Majagua (Ciego de Ávila) Map Cropping Samples

Majagua (Ciego de Ávila) Map Cropping Samples-1

Majagua (Ciego de Ávila) Map Cropping Samples-2

Majagua neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Majagua with 3D shadow effect

Majagua map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Majagua (geojson format) :
Majagua.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Majagua map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Majagua Map : ( 21.6688715431 , -79.1284154813 , 22.0237068998 , -78.7862785411 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Majagua map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](21.6688715431, -79.1284154813, 22.0237068998, -78.7862785411);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Majagua)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Majagua
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Altamira | 21.947780 , -78.974170 |
Angelica | 21.906110 , -78.924170 |
Bernal Siete | 21.833330 , -79.083330 |
Bernaly | 21.847220 , -79.081110 |
Campo Hatuey | 21.922380 , -78.987700 |
Corcho | 21.767780 , -79.052500 |
Crucero de Guayacanes | 21.895440 , -78.926860 |
Derramadero | 21.745040 , -79.026500 |
El Ahorcado | 21.775070 , -79.075550 |
El Carmen | 22.011670 , -78.950000 |
El Cayo Entero | 21.695280 , -79.045000 |
El Corojal | 21.886670 , -79.055830 |
El Datil | 21.876390 , -78.892500 |
El Hato | 21.944170 , -78.965560 |
El Laurel Hechemendia | 21.750000 , -78.978890 |
El Mameyal | 21.904190 , -78.919870 |
El Mango | 21.825280 , -79.056940 |
El Modelo | 21.745830 , -79.101390 |
El Naranjal | 21.906940 , -78.991940 |
El Pasto | 21.813060 , -78.942500 |
Guayacanes | 21.880730 , -78.936960 |
Juan Weiss | 21.775000 , -79.058330 |
La Angelina | 21.897220 , -79.022220 |
La Aurora | 21.995460 , -78.948630 |
La Berrenda | 21.754440 , -79.028610 |
La Cabrera | 21.830010 , -78.999670 |
La Caleraro | 21.878330 , -78.960280 |
La Caridad | 21.894230 , -78.922620 |
La Cieneguita | 21.983060 , -78.847500 |
La Estrella | 21.881940 , -79.011940 |
La Estrella | 21.889440 , -79.016390 |
La Fidelina | 21.991010 , -78.928300 |
La Gloria | 21.789450 , -78.975230 |
La Jibara | 21.708890 , -79.055560 |
La Jocuma | 21.891180 , -78.989380 |
La Josefina | 22.002500 , -78.941670 |
La Juanita | 21.851390 , -78.965830 |
La Onelia | 21.851940 , -78.924720 |
La Pastora | 21.734440 , -79.030000 |
La Pendejera | 21.798610 , -78.994720 |
La Serafina | 21.740280 , -79.024440 |
La Tinaja | 21.760830 , -79.110830 |
La Union | 21.843010 , -79.005420 |
La Victoria | 21.820350 , -78.968030 |
Las Delicias | 21.935000 , -78.973330 |
Las Grullas | 21.924720 , -78.978610 |
Las Grullas | 21.897500 , -78.977220 |
Las Marias | 21.842370 , -78.995940 |
Las Trozas | 21.836240 , -79.050350 |
Limones Orellanes | 21.874190 , -79.017300 |
Limones Palmeros | 21.752670 , -79.080550 |
Los Hoyos | 21.905690 , -78.950010 |
Los Limones | 21.736940 , -79.058330 |
Luis Palmero | 21.715830 , -79.086390 |
Majagua | 21.917170 , -79.003290 |
Mancilla | 21.958610 , -78.916670 |
Manuel Romero | 21.746670 , -79.116670 |
Maria Teresa | 21.792500 , -78.992500 |
Narcisa | 21.856670 , -78.991940 |
Orlando Gonzalez | 21.863670 , -78.990590 |
Palmarito | 21.716460 , -79.031500 |
Patria | 22.001640 , -78.916190 |
Portilla | 21.788610 , -78.980830 |
Pozo Azul | 21.953330 , -78.836940 |
Rincones | 21.868330 , -79.015000 |
Rio Grande | 21.950750 , -78.956310 |
San Alonso | 21.895280 , -78.925560 |
San Cristobal | 21.962780 , -78.852220 |
San Francisco | 21.708330 , -79.031670 |
San Isidro | 21.871390 , -78.961390 |
San Manuel | 21.856940 , -79.018330 |
San Nolasco | 21.761110 , -79.029170 |
Santa Fidela | 21.904440 , -79.018890 |
Santa Ines | 21.954630 , -78.966610 |
Santa Lucia | 21.729720 , -79.024720 |
Santa Maria | 21.942220 , -78.939720 |
Santa Petronila | 21.915560 , -78.880560 |
Santa Rosa | 21.786670 , -79.014720 |
Santa Ursula | 21.945280 , -78.826670 |
Sitio Nuevo | 21.740560 , -79.050830 |
Tres Ceibas | 21.761940 , -79.036670 |
Tres Hermanas | 21.716670 , -79.031940 |
Valle | 21.899440 , -79.041390 |
- You can download geometry data for Majagua in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.