Kabo (Ouham) Map Cropping Samples

Kabo (Ouham) Map Cropping Samples-1

Kabo (Ouham) Map Cropping Samples-2

Kabo neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Kabo with 3D shadow effect

Kabo map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Kabo (geojson format) :
Kabo.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Kabo map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Kabo Map : ( 7.08660330517 , 17.9111099437 , 8.57392980347 , 19.0758187864 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Kabo map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](7.08660330517, 17.9111099437, 8.57392980347, 19.0758187864);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Kabo)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Kabo
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Balteze | 7.633500 , 18.424320 |
Behili | 7.856950 , 18.110160 |
Bekiyon | 8.388310 , 18.978570 |
Bekondjo | 7.947000 , 17.941780 |
Bezomo | 7.285690 , 18.518040 |
Bilalo | 7.407640 , 18.726670 |
Bobiri | 8.343920 , 18.892530 |
Bogama I | 7.255060 , 18.726210 |
Bogama II | 7.254110 , 18.713520 |
Bokaioua | 7.281950 , 18.545010 |
Bokandi | 7.900080 , 18.682040 |
Bokayanga I | 7.824050 , 18.669100 |
Bokayanga II | 7.813270 , 18.659370 |
Bongono | 7.267720 , 18.595500 |
Botere I | 7.254180 , 18.631620 |
Boultoum | 7.567170 , 18.639530 |
Bozoro I | 7.251050 , 18.740850 |
Bozoro II | 7.258410 , 18.768420 |
Da | 8.422900 , 18.964400 |
Danze | 8.029970 , 18.703120 |
Dessi | 7.292960 , 18.804820 |
Dimba I | 7.470770 , 18.456030 |
Dimba II | 7.481570 , 18.462470 |
Dramassa | 7.400000 , 18.683330 |
Faranzala | 7.366670 , 18.716670 |
Gbafio | 7.255010 , 18.800860 |
Gonekou | 7.900000 , 18.033330 |
Kabay | 7.707600 , 18.333210 |
Kabo | 7.699370 , 18.629030 |
Kabo | 7.583330 , 18.633330 |
Kakobo | 7.494530 , 18.470480 |
Kaoua | 7.566670 , 18.516670 |
Kava I | 7.549810 , 18.501520 |
Kava II | 7.563560 , 18.510770 |
Kemgo Yeye | 7.643660 , 18.577440 |
Kengar | 7.838280 , 18.668530 |
Kiague | 7.250000 , 18.683330 |
Kimkaba I | 7.666900 , 18.601540 |
Kinga | 7.816670 , 18.666670 |
Kouloungou I | 7.747590 , 18.276970 |
Kouloungou II | 7.797490 , 18.189900 |
Kounga Luto | 7.636050 , 18.631900 |
Kouvougo | 7.388210 , 18.736530 |
Koyo | 7.822860 , 18.160530 |
Kramata | 7.869700 , 18.088400 |
Lito | 7.566670 , 18.633330 |
Maikouma | 8.339650 , 18.962370 |
Maitama | 8.174520 , 18.722940 |
Mani | 7.376230 , 18.748870 |
Mbo | 8.098300 , 18.710700 |
Mera | 7.896100 , 18.043010 |
Mera | 7.877420 , 18.066380 |
Molo | 8.359160 , 18.959940 |
Moudou II | 7.711580 , 18.632720 |
Mouroumoudou | 7.766670 , 18.200000 |
Moussoumba | 7.556230 , 18.637290 |
Moyenne-Sido | 8.225250 , 18.715450 |
Ndabala | 7.838380 , 18.129430 |
Ndabala | 7.660670 , 18.589430 |
Ndafourou | 7.260320 , 18.670660 |
Ngala | 7.866670 , 18.100000 |
Nonbandja | 7.970460 , 18.693630 |
Ouaki I | 7.478070 , 18.675840 |
Ouaki II | 7.450000 , 18.650000 |
Petite-Sido | 7.923120 , 18.690400 |
Samba | 7.600250 , 18.535550 |
Sanga | 7.916670 , 18.700000 |
Vafio II | 7.616730 , 18.553150 |
Vassako | 7.566670 , 18.616670 |
Yafaragouva | 7.257870 , 18.824220 |
Yalinguere | 7.450000 , 18.650000 |
Yapara | 7.233330 , 18.816670 |
Yondem | 8.427000 , 18.972900 |
Zoumanga I | 7.525870 , 18.644730 |
Zoumanga II | 7.538540 , 18.639810 |
- You can download geometry data for Kabo in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.