kahel | 11.033330 , -12.300000 |
Kalilemoan | 11.016670 , -12.733330 |
Kayel | 11.016670 , -12.683330 |
Kebale | 10.533330 , -12.783330 |
Kenende | 10.550000 , -12.700000 |
Kerivel | 10.816670 , -12.416670 |
Koggui | 11.250000 , -12.550000 |
Koulou | 11.066670 , -12.783330 |
Kourahoure | 10.650000 , -12.550000 |
Koussi | 10.950000 , -12.933330 |
Laba | 11.216670 , -12.533330 |
Ley Niele | 10.983330 , -12.433330 |
Ley Tangan | 10.883330 , -12.550000 |
Mango | 10.983330 , -12.550000 |
Massi | 10.916670 , -12.433330 |
Melikanssa | 11.066670 , -12.250000 |
Misside Hinde | 11.066670 , -12.300000 |
Niansso | 10.666670 , -12.816670 |
Niekan | 11.166670 , -12.700000 |
Niguelande | 11.183330 , -12.666670 |
Ore Niele | 11.016670 , -12.383330 |
Oulou | 10.766670 , -12.516670 |
Ourki | 10.783330 , -12.933330 |
Palaga | 10.866670 , -12.433330 |
Pellal | 11.033330 , -12.750000 |
Petty | 10.950000 , -12.400000 |
Pita | 10.816670 , -12.700000 |
Sangareya | 10.633330 , -12.850000 |
Sarang | 11.033330 , -12.483330 |
Saressin | 10.733330 , -12.933330 |
Serina | 10.733330 , -12.766670 |
Tangan Maounde | 10.900000 , -12.600000 |
Tessin | 10.666670 , -12.900000 |
Tieouleye | 10.866670 , -12.483330 |
Timbi Diari | 11.250000 , -12.516670 |
Timbi Madina | 11.200000 , -12.533330 |
Timbi Touni | 11.116670 , -12.483330 |
Tossokore | 11.100000 , -12.750000 |
Vendou Boto | 11.066670 , -12.800000 |
Yengue | 10.983330 , -12.616670 |
Yorgo | 11.200000 , -12.716670 |
- You can download geometry data for Pita in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.