Misrak Gojam (Amhara) Map Cropping Samples

Misrak Gojam (Amhara) Map Cropping Samples-1

Misrak Gojam (Amhara) Map Cropping Samples-2

Misrak Gojam neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Misrak Gojam with 3D shadow effect

Misrak Gojam map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Misrak Gojam (geojson format) :
Misrak Gojam.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Misrak Gojam map for "Google Maps" :
Misrak Gojam.txt
Bounding Box for Misrak Gojam Map : ( 9.839664 , 37.0462 , 11.236545 , 38.533478 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Misrak Gojam map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](9.839664, 37.0462, 11.236545, 38.533478);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Misrak Gojam)
rel["name"="E. Gojam"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="E. Gojam"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Misrak Gojam
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Abek'esti | 10.300000 , 38.016670 |
Abram | 10.016670 , 37.900000 |
Adasha | 11.066670 , 37.983330 |
Agamina | 10.533330 , 37.950000 |
Amanu'el | 10.450000 , 37.566670 |
Amba Maryam | 10.766670 , 37.983330 |
Angach'a | 10.466670 , 38.016670 |
Anghetam Abo | 10.283330 , 37.616670 |
Anjim | 10.000000 , 37.700000 |
Arara | 10.716670 , 38.350000 |
Arbo Abis | 10.016670 , 37.850000 |
Ashmen | 11.083330 , 37.683330 |
Ask'at'a | 10.083330 , 38.100000 |
Assama | 10.983330 , 37.850000 |
At'et'aft | 11.033330 , 37.816670 |
Ayk'olba | 10.433330 , 38.416670 |
Baremma | 10.383330 , 37.650000 |
Bech'et | 10.400000 , 37.966670 |
Belaita | 10.883330 , 37.750000 |
Bete Nigus | 9.983330 , 37.800000 |
Bichena | 10.450000 , 38.200000 |
Borebor | 10.400000 , 38.416670 |
Ch'emoga | 10.300000 , 37.766670 |
Ch'endefo | 9.933330 , 37.733330 |
Ch'er | 10.016670 , 37.750000 |
Ch'ifar | 10.233330 , 38.066670 |
Dangiama | 10.666670 , 38.233330 |
Debir | 11.116670 , 37.933330 |
Debre Mark’os | 10.350000 , 37.733330 |
Debre Werk' | 10.666670 , 38.166670 |
Debre Ya`ik'ob | 10.883330 , 38.216670 |
Dejen | 10.166670 , 38.133330 |
Den | 10.100000 , 37.683330 |
Dendewaj | 10.516670 , 38.083330 |
Dengora | 10.216670 , 37.950000 |
Dibisa | 10.366670 , 38.133330 |
Dibo | 10.850000 , 38.316670 |
Digim Asterio | 10.200000 , 37.350000 |
Digo `Arb Gebeya | 10.850000 , 37.733330 |
Dima | 10.550000 , 38.166670 |
Dima | 10.033330 , 38.000000 |
Dincha | 10.716670 , 38.316670 |
Dingay Wember | 10.566670 , 37.900000 |
Dingiaghara | 10.383330 , 37.933330 |
Dinta | 10.250000 , 37.916670 |
Duch'e | 10.266670 , 38.033330 |
Ebieta Jesus | 10.100000 , 37.583330 |
Eliyas | 10.300000 , 37.466670 |
Ennereta | 10.416670 , 37.750000 |
Fek'o Meda | 10.300000 , 38.350000 |
Felege Birhan | 10.750000 , 38.066670 |
Fent'eriya | 10.600000 , 38.283330 |
Gaday | 10.633330 , 37.633330 |
Galat | 10.616670 , 37.683330 |
Gebri'el | 10.033330 , 37.900000 |
Geda Iyasu | 10.466670 , 38.383330 |
Geda Iyasu | 10.516670 , 38.416670 |
Gedeb | 10.600000 , 38.350000 |
Genete Maryam | 11.016670 , 38.100000 |
Ghietem Mariam | 10.233330 , 37.833330 |
Girar | 10.333330 , 37.833330 |
Girniya | 10.600000 , 38.233330 |
Gobet'ima | 10.000000 , 37.783330 |
Godana Mika'el | 10.250000 , 37.833330 |
Goft'ima Sebeka | 10.333330 , 37.383330 |
Got'erat | 10.016670 , 37.900000 |
Guai Mariam | 10.233330 , 37.366670 |
Guaiba | 10.766670 , 37.966670 |
Gult | 10.900000 , 37.983330 |
Guma | 10.933330 , 38.083330 |
Gunghi | 10.216670 , 38.100000 |
Hudad | 11.083330 , 37.783330 |
Ich'ara | 9.983330 , 37.666670 |
Id Wuha | 10.450000 , 38.350000 |
Iesembet | 10.450000 , 37.966670 |
Ilala | 10.450000 , 37.450000 |
Inaskey | 10.300000 , 37.883330 |
Inde Amanu'el | 10.350000 , 37.950000 |
Int'alem | 10.350000 , 37.550000 |
Irjajo | 9.933330 , 37.933330 |
Jema | 10.550000 , 37.866670 |
Jiwabi | 10.366670 , 38.300000 |
K'echer | 10.516670 , 38.116670 |
K'eranyo | 10.966670 , 37.966670 |
K'ok' Wiha | 10.183330 , 38.216670 |
K'osek'os | 10.250000 , 38.250000 |
K'uramba | 9.950000 , 37.766670 |
K'ut'k'wat' | 10.500000 , 38.383330 |
K'uy | 10.516670 , 38.016670 |
K'uy | 10.566670 , 38.283330 |
Kiero | 10.766670 , 37.833330 |
Kome | 9.950000 , 37.783330 |
Kome | 9.900000 , 37.800000 |
Kosheshila | 10.416670 , 38.283330 |
Kosheshila | 10.883330 , 38.400000 |
Kuyi Maryam | 10.450000 , 38.033330 |
Lega | 10.183330 , 38.016670 |
Lek'lech'ita | 10.333330 , 37.633330 |
Lek'ma | 10.333330 , 38.016670 |
Liben | 9.966670 , 37.933330 |
Lumame | 10.250000 , 37.933330 |
Malguie | 10.966670 , 37.750000 |
Mank'ork'oriy | 10.116670 , 38.116670 |
Mank'ork'oya | 10.400000 , 38.266670 |
Mebesh | 10.283330 , 37.250000 |
Mehal Amba | 10.333330 , 38.100000 |
Merereny | 10.400000 , 38.150000 |
Mertule Maryam | 10.833330 , 38.266670 |
Mesk'ele Kristos | 10.866670 , 37.733330 |
Mesobit | 10.450000 , 38.450000 |
Met'ol | 10.866670 , 38.266670 |
Minch' | 10.433330 , 37.366670 |
Mirach' | 10.483330 , 38.433330 |
Mosazeg | 10.516670 , 38.366670 |
Mot'a | 11.083330 , 37.866670 |
Muger | 11.033330 , 37.833330 |
Nedratra | 10.933330 , 38.083330 |
Rezhim Girar | 10.350000 , 38.316670 |
Sde Giyorgis | 10.950000 , 37.883330 |
Selelkula | 10.400000 , 38.350000 |
Shegit | 10.816670 , 38.300000 |
Sherer | 10.466670 , 38.333330 |
Shotele | 10.750000 , 37.900000 |
Suha | 10.366670 , 38.216670 |
T'elefa | 10.900000 , 38.033330 |
T'elezam | 10.666670 , 37.683330 |
T'ibe Goref | 9.916670 , 37.800000 |
Tegan | 10.083330 , 37.966670 |
Tenta | 10.783330 , 38.400000 |
Teska | 10.333330 , 38.433330 |
Tulu | 10.033330 , 38.033330 |
Wamit | 10.300000 , 37.183330 |
Wegde | 10.666700 , 38.500000 |
Wegel | 10.133330 , 38.033330 |
Wegel | 10.233330 , 38.033330 |
Wejat | 10.266670 , 37.566670 |
Welk'a | 10.333330 , 37.666670 |
Wentu | 10.000000 , 37.733330 |
Wera | 10.783330 , 38.450000 |
Weyibla | 11.083330 , 38.016670 |
Wik'ma | 10.666670 , 38.266670 |
Wit'ch'et | 10.800000 , 37.866670 |
Yebok'la | 10.433330 , 37.900000 |
Yedagwat | 10.466670 , 38.116670 |
YeDihoch | 10.016670 , 37.833330 |
Yeduga | 10.083330 , 37.766670 |
Yefech'efech' | 10.483330 , 38.033330 |
Yegar | 9.983330 , 37.783330 |
Yegelek'a | 10.316670 , 37.850000 |
Yegora | 10.150000 , 37.850000 |
Yejube | 10.150000 , 37.750000 |
Yelam Ch'ik'a | 10.333330 , 37.883330 |
YeLam Gej | 10.033330 , 37.733330 |
Yemist'ina | 10.116670 , 37.866670 |
Yerez | 10.533330 , 38.150000 |
Yeshinkurt | 10.350000 , 37.466670 |
Yesibech | 10.066670 , 37.850000 |
Yeskila | 10.016670 , 37.916670 |
Yet'emb | 10.500000 , 38.150000 |
Yet'igab | 10.383330 , 37.450000 |
Yetman | 10.333330 , 38.133330 |
YeWeynit | 9.983330 , 37.816670 |
Yigma | 10.850000 , 38.366670 |
Yinach | 10.783330 , 38.100000 |
Zaname | 10.333330 , 37.933330 |
Zebch' | 10.300000 , 38.183330 |
Zebich | 10.350000 , 38.166670 |
Zek'ort' | 10.483330 , 38.400000 |
Zeme | 9.916670 , 37.716670 |
Zinanfe | 10.500000 , 37.650000 |
Ziwad | 10.266670 , 37.666670 |
- You can download geometry data for Misrak Gojam in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.