Camagüey (Camagüey) Map Cropping Samples

Camagüey (Camagüey) Map Cropping Samples-1

Camagüey (Camagüey) Map Cropping Samples-2

Camagüey neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Camagüey with 3D shadow effect

Camagüey map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Camagüey (geojson format) :
Camagüey.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Camagüey map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Camagüey Map : ( 21.198717 , -78.192855 , 21.633024 , -77.661719 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Camagüey map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](21.198717, -78.192855, 21.633024, -77.661719);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Camagüey)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Camagüey
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Acueducto | 21.575200 , -77.994900 |
Albaiza | 21.429840 , -77.844020 |
Algodonera | 21.427530 , -77.836890 |
Altagracia | 21.443310 , -77.749070 |
Arroyo Prieto | 21.438850 , -77.757960 |
Arroyon | 21.428700 , -77.818690 |
Cabeza de Vaca | 21.482780 , -77.942500 |
Camagüey | 21.380830 , -77.916940 |
Camaguey | 21.380825 , -77.916934 |
Caonao | 21.507500 , -77.983610 |
Charles Morrell | 21.488760 , -77.846360 |
Cromo | 21.434050 , -77.809300 |
El Alambique | 21.400000 , -77.883330 |
El Camaguey | 21.447660 , -77.773200 |
El Coral | 21.381590 , -78.155160 |
El Corojo | 21.350000 , -77.866670 |
El Descanso | 21.450000 , -77.950000 |
El Guano | 21.506940 , -77.946940 |
El Leon | 21.442260 , -78.013960 |
El Malecon | 21.350000 , -77.900000 |
El Penon | 21.378610 , -77.794440 |
El Proximo | 21.423330 , -77.854720 |
Guanabaquilla | 21.343220 , -77.858350 |
Guitilio | 21.366670 , -78.100000 |
Heredia | 21.575500 , -77.997000 |
Ingenio Viejo | 21.410250 , -78.021310 |
Jarico | 21.416670 , -77.916670 |
La Bibijagua | 21.324860 , -77.994830 |
La Candelaria | 21.464060 , -77.821030 |
La Ceiba | 21.400570 , -78.082750 |
La Cruz de Anton | 21.422950 , -77.684160 |
La Esperanza | 21.497360 , -77.967840 |
La Larga | 21.368820 , -78.130930 |
La Lucha | 21.464160 , -77.721180 |
La Primitiva | 21.350000 , -77.916670 |
La Proenza | 21.350000 , -77.900000 |
La Redonda | 21.365040 , -78.101170 |
La Trinidad | 21.487230 , -78.011400 |
La Victoria | 21.482330 , -77.726410 |
Las Bocas | 21.486300 , -77.851310 |
Las Clavellinas | 21.418420 , -77.772820 |
Las Cuabas | 21.397810 , -77.779350 |
Las Delicias del Palmarito | 21.333330 , -77.933330 |
Las Mercedes | 21.350000 , -77.900000 |
Los Pinos | 21.330400 , -77.984460 |
Maria del Carmen | 21.482990 , -77.899570 |
Minas de Limones | 21.471760 , -77.831470 |
Modesta | 21.368610 , -78.130830 |
Mola | 21.422740 , -77.978320 |
Oliva | 21.412160 , -78.006970 |
Palomino | 21.459720 , -78.061670 |
Portugalete | 21.416670 , -77.904170 |
Reparto Iman | 21.400000 , -77.950000 |
Rio Seco | 21.350000 , -77.716670 |
Sabana del Rincon de Porcayo | 21.400000 , -78.133330 |
San Blas | 21.419480 , -78.118010 |
San Blas | 21.333330 , -77.850000 |
San Fernando | 21.462850 , -77.962360 |
San Jose de la Laguna | 21.570840 , -78.001540 |
San Jose de los Jibaros | 21.293950 , -78.030640 |
San Pablo | 21.347020 , -78.048480 |
San Pedro de Cacocum | 21.458060 , -77.814170 |
San Rafael | 21.350000 , -77.900000 |
San Ramon | 21.450000 , -77.933330 |
San Serapio | 21.441760 , -77.702980 |
Santa Rita | 21.446570 , -77.964690 |
Santa Rosa | 21.281650 , -78.071400 |
Santa Rufina | 21.392220 , -77.973330 |
Santa Teresa | 21.387420 , -77.992610 |
Sao Tumbado | 21.385830 , -78.069170 |
Taburete | 21.400000 , -77.983330 |
- You can download geometry data for Camagüey in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.