Korahe (Somali) Map Cropping Samples

Korahe (Somali) Map Cropping Samples-1

Korahe (Somali) Map Cropping Samples-2

Korahe neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Korahe with 3D shadow effect

Korahe map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Korahe (geojson format) :
Korahe.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Korahe map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Korahe Map : ( 5.626095 , 43.336971 , 7.709302 , 45.946346 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Korahe map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](5.626095, 43.336971, 7.709302, 45.946346);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Korahe)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Korahe
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abeselli | 7.350560 , 43.606940 |
Addon | 6.715280 , 44.338330 |
Ado | 7.390280 , 43.736110 |
Aggare | 7.178330 , 43.950000 |
Bochaier | 6.800000 , 43.600000 |
Capotinac | 6.489720 , 43.819720 |
Coron | 7.166670 , 44.616670 |
Dall | 6.967780 , 44.514720 |
Dalot | 6.542780 , 43.964720 |
Daoierri | 7.350000 , 44.050000 |
Darderio | 6.686110 , 44.130000 |
Darderio | 6.624720 , 44.120000 |
Debe Weyin | 6.179180 , 44.383230 |
Deriye | 7.166390 , 44.525560 |
Dohar | 6.277220 , 43.963890 |
Dudgubleh | 6.343890 , 44.433890 |
Durre | 6.680280 , 44.670830 |
El Der | 7.019720 , 43.625000 |
Escudolei | 7.162780 , 44.718610 |
Faf | 6.439720 , 44.343610 |
Fernard | 6.888610 , 44.310280 |
Gabagaba | 6.924170 , 43.651390 |
Gabrehor | 7.550000 , 43.800000 |
Garasle | 6.083330 , 45.150000 |
Garmuda | 6.394170 , 44.861110 |
Gelhalali | 6.630000 , 43.896110 |
Giadabele | 7.532220 , 43.777780 |
Giaffaie | 6.865830 , 44.691110 |
Girta Garbahaol | 7.333330 , 44.150000 |
Girta Gulet Scini | 6.466670 , 44.366670 |
God Adde | 7.545560 , 43.881390 |
Golder | 7.133330 , 43.666670 |
Gurbo | 6.488610 , 44.436110 |
Hadd | 7.100000 , 43.850000 |
Hahi | 6.862220 , 44.866110 |
Hanan | 5.963330 , 44.436940 |
Heragal | 6.839440 , 44.569720 |
Hul Cugir | 7.166670 , 44.700000 |
Hurdur | 6.836110 , 44.315000 |
Iglole | 6.150000 , 44.750000 |
Jelhalali | 6.646670 , 43.835560 |
K'orahe | 6.615280 , 44.340560 |
Kura Der | 7.120280 , 44.037220 |
Landair | 7.233330 , 44.200000 |
Las Durkel | 6.656390 , 43.785830 |
Laz Ole Omone | 6.347780 , 44.584440 |
Marodileh | 6.536110 , 43.942500 |
Miro | 7.048060 , 44.774440 |
Moluco | 7.324720 , 43.752220 |
Nuri | 6.728060 , 44.819440 |
Ogamogo | 5.801110 , 44.818610 |
Ribadleh | 5.952220 , 45.593060 |
Sculi | 6.995280 , 43.419720 |
Shekosh | 7.366670 , 43.916670 |
Shilabo | 6.091670 , 44.763610 |
Tagabain | 6.776670 , 44.849170 |
Tagaveio | 6.758890 , 44.782780 |
Teyen | 6.648610 , 44.638060 |
Tulli | 6.749170 , 44.351390 |
Uarandab | 7.138330 , 44.154720 |
Uergarti | 6.250000 , 44.333330 |
Usul | 6.921940 , 44.215000 |
Wab | 6.625560 , 44.497220 |
- You can download geometry data for Korahe in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.