Sibanicú (Camagüey) Map Cropping Samples

Sibanicú (Camagüey) Map Cropping Samples-1

Sibanicú (Camagüey) Map Cropping Samples-2

Sibanicú neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Sibanicú with 3D shadow effect

Sibanicú map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Sibanicú (geojson format) :
Sibanicú.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Sibanicú map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Sibanicú Map : ( 21.070223 , -77.726588 , 21.441257 , -77.421335 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Sibanicú map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](21.070223, -77.726588, 21.441257, -77.421335);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Sibanicú)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Sibanicú
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Agramonte | 21.177670 , -77.609390 |
Anton | 21.404080 , -77.673480 |
Barrueto | 21.078320 , -77.585740 |
Batalla de Santa Clara | 21.290490 , -77.575330 |
California | 21.370900 , -77.424270 |
Camilo Cienfuegos | 21.302220 , -77.509930 |
Canada de la Palma | 21.333330 , -77.483330 |
Carmenates | 21.183330 , -77.583330 |
Castellano | 21.259490 , -77.500790 |
Cordoba | 21.100000 , -77.566670 |
Cuatro Caballerias | 21.309010 , -77.563400 |
Cuba Libre | 21.233330 , -77.533330 |
El Asalto | 21.116670 , -77.566670 |
El Porvenir | 21.234060 , -77.607510 |
El Quemado | 21.400000 , -77.483330 |
El Rincon | 21.197570 , -77.711460 |
El Rosario | 21.400000 , -77.483330 |
El Tamarindo | 21.216670 , -77.600000 |
El Tamarindo | 21.229750 , -77.587880 |
El Tres | 21.238900 , -77.682240 |
El Zanjon | 21.212740 , -77.574270 |
Estropajo | 21.355880 , -77.434420 |
Hatuey | 21.188310 , -77.544160 |
La Araucana | 21.193970 , -77.571620 |
La Aurora | 21.283330 , -77.566670 |
La Concepcion | 21.236230 , -77.541990 |
La Concepcion | 21.349180 , -77.512680 |
La Cuchilla | 21.256780 , -77.655330 |
La Estrella | 21.216670 , -77.566670 |
La Hatuey Madrazo | 21.083330 , -77.583330 |
La Loma | 21.366670 , -77.600000 |
La Marina | 21.279730 , -77.468880 |
La Matilde de Canera | 21.198470 , -77.653440 |
La Norma | 21.260270 , -77.674320 |
La Resistencia | 21.102010 , -77.592640 |
La Soledad | 21.392170 , -77.518330 |
La Union | 21.090690 , -77.591530 |
La Vega | 21.366670 , -77.616670 |
La Yaya | 21.154630 , -77.581080 |
Lambedero | 21.266670 , -77.683330 |
Las Animas | 21.396790 , -77.570090 |
Las Guasimas | 21.416670 , -77.666670 |
Las Minas | 21.418280 , -77.686770 |
Las Virtudes | 21.433330 , -77.666670 |
Loma Azul | 21.416610 , -77.679210 |
Mayito | 21.200000 , -77.616670 |
Mayito | 21.233330 , -77.633330 |
Melones | 21.350000 , -77.433330 |
Mexico | 21.299170 , -77.551580 |
Miraflores | 21.202200 , -77.626860 |
Najasa | 21.169100 , -77.556020 |
Oriente Rebelde | 21.313260 , -77.468480 |
Patricio Lumumba | 21.349090 , -77.603290 |
Riverside | 21.410140 , -77.524020 |
Robertson | 21.183330 , -77.550000 |
San Agustin | 21.133330 , -77.616670 |
San Bernardo | 21.333130 , -77.569060 |
San Manuel | 21.316670 , -77.433330 |
San Pedro | 21.254740 , -77.532430 |
Santa Maria | 21.166670 , -77.533330 |
Santa Maria | 21.100000 , -77.566670 |
Santa Rita | 21.360170 , -77.665350 |
Santa Teresa | 21.366670 , -77.633330 |
Santo Domingo | 21.416670 , -77.483330 |
Sibanicú | 21.235000 , -77.526390 |
Siboney | 21.245310 , -77.672200 |
Simon Bolivar | 21.261640 , -77.658870 |
Sitio Alegre | 21.265010 , -77.689100 |
Sitio Viejo | 21.287360 , -77.446830 |
Sofia | 21.250000 , -77.700000 |
Varela | 21.378020 , -77.663320 |
- You can download geometry data for Sibanicú in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.