Bouca (Ouham) Map Cropping Samples

Bouca (Ouham) Map Cropping Samples-1

Bouca (Ouham) Map Cropping Samples-2

Bouca neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Bouca with 3D shadow effect
Download outline map of Bouca (geojson format) :
Bouca.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Bouca map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Bouca Map : ( 5.56037617058 , 17.608479589 , 7.11628702624 , 18.9136976004 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Bouca map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](5.56037617058, 17.608479589, 7.11628702624, 18.9136976004);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Bouca)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Bouca
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aingounda | 6.652070 , 18.127370 |
Ambili | 5.983330 , 18.366670 |
Ambili | 6.466670 , 18.300000 |
Ba | 6.443830 , 17.986420 |
Baba | 6.133330 , 18.016670 |
Babaka I | 6.282520 , 18.355540 |
Babaka II | 6.286500 , 18.361910 |
Bada | 6.666670 , 18.366670 |
Badoli | 6.785640 , 18.023230 |
Bagou | 6.800000 , 18.266670 |
Bakata | 6.500000 , 18.316670 |
Bakiti | 6.466670 , 18.066670 |
Bakiti | 6.300000 , 18.350000 |
Bakiti I | 6.429000 , 17.925320 |
Bakofio | 6.747200 , 18.052550 |
Bakoui | 7.036310 , 18.349190 |
Bambia | 6.559130 , 18.333940 |
Bandaba | 6.541970 , 18.320920 |
Bandamandjia | 6.460380 , 18.306270 |
Bangardin | 6.066670 , 18.066670 |
Bara | 6.150000 , 18.716670 |
Baya | 6.534630 , 18.420330 |
Baya | 6.933770 , 18.543290 |
Bayolo | 6.500000 , 18.266670 |
Bazakon | 6.950010 , 18.505610 |
Bazoua | 6.627060 , 18.253470 |
Bebadou | 6.733330 , 18.666670 |
Bebossouma | 5.883330 , 18.350000 |
Bekofe | 6.275920 , 18.352400 |
Bekofe I | 6.275430 , 18.352190 |
Bissio | 6.141240 , 18.370850 |
Bobadoumo | 6.500000 , 18.316670 |
Bobadouna | 6.016670 , 18.433330 |
Bobani | 6.612160 , 18.258640 |
Bobano II | 5.820340 , 18.339190 |
Bobatou | 6.483330 , 18.266670 |
Bobatoua | 6.283330 , 18.350000 |
Bobatoua I | 5.839750 , 18.345090 |
Bobia | 6.033330 , 18.450000 |
Bobingui | 5.855910 , 18.350920 |
Boboin I | 6.533330 , 18.466670 |
Boboin II | 6.583330 , 18.566670 |
Bobotonou | 6.383330 , 18.333330 |
Boboula | 6.250000 , 18.350000 |
Bocada | 6.449150 , 18.304620 |
Bocaga | 6.590880 , 18.263020 |
Bocoulou | 6.033330 , 18.400000 |
Bodeke | 6.083330 , 18.566670 |
Bodenda | 5.769710 , 18.318320 |
Bodengue | 5.899570 , 18.359620 |
Bodole | 5.973810 , 18.373610 |
Bodoli | 6.555680 , 18.270070 |
Bodongue | 6.194560 , 18.368480 |
Bodosson | 6.776640 , 18.027880 |
Bofidoua | 6.493430 , 18.191490 |
Bofidoua | 6.166490 , 18.358470 |
Bofio | 6.866670 , 18.600000 |
Bogali | 5.831280 , 18.341820 |
Bogani | 6.833330 , 18.633330 |
Bogardou | 6.666670 , 18.650000 |
Bogoin | 6.002330 , 18.385290 |
Bogoin I | 5.781640 , 18.324170 |
Bogue | 6.525550 , 18.394400 |
Boguio | 7.018390 , 18.333060 |
Boguoin I | 5.804780 , 18.335210 |
Bokengue | 7.033330 , 18.333330 |
Bokite | 7.027600 , 18.337450 |
Bokogo | 6.527050 , 18.405590 |
Bongbo | 5.800000 , 18.333330 |
Bongone | 6.783330 , 17.883330 |
Bongoyo | 6.779640 , 18.648690 |
Bossenli | 5.826260 , 18.340140 |
Bouani | 6.812770 , 17.962520 |
Bouca | 6.510460 , 18.273310 |
Boudayo | 6.805180 , 17.951320 |
Boudoumba | 6.650160 , 18.145340 |
Boumia | 6.916670 , 18.300000 |
Bounou | 6.886370 , 18.565930 |
Bourou | 6.066670 , 18.383330 |
Boya | 5.848880 , 18.345670 |
Boyere | 5.866670 , 18.350000 |
Bozo | 6.533330 , 18.266670 |
Bozoro | 6.929800 , 18.314720 |
Cana II | 6.016670 , 18.383330 |
Dao | 6.632970 , 18.163140 |
Dao II | 6.683330 , 18.250000 |
Dawe | 7.022480 , 18.338380 |
Dimanche | 6.483330 , 18.300000 |
Donzi | 6.282880 , 18.329430 |
Gatoua | 6.833330 , 18.283330 |
Gonobimbi | 6.883330 , 18.300000 |
Goundou | 5.933330 , 18.350000 |
Goungou | 5.883330 , 18.350000 |
Kana | 6.432390 , 17.732210 |
Kana | 5.983330 , 18.366670 |
Kango | 6.426280 , 17.818010 |
Kaori | 6.800000 , 18.500000 |
Karagoua | 6.611560 , 18.188680 |
Koto | 6.666670 , 18.100000 |
Kotolinga | 5.928710 , 18.365400 |
Kozoro | 6.826410 , 18.536580 |
Kuga | 6.516670 , 18.366670 |
Lima | 6.017500 , 18.400730 |
Limgua | 5.950000 , 18.366670 |
Limpo | 6.350000 , 18.350000 |
Mangayassi | 6.433330 , 17.966670 |
Marali | 6.041450 , 18.408660 |
Mendassou | 7.033330 , 18.350000 |
Mourou | 6.316670 , 18.366670 |
Nacaode | 6.483330 , 18.100000 |
Ngao | 6.533330 , 18.316670 |
Ngoungou II | 5.882740 , 18.354560 |
Orangou | 6.435530 , 18.314520 |
Ouada II | 6.472750 , 18.302310 |
Ouda | 5.872750 , 18.353930 |
Pakioro | 6.383330 , 18.333330 |
Poumia | 6.966670 , 18.316670 |
Tagoua | 6.450000 , 18.033330 |
Togbo | 6.491360 , 18.239900 |
Tomrobo | 6.133330 , 18.366670 |
Wangue | 6.633330 , 18.166670 |
Waugue II | 6.833330 , 18.283330 |
Yabingue | 6.500000 , 18.183330 |
Yamara | 6.600000 , 18.233330 |
Yangou | 6.283330 , 18.350000 |
Yapondo | 6.666670 , 18.250000 |
Zemi | 6.600000 , 18.250000 |
- You can download geometry data for Bouca in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.