Manicaragua (Villa Clara) Map Cropping Samples

Manicaragua (Villa Clara) Map Cropping Samples-1

Manicaragua (Villa Clara) Map Cropping Samples-2

Manicaragua neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Manicaragua with 3D shadow effect

Manicaragua map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Manicaragua (geojson format) :
Manicaragua.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Manicaragua map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Manicaragua Map : ( 21.9533787521 , -80.1052319481 , 22.3604312396 , -79.7468439898 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Manicaragua map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](21.9533787521, -80.1052319481, 22.3604312396, -79.7468439898);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Manicaragua)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Manicaragua
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aguas Blancas | 22.271230 , -79.983020 |
Alcantarilla | 22.250000 , -79.783330 |
Arroyo Blanco | 22.223800 , -79.897590 |
Arroyo La Barreta | 22.200000 , -79.866670 |
Arroyo Seco | 22.130850 , -79.784180 |
Boquerones | 22.051300 , -80.011370 |
Buenavista | 22.175180 , -79.946080 |
Caney | 22.003170 , -79.947890 |
Cantarrana | 22.200000 , -79.916670 |
Cardoso | 22.258520 , -79.995720 |
Casanova-Los Patos | 22.267310 , -79.987880 |
Cecilio Miranda | 22.133010 , -79.978540 |
Ciro Redondo | 22.155280 , -80.069300 |
Cobre | 22.200000 , -80.083330 |
Cordobanal | 22.062140 , -79.967120 |
El Caney | 22.185950 , -79.842700 |
El Compas | 22.333330 , -80.000000 |
El Guayabo | 22.050000 , -80.066670 |
El Manguito | 22.142080 , -79.829490 |
El Pelao | 22.283330 , -79.933330 |
El Platano | 22.206600 , -80.032120 |
El Queso | 22.279620 , -79.973500 |
El Quirro | 22.082550 , -79.949860 |
El Rosario | 22.294260 , -79.990270 |
El Salto del Hanabanilla | 22.095460 , -80.065810 |
Espejo | 22.183330 , -80.016670 |
Guabina | 22.223210 , -79.968540 |
Guanabana | 22.104170 , -80.031940 |
Guinia de Miranda | 22.047100 , -79.863840 |
Hoyo de Manicaragua | 22.160100 , -80.060080 |
Independencia | 22.088170 , -79.894550 |
Jaramillo | 22.068370 , -79.784280 |
Jaramillo | 22.066670 , -79.779170 |
Jicotea | 22.161510 , -80.051780 |
Jorobada | 22.261960 , -80.058200 |
Julio Pino Machado | 22.135970 , -79.952470 |
La Campana | 22.157800 , -80.074930 |
La Carranchola | 22.153720 , -79.995020 |
La Corua | 22.009690 , -79.844690 |
La Cucaracha | 22.168290 , -80.038410 |
La Esperanza | 22.103780 , -79.795600 |
La Granja | 22.067310 , -79.982440 |
La Guasasa | 22.229920 , -79.786970 |
La Lima | 22.106340 , -80.032350 |
La Macagua | 22.154170 , -80.091670 |
La Manigua | 22.218910 , -79.794170 |
La Moza | 22.168870 , -80.027460 |
La Piedra | 22.116190 , -79.978100 |
La Rosita | 22.146110 , -80.072220 |
La Siguanea | 22.066670 , -80.066670 |
La Yaya | 22.272100 , -80.011630 |
Las Aguas | 22.166670 , -80.016670 |
Las Canas | 22.050000 , -79.800000 |
Las Glorias | 22.314010 , -79.949280 |
Las Minas | 22.213250 , -80.081670 |
Las Nueces | 22.246200 , -79.796190 |
Las Piedras | 22.279970 , -79.980810 |
Las Torres | 22.265710 , -80.042490 |
Libertad o Muerte | 22.186050 , -79.830940 |
Los Canarreos | 22.029450 , -79.881610 |
Los Cocos | 22.274870 , -79.930890 |
Los Millares | 22.222610 , -79.996350 |
Mabujina | 22.065170 , -79.801170 |
Manantiales | 21.977140 , -80.006110 |
Manicaragua | 22.149440 , -79.973610 |
Maria Rodriguez | 22.211470 , -79.923520 |
Matagua | 22.236930 , -79.999150 |
Minas Ricas | 22.186310 , -79.865860 |
Obispo | 22.185830 , -79.831940 |
Ojo de Agua | 22.250000 , -79.750000 |
Ojo de Agua | 22.256040 , -79.971870 |
Palo Prieto | 22.207840 , -79.819990 |
Paredones | 22.187600 , -79.988550 |
Pedro Mendez | 22.109960 , -79.923390 |
Peralejo | 22.158330 , -80.008330 |
Pico Blanco | 22.021320 , -79.931750 |
Picuarto | 22.233330 , -79.983330 |
Porvenir | 22.166670 , -80.016670 |
Potrero Guinia | 22.050200 , -79.831270 |
Progreso | 22.250000 , -79.916670 |
Provincial | 22.245490 , -79.913160 |
Pueblo Viejo | 22.129100 , -80.036110 |
Puente Clemente | 22.213880 , -79.987660 |
Rincon Naranjo | 22.027760 , -79.976390 |
Ruico | 22.183330 , -80.000000 |
San Agustin de Ocuje | 22.116670 , -80.100000 |
San Francisco | 22.183330 , -80.000000 |
San Miguel | 22.116670 , -79.916670 |
Santa Rosa | 22.009760 , -79.811260 |
Serrana | 22.150000 , -80.066670 |
Sitio Yera | 22.069500 , -80.027060 |
Suazo | 22.265870 , -79.822950 |
Tres Pasos | 22.056500 , -79.808460 |
Vegas | 22.166670 , -79.933330 |
Veguitas | 22.033780 , -79.994670 |
Victoria | 22.166670 , -80.000000 |
Zapatero | 22.257360 , -80.034240 |
- You can download geometry data for Manicaragua in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.