Morelia (Caquetá) Map Cropping Samples

Morelia (Caquetá) Map Cropping Samples-1

Morelia (Caquetá) Map Cropping Samples-2

Morelia neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Morelia with 3D shadow effect

Morelia map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Morelia (geojson format) :
Morelia.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Morelia map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Morelia Map : ( 1.21659110761 , -75.7993851011 , 1.58239333613 , -75.5682432508 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Morelia map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](1.21659110761, -75.7993851011, 1.58239333613, -75.5682432508);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Morelia)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Morelia
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aguacaliente | 1.381120 , -75.630310 |
Alemania | 1.248300 , -75.653460 |
Alto Bonito | 1.322230 , -75.593490 |
Argentina | 1.522250 , -75.741090 |
Balsora | 1.295000 , -75.596990 |
Birmania | 1.258110 , -75.665460 |
Buena Vista | 1.531340 , -75.743020 |
Buenavista | 1.252310 , -75.614770 |
Buenavista | 1.288640 , -75.600450 |
Buenos Aires | 1.498080 , -75.734660 |
Campo Alegre | 1.316670 , -75.701110 |
Campo de Lirio | 1.241630 , -75.643400 |
Canada | 1.279140 , -75.636220 |
Canalitos | 1.400000 , -75.716670 |
Corinto | 1.270360 , -75.641360 |
Delicias | 1.502170 , -75.738320 |
El Desquite | 1.310650 , -75.575730 |
El Establo | 1.328260 , -75.613310 |
El Higueron | 1.314560 , -75.597710 |
El Jazmin | 1.293140 , -75.651880 |
El Juncal | 1.310440 , -75.677830 |
El Paraiso | 1.231160 , -75.631760 |
El Porvenir | 1.278320 , -75.624410 |
El Rubi | 1.280320 , -75.652120 |
El Senderito | 1.223620 , -75.618720 |
El Socorro | 1.254260 , -75.577570 |
El Tabor | 1.323160 , -75.714900 |
El Tesoro | 1.328980 , -75.702390 |
El Trapiche | 1.260360 , -75.655560 |
El Vergel | 1.237570 , -75.641630 |
El Vergel | 1.311110 , -75.701670 |
Estados Unidos | 1.254460 , -75.607840 |
Guamal | 1.233530 , -75.577980 |
Kilometro Diez | 1.283610 , -75.627290 |
La Esmeralda | 1.306740 , -75.614190 |
La Esmeralda | 1.500300 , -75.744840 |
La Esperanza | 1.264440 , -75.657670 |
La Florida | 1.261600 , -75.597940 |
La Florida | 1.274630 , -75.598250 |
La Fusion | 1.505700 , -75.736140 |
La Ilusion | 1.262720 , -75.599840 |
La Liberia | 1.267050 , -75.664820 |
La Libertad | 1.269000 , -75.673800 |
La Nueva Zelandia | 1.287930 , -75.622840 |
La Paujilla | 1.219880 , -75.568890 |
La Porfia | 1.331040 , -75.671180 |
La Prodera | 1.422980 , -75.699400 |
La Prodera | 1.485830 , -75.738890 |
La Selva | 1.301840 , -75.658260 |
Las Mercedes | 1.333870 , -75.664800 |
Las Palmeras | 1.256870 , -75.657360 |
Las Palmeras | 1.253740 , -75.654690 |
Las Palmeras | 1.340980 , -75.605590 |
Listalandia | 1.304210 , -75.613060 |
Media Quebrada | 1.300870 , -75.695440 |
Monserrate | 1.248200 , -75.584800 |
Morelia | 1.487470 , -75.725810 |
Pensilvania | 1.244350 , -75.647450 |
Puerto Wilches | 1.329440 , -75.588190 |
San Benito | 1.329960 , -75.599980 |
San Jorge | 1.488030 , -75.676630 |
Sinai | 1.272470 , -75.603990 |
Sinai | 1.256670 , -75.600400 |
Sinai | 1.241120 , -75.593630 |
Tolu | 1.297310 , -75.591740 |
Villa Ines | 1.316140 , -75.633140 |
Villa Mercedes | 1.318140 , -75.570070 |
Villanueva | 1.337580 , -75.675200 |
- You can download geometry data for Morelia in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.