Valparaíso (De Valparaiso) Map Cropping Samples

Valparaíso (De Valparaiso) Map Cropping Samples-1

Valparaíso (De Valparaiso) Map Cropping Samples-2

Valparaíso neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

Valparaíso map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Valparaíso (geojson format) :
Valparaíso.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Valparaíso map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Valparaíso Map : ( -33.815113493 , -80.8370280559 , -32.6268088072 , -71.1953946237 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Valparaíso map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-33.815113493, -80.8370280559, -32.6268088072, -71.1953946237);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Valparaíso)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Valparaíso
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Achupallas | -33.010210 , -71.509270 |
Alto del Puerto | -33.088260 , -71.613960 |
Campiche | -32.739850 , -71.457500 |
Casa Blanca | -33.317910 , -71.400150 |
Casablanca | -33.350537 , -71.338327 |
Casablanca | -33.225525 , -71.458198 |
Cerro Colorado | -33.075680 , -71.626540 |
Comunidad La Estancilla | -32.733330 , -71.383330 |
Concón | -32.931462 , -71.517965 |
Curauma | -33.133418 , -71.593368 |
El Alto | -32.716670 , -71.433330 |
El Barco | -33.233330 , -71.633330 |
El Rincon | -32.724920 , -71.369340 |
El Salto | -33.045320 , -71.515670 |
Horcón | -32.706830 , -71.485863 |
La Canela | -32.707140 , -71.330100 |
La Canela | -32.710390 , -71.319530 |
La Greda | -32.750000 , -71.483330 |
La Polvora | -33.100000 , -71.600000 |
La Recova | -33.283330 , -71.533330 |
Laguna Verde | -33.104390 , -71.667580 |
Las Cucharas | -33.066670 , -71.500000 |
Las Dichas | -33.289212 , -71.504517 |
Las Mercedes | -33.250000 , -71.333330 |
Las Ramaditas | -32.916670 , -71.500000 |
Las Salinas | -32.750000 , -71.466670 |
Las Tunas | -33.333330 , -71.416670 |
Lo Vasquez | -33.261010 , -71.434820 |
Loncura | -32.787780 , -71.505560 |
Los Maitenes | -33.417940 , -71.394350 |
Los Maitenes | -32.763090 , -71.454720 |
Los Maquis | -32.764250 , -71.315060 |
Los Tomes | -32.733330 , -71.450000 |
Maitencillo | -32.667938 , -71.429638 |
Marbella Resort | -32.662750 , -71.433110 |
Matiz Chico | -33.046960 , -71.624650 |
Matiz Grande | -33.046890 , -71.624870 |
Miramar | -33.233330 , -71.650000 |
Montemar | -32.966670 , -71.483330 |
Mundo Nuevo | -32.716670 , -71.416670 |
Placilla de Penuelas | -33.114400 , -71.568060 |
Pucalan | -32.758400 , -71.330470 |
Puchuncaví | -32.735900 , -71.448560 |
Quebrada Verde | -33.071160 , -71.648650 |
Quintay | -33.185726 , -71.685702 |
Quintero | -32.816462 , -71.505500 |
Reñaca | -32.968134 , -71.529525 |
Ritoque | -32.904701 , -71.492494 |
Rungue | -32.695680 , -71.404800 |
San Juan Bautista | -33.636020 , -78.831690 |
Valparaíso | -33.082369 , -71.609904 |
Ventanas | -32.740498 , -71.488665 |
Viña del Mar | -33.018053 , -71.529578 |
- You can download geometry data for Valparaíso in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.