Cifuentes (Villa Clara) Map Cropping Samples

Cifuentes (Villa Clara) Map Cropping Samples-1

Cifuentes (Villa Clara) Map Cropping Samples-2

Cifuentes neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Cifuentes with 3D shadow effect

Cifuentes map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Cifuentes (geojson format) :
Cifuentes.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Cifuentes map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Cifuentes Map : ( 22.478393913 , -80.1498787044 , 22.7516673873 , -79.8340076702 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Cifuentes map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](22.478393913, -80.1498787044, 22.7516673873, -79.8340076702);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Cifuentes)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Cifuentes
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Adelaida | 22.683330 , -79.933330 |
Aguacate | 22.640000 , -80.105000 |
Aguada La Piedra | 22.643130 , -79.978590 |
Alto Songo | 22.526940 , -79.913060 |
Ayagan | 22.558330 , -79.920870 |
Bella Vista | 22.689720 , -80.026670 |
Blanquizar | 22.533330 , -79.966670 |
Braulio Coroneaux | 22.597340 , -79.944490 |
Calonge | 22.650000 , -80.066670 |
Carolina las Guasimas | 22.542820 , -80.115800 |
Cascajal | 22.606670 , -80.072780 |
Cifuentes | 22.645000 , -80.046110 |
Clavellinas | 22.599720 , -79.927500 |
Clavellinas | 22.616670 , -79.916670 |
Corazon de Jesus | 22.727220 , -80.053610 |
Delicias | 22.533330 , -79.900000 |
Dos Hermanos | 22.690000 , -80.097220 |
Dos Rios | 22.650000 , -80.016670 |
El Chivo | 22.571480 , -79.901910 |
El Coco | 22.572880 , -80.006950 |
El Corte | 22.583330 , -80.000000 |
El Entronque | 22.549720 , -80.029720 |
El Frasco | 22.661800 , -80.088560 |
El Rosario | 22.510810 , -80.063160 |
El Rosario | 22.523030 , -79.952550 |
El Vaquerito | 22.635650 , -79.947550 |
Esperanza | 22.556110 , -80.035560 |
Estancia Vieja | 22.527080 , -79.903160 |
Flor de Mata | 22.600000 , -80.000000 |
Guama | 22.568330 , -79.930280 |
Guayabo Nuevo | 22.690830 , -79.973330 |
Guayabo Viejo | 22.661120 , -79.947450 |
Jicarita | 22.519930 , -80.071770 |
Juan Francisco de Aro | 22.536120 , -79.903610 |
La Andreita | 22.716670 , -79.983330 |
La Caridad | 22.516670 , -79.950000 |
La Caridad | 22.668610 , -79.960990 |
La Casualidad | 22.650000 , -80.083330 |
La Duda | 22.676390 , -80.050830 |
La Gia | 22.585430 , -79.988410 |
La Juanita | 22.617220 , -80.096110 |
La Lucha | 22.633300 , -80.100000 |
La Margarita | 22.494740 , -79.894450 |
La Panchita | 22.583330 , -80.016670 |
La Panchita | 22.700000 , -79.966670 |
La Rosa | 22.516800 , -79.933330 |
Las Cuevas | 22.550000 , -79.883330 |
Las Piedras | 22.533330 , -79.900000 |
Las Pozas De Blanquizar | 22.550000 , -79.916670 |
Linares | 22.633330 , -79.950000 |
Llarreyes | 22.668600 , -79.930850 |
Los Angeles | 22.654880 , -79.997680 |
Maguaraya Arriba | 22.536580 , -79.968870 |
Maguiro | 22.533330 , -79.966670 |
Mamey | 22.546540 , -79.995560 |
Manuelita Larrondo | 22.721990 , -80.075120 |
Manzanares | 22.555720 , -79.982370 |
Maria Arminda | 22.515000 , -79.933330 |
Maria Luisa | 22.601940 , -79.953210 |
Maribona | 22.706550 , -79.979130 |
Mata | 22.627520 , -79.932670 |
Mata Viejo | 22.616110 , -79.963610 |
Ojo de Agua | 22.630560 , -79.910450 |
Palma Sola | 22.633330 , -79.950000 |
Paraiso | 22.583650 , -80.030200 |
Primera Concepcion | 22.550000 , -79.883330 |
San Agustin | 22.666670 , -79.950000 |
San Andres | 22.700000 , -79.966670 |
San Antonio | 22.566670 , -80.000000 |
San Antonio | 22.624440 , -79.951620 |
San Diego del Valle | 22.545710 , -80.096310 |
San Francisco | 22.555530 , -79.903810 |
San Jose | 22.633310 , -79.977710 |
San Jose | 22.693330 , -80.063610 |
San Jose | 22.550000 , -79.966670 |
San Juan | 22.572580 , -79.969600 |
San Lazaro | 22.516670 , -79.900000 |
San Manuel | 22.673800 , -80.097410 |
San Miguel y Las Marias | 22.533330 , -79.883330 |
San Rafael | 22.596680 , -80.119440 |
San Sebastian | 22.633330 , -79.966670 |
Santa Justa | 22.573500 , -80.125830 |
Santa Maria | 22.701840 , -80.046950 |
Santo Tomas | 22.694720 , -80.059440 |
Santo Tomas | 22.708870 , -80.070000 |
Segurola | 22.700000 , -79.983330 |
Silencio | 22.633330 , -79.966670 |
Sin Nombre | 22.566260 , -80.056650 |
Sitio Grande | 22.693610 , -80.061690 |
Unidad Proletaria | 22.688160 , -80.013400 |
Unidad Victoria | 22.684130 , -80.004700 |
Victoria | 22.602210 , -80.013470 |
Wilfredo Pages | 22.555670 , -80.035210 |
Yabu | 22.593210 , -80.124030 |
- You can download geometry data for Cifuentes in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.