Pilón (Granma) Map Cropping Samples

Pilón (Granma) Map Cropping Samples-1

Pilón (Granma) Map Cropping Samples-2

Pilón neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Pilón with 3D shadow effect

Pilón map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Pilón (geojson format) :
Pilón.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Pilón map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Pilón Map : ( 19.847888947 , -77.4540156605 , 20.0264439022 , -77.0273860059 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Pilón map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](19.847888947, -77.4540156605, 20.0264439022, -77.0273860059);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Pilón)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Pilón
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aguacatico | 19.952310 , -77.154260 |
Ali Caleton | 19.910950 , -77.226330 |
Alto del Aguacate | 19.991240 , -77.398650 |
Caoba | 19.886640 , -77.391380 |
Corcovado | 19.881600 , -77.416980 |
Corona | 19.915980 , -77.280830 |
Derecho de Caridad | 19.987000 , -77.115820 |
Descantilados | 19.962620 , -77.092110 |
Dos Bocas | 19.901900 , -77.383200 |
Duran | 19.946130 , -77.427240 |
El Aguacata | 19.984160 , -77.405220 |
El Aji Viejo | 19.967090 , -77.064620 |
El Guaimaro | 19.963840 , -77.408110 |
El Macio | 19.895000 , -77.034520 |
El Ultimo | 19.866670 , -77.366670 |
Estrada | 19.902610 , -77.356300 |
Guaicaje | 19.944290 , -77.361500 |
Jibaros | 20.000000 , -77.116670 |
La Aguada | 19.914170 , -77.289670 |
La Alegria | 19.940950 , -77.355060 |
La Avispa | 19.888680 , -77.423430 |
La Duranona | 19.902610 , -77.336940 |
La Escondida | 19.946080 , -77.377740 |
La Jaguita | 19.965190 , -77.310720 |
La Luz | 19.920730 , -77.203280 |
La Manteca | 19.936480 , -77.412040 |
La Mariposa | 20.016670 , -77.083330 |
La Penita | 19.898420 , -77.107960 |
La Pimienta | 19.954970 , -77.411330 |
Las Cajas | 19.959040 , -77.344100 |
Las Puercas | 19.883480 , -77.407100 |
Limoncito de Purial | 19.959890 , -77.285030 |
Limones | 19.926580 , -77.109070 |
Los Corales | 19.935230 , -77.063710 |
Los Corrales | 19.958140 , -77.318370 |
Los Lazos | 19.966290 , -77.213880 |
Mamey | 19.919520 , -77.419010 |
Manacal | 19.966670 , -77.183330 |
Marea del Portillo | 19.919120 , -77.183300 |
Mareon | 19.938570 , -77.365880 |
Mota | 19.929430 , -77.152890 |
Mota Dos | 19.905740 , -77.140000 |
Mota Uno | 19.913680 , -77.158300 |
Nuevo Mundo | 19.873380 , -77.431250 |
Ojo de Agua | 19.955700 , -77.384500 |
Patricio | 19.957080 , -77.163720 |
Perico | 19.977370 , -77.222220 |
Pilon | 19.916670 , -77.366670 |
Pilón | 19.910000 , -77.325560 |
Playa Hicacos | 19.875620 , -77.320060 |
Punta de Piedra | 19.910570 , -77.244170 |
Rector | 19.983700 , -77.134920 |
Reventon | 19.883330 , -77.366670 |
Rincon Tres | 19.866310 , -77.353470 |
San Antonio | 19.913770 , -77.380200 |
Saturnino | 19.921170 , -77.295780 |
Siguanea | 19.902420 , -77.367110 |
Silantros | 19.972850 , -77.184590 |
Soledad | 19.966670 , -77.416670 |
Vereda | 19.915010 , -77.083560 |
- You can download geometry data for Pilón in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.