Cardenas (Matanzas) Map Cropping Samples

Cardenas (Matanzas) Map Cropping Samples-1

Cardenas (Matanzas) Map Cropping Samples-2

Cardenas neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Cardenas with 3D shadow effect

Cardenas map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Cardenas (geojson format) :
Cardenas.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Cardenas map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Cardenas Map : ( 22.829607 , -81.491136 , 23.139283 , -81.04928 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Cardenas map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](22.829607, -81.491136, 23.139283, -81.04928);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Cardenas)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Cardenas
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aguacate | 22.879720 , -81.081390 |
Almanza | 23.066670 , -81.416670 |
Antonia | 22.873330 , -81.069170 |
Bachicha | 23.116670 , -81.283330 |
Boca de Camarioca | 23.110420 , -81.368570 |
Buena Vista | 22.963610 , -81.252780 |
Camarioca | 23.061420 , -81.355460 |
Cantel | 23.054480 , -81.322150 |
Carbonera | 23.084810 , -81.444530 |
Cárdenas | 23.037500 , -81.204720 |
Cervantes | 23.064810 , -81.305080 |
Contreras | 22.941670 , -81.163890 |
Delirio | 22.859830 , -81.094270 |
Desempeno | 22.968610 , -81.161670 |
Dolores | 23.066670 , -81.316670 |
El Castillo | 23.008000 , -81.174220 |
El Quemado | 22.950000 , -81.183330 |
Esquina de Tejas | 22.956230 , -81.225830 |
Felicidad | 22.850560 , -81.089720 |
Guasimas | 23.100540 , -81.280450 |
Henequenero | 23.030280 , -81.221390 |
Humberto Alvarez | 23.096820 , -81.302800 |
Jose Smith Comas | 22.980480 , -81.169400 |
Kawama | 23.133330 , -81.300000 |
La Amalia | 22.843060 , -81.100280 |
La Cachurra | 23.090730 , -81.265530 |
La Calera | 23.020560 , -81.216390 |
La Conchita | 23.121500 , -81.346740 |
La Delicia | 23.024050 , -81.436360 |
La Esperanza | 23.006800 , -81.242160 |
La Esperanza | 23.050000 , -81.383330 |
La Estrella | 23.066670 , -81.300000 |
La Eugenia | 22.884440 , -81.095000 |
La Granja | 22.891670 , -81.149720 |
La Granja | 23.016670 , -81.166670 |
La Sonora | 22.995230 , -81.213750 |
Los Pinos | 23.066670 , -81.283330 |
Maria Alvarez | 22.984170 , -81.155830 |
Maria de los Santos | 22.942500 , -81.186110 |
Mendez Capote | 22.950940 , -81.210000 |
Mercedita | 22.958390 , -81.133540 |
Osado | 22.926690 , -81.209020 |
Pena | 23.079450 , -81.364880 |
Pendejeras | 23.033330 , -81.316670 |
Playa Larga | 23.060710 , -81.212500 |
Precioso | 23.066670 , -81.283330 |
Ramos | 23.034350 , -81.381350 |
Rancho del Medio | 22.885560 , -81.067780 |
Romero | 22.852220 , -81.079720 |
Rosario | 23.083330 , -81.350000 |
Rosario | 23.100000 , -81.333330 |
Sale | 23.076660 , -81.286730 |
San Carlos | 22.938890 , -81.132780 |
San Cayetano | 23.106880 , -81.301510 |
San Clemente | 23.066670 , -81.383330 |
San Francisco | 23.066670 , -81.333330 |
San Francisco | 23.031040 , -81.305630 |
San Joaquin | 22.903120 , -81.185930 |
San Jose | 22.955000 , -81.227500 |
San Jose de Izquierdo | 22.983330 , -81.116670 |
San Jose de los Chivos | 22.908330 , -81.199440 |
San Juan de Wilson | 23.046270 , -81.344630 |
San Lorenzo | 23.059220 , -81.235240 |
San Miguel | 22.968610 , -81.229440 |
San Rafael | 23.066670 , -81.350000 |
Santa Maria | 23.050000 , -81.316670 |
Santa Marta | 23.105310 , -81.282860 |
Santa Rosa | 22.911640 , -81.140150 |
Santa Rosa | 23.098910 , -81.364280 |
Seborucal | 22.862780 , -81.065830 |
Turron | 23.100000 , -81.366670 |
Vegas | 23.088930 , -81.284960 |
- You can download geometry data for Cardenas in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.