Jaman (Brong-Ahafo) Map Cropping Samples

Jaman (Brong-Ahafo) Map Cropping Samples-1

Jaman (Brong-Ahafo) Map Cropping Samples-2

Jaman neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Jaman with 3D shadow effect

Jaman map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Jaman (geojson format) :
Jaman.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Jaman map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Jaman Map : ( 7.435737 , -2.931157 , 8.164309 , -2.529727 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Jaman map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](7.435737, -2.931157, 8.164309, -2.529727);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Jaman)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Jaman
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abibireso | 7.490990 , -2.833280 |
Adamsu | 7.746200 , -2.807130 |
Asare | 7.764200 , -2.767340 |
Asempaniye | 7.500000 , -2.816670 |
Asiri | 7.800260 , -2.699990 |
Asuakaw | 7.733640 , -2.618320 |
Asuoja | 7.639520 , -2.746200 |
Atuna | 7.503380 , -2.912680 |
Babianiha | 7.552250 , -2.778340 |
Banu | 7.610140 , -2.905130 |
Biama | 7.817690 , -2.827680 |
Bodaa | 7.782020 , -2.821770 |
Bondakile | 7.986100 , -2.546170 |
Buko | 7.994490 , -2.668250 |
Buni | 7.804330 , -2.642360 |
Buobuni | 7.497150 , -2.823030 |
Dadiem | 8.082970 , -2.552910 |
Dewiri | 7.829530 , -2.680950 |
Dodosua | 7.595300 , -2.886230 |
Drobo | 7.848840 , -2.733790 |
Duadaso | 7.903110 , -2.633670 |
Duadaso | 7.902570 , -2.624130 |
Ejenem | 7.685180 , -2.781360 |
Foamang | 7.669330 , -2.770920 |
Goka | 7.758580 , -2.657320 |
Gunasua | 7.586460 , -2.818210 |
Jabunakrom | 7.633330 , -2.900000 |
Jamra | 7.969300 , -2.625490 |
Jankufa | 7.770940 , -2.684210 |
Japekrom | 7.575800 , -2.785160 |
Jenjemeraja | 7.637400 , -2.726590 |
Jinini | 8.118070 , -2.555020 |
Kabere | 7.920610 , -2.750520 |
Katechiekrom | 7.578440 , -2.804330 |
Kokosua Number One | 7.860190 , -2.756810 |
Kokosua Number Two | 7.878970 , -2.784850 |
Kokua | 7.850640 , -2.648420 |
Korase | 7.813850 , -2.774360 |
Kwajokesekrom | 7.559170 , -2.775570 |
Kwasibuokrom | 7.577870 , -2.793070 |
Malemio | 7.933330 , -2.783330 |
Mayara | 7.860600 , -2.680330 |
Meremano | 7.620140 , -2.697150 |
More | 7.873190 , -2.726970 |
Ngungoasisi | 7.683330 , -2.600000 |
Npuasu | 7.723840 , -2.800060 |
Nsosomea | 7.854390 , -2.787140 |
Nwereme | 7.916670 , -2.716670 |
Nyami | 7.634360 , -2.743340 |
Pofuko | 7.641520 , -2.823320 |
Sampa | 7.949030 , -2.695540 |
Sanbasi | 8.100000 , -2.616670 |
Sebrenu | 7.596610 , -2.853310 |
Sekro | 7.833330 , -2.816670 |
Tainano | 7.740400 , -2.745620 |
Tainano | 7.752890 , -2.745430 |
Tekese | 7.692600 , -2.699700 |
Zezigra | 7.733330 , -2.866670 |
Zobo | 8.143550 , -2.581710 |
- You can download geometry data for Jaman in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.